Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Michael Ristow, M.D., born April 24th, 1967 in Lübeck, Germany
Education and Positions Held
1973 – 1977 Luther Elementary School, Lübeck
1977 – 1986 St. Johanneum High School, Lübeck
1986 – 1992 University of Bochum Medical School
1986 - 1992 Stipend Recipient (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
1991 – 1992 Internships (Anesthesiology, Internal Med. and Surgery)
1992 – 1996 Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Bochum
Research fellow at the Dept. of Metabolism Research, University of Bochum Medical Doctorate degree, summa cum laude, University of Bochum 1996 – 1997 Residency at the Department of Internal Medicine II, University of Cologne 1997 – 1999 Research Fellow, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Dept. of 1999 – 2000 Residency at the Department of Internal Medicine II, University of Cologne 2000 Board Certification for Internal Medicine Lecturer for Nutritional Medicine at the Free University of Berlin and Senior Scientist at the German Institute for Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke Assistant Professor (‘Privat-Dozent’) for Internal Medicine at the Free University / later: Charité University Medicine, Berlin, and Senior Scientist at the German Institute for Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke Full Professor of Nutrition at the University of Jena, Institute of Nutrition and Visiting Scientist at the German Institute for Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke 2008 - 2010 Elected Member of the Commission on Nutrition, Dietary Products, Novel Foods and Allergies at the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) 2009 - 2012 Elected Member of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) advisory board of experts on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies
Other Academic Positions Offered:
Associate Professorship (C3) for Experimental Diabetology, Technical University of Munich, Germany Full Professorship (W3) of Pathobiochemistry, Univ. of Düsseldorf, Germany, in conjunction with Head, Dept. of Biochemistry, German Diabetes Center, Düsseldorf
Winner, National Science Contest ‚Jugend forscht’ Karl-Oberdisse-Award, Nordrhein-Westfälische Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Diabetologie Young Scientist Travel Award, Endocrine Society (USA) Heinrich-Sauer-Award, Norddeutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft Ferdinand-Bertram-Award, Deutschen Diabetes-Gesellschaft 2003 – 2011 Multiple Teaching Awards
Scholarly and Teaching Activities

1994 to 2003:
Co-Lecturer ‘Endocrinology and Diabetes’
Co-Lecturer ‘Internal Medicine’ 2003, 2004: Lecturer ‘Nutritional Medicine’ (University of Potsdam, Germany) since 2005: Full Professor for Human Nutrition (University of Jena) Thesis supervisions: 1. Urban, Nadine (since 2010): title pending (PhD, FSU Jena) 2. Schmeisser, Kathrin (since 2010): title pending (PhD, FSU Jena) 3. Höhne, Josephine (since 2010): title pending (PhD, FSU Jena) 4. Tiang, Jing (since 2009): Modulation of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Neurotropic 5. Schmeisser, Sebastian (since 2008): Modulation of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Inhibitors of the Respiratory Chain (PhD, FSU Jena) 6. Zarse, Kim (2005 – 2009, summa cum laude): Biochemische und molekulare Regulation von Stressresistenz und Lebenserwartung durch reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (PhD, FSU Jena) 7. Abert, Caroline (2006-2009): Pharmakologische Modulation der Lebenserwartung im Modellorganismus Caenorhabitis elegans durch Induktion des mitochondrialen Stoffwechsels (MD, submission pending, FSU Jena) 8. Brandstädt, Sven (2006-2009): Pharmakologische Modulation der Lebenserwartung im Modellorganismus Caenorhabitis elegans durch Induktion des Trabskriptionsfaktors PPARalpha (MD, submission pending, FSU Jena) 9. Voigt, Anja (2005 – 2008): Beziehung zwischen dem mitochondrialen Stoffwechsel und der Lebenserwartung in mammalischen knock-out-Modellen (PhD, Univ. Potsdam) 10. Drewes, Gunnar (2005 – 2009): Kontrolle des Glukosestoffwechsels durch hepatische mitochondriale Kapazität (PhD, Univ. Potsdam) 11. Schulz, Tim Julius (2004 – 2007, summa cum laude): On the Role of Mitochondrial Nutrient Metabolism in Live Expectancy Control and Modulation of Ageing-Related Diseases (PhD, Univ. Potsdam) 12. Kuhlow (geb. Pomplun), Doreen (2003 – 2007): Mitochondriale Dysfunktion aufgrund Frataxinmangels induziert ernährungsabhängig Symptome des Metabolischen Syndroms in der Maus (PhD, Univ. Potsdam) 13. Thierbach, René (2004-2007, summa cum laude): Mitochondriale Kontrolle des 14. Boden, Constanze (2003-2005): Metabolische Relevanz der Inaktivierung des Tocopherol-Transportproteins der Maus (MD, Charité)
Extramural Funding

