
Medical Hypotheses (2004) 63, 1054–1056 Up-regulatory impact of boron on vitaminD function – does it reflect inhibitionof 24-hydroxylase? Dusan Miljkovica, Natasha Miljkovicb, Mark F. McCartya,* a FutureCeuticals Inc., 5080 Shoreham Plaza, San Diego, CA 92122, USA b Department of Orthopedic Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia Received 10 December 2003; accepted 13 December 2003 Nutritional intakes of boron have been shown to lessen the adverse consequences of vitamin D deficiency in rodents. Pilot clinical studies suggest that this effect may be mediated, in whole or in part, by an increase in serum25-hydroxyvitamin D. We propose that, in concentrations achievable with good diets, boron suppresses the activity ofthe microsomal enzyme 24-hydroxylase, chiefly responsible for catabolism of this steroid. This inhibition may reflect adirect interaction with the enzyme, or perhaps boron’s ability to form a covalent complex with the product of itsactivity, 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. An up-regulatory impact of boron on 25-hydroxyvitamin D is potentially beneficialin light of the fact that the vitamin D status of many individuals is poor during winter months, and traditionalsupplemental doses of this vitamin are often too low to correct this problem. There is growing evidence that goodvitamin D status – as reflected by 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels – may reduce risk for a host of prominent disorders; thus,boron may have the ability to potentiate this protection. Clinical studies also suggest that nutritional boron can up-regulate 17b-estradiol levels in women, including postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy.
The catabolism of this hormone is achieved by microsomal enzymes catalyzing vicinal hydroxylations – a descriptionthat also applies to 24-hydroxylase. This suggests the more general hypothesis that nutritional boron can inhibit a rangeof microsomal enzymes which insert hydroxyl groups vicinal to existing hydroxyls in steroids – including the enzymeswhich catabolize estradiol and 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
c2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
rats and chickens [1–8]. A clinical study conducted by Nielsen and colleagues [9] may shed some lighton this intriguing phenomemon. 15 volunteers –primarily middle-aged men and women – were Daily intakes of boron comparable to those sup- placed on a low-boron diet (0.23 mg B/2000 kcal) plied by boron-rich natural diets have been shown that was also marginal in magnesium and copper to ameliorate the effects of vitamin D deficiency in status for 63 days. They then continued to consumethis diet for an additional 49 days while beingsupplemented with boron (3 mg daily as sodium * Corresponding author. Present address: NutriGuard Re- borate). Serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25- search, 1051 Hermes Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024, USA. Tel.: +1- OH-D), the best marker for vitamin D status, were E-mail address: (M.F. McCarty).
found to average 44.9 nM after the 63 days of boron 0306-9877/$ - see front matter c2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Up-regulatory impact of boron on vitamin D function deprivation, and 62.4 nM after the 49 days of boron itive inhibitor of the 24-hydroxylase reaction, or, repletion; thus, 25-OH-D rose significantly by about alternatively, perhaps could act to down-regulate 39% when poor boron nutrition was corrected. The expression of this enzyme. Another possibility is 3 mg daily boron dose chosen for repletion is within that boron is a direct inhibitor of the enzyme at the range of boron intakes encountered in varied very modest concentrations; indeed, boron can inhibit numerous enzymes, albeit usually in supra- Is this phenomenon contingent on correction of physiological concentrations [7]. It should be rea- overt boron deficiency? Possibly not. In a recent sonably straightforward to test this hypothesis in open pilot study, 25-OH-D levels were studied vitro using hepatocytes or other cells expressing during boron supplementation in 13 middle-aged 24-hydroxylase activity. Clinically, the testable subjects pre-determined to be vitamin D deficient implication of this hypothesis is that boron sup- (serum 25-OH-D <12 ng/ml) [10]. During 60 days of plementation should increase serum 25-OH-D, supplementation with boron (6 mg daily in the form while serum levels of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D of calcium fructoborate, an organic complex that remain constant or decline. (On the other hand, occurs naturally in fruit), 25-OH-D rose significantly the latter compound should concurrently increase by an average of 20%. This change was not likely to if the influence of boron is exerted at the level of reflect a seasonal fluctuation, since the supple- mentation commenced in October and was con-cluded by January (in Serbia); if anything, onewould expect vitamin D status to worsen during thistime. On the other hand, since the subjects were pre-selected for poor vitamin D status, it is con-ceivable that regression to the mean contributed to Assuming that improved boron nutrition can indeed the observed increase in 25-OH-D; evidently, a up-regulate 25-OH-D, why should this be of prac- double-blind design will be required to achieve a tical significance? Granting the growing evidence conclusive confirmation of this effect. Nonethe- that good vitamin D status may reduce risk for a less, these findings are consistent with the possi- range of common pathologies [11,12], it would bility that supplemental boron, administered in seem logical to improve this status simply by high-nutritional doses, can boost 25-OH-D status supplementing with increased amounts of vitamin D even in subjects who are not notably boron – particularly in winter months when ultraviolet exposure is minimal. The problem with this argu-ment is that, for some time to come, most nutri-tionists will be hesitant to recommend doses ofvitamin D sufficiently high to replicate the benefit of ample ultraviolet exposure. The physiological capacity for daily production of cholecalciferol viaultraviolet exposure is about 10,000 IU [13], Assuming that this is a genuine effect, how does whereas most authorities currently recommend boron increase 25-OH-D levels? Since it seems supplemental intakes in the range of 400–800 IU (10–20 mcg). Although Vieth [13] has demonstrated endogenous synthesis of cholecalciferol – a non- that a daily supplemental intake of cholecalciferol enzymatic dermal reaction in which 7-dehydro- of 4000 IU, administered to women during the Ca- nadian winter, is safe and raises serum 25-OH-D synthesis, is cleaved by ultraviolet light and then about halfway to the levels typically observed in undergoes a spontaneous rearrangement – it lifeguards [14], the current misimpression that 2000 seems likely that boron is either up-regulating the IU is the upper safe limit for vitamin D supplemen- 25-hydroxylation step, or suppressing the major tation is likely to discourage the use of optimally pathway of 25-OH-D catabolism, 24-hydroxylation.
effective supplemental intakes of this vitamin for We would like to hypothesize that boron is acting some time to come. Thus, given that vitamin D status is suboptimal for many people during sub- Boron readily forms covalent complexes with stantial portions of the year – even if they use cis-vicinal dihydroxy compounds. Thus, it is con- standard vitamin supplements [15,16] – the pos- ceivable that it can form such a complex with tulated ability of supplemental boron to up-regu- 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the end product of the late 25-OH-D levels (or otherwise act to boost the reaction of 25-OH-D with 24-hydroxylase. This efficacy of suboptimal vitamin D stores) could be of postulated complex might either act as a compet- Although healthful natural diets rich in fruits, substrate utilization and mineral metabolism in the chick.
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