Microsoft word - saletupublications03.2012.doc

Peer-reviewed publications
(March 2012)
1. Saletu B., Oberndorfer S., Gruber G., Divos H., Lachner A., Mandl M., Parapatics S., Saletu M., Strobl R., Tschida U., Winkler A., Anderer P.: Efficiency of CPAP versus
Theophylline therapy