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: „Gewebsspezifische Inaktivierung von Frataxin,
einem mitochondrialen Regulator des oxidativen Energiestoff-wechsels“, Az. RI 1076/1-1, 2000 - 2003 Extension: Az. RI 1076/1-2, 2004 – 2007 Extension: Az. RI 1076/1-3, 2008 – 2010 Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft: „Beeinflussung der Insulinsekretion durch KoelnFortune Programm der Univ. Köln: „PPAR in der Pathogenese der Adipositas des Menschen“, Az. 88/97 and 88/97V, 1997-1999 Deutsche Diabetes Stiftung: „Beeinflussung der oszillierenden Insulinsekretion des Menschen durch Störungen des mitochondrialen Energiestoffwechsels bei Friedreich Ataxie“, Az. 103/03/2001, 2001 – 2003 Deutsche Diabetes Stiftung: „Mögliche Beeinflussung der Insulinsekretion der Maus durch transgene Expression der Cre-Rekombinase“, 2002 - 2004 Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung: „Dominant-negative Inaktivierung eines Regulators des nicht- oxidativen Glukosestoffwechsels im transgenen Tiermodell“, Az., 2002 - 2004 Wilhelm-Sander-Stiftung: „Prävention der Tumorinduktion durch das Friedreich Ataxie-Protein Frataxin“, since 2003-2006 Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft: „Die Relevanz von Vitamin E in der Pathogenese des Diabetes mellitus --- untersucht im TTP knock-out Tiermodell“, 2004-2007 European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD): “Maintenance of pancreatic beta-cell mass by conditional knock-in of mitochondrial frataxin into diabetes-prone mice”, 2007 – 2009 Present:
German Research Association (DFG): Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) 1715 “Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Responses”, member of the coordinating committee and project “Mitochondrial ROS signalling as a common hormetic denominator of interventions that promote metabolic health and increased life expectancy”, 2011 - 2015 German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF-GerontoSys Programm): „Centre for Systems Biology of Aging: Systems Biology of Sub-Lethal Stress in Healthy Aging – A Multi-Species Approach“ 2009 – 2012/15 European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD): “Mitochondrial fatty acids promote ectoopic lipid accumulation and insulin resistance: a trans- Corporate/Private Funding: “Modulation des Energieumsatzes durch Corporate/Private Funding: „Modulation des Energieumsatzes durch Micronutrients“,
Peer-Review Duties for Scientific Journals

Aging American Journal of Clinical Nutrition American Journal of Nutrition American Journal of Physiology Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Biogerontology British Journal of Nutrition Diabetes / Metabolism Research & Reviews Journal of Applied Physiology Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Sport Medicine Mechanisms of Ageing and Development New England Journal of Medicine Oncology PLoS Genetics PLoS One
Deutsche Adipositas Gesellschaft (German Obesity Association)
Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft (German Diabetes Association)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Altersforschung (German Association for the Biology of Ageing)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (German Nutrition Association)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin (German Association for Nutritional Medicine)
European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Society for Free Radical Research
Selected Lectures (recent)

Diabetes UK Annual Scientific Conference, 2011, “Impaired Insulin Signaling Extends
Lifespan by Increasing Oxidative Stress”
University College of London, Institute of Healthy Ageing, 2011, “Promotion of Lifespan and
Metabolic Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress: ROS as Second Messengers”
Cell Metabolism Conference, 2011, Cape Cod, USA, “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic
Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress”
Cologne Spring Meeting, 2011, “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Transiently
Increasing Oxidative Stress”
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011, “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic
Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress”
Keystone Conference Diabetes, 2010 and Keystone Conference Islet Biology, 2010:
“Impaired Insulin Signaling Extends Lifespan by Increasing Oxidative Stress”
Gordon Conference Oxygen Radicals, 2010: “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress: ROS as Second Messengers” 13th Annual John B. Little Symposium, Harvard Medical School, 2010: “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress” Society for Free Radical Research, 2010: “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress” European Society for Parental and Enteral Nutrition, 2010: “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Transiently Increasing Oxidative Stress” 52. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie, 2009 “Increasing Oxidative Stress Promotes Metabolic Health and Extends Lifespan“ 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Diabetes Gesellschaft, 2009 „Die Bedeutung reaktiver Sauerstoff-Metabolite für die Entstehung von Diabetes mellitus und Insulinresistenz“ Eidgenössisch-Technische Hochschule Zürich, 2009 “Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Increasing Oxidative Stress” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Altersforschung, 2009 “Promoting Longevity by Increasing Oxidative Stress” Centre of Excellence-Symposium, Universität zu Köln, 2009 „Promotion of Lifespan and Metabolic Health by Increasing Oxidative Stress” Keystone Conference Metabolic Pathways of Longevity, 2008: “Extending Life Span by Increasing Oxidative Stress: the Concept of Mitohormesis” Keystone Conference Diabetes mellitus, 2008: “Impaired Oxidative Phosphorylation Induces Oxidative Stress, Decreases Life Span and Promotes Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity” Gordon Conference Oxygen Radicals, 2008: “Extending Life Span by Increasing Oxidative Stress: the Concept of Mitohormesis” Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 2008: “Extending Life Span by Increasing Oxidative Stress: the Concept of Mitohormesis” 43. Jahrestagung Deutsche Diabetes-Gesellschaft, 2008 „Mitochondriale Kontrolle des Glukosestoffwechsels in Modellorganismen“ Euromit7 Conference, 2008 “Increased Oxidative Stress Extends Caenorhabditis elegans Lifespan: The Concept of Mitohormesis” Society for Free Radical Research, 2008 “A Transient Increase in Oxidative Stress Promotes Health and Extends Lifespan: The Concept of Mitohormesis” Gordon Conference Mechanisms of Aging, 2007: “Extending Life Span by Increasing Oxidative Stress: the Concept of Mitohormesis” Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 2007: “Glucose Metabolism and Regulation of Life Span” Columbia University, Endocrine Grand Rounds, NY, NY, 2007: “Oxidative Nutrient Metabolism and Regulation of Life Span” Mount Sinai Hospital, Endocrine Grand Rounds, NY, NY, 2007: “Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Diabetes” Selected Press Coverage (recent):

