T H E C O U R S E O F D E P R E S S I O N R O B E R T J . B O L A N D M A R T I N B . K E L L E R
Long-term naturalistic studies have changed the way we
remission, an individual still has more than minimal
view depression. Whereas it was often previously viewed as
symptoms. Full remission is defined as the point at
an episodic disease, the past two decades of research have
which an individual no longer meets criteria for the dis-
underscored the importance of understanding depression as
order and has no more than minimal symptoms.
a lifelong disease, with a number of possible courses.
3. Recovery, defined as a full remission that lasts for a de-
An appreciation of this longitudinal data is crucial to
fined period of time. Conceptually, it implies the end
understanding all aspects of depression. Cross-sectional
of an episode of an illness, not of the illness per se.
judgments of symptomatic severity provide limited prog-
4. Relapse, defined as a return of symptoms sufficient to
nostic information. A full understanding of a patient’s prog-
satisfy full criteria for an episode. It occurs in an interval
nosis or likely treatment response also requires a longitudi-
of time before what is defined as ‘‘recovery.’’ Concep-
nal perspective. Which patient is likely to recover fully, and
tually, this refers to the return of an episode, not a new
who will suffer from a chronic mood disorder? What length
of treatment will be sufficient for such patients?
5. Recurrence, defined as a return of full symptomatology
Studies within the last decade have helped to shed light
occurring after the beginning of the recovery period.
on these questions. This chapter examines some of these
Conceptually, this represents the beginning of a new
studies, and discusses their implications for our approach
to depression. Limitations of the data will be discussed aswell. REPRESENTATIVE STUDIES THE CHANGE POINTS OF DEPRESSION
A relatively small number of studies have been particularly
Considerable confusion has resulted from the use of various
influential in shedding light on the course of depression.
terms to denote the different change points in the courseof depression. Similar terms, such as ‘‘relapse’’ and ‘‘recur-rence’’ have been used interchangeably and inconsistently
The Collaborative Depression Study
in different studies. As a result, the MacArthur Foundations
Research Network on the Psychobiology of Depression (1)
The CDS (2) is a prospective long-term naturalistic study
of the natural course of depression. Subjects were recruited
1. Episode, defined as a certain number of symptoms for a
from patients with depression seeking psychiatric treatment
at one of several sites (university or teaching hospitals in
2. Remission, defined as a period of time in which an indi-
Boston, Chicago, Iowa City, New York, and St. Louis).
vidual no longer meets criteria for the disorder. In partial
This study included programs in biological and clinicalstudies. The data presented here are from the clinical studiesprogram; 555 subjects in the clinical studies program had anindex episode of unipolar major depression. Subjects were
Robert J. Boland: Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,
Brown University; Department of Psychiatry, Miriam Hospital, Providence,
examined at 6-month intervals for 5 years and then annually
for a minimum of 18 years. Recent National Institute of
Martin B. Keller: Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown
University; Department of Psychiatry, Butler Hospital and Brown Affiliated
Mental Health (NIMH) funding will extend the follow-up
Hospitals, Providence, Rhode Island.
to at least 23 years on all subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of ProgressThe Zurich Study
(5). However, for those patients who did not recover in thefirst year, most still had not recovered within 5 years. Thus
Angst (3), in Zurich, has conducted the only other long-
by 2 years, about 20% of the original sample were still
term prospective study of mood disorders. In that study,
depressed—two-thirds of those still depressed at 1 year were
173 hospitalized patients with unipolar depression were
still in their index episode of depression at 2 years. At 5
identified between 1959 and 1963. This group was then
years, 12% of patients had still not recovered (6), by 10
evaluated every 5 years for up to 21 years of follow-up.
years 7% had not recovered (7), and by 15 years, the num-
The Medical Outcomes Study(MOS)
bers seem to have leveled off at 6%. These data are presentedin Fig. 69.1.
