
Welcome to the November edition of the 4TS
Exeter is one of the UK’s teenage pregnancy
newsletter about what is going on in the field of "hotspots", but a GP-run sexual health clinic at an Exeter city secondary school is making sure that pupils find it as easy as possible to get help and November has turned out to be a fantastic month
so far and we are only half way through it. I am Technology Col ege is just one of a raft of delighted to report that the Oldham Community measures introduced by Devon's Primary Care Health Services (OCHS) Playing Safely Project that Trust to reduce teenage pregnancies.
4 Thought Solutions has been involved with has http://www.thisisexeter.co.uk/features/City- educational / screening session for a premier pregnancy/article-444983-detail/article.html league club. The lads were very interested in al we had to tel them about sexual health issues and Last month the newsletter reported that the 2008
willing ‘peed in the pot’ before disappearing to start funding for Sexual Assault Referral Centres their mornings training routines. We look forward to (SARC) had opened this closed on the 7th of meeting more of the premier league players in the sometime in December. http://www.crimereduction.homeoffice.gov.uk/sexua Another great piece of news was the securing of
the contract as sexual health training provider for the Wirral Region. It is a positive move to assist A new centre is due to open in Gloucester to help
staff to address the young peoples need for sexual victims of sexual assault and rape. Hope House health and contraceptive advice across the region, Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) wil provide in an effort to stem the rising teenage pregnancy a place where victims can receive medical care, Washington Post on the 3rd November mention a
report by the Rand Corporation that discussed the be the only SARC centre attached to a hospital, but "prospective link" between the amount of sex teens plans are going ahead (slowly) for a SARC centre watch on television and the likelihood that they wil in Cheshire, attached to Leighton Hospital’s Sexual experience a pregnancy. There was a fol ow up article in the guardian on the 15th November. The study suggests that teenagers who are exposed to Leeds Skyline Service - BHA's latest initiative; the
high levels of sexual content on television were Leeds Skyline Service, provides support for al twice as likely to experience a pregnancy within the people, families and carers living in Leeds who are three-year period of the study as those with lower levels of exposure to such content. No previous study has ever associated teenage pregnancy with sexual content on television. The ful guardian article article can be accessed at Young Black Peerspectives - Young Black
Peerspectives (formerly the Young Black People’s Peer Education Project) have been working with Original article in the Washington Post at people aged 13-25 in inner city Manchester, Trafford and Salford since 1999. Why not come and visit our drop-in at the Kath Locke Centre in Hulme? Every day 10-12 and 4:30-5:30 for sexual health advice and information including FREE condoms, pregnancy testing, and testing for Manchester action on Street Health (MASH) has
happiness." City Health Secretary Armando Ahued said the government wil start handing out doses of one or two Viagra, Levitra or Cialis pil s on December 1. They wil be distributed at three It appears that Britain continues to face a serious
centres that specialise in sexual health for the shortage of sperm donors. The shortage began elderly. The men will receive medical examinations before receiving the pil s. when the Law changed in 2005 preventing anonymous donations. This law enables children too legal y trace their biological parents when they If you did not read earlier this year then have a
are 18. The prospect of these children suddenly read of an interesting survey. Those involved in the turning up appears to be the main reason why men survey states that - "The findings from this survey are no longer wil ing to donate. There are cal s for signal that while we may be living at a time when more ‘sperm sharing schemes’. As a minimum of women have many contraceptive options, and are 500 new donors are required each year to meet empowered to make their own informed decisions, many are either dissatisfied with or have concerns about their method," Have a think about where this leaves us as contraceptve parctitioners. An Americanpositive man living in Germany
appears to be free of HIV infection, almost two years after undergoing a bone marrow transplant New Resources On-line
for Leukaemia. The bone marrow used in the transplant was from a donor who had a natural genetic resistance to the Aids virus. HIV has no ree Online Access to Sage Publications – until
cure but cocktails of drugs can keep the virus suppressed. Research shows the virus never disappears but lurks in so-cal ed reservoirs On 23 October 2008, the DCSF published the
report on the delivery of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools, and the Government response to the report. For more information, and It is not just teenagers who need to use condoms -
University Col ege London researchers surveyed he Drug and Alcohol Education review - This
over 11,000 men and women about their condom review has been running in paral el with the review use in the previous 12 months. It turns out that just 38% of men and 28% of women aged 35-44 used a condom the first time they had sex with a new partner. In comparison to the almost 70% of 16-19
year-olds. Opps guess the adults do not practice
The Tel Us3 survey is a survey of children and
what they preach. (no surprise there). The authors young people across England, asking their views said the study findings were of 'great concern' and about their local area, and including questions that condom use and health promotion messages which covered the five Every Child Matters need target al age groups, not just young people.
outcomes. The survey was carried out in Spring 2008. A sample of schools was selected within each local authority, representing the different http://www.nursingtimes.net/clinicalnews/2008/11/it types of schools in each area. The schools were s_not_just_teenagers_who_need_to_use_condom then provided with guidance detailing how to select pupils to take part in the survey.
http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Publications- Viagra offered to pensioners - Mexico City is giving out free Viagra and other impotence drugs to men aged 70 and older. Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said the city is implementing the plan because sexuality "has a lot to do with quality of life and our Pivotal Study Evaluating Efficacy of GARDASIL in
Males in Preventing HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18-Related
Previously Listed Events
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) The 25th
November 2008 - Awareness Day/Launch of the
National FGM Action Plan for UK. For further he recent symposium ‘ A game of two halves’
information and to book a place please contact - Dr brought together a number of passionate speakers who are involved in health programmes linked to Specialist – Comfort.Momoh@gstt.nhs.uk sports stadiums. The topics presented included healthy eating, mental health and sexual health. The Federation of Stadia Communities, Men’s University and College Union - Becoming or
Health Forum, Oldham’s Community Health Services and Manchester City were the key Unbecoming Friday 28th November 2008
organiser and we the delegates were able in the One-day conference for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and afternoon to participate in the development of a Transgendered (LGBT) for those conducting strategy to move men’s health issue forward. While research on LGBT issues To register for the the conference room at Man City provided conference, please request a registration form from delegates with a wonderful view of the pitch, orthcoming Events
8th December 2008, London - Supporting Teenage
January - National Conference on Health Care
Parents, 3rd Annual Conference from Capita. This Associated Infections – Everybody's Role, conference is a forum to share good practice and everybody's responsibility! 3rd annual conference identify achievable improvements to services for 14th January 2009 Majestic Hotel, Harrogate. Only teenage parents and their children. With an agenda developed with practitioners in mind, you will benefit from expert led sessions and peer guidance on the wide-ranging support needs of teenage parents. This newsletter is for you if you have any
questions, research or audits you would like assistance with or if you would like to contribute news items, event listings, vacant positions, items 9th December 2008, London - Improving the
of interest then please email any contributions health and wellbeing of teenage parents - This half- day briefing from Capita focuses on the health and wel being support needs of teenage parents and approaches which can yield real results in 4 Thought Solutions takes no responsibility for the improving outcomes. Focusing on core issues, a accuracy of news or information contained in this series of practical sessions wil provide delegates newsletter about what is happening in relation to with guidance and expertise on identifying and sexual health matters especial y when sourced meeting health needs and improving multi-agency from external organisations and news agencies. Al opinions expressed are those of the original authors and do not necessarily represent the views of 4 Thought Solutions. The listing of the original sources, when available, wil al ow you to access The Capita website list a lot of conferences this is a the original information or ful article. If you who do not wish to receive further copies,

Source: http://s403553209.e-shop.info/online/templatemedia/all_lang/resources/SH+Newsletter+November+2008.pdf


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