New York Times: Vitamins Found to Curb Exercise Benefits (12.05.2009)
BBC: Vitamins 'undo exercise efforts' (12.05.2009)
Forbes: Antioxidants Blunt Exercise Benefit, Study Shows (12.05.2009)
Reuters: Scientific American: (12.05.2009)
Daily Telegraph:SPIEGEL Online: Vitaminpillen bremsen positive Wirkung von Sport (12.05.2009)
Deutschlandfunk: Kontraproduktiv (12.05.2009)
Focus: Antioxidantien: Vitaminpillen steigern Diabetesrisiko ( 12.05.2009)
BILD: Vitaminpillen bremsen Sporteffekt ( 12.05.2009)
Financial Times Deutschland: Pillen schaden beim Sport (12.05.2009)
ZDF: Vitaminpillen machen Sporteffekte zunichte (12.05.2009)
Stern: Provokante Studie: Vitaminpillen bremsen positive Wirkung von Sport ( 12.05.2009)
Die Welt:
Vitaminpillen bremsen positive Wirkung von Sport (12.05.2009)
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Vitaminpillen bremsen positive Wirkung von Sport (12.05.2009 )
Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Warum Sport nur ohne Vitamine die Gesundheit fördert (12.05.09)
N-TV: Positive Wirkung von Sport gebremst - Vitaminpillen schaden eher (12.05.2009)
Sport ist ohne Vitaminpillen gesünder (12.05.2009)
Vitaminpillen können Diabetesrisiko erhöhen (12.05.2009)
N24: Studie: Vitaminpillen bremsen positive Wirkung von Sport (12.05.2009)
Frankfurter Rundschau: Vitaminpillen sind nichts für Sportler (12.05.2009)
ARD/MDR: Vitaminpillen bremsen Wirkung von Sport (12.05.2009)
ARD/BR: Studie: Vitaminpillen contra Sport (12.05.2009)
ARD/RBB: Vitamine oft nutzlos (13.05.2009)
ARD/SWR 1: Antioxidantien/Vitaminpräparate/Wirkungen bei Sport u. Diabetes (15.05.2009)
RTL: Antioxidantien, (11.05.2009)
Focus: Ernährungswissenschaften denken um: Antioxidantien (Titelgeschichte) (02.06.2009)
3sat / ZDF „nano“: Resveratrol als Jungbrunnen? (22.09.2009)
Deutschlandfunk / Studiogast: Wenn Diabetes droht - wie lässt sich gegensteuern
Deutschlandfunk / Tel.interview: Diabetes & Retinopathie (10.08.2010)
Deutschlandfunk / Tel.interview: Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (21.12.2010)
Scientific American:
Mitohormesis (27.01.2011)
Der Spiegel:
Jungbrunnen im Trinkwasser (01.03.2011)
/Aktuelle Stunde: Trinkwasser als Jungbrunnen (10.03.2011)
List of Publications (as of August 10th, 2011)

Original Articles:
Beuster G, Zarse K, Kaleta C, Thierbach R, Kiehntopf M, Steinberg S, Schuster S, Ristow M: Inhibition of alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) in silico and in vivo promotes
mitochondrial metabolism to impair malignant growth. J Biol Chem, 286, 22323-22330
Hartmann N, Reichwald K, Wittig I, Dröse S, Schmeisser S, Lück C, Hahn C, Graf M, Gausmann U, Terzibasi E, Cellerino A, Ristow M, Brandt U, Platzer M, Englert C:
Mitochondrial DNA copy number and function decrease with age in the short-lived fish
Nothobranchius furzeri. Aging Cell, in press (2011)

Kaleta C, de Figueiredo LF, Werner S, Guthke R, Ristow M, Schuster S: In silico
evidence for gluconeogenesis from fatty acids in humans, PLoS Comput Biol, 7(7):
e1002116 (2011)

Zarse K, Terao T, Tian J, Iwata N, Ishii N, Ristow M: Low-dose lithium uptake
promotes longevity in humans and metazoans. Eur J Nutr, 50, 387-389 (2011)

