Assessment plan early childhood education

Early Childhood Assessment Plan
I. Student Learning Outcomes:
The Teacher Education Department uses the Ten Wisconsin Teaching Standards to assess Teacher Education majors. These learner outcomes prescribe required competencies for teacher certification. Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure: To receive a license to teach in Wisconsin, an applicant shall complete an approved program and demonstrate proficient performance in the knowledge, skills and dispositions under all of the following standards: 1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines she or he teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development. 3. Teachers understand that children learn differently. The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology, to encourage children's development of critical thinking, problem solving, and 5. Teachers know how to manage a classroom. The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive 7. Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons. The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals. 8. Teachers know how to test for student progress. The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the pupil. 9. Teachers are able to evaluate themselves. The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. 10. Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community. The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well-being and acts with integrity, fairness and in an II. Identification of where outcomes are being achieved.
Each Teacher Education major has a matrix that indicates where the learner outcomes are achieved throughout the curriculum. Specific course assignments become artifacts to demonstrate competence in each of the ten Wisconsin teaching standards, and are collected in an electronic portfolio. This electronic portfolio later serves as the Certification Portfolio. What follows is the Artifact Matrix for Early This matrix is available on-line at: UW-RF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (with Early Childhood) TED 315 Lesson plan & reflection TED 317 Lesson plan & reflection TED 225 Observation & reflection TED 316 reading TED 317 Guided reading rubric TED 335 Inspiration Program Planning Map 4) Teachers know how TED 255 Book Grouping to teach. TED 310 Point essay TED 311 Lesson plan & reflection TED 312 Lesson plan & reflection TED 315 Lesson plan & reflection TED 317 Lesson plan & reflection TED 335 Lesson plan & reflection 5) Teachers know how TED 211 paper/parent communication TED 310 Point essay TED 311 Lesson plan & reflection 7) Teachers are able to plan different kinds of TED 315 Lesson plan & reflection TED 317 Lesson plan & reflection TED 335 Lesson plan & reflection TED 340 Lesson plan & reflection TED 310 Rubric-based writing assessment 8) Teachers know how to test for student and Single Child Portfolio (SCP) Lesson plans reflections in a Power TED 317 reflection TED 420 Educational philosophy paper TED 345 for diversity in the classroom and in III. Assessment Tools used to Measure Outcomes
(Direct & Indirect measures all assess 10 WI Teaching Standards) 1. Certification Portfolios – (electronic portfolios in CD format) 2. Student Teaching Evaluations 3. Field Experience Evaluations 1. Student Teacher Survey, Self report (sample attached) 2. Future: Graduate and Employer Follow-up Surveys (to be created) Standard 2. Teachers know how students grow. Interaction/Teaching Experience (Level IV) Candidate makes choices that are below or Please check the appropriate box for each above the developmental level of the class Element of a Standard. The standards are the Candidate usually plans and teaches lessons that are appropriate to the developmental Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. Standard 3. Teachers understand that students Element: A. Meeting Learning Needs/Styles B. Connections Within and Across Disciplines Candidate’s interactions with students Candidate focuses only on current lesson indicate a basic understanding that students connections within and across disciplines. Candidate sometimes makes a connection on C. Selects Appropriate Content Knowledge for Candidate does not attempt to use real-world Candidate sometimes uses real-world events Candidate follows the teacher’s manual or curriculum guide. Other resources are not teacher’s ideas and uses resources other than E. Eye Control, Proximity & Proactive Candidate’s lessons differ in strategies and Candidate tries to use strategies as needed; Standard 5. Teachers know how to manage a Candidate’s interactions with students are Candidate’s directions and explanations are Candidate’s interactions are generally Candidate’s directions and explanations are Candidate is often unaware of the amount of Candidate uses unclear and/or incorrect writing that fails to communicate to students Candidate is usually aware of the amount of time a particular lesson or activity will take. Candidate usually uses clear, correct writing that communicates effectively to students Candidate has little enthusiasm for the content or for teaching, does not use positive Candidate uses unclear or incorrect speech that fails to communicate to students and Candidate is generally positive about the content and teaching; uses some positive Candidate usually uses clear, correct speech that communicates effectively to students Candidate appears unaware of group or lab Standard 7. Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons. Included in Standard 4 for this Candidate sometimes responds to group or lab dynamics; usually attentive to lab safety Standard 8. Teachers know how to test for Standard 10. Teachers are connected with other Element: A. Varied Assessment Strategies Candidate uses the same assessment strategy Candidate does not attempt to establish a working relationship with the cooperating strategies to evaluate student learning. Candidate attempts to establish a working relationship with the cooperating teacher. B. Integrity, Fairness, and Ethical Behavior Candidate ignores assessment results in Candidate does not always act with integrity and fairness and in an ethical manner; does Candidate sometimes refers to assessment results in planning further instruction. Candidate always acts with integrity and fairness and in an ethical manner; maintains Candidate does not share evaluation criteria Candidate usually shares evaluation criteria policies, including appropriate dress; is on Standard 9. Teachers are able to evaluate Candidate rarely, if ever, discusses his/her teaching performance with the cooperating University Instructor:__________________ Within one week of the conclusion of the field experience, the cooperating teacher should mail this evaluation and the accompanying log to the unresponsive to reflections and suggestions; reflections and suggestions; sometimes tries This Student Teaching Survey Self-report is collected after students have completed their course work and their student teaching experience. Follow-up questionnaire for teacher education graduates
University of Wisconsin-System
Information About You and Your Teaching
Circle or write in your answer
4. At what grade levels wil you be licensed? 5. In what content areas (if any) wil you be licensed?
Please place an X in the box that describes your opinion of your teacher preparation program at UW-River Falls.
