Bone health is a family affair

Department of Biostatistics
is conducting a research project on osteoporosis. If you are
eligible to participate you would receive at no cost to you a
Bone Health Assessment
which includes a bone density test.
You will receive compensation for the one-time, 2 hour visit.
Weekday, evening, and weekend appointment times are available.
Eligible subjects must meet the following criteria:
• Be at least 18 years of age.
• Be free of any condition on exclusion criteria (listed on reverse).
• No severe uncontrolled chronic diseases. • Be willing to attend the scheduled exam for bone densitometry and muscle strength measurements and to have a small amount of blood drawn.
If you would like to learn more about your bone and related health
and be a participant in this study, please contact our research staff
Louisiana Osteoporosis Study (LOS)
New Orleans Site
Baton Rouge Site
3870 Convention Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Office Phone: (504)988-1016, (504)988-1056 Office Phone: (225)381-2721, (225)381-2723 Free Parking: LaSal e Parking Garage (on LaSal e St. in between Cleveland Ave. & Tulane Ave.) Exclusion Criteria:
Female subjects who are, or could be pregnant;
Female subjects who have had bilateral ovary removal;
Serious residuals from cerebral vascular disease (stroke victim);
Diabetes mellitus, except for easily controlled, non-insulin
dependent diabetes mellitus;

Chronic renal disease manifest by serum creatinine >1.9 mg/dl;
Chronic liver disease or alcoholism;
Significant chronic lung disease;
Corticosteroid therapy at pharmacologic levels for more than 6 months duration;
Treatment with anticonvulsant therapy for more than 6 months duration;
10) Evidence of other metabolic or inherited bone disease such as hyper- or
hypoparathyroidism, Paget's disease, osteomalacia, osteogenisis
imperfecta or others;

11) Rheumatoid arthritis or collagen disease;
12) Recent major gastrointestinal disease (within the past year) such as
peptic ulcer, malabsorption, chronic ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis,
or any significant chronic diarrhea state;

13) Significant disease of any endocrine organ that would affect BMD;
14) Hyperthyroidism;
15) Any neurologic or musculoskeletal condition that would be a non-genetic
cause of low BMD;
16) Any disease, treatment (e.g., bisphosphonates, evista and teraparatide), or
condition that would be an apparent non-genetic cause for BMD variation.
We have two clinical enrollment sites, one in New Orleans and the other in Baton
Rouge. You may come to either of these sites for enrollment and clinical measurements.
The first site is located at the 11th floor of Tulane University School of Public Health
Building at 1400 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70112.
The second site is located at Baton Rouge General Medical Center, 3870 Convention
Street Baton Rouge, LA 70806.


Ovulation predictor kit frequently asked questions

ADVANCED OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY “Comprehensive Healthcare for Women” Ovulation Predictor Kit Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is ovulation? A: Ovulation is when the ovary releases an egg, and the egg then becomes available to become fertilized. Q: What is an ovulation predictor kit (OPK)? What does it tell me? A: An OPK is a test that looks for luteinizing h

Version 7

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS Dieses Arzneimittel unterliegt einer zusätzlichen Überwachung. Dies ermöglicht eine schnelle Identifizierung neuer Erkenntnisse über die Sicherheit. Angehörige von Gesundheitsberufen sind aufgefordert, jeden Verdachtsfall einer Nebenwirkung zu melden. Hinweise zur Meldung von Nebenwirkungen, siehe Abschnitt 4.8. 1. BEZEICHNUNG DES

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