Kelm D, Simon R, Kuhlow D, Voigt C, Ristow M: High activity enables life on a high-
sugar diet: blood glucose regulation in nectar-feeding bats. Proc R Soc B, in press (2011)

Schmeisser S, Zarse K, Ristow M: Lonidamine extends lifespan of adult C. elegans
by increasing formation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, Horm Metab Res, in press
Zarse K, Bossecker A, Müller-Kuhrt L, Siems K, Hernandez MA, Berendsohn WG, Birringer M, Ristow M: The phytochemical glaucarubinone promotes mitochondrial
metabolism, reduces body fat, and extends lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans. Horm Metab
, 43, 241-243 (2011)
Schulz TJ, Westermann D, Isken F, Voigt A, Laube B, Thierbach R, Kuhlow D, Zarse K, Schomburg L, Pfeiffer AF, Tschöpe C, Ristow M: Activation of mitochondrial energy
metabolism protects against cardiac failure. Aging 2, 843-853 (2010)
Thierbach R, Drewes G, Fußer M, Voigt A, Kuhlow D, Blume U, Schulz TJ, Reiche C, Glatt H, Epe B, Steinberg P, Ristow M: The Friedreich’s Ataxia protein frataxin modulates
DNA base excision repair in prokaryotes and mammals. Biochem J 432, 165-72 (2010)
Kuhlow D, Florian S, von Figura G, Weimer S, Schulz N, Petzke KJ, Zarse K, Pfeiffer AF, Rudolph KL, Ristow M: Telomerase deficiency impairs glucose metabolism and insulin
secretion. Aging 2, 650-658 (2010)

Zarse K, Schmeisser S, Birringer M, Falk E, Schmoll D, Ristow M: Differential effects
of resveratrol and SRT1720 on lifespan of adult Caenorhabditis elegans. Horm Metab Res
42, 837-839 (2010)

Birringer M, Lington D, Vertuani S, Manfredini S, Scharlau D, Glei M, Ristow M:
Proapoptotic effects of long chain vitamin E metabolites in HepG2 cells are mediated by
oxidative stress. Free Rad Biol Med, 45, 1315-1322 (2010)
Oberbach A, Kirsch K, Lehmann S, Schlichting N, Fasshauer M, Zarse K, Stumvoll M, Ristow M, Blüher M, Kovacs P: Serum vaspin concentrations are decreased after exercise-
induced oxidative stress. Obes Facts 5, 328-31 (2010)

Müller N, Kloos C, Frank T, Ristow M, Wolf G, Müller UA: Prevalence of injection–
meal interval usage and its association with variables of metabolic control in patients with
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Diabet Med 27, 1–4 (2010)

Fezeu L, Henegar A, Kesse-Guyot E, Julia C, Galan P, Hercberg S, Ristow M,
Czernichow S: Physical activity does not influence the effect of antioxidant supplementation
at nutritional doses on the Incidence of impaired fasting glucose: a 7.5 year post-hoc analysis
from the SU.VI.MAX study. Horm Metab Res 42, 826-827 (2010)

Wuensch T, Thilo F, Krueger K, Scholze A, Ristow M, Tepel M: High glucose-
induced oxidative stress increases transient receptor potential (TRP) channel expression in
human monocytes. Diabetes 59, 844-849 (2010)
Kuhlow D, Zarse K, Voigt A, Schulz TJ, Petzke KJ, Schomburg L, Pfeiffer AF, Ristow M: Opposing effects of dietary sugar and saturated fat on cardiovascular risk factors and
glucose metabolism in mitochondrially impaired mice. Eur J Nutr 49, 417-427 (2010)
Perwitz N, Wenzel J, Wagner I, Büning J, Drenckhan M, Zarse K, Ristow M, Lilienthal W, Lehnert H, Klein J: Cannabinoid type 1 receptor blockade induces transdifferentiation
towards a brown fat phenotype in white adipocytes, Diab Obes Metab 12, 158-166 (2010)

Ristow M; Zarse K, Oberbach A, Kiehntopf M, Birringer M, Stumvoll M, Kahn CR,
Blüher M: Antioxidants prevent anti-diabetic and health-promoting effects of physical
exercise in humans, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106: 8665-70 (2009)

Ripcke J, Zarse K, Ristow M, Birringer M: Small-molecule targeting to the
mitochondrial compartment by an endogenously cleaved reversible tag. ChemBioChem, 10:
1689-96 (2009)

Fex M, Haemmerle G, Wierup N, Dekker-Nitert M, Rehn M, Ristow M, Zechner R,
Sundler F, Holm C, Eliasson L, Mulder H. A beta cell-specific knockout of hormone-sensitive
lipase in mice results in hyperglycaemia and disruption of exocytosis. Diabetologia 52:271-
80 (2009)

Isken F, Pfeiffer AFH, Nogueiras R, Osterhoff MA, Ristow M, Thorens B, Tschöp MH,
Weickert MO: Deficiency of Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP)Receptor
Prevents Ovariectomy-Induced Obesity in Mice. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 295:
E350-E355 (2008)