The MOS (4) examined the course of several diseases (myo-
The long duration of the CDS allowed the investigators
cardial infarction, congestive heart failure, hypertension, di-
to observe subsequent episodes of major depression begin-
abetes, and depression) in a variety of health care settings,
ning during the study. This was particularly useful, as the
including large medical group practices, small group prac-
onset of symptoms could be identified more accurately than
tices, and solo practices, in three cities (Los Angeles, Boston,
for the retrospective determination done for an index epi-
and Chicago). A representative sample of different medical
sode. It was found that, for each new episode of depression,
specialties—including psychiatry—was chosen, and all pa-
the rates of recovery were similar to that seen during the
tients seen from February through October 1986 were asked
index episode. Thus, for the second episode (first prospec-
to participate in the study. In all, over 20,000 patients par-
tively observed episode) approximately 8% of subjects did
ticipated, and were evaluated yearly for 3 years.
not recover after 5 years. An analysis of subsequent episodes(second, third, and fourth prospectively observed episodes)
showed similar findings. By the fifth episode, the rate de-
creases, but not significantly so (8). It appears that for eachepisode of depression, some individuals—about 10%—re-
Traditionally, depression was pictured as an acute illness,
self-limited, and lasting approximately 6 to 9 months from
The seemingly high rate of chronicity was surprising. A
time of onset to full recovery. A number of studies, includ-
reasonable concern about this result was that the patient
ing those mentioned above, however, show the potential
population studied may have been unusually treatment re-
for great variation from this traditional model. Recovery
sistant. The study used a convenient sample of patients seek-
may take much longer, or not occur at all (i.e., chronic
ing inpatient or outpatient treatment at any one of five
depression). Furthermore, the risk of relapse and recurrence
major medical centers. However, most patients studied re-
ceived either no treatment or subtherapeutic doses given forvery brief durations (9). Thus, the CDS cohort does not
seem to be biased in the direction of treatment resistance.
In the CDS, approximately 70% of patients recovered from
Furthermore, other studies show comparable data. In the
the index episode of major depression within the first year
Zurich study, Angst et al. (10) reported that during the
FIGURE 69.1. Outcome of maintenance therapy for de- pressed patients initially stabilized on imipramine plus lithium. Chapter 69: The Course of Depression
follow-up evaluations, about 13% of patients did not re-
cover from their episode of major depression. In the MOS,
patients were divided by severity: of those with milderdepression, about 65% recovered within 2 years, whereas
54% of the more severely depressed group recovered in the
There are few longitudinal studies looking at the outcome
of depression in medically ill patients, partly because of the
Shorter studies also give similar results. Rounsaville and
difficulties inherent in recruiting such an unstable popula-
colleagues (12), in a prospective follow-up of 96 patients
tion. Studies that exist suggest that comorbid medical illness
with major depression, found that 12% of subjects had not
predispose individuals to a worse course of depression. The
recovered after 16 months. Kerr et al. (13), following ini-
MOS, for example, found an additive effect on patient func-
tially hospitalized patients, found that 6% remained ill for
tioning when depression and other chronic medical illnesses
For the 141 patients in the CDS who recovered from their
Double depression refers to the presence of concurrent dys-
index episode of major depression, 22% relapsed within 1
thymia and major depression. In this disorder, the episodes
year of follow-up (14). Factors predicting relapse included
of major depression are superimposed on a more chronic
multiple episodes of major depression, older age, and a his-
depressive disorder. It appears to be common—studies sug-
tory of nonaffective psychiatric illness. The characteristics
gest that between one-fourth and two-thirds of patients with
of this relapsed group were also examined, and it was found
major depression will also have a comorbid dysthymia.
that the likelihood of remaining depressed for at least a
The comorbid presence of dysthymia can have an impor-
year after relapse was 22%. Predictors of prolonged time to
tant effect on the course of depression. In the collaborative
recovery included a longer length of the index episode, older
study, it was found that patients with double depression
recovered more rapidly from episodes of major depression
Most studies look at relapse in terms of how it is affected
than those with major depression alone. However, the au-
thors also found that the recovery tended to be not to oneof ‘‘normalcy,’’ but to one of dysthymia. Relapse is alsomore frequent in patients with double depression than those
with major depression alone—almost twice as likely in onestudy of 32 double-depressed subjects followed for 2 years
Angst (15), reporting on a 10-follow of patients in the Zu-
(20). The MOS also found that full recovery was less likely
rich study, found that only 25% of patients had only a single
for patients with double depression—these patients had a
episode of depression. Thus, three-fourths of the sample
threefold risk of continued disease when compared with
had a recurrent depression, with one or more recurrences.
those with major depression alone (21).
