Allergy testing instructions

Asheville Integrative Medicine
Allergy Testing Instructions
1. Complete the enclosed Allergy Questionnaire and bring this with you to your allergy evaluation appointment with a clinic physician. This important evaluation precedes the allergy testing itself. 2. As always, and in consideration of other clients and members of our staff who have unpleasant reactions to fragrances; please do not wear perfumes, aftershaves, colognes, essential oils, scented underarm deodorants or scented hair products (shampoos, mousses or sprays). 3. Do not bathe immediately before an allergy testing appointment as this may interfere with test results (you may bathe within a 24-hour period prior to your appointment). Use no lotions, powders, etc. on your skin and avoid using soaps with fragrance in them. Unscented Neutrogena or Basics are two commonly available brands of unscented soaps. 4. The testing will be done on the skin of your upper, outer arms. Please wear clothing that will allow easy access— sleeveless, short sleeves, or loose sleeves that can be pushed up without restricting blood flow to the testing area. 5. Children (12 yrs and older) will need to be accompanied by one parent. Parents will need to arrange for childcare for their other children, rather than bring them to the clinic. The Allergy Testing appointment will be at least 2 hours.
6. Many medications interfere with skin testing for allergies. Please let your AIM practitioner know every
medication (both prescription and over-the-counter “OTC”) you are taking to help insure that you will have the maximum benefit from this investment in your health. Antihistamines and Allergy Medications: Do not take any antihistamines for at least 5 days prior to your testing.
Antihistamines are in many prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. Tylenol-PM and Tylenol Cold & Sinus,
which contain diphenhydramine, or Benadryl, contain over the counter antihistamines. Please consult your pharmacist if
you have any questions regarding a specific product.
*Allavert, Allegra, Antivert, Astelin (nasal spray), Atarax (Vistaril), Benadryl, Cardec, Chlor-Trimeton,
, Clarinex, Dexchlor ER, Dimetapp Allergy, Nasahist B, Optimine, Pelamine, Periactin,
Polarimine, Rynatan, Tavist, and Triplen
should be avoided for at least 5 days prior to allergy testing.
*Seldane and Hisminal, two commonly prescribed antihistamines, will remain in your tissues long after you
have taken them and you need to be off these for 8 weeks prior to testing.
*Cortisone (prednisone, Cortef) in any form, including inhalers (Nasalide, Aerobid, Vancinase, Vanceril,
Beconase, etc
) can interfere with testing. You will need to be off these for 2 weeks prior to intra-dermal skin
testing. Discontinue Zyrtec for 3 weeks before skin testing.
*Mucinex, Sudafed, most non-drowsy medications, all inhalers and Singular, most nose sprays (except Astelin)
are all OK to use.

Other classes of medications that can also interfere with testing include, but are not limited to:
Antidepressants (Adoption Alluvial, Elavil, Desryl, Sienna, Sinequan, Phenergan, and Trivial),

(including Inderal, Sectral, Lopressor, Normodyne, Trandate, Visken, Corgaard,

Tenormin, and even eye-drops for treating glaucoma)

Medication for excess stomach acid production
(including Tagamet, Zantac, Axid, and Pepcid) may also interfere
with allergy testing.
However, do not stop taking these medications without a physician’s supervision! If it is not possible for you to be off
these medications, discuss methods of allergy testing other than skin testing with your doctor.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the allergy nurse at 828-252-5545, extension 210 or via e-mail at


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