Zarse K, Ristow M: Antidepressants of the serotonin-antagonist type increase body
fat and decrease lifespan of adult Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoSOne 2008;3(12):e4062

Zimmermann S, Zarse K, Schulz TJ, Birringer M, Ristow M: A high-throughput assay
system reveals modulation of oxidative and non-oxidative glucose metabolism due to
commonly used organic solvents. Horm Metab Res, 40: 29-37 (2008)

Schulz TJ, Voigt A, Zarse K, Birringer M, Ristow M: Glucose restriction extends
Caenorhabditis elegans life span by inducing mitochondrial metabolism and increasing
oxidative stress, Cell Metabolism, 6: 280-293 (2007)
Pomplun D, Voigt A, Schulz TJ, Thierbach R, Pfeiffer AF, Ristow M: Reduced
expression of mitochondrial frataxin in mice exacerbates diet-induced obesity, Proc Natl
Acad Sci
, 104: 6377-6381 (2007)

Zarse K, Schulz TJ, Birringer M, Ristow M: Impaired respiration is positively
correlated with decreased life span in Caenorhabditis elegans models of Friedreich Ataxia.
FASEB J, 21, 1271-1275 (2007)
Schulz TJ, Glaubitz M, Kuhlow D, Thierbach R, Birringer M, Steinberg P, Pfeiffer AFH, Ristow M: Variable expression of Cre recombinase transgenes precludes reliable
prediction of tissue-specific gene disruption by tail-biopsy genotyping, PLoS ONE, 2 (10):
e1013 (2007)
Birringer M, Pomplun D, Pfluger P, Landes N, Glaubitz M, Bumke-Voigt C, Müller- Schmehl K, Florian S, Farese RV, Brigelius-Flohé R, Ristow M: Improved glucose
metabolism in mice lacking α-tocopherol transfer protein, Eur J Nutr,46: 397-405 (2007)

Fex M, Wierup N, Dekker Nitert M, Ristow M, Mulder H: RIP2-Cre mice bred onto a
pure C57BL/6J background exhibit unaltered glucose tolerance. J Endocrinology, 194: 551-
5 (2007)

Pomplun D, Florian S, Schulz TJ, Ristow M: Alterations of pancreatic beta-cell mass
and islet number due to Ins2-controlled expression of Cre recombinase: RIP-Cre revisited
part 2, Horm Metab Res, 39: 336-40 (2007)
Bobbert T, Wegewitz U, Brechtel L, Freudenberg M, Mai K, Möhlig M, Diederich S, Ristow M, Rochlitz H, Pfeiffer AFH, Spranger J: Adiponectin oligomers in human serum
during acute and chronic exercise: relation to lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Int J
Sports Med
, 28, 1-8 (2007)
Schulz TJ, Thierbach R, Voigt A, Drewes G, Mietzner B, Steinberg P, Pfeiffer AFH, Ristow M: Induction of oxidative metabolism by mitochondrial frataxin inhibits cancer growth:
Otto Warburg revisited. J Biol Chem, 281, 977-81 (2006)

Lee JY, Ristow M, Lin X, White MF, Magnuson MA, Hennighausen L: RIP-Cre
revisited - Evidence for impairments of pancreatic beta-cell function. J Biol Chem, 281,
2649-53 (2006)

Meyer C, Carlqvist H, Vorgerd M, Schöls L, Östenson C-G, Ristow M: Regular insulin
secretory oscillations despite impaired ATP synthesis in Friedreich Ataxia patients. Horm
Metabol Res
, 38:683-7 (2006)

Möhlig M, Spranger J, Ristow M, Pfeiffer AF, Schill T, Schlosser HW, Moltz L,
Brabant G, Schofl C: Predictors of abnormal glucose metabolism in women with polycystic
ovary syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 154: 295-301 (2006)

Isken F, Schulz TJ, Möhlig M, Pfeiffer AFH, Ristow M: Chemical inhibition of citrate
metabolism alters glucose metabolism in mice. Horm Metabol Res, 38, 543–545 (2006)

Möhlig M, Freundeberg M, Bobbert T, Ristow M, Rochlitz H, Weickert MO, Pfeiffer
AFH, Spranger J: Acetylsalicylic acid improves lipid-induced insulin resistance in healthy
men. J Clin Endocrin Metab, 91, 964-7 (2006)

Isken F, Schulz TJ, Weickert MO, Pfeiffer AFH, Ristow M: Chemical inhibition of
citrate metabolism alters body fat content in mice. Horm Metabol Res, 38, 134-6 (2006)
Thierbach R, Schulz TJ, Isken F, Voigt A, Mietzner B, Drewes G, von Kleist-Retzow JC, Wiesner RJ, Magnuson MA, Puccio H, Pfeiffer AFH, Steinberg P, Ristow M: Targeted
disruption of hepatic frataxin expression causes impaired mitochondrial function, decreased
life span, and tumor growth in mice. Hum Mol Genet, 14, 3857-64 (2005)
Schoenfeld RA, Napoli E, Wong A, Zhan S, Morin D, Buckpitt AR, Taroni F, Lonnerdal B, Ristow M, Puccio H, Cortopassi GA: Frataxin deficiency alters heme pathway
transcripts and decreases mitochondrial heme metabolites in mammalian cells. Hum Mol
, 14, 3787-99 (2005)