Though Angst examined a number of sociodemographicvariables, none significantly predicted the likelihood of re-currence.
Similarly high rates of recurrence have been found in
Substance Abuse
other long-term studies. Weissman and Kasl (16) found that
Clearly, comorbid substance abuse has a detrimental effect
two-thirds of woman seen over 1 year had a recurrence of
on the course of depression. The CDS found that subjects
depression. Rao and Nammalvar (17), examining over 100
who were currently alcoholic were half as likely as nonalco-
cases of depression in India for a follow-up of between 3
holic depressed subjects to recover from their episode of
and 13 years, found that only about a fourth of the original
major depression (22). Patients with a previous, but not
group reported no recurrence of symptoms.
current, history of alcoholism had a recovery rate compara-
The rate and timing of recurrence seems most dependent
on the type of recovery. Patients in the CDS who fullyrecovered (i.e., were asymptomatic on follow-up evaluation)
Anxiety Disorders
had a much lower rate of recurrence (66%) than those with
Anxiety disorders are commonly comorbid with depression.
some residual symptoms (87%). The time to recurrence was
The presence of such comorbid disorders appears to exert
also much longer in the asymptomatic group: mean of 180
a negative effect on the course of depression. Coryell and
weeks in the asymptomatic group compared with 33 weeks
colleagues (23) found that depressed patients with panic
in the group with residual symptoms (18).
disorder had a slower time to recovery than those without
Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of Progress
comorbid panic. The CDS similarly found that patients
with higher symptom ratings of anxiety had longer times
to recovery from major depression (24). (Reference) Treatment (Placebo) % P Value FamilyHistory
A family history of depression appears to predispose an indi-
vidual to depression. Two studies have looked at the rela-
tionship between parental history of depression and course
of depression in the offspring. Though these studies had
relatively small sample sizes, they both suggested that pa-tients with a parental history of depression had a longertime to recovery than other patients (25,26).
take inhibitors for continuation therapy, including fluoxe-tine (27), paroxetine (28), sertraline (29), citalopram (30),
Treatment Variables
and mirtazapine (31). Nefazodone has also been shown in
Clearly, one of the questions of most practical interest is
continuation treatment (32). These studies are summarized
whether pharmacologic treatment is capable of significantly
in Table 69.1. However, when looking beyond continua-
altering the course of depression for a patient. Antidepres-
tion therapy to the maintenance treatment of recurrent
sants are generally used at all stages of depression—to hasten
recovery, prevent relapse, and prevent recurrence of depres-
Prien and colleagues (33) reported on a 2-year mainte-
sion. However, as will be discussed, the further one looks
nance trial for depression. Patients who were successfully
down the course of depression, the less is really known about
treated for acute depression were randomized to receive lith-
the ability of antidepressant and other pharmacologic treat-
ium carbonate, imipramine, both, or placebo. Treatments
ments to alter the course of depression.
were continued for 2 years with doses maintained at acute
A wealth of data supports the efficacy of all available
treatment levels. Of 150 patients beginning maintenance
antidepressants in shortening the time to recovery from
treatment, 36% were successfully treated. The lowers rate
major depression. However, when one goes beyond the
of recurrence was found it the group treated with imipra-
acute phase and examines pharmacotherapy during later
mine (Fig. 69.1). However, even this group had a 47%
points in the course of depression, the data become more
A second study, the Pittsburgh Study of Maintenance
Data support the efficacy of most of the serotonin reup-
Treatment for Recurrent Depression (34), reports on up to
FIGURE 69.2. Pittsburgh Study of Maintenance Therapies in Recurrent Depression. Chapter 69: The Course of Depression
5 years of maintenance treatment. In this study, subjects
To date, there are only two published studies on the long-
first underwent open treatment for acute depression, using
term treatment of chronic depression. Kocsis and colleagues
imipramine with interpersonal therapy (IPT). Patients who
(36) report on a placebo-controlled trial of desipramine for
achieved recovery for at least 4 months were then random-
the treatment of chronic depression. The study included
ized into one of five treatment conditions: (a) IPT alone,
patients with chronic major depression (n ס 14).
