ADVANCED OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY “Comprehensive Healthcare for Women” Ovulation Predictor Kit Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is ovulation? A: Ovulation is when the ovary releases an egg, and the egg then becomes available to become fertilized. Q: What is an ovulation predictor kit (OPK)? What does it tell me? A: An OPK is a test that looks for luteinizing hormone (LH). A day or two prior to ovulation, women experience a short surge where the LH level rises. The OPK will help you pinpoint this surge and help to predict when you will ovulate. Q: Which OPK is best? A: We recommend either Clearplan or OvuQuick. Q: What time of day should I test? A: It’s best to test during the afternoon, and you should test at approximately the same time every day. Q: On what day of my cycle should I start testing? A: If you often have cycles that are fewer than 26 days, start testing each month on day 8. If you have cycles that are 27 or more days, then start testing on day 10. Q: If I have a long cycle, how many days will I have to test? A: Each month you may ovulate on a different day of the cycle. Continue testing until you detect a surge. Most women will detect a surge within 10 days of testing. Q: Does Clomid cause problems with OPKs? A: Clomid (Serophene/clomiphene citrate) can interfere with test results, so start doing the OPK 3 days after your last dose of Clomid. Q: If I see any line in the result window, is that a positive? A: Unlike home pregnancy tests where a line in the result window indicates a positive, OPKs are only positive if the test result line in the same color or darker than the reference line. Refer to the instructions in your test kit to be sure you know which window is which, and whether the line has to be as dark (Clearplan) or darker (OvuQuick). Q: How come there is always a faint line in the test result window? Does this indicate a problem? A: Women always have LH in their systems, and a faint result line is often normally visible. The level only becomes high enough to indicate impending ovulation when the test is positive (as dark or darker). If your test consistently shows 50% of the color of the control and never gets darker, then further testing may be needed for a hormone imbalance. Q: What does it mean if my test line gets darker for a day or more before the actual positive? A: Some women have a fade-in pattern where the test will get darker for a day or two before the positive result. This generally isn't anything to worry about, and you may have the benefit of a bit of advanced noticed. If you find you have a fade-in pattern, you should begin having intercourse when the fade-in pattern starts. Q: I had a positive LH surge, but tested again the following day anyway. It was positive again. What does that mean? A: It is common for the test to be positive for two consecutive days. Q: I used an OPK, and my timing was perfect, why didn't I get pregnant? A: The chance of pregnancy for couples with normal fertility and documented ovulation is approximately 20% per cycle, and some normal couples may take up to a year to conceive. Q: Are expensive fertility monitors more accurate than OPKs? A: The expensive monitors, such as tmonitor, test estrogen and LH. They indicate times in your cycle when you are not fertile, fertile, and then peak fertility. The expensive monitors offer slight advantages over the less expensive tests, but are not essential.
Case: 1:10-cv-02278 Document #: 196 Filed: 06/02/11 Page 1 of 24 PageID #:3566 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Class Counsel, on behalf of the 92 attorneys who collectively represent the Class and thestate-specific Subclasses, have filed a motion for approval of attorneys’ fees, costs and expense
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