Shellie RA, Welthagen W, Zrostlikova J, Spranger J, Ristow M, Fiehn O,
Zimmermann R: Statistical methods for comparing comprehensive two-dimensional gas
chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry results: metabolomic analysis of mouse
tissue extracts. J Chromatogr A 1086: 83-90 (2005)

Kluth D, Landes N, Pfluger P, Müller-Schmehl K, Weiss K, Bumke-Vogt C, Ristow M,
Brigelius-Flohé R: Modulation of CYP3A11 mRNA expression by alpha-tocopheroal but not
gamma-tocotrienol in mice. Free Radical Biol Med, 38:507-14 (2005)

Rudovich NN, Dick D, Möhlig M, Otto B, Spranger J, Rochlitz HJ, Ristow M, Tschoep
M, Pfeiffer AFH: Ghrelin is not suppressed in hyperglycemic clamps by gastric inhibitory
polypeptide and arginine. Regul Pept, 127:95-99 (2005)
Jürgens H, Haass W, Castaneda TR, Schürmann A, Koebnick C, Dombrowski F, Otto B, Nawrocki-AR, Scherer PE, Spranger J, Ristow M, Joost HG, Havel PJ, Tschöp M:
Consuming Fructose-sweetened Beverages Increases Body Adiposity in Mice. Obes Res
13, 1150-6 (2005)

Weickert MO, Mohlig M, Koebnick C, Holst JJ, Namsolleck P, Ristow M, Osterhoff M,
Rochlitz H, Rudovich N, Spranger J, Pfeiffer AFH: Impact of cereal fibre on glucose-
regulating factors, Diabetologia 48, 2343-2353 (2005)

Pomplun D, Möhlig M, Spranger J, Pfeiffer AFH, Ristow M: Elevation of blood
glucose following anesthetic treatment in C57Bl/6 mice, Horm Metabol Res, 36, 67-69
Möhlig M, Boeing H, Spranger J, Osterhoff M, Kroke A, Fisher A, Bergmann MM, Ristow M, Hoffmann K, Pfeiffer AFH: Body-mass-index and C-174G Interleukin-6 Promoter
Polymorphism interact in predicting Type 2 Diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 89, 1885-90

Möhlig M, Spranger J, Osterhoff M, Ristow M, Pfeiffer AFH, Schill T, Schlösser HW,
Brabant G, Schöfl C: The polycystic ovary syndrome per se is not associated with increased
chronic inflammation. Eur J Endocrinol 150, 525-32 (2004)
Ristow M, Mulder H, Pomplun D, Schulz TJ, Müller-Schmehl K, Krause A, Fex M,
Puccio H, Müller J, IskenF, Spranger J, Müller-Wieland D, Magnuson MA, Möhlig M, Koenig
M, Pfeiffer AFH: Frataxin-deficiency in pancreatic islets causes diabetes due to loss of beta-
cell mass, J Clin Invest, 112, 527-534 (2003)

Norris AW, Chen L, Fisher SJ, Szanto I, Ristow M, Joszi AC, Hirshman MF,
Goodyear LJ, Spiegelman BM, Gonzalez FJ, Kahn CR: Muscle-specific PPARgamma
deficient mice develop increased adiposity and insulin resistance but respond to
thiazolidinediones, J Clin Invest, 112, 608-618 (2003)
Spranger J, Ristow M, Otto B, Heldwein W, Tschöp M, Pfeiffer AFH, Möhlig M.
Postprandial decrease of human plasma ghrelin in the absence of insulin. J Endocrinol
, 26, RC19-22 (2003)

Tschöp M, Arlt W, Anker SD, Ristow M: Medizinische Forschungsbedingungen in
Deutschland: Eine Aufforderung auszuwandern. Dtsch Ärztebl 100:A 1916-1919 (2003)

Möhlig M, Wegewitz U, Osterhoff M, Isken F, Ristow M, Pfeiffer AF, Spranger J:
Insulin decreases human adiponectin plasma levels. Horm Metabol Res, 34, 655-8 (2003)

Spranger J, Kroke A, Möhlig M, Hoffmann K, Bergmann MM, Ristow M, Boeing H,
Pfeiffer AFH: Inflammatory cytokines and the risk to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus: Results
of the prospective population based EPIC-Potsdam study. Diabetes, 52, 812-817 (2003)