given monthly; (b) imipramine treatment alone; (c) IPT
After successful acute-phase and continuation treatment,
plus placebo; (d) placebo plus medication clinic; and (e)
patients were continued on treatment for a total of 2 years.
imipramine plus IPT. This portion of the study was contin-
During this maintenance period, patients on the placebo
ued for 3 years. Results from this study are summarized in
had four times the recurrence rate of those receiving desipra-
mine. This rate was consistent for all diagnostic groups,
The authors intentionally chose patients who had highly
including those with chronic depression.
recurrent depression (to maximize the likelihood of seeing a
Keller and colleagues (37) investigated the treatment of
statistical difference in the groups). They found that patients
chronic depression in a larger sample of patients. Here, 161
who received imipramine (with or without IPT) had an
patients who were successfully treated during an acute-phase
approximately 20% risk of recurrence after 3 years. This
and continuation phase were randomized to receive with
compares significantly with the other conditions: IPT alone
sertraline or placebo for a 76-week maintenance period. The
had a 60% risk of recurrence, and the placebo condition
study included both chronic major depression and double
depression patients in roughly equal numbers; as the results
This study was extended, with a smaller sample, for an-
did not differ between the groups, the data was pooled.
other 2 years. The subjects who had remained well during
Patients who received the placebo during the mainte-
the first 3 years of the study were randomized to receive
nance phase of treatment were four times more likely to
either imipramine or placebo. At that point only 20 patients
have a recurrence of depression than those receiving sertra-
remained in the study. After the two additional years, less
line. The time to recurrence was delayed for patients treated
than 10% of the patients (one patient out of 11) receiving
with sertraline compared to those treated with the placebo.
imipramine had a recurrence, where approximately two-
Using a less stringent criterion of reemergence of depressive
thirds of the placebo group had a recurrence.
symptoms (though no necessarily meeting full criteria for
Thus, the world literature of placebo-controlled studies
depression), it was found that only 26% of patients taking
of the treatment of recurrent depression beyond 3 years
sertraline experienced a reemergence of depressive symp-
consists of only 200 subjects, who had a history of highly
toms, compared with 50% of those on the placebo. Simi-
recurrent depression and received a medication that is rarely
larly, only 34% of patients on sertraline maintenance ther-
apy shored first symptoms of depression, compared with60% of patients taking the placebo (Table 69.2). OTHER SUBTYPES OF DEPRESSION
The data are also limited when one considers the effect oftreatment on the course of specific subtypes of depression. TABLE 69.2. RECURRENCE RATES OF MAJOR
Two such subtypes will be considered here: chronic major
DEPRESSION DURING MAINTENANCE STUDY TREATMENT Sertraline Treatment Of Chronic Depression (n = 77) (n = 84) P Value
Chronic depression is thought to respond more poorly to
antidepressant treatment. Thus, studies of the acute and
long-term treatment for this subtype are of great impor-
tance. Particularly lacking are studies of psychotherapy in
Keller and colleagues (35) recently compared antidepres-
sant treatment and cognitive-behavioral therapy, both alone
and combined. For the 519 subjects completing the study,
55% of the antidepressant (nefazodone) group and 52% of
the psychotherapy group responded to treatment. However,
when treatment was combined, the response rate jumped
to 85%. Thus, this study gives strong support to the clinical
From Keller MB, Kocsis JH, Thase ME, et al. Maintenance phase
wisdom that combined treatment is preferable to either
efficacy of sertraline for chronic depression: a randomized
controlled trial. JAMA 1998;280:1665–1672, with permission. Neuropsychopharmacology: The Fifth Generation of ProgressTABLE 69.3. PHARMACOTHERAPY OF DYSTHYMIA: SELECTED AGENTS DEMONSTRATING A POSITIVE EFFECT IN RANDOMIZED-CONTROLLED TRIALS Duration of Study Compared to: Treatment Of Dysthymia depression research. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1986:26–35.
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