Wisconsin Teacher Standards
Standard 1: Teachers know the subjects they are teaching.
How wel were you prepared to teach essential content and How wel were you prepared to teach knowledge and skil s in content areas in ways that help students learn? Standard 2: Teachers know how children grow.
How wel were you prepared to understand and support students’ To understand and support their social and personal development? Standard 3. Teachers understand that children learn differently.
How wel were you prepared to teach students with disabilities? To teach students from diverse cultural/ethnic communities? To teach students who are English Language Learners? Wisconsin Teacher Standards
Standard 4. Teachers know how to teach.
How wel were you prepared to teach using a variety of instructional To integrate technology in your teaching? To promote critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skil s? Standard 5: Teachers know how to manage classrooms.
How wel were you prepared to promote engagement in learning? To promote positive social development? To promote group and individual motivation? Standard 6: Teachers communicate well.
How wel were you prepared to communicate with students? To use different forms of media for communication? Standard 7. Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons.
How wel were you prepared to plan instruction using knowledge of Knowledge of the community where you teach? National, state, and district curriculum goals or standards? Standard 8. Teachers know how to test for student progress.
How wel were you prepared to assess student learning, strengths Wisconsin Teacher Standards
Standard 9. Teachers are able to evaluate themselves.
How wel were you prepared to continual y evaluate the effects of To seek and assume leadership responsibilities in your school or To take advantage of professional development opportunities? To use student and parent feedback for self-assessment? Standard 10. Teachers are connected with other teachers and the
How wel were you prepared to connect with school col eagues and community agencies to support your students? To understand the politics of public education and work within its To live out ethical beliefs and values of the teaching profession? A. Overal , how wel did your teacher preparation program prepare you for student teaching? Grade your preparation A-F. B. If you could do it over again, would you choose the same teacher Future Graduate and Employer Survey (to be developed by Dean’s Office) IV. Timetable Indicating the Cycle of Assessment & Continuous Improvement
The Teacher education Program has many assessments. Below is a summary of time table for various assessments and committees. In addition to these, the teacher education faculty examine randomly selected portfolios from each certification area and examine two or three selected outcomes each semester. Faculty met in the Fall of 2006 in small teams (2 or 3 faculty) to initiate this activity. (Assessment Reports and Minutes from this initial assessment activity are available.) Faculty have expressed a preference for the assessment activity in the Spring of 2007 to include student presentations of e-folios with more time devoted to discussions regarding the curriculum. Assessment Plans for Teacher Education Department
Assessment Plan components
Final student teaching evaluation Final student teaching evaluation Assessments
Date of accreditation visit or
program review meeting
Date of required beginning of
data collection
Date of required evidence of
for program evaluation during for program evaluation during Who requires the above?
The Teacher Education Department also has an Assessment Committee. The following is a more in-depth look at the UWRF Program Review Information
Program Name
Date of next
Current status of program Where to find information about program
with university
Elementary Education
(Phinney to chair)
Reading Masters’ Degree
Principal Licensure Master’s Degree
Elementary Education Initial Certification
Master’s Degree (Holleran)
Early Childhood
Secondary Education undergraduate
Secondary Education graduate
Elementary Undergraduate – Kruizenga/Phinney Secondary Undergraduate – Miller/ Scheurman/Holleran NOTE: Certificate programs in Technology for Teachers, Service Learning, and Community Education, and Shared Inquiry Master’s Program can be reviewed through the Dean’s Office and Outreach unless TED chair prefers to take responsibility. There may be arguments for this, but currently Amber Tubre’ and Mary Manke are working on the Assessment Plans. It is possible that one or more of the certificates will be discontinued when Graduate Council carries out its 3-year V. Data Presentation and Discussion Process
Fall 2006 semester faculty reviewed one randomly selected e-folio. In groups of two or three, faculty chose 2 or 3 of the ten WI standards to examine and reported back to the Department as a whole. Faculty discussed the possibility that corrections to the Artifact VI. Implementation of Revisions Based upon Assessment Results.
The faculty have suggested that a few students be invited to present their e-folio in the Spring semester. Faculty agreed that the process of sharing the content of the e-folio with a small group of faculty for each major, might result in better feedback on curriculum content. The Dean’s Office has requested that changes to the Artifact Matrix be limited to once a year and also be channeled through the Associate Dean for accreditation purposes. VII. Results Availability.
All assessment Reports will be available on the college web site and distributed during the meetings of the larger Education Preparation Visit. Results of the curriculum changes will also be evident in the revised Artifact Matrices.



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