Spranger J, Kroke A, Möhlig M, Bergmann MM, Ristow M, Boeing H, Pfeiffer AFH:
Adiponectin and protection against type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lancet, 361, 226-8 (2003)
Shoichet SA, Bäumer AT, Stamenkovic D, Sauer H, Pfeiffer AFH, Kahn CR, Müller- Wieland D, Richter C, Ristow M: Frataxin promotes antioxidant defense in a thiol-dependent
manner resulting in diminished malignant transformation in vitro. Hum Mol Genet, 11, 815-
21 (2002)

Möhlig M, Spranger J, Otto B, Ristow M, Tschöp M, Pfeiffer AFH: Euglycemic
hyperinsulinemia, but not lipid infusion, decreases circulating ghrelin levels in humans. J
Endocrinol Invest
, 25, 36-8 (2002)

Mühlenhoff U, Richter N, Ristow M, Kispal G, Lill R: The yeast frataxin homologue
Yfh1p plays a specific role in the maturation of cellular Fe/S proteins. Hum Mol Genet, 11,
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Hamer OW, Forstner D, Ottinger I, Ristow M, Bollheimer LC, Schölmerich J,
Palitzsch KD: The Pro115Gln polymorphism within the PPARgamma2 gene has no
epidemiological impact on morbid obesity. Exp Clin Endocrin Diabet, 110, 230-234 (2002)

Spranger J, Osterhoff M, Reimann M, Möhlig M, Ristow M, Francis MK, Cristofalo V,
Hammes HP, Smith G, Boulton M, Pfeiffer AFH: Loss of the antiangiogenic pigment
epithelium-derived factor in patients with angiogenic eye disease. Diabetes, 50, 2641-2645

Ristow M, Pfister MF, Yee AJ, Schubert M, Michael L, Zhang CY, Ueki K, Michael
MD, Lowell BB, Kahn CR: Frataxin regulates mitochondrial energy metabolism and oxidative
phosphorylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 97, 12239-12243 (2000)

Hebinck J, Hardt C, Schöls L, Vorgerd M, Briedigkeit L, Kahn CR, Ristow M:
Heterozygous expansion of the GAA-tract of the X25/frataxin-gene is associated with insulin
resistance in humans. Diabetes, 49, 1604-7(2000)

Dhe-Paghanon S, Shigeta R, Yin JI, Ristow M, Shoelson S: Crystal structure of
human frataxin. J Biol Chem, 275, 30753-30756 (2000)

Vorgerd M, Schöls L, Hardt C, Ristow M, Epplen JT, Zange J: Mitochondrial
impairment of human muscle in Friedreich ataxia in vivo. Neuromusc Disorders, 10, 430-
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Ristow M, Carlqvist H, Hebinck J, Vorgerd M, Krone W, Pfeiffer A, Müller-Wieland D,
Östenson CG: Deficiency of phosphofructo-1-kinase/muscle subtype in humans is
associated with impairment of insulin secretory oscillations. Diabetes 48, 1557-61 (1999)

Ristow M, Müller-Wieland D, Pfeiffer A, Krone W, Kahn CR: Obesity associated with
a mutation in a genetic regulator of adipocyte differentiation. New Engl J Med 339, 953-959

Ristow M, Giannakidou E, Hebinck J, Busch K, Vorgerd M, Kotzka J, Knebel B,
Müller-Berghaus J, Epplen C, Pfeiffer A, Kahn CR, Doria A, Krone W, Müller-Wieland D: An
association between NIDDM and a GAA trinucleotide repeat polymorphism in the
X25/frataxin (Friedreich's ataxia) gene. Diabetes 47, 851-854 (1998)

Ristow M, Vorgerd M, Möhlig M, Schatz H, Pfeiffer A: Deficiency of phosphofructo-1-
kinase/muscle subtype in humans impairs insulin secretion and causes insulin resistance. J
Clin Invest
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Pfeiffer A, Janott J, Möhlig M, Ristow M, Rochlitz H, Busch K, Schatz H,
Schifferdecker E: Circulating tumor necrosis factor alpha is elevated in male but not in female
patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Horm Metab Res 29, 111-114 (1997)

Vorgerd M, Karitzky J, Ristow M, van Schaftingen E, Tegenthoff M, Jerusalem F,
Malin JP: Muscle phosphofructokinase-deficiency in two generations. J Neurol Sci, 141, 95-
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Ristow M, Busch K, Schatz H, Pfeiffer A: Restricted geographical extension of the
association of a glucagon receptor gene mutation (Gly40Ser) with NIDDM. Diab Res Clin
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Ristow M, Schatz H, Höllt V, Pfeiffer A: Widespread expression of a new putative
hormone extrusion pump: NG-TRA transporter protein in human and rat tissue. Horm Metab
28, 138-141 (1996)
Ristow M, Möhlig M, Rifai M, Schatz H, Feldmann K, Pfeiffer A: New isoniazid /
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strains. Lancet 346, 502-503 (1995)

Review Articles and Book Chapters:

Ristow M, Schmeisser S: Extending lifespan by increasing oxidative stress. Free
Radical Biol Med, 51, 327-336 (2011)
Ristow M, Zarse K: How increased oxidative stress promotes longevity and
metabolic health: The concept of mitochondrial hormesis (mitohormesis). Exp Gerontology,
45, 410-418 (2010)

Ristow M:
Kohlenhydrate, pp. 61-73, in: Biesalski HK, Bischoff S, Puchstein C (eds.):
Ernährungsmedizin (4th Edition), Stuttgart: Georg Thieme, 1132 pages (2010).
Blüher M, Stumvoll M, Kahn CR, Ristow M: High baseline vitamin C levels do not
prevent a positive outcome of a lifestyle intervention (comment letter). Diab Care, 33:c17

Ristow, M.
, and Schulz, T.J. Warburg and his legacy. In Mitochondria and Cancer.
K.P. Singh, and L.C. Costello (eds). New York, Springer Press. 23-38 (2009).
Ristow, M
., and Cuezva, J.M. Oxidative Phosphorylation and Cancer: The Ongoing
Warburg Hypothesis. In Cellular Respiration and Carcinogenesis,. S. Apte, and R. Sarangarajan, editors. New York: Humana Press. 1-18 (2008).
Ristow M: Glukosestoffwechsel und Tumorwachstum [Glucose metabolism and
cancer growth]. Der Onkologe, 14: 22-30 (2008)

Ristow M, Birringer M, Schulz TJ: Prävention von Krankheiten und Steigerung der
Lebenserwartung durch Kalorienrestriktion [Calorie Restriction Mediates Increased Disease
Resistance and Life Expectancy]. Akt Ern Med, 32: 104-109 (2007).
Adler G, Bischoff S, Daniel H, Grüters A, Haller D, Haller H, Häring HU, Illig T, Joost HG, Köhrle J, Kramer W, Lehnert H, Pfeiffer A, Ristow M, Roscher A, Ruth P, Schick F,
Ziegler AG: Kapitel 4.2. Ernährung und Stoffwechselerkrankungen sowie endokrinologische
Erkrankungen; In: Adler G, Balling R, Einhäupl K, Seeger W: Roadmap für das
Gesundheitsforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung, Eigenverlag des
Gesundheitsforschungsrats, Bonn/Berlin 2007.

Ristow M
, Tschöp M: The physiology of energy balance regulation. In: Obesity in
Childhood and Adolescence. Hrsg.: W. Kiess, C. Marcu, M. Wabitsch, Pediatric and Adolescence Medicine Basel, Karger, Vol 9, 63-79 (2006).
Ristow M
: Oxidative metabolism in cancer growth. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metabol,

Ristow M
: Neurodegenerative disorders associated with diabetes mellitus, J Mol
Med, 82, 510-29 (2004).

Möhlig M, Isken F, Ristow M: Impaired mitochondrial activity and insulin-resistant
offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes (comment letter), New Engl J Med, 350:2420-21

Ristow M: Aspekte der mitochondrialen Pathogenese des Diabetes mellitus,
Diabetes & Stoffwechsel, 13, 177-179 (2004)

Tschöp M, Arlt W, Anker SD, Ristow M: Perspektiven des medizinisch-akademischen
Nachwuchses in Deutschland. Der Internist 44, M114 - M118 (2003)
Tschöp M, Arlt W, Anker SD, Ristow M: Perspektiven des medizinisch-akademischen Nachwuchses in Deutschland. Der Chirurg 10, M304-7 (2003) (Nachdruck)
Tschöp M, Arlt W, Anker SD, Ristow M: Perspektiven des medizinisch-akademischen Nachwuchses in Deutschland. Der Urologe 42, 1290-3 (2003) (Nachdruck)

Müller-Wieland D, Knebel B, Avci H, Lehr S, Laudes M, Ristow M, Krone W, Kotzka
J: Insulin-regulated transcription factors: molecular link between insulin resistance and
cardiovascular risk factors. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord Suppl 1, S35-37 (2001).

Ristow M
: The role of PPAR in type 2 diabetes and obesity. Topic Endocrinol 6, 20-

Bayertz K, Ristow M, Jesinghaus I, Grusdat M, Schmidt K, Schüklenk U: Status und
Perspektiven der Genomanalyse. Publikation des Büros für Technologiefolgenabschätzung des Deutschen Bundestages, 412 S., Bonn (1991).


Basic numerical skills: FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PROPORTIONS, RATIOS AND PERCENTAGES 1. Introduction (simple) This helpsheet is concerned with the ways that we express quantities that are not whole numbers, and how we express numbers in relation to other numbers. You may also need to refer to helpsheets on powers, measurements, and concentrations and dilutions. All of the topics that are


Psicopatología Clínica, Legal y Forense, Vol. 3, Nº 3, 2003, pp. 41 - 57. PROPUESTA DE UN INVENTARIO PARA LA EVALUACIÓN Y DIAGNÓSTICO DEL TRASTORNO DE ESTRÉS POSTRAUMÁTICO. Resumen Desde su introducción en las clasificaciones, el diagnóstico del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) ha resultado sumamente controvertido. Aunque las sucesivas revisiones de las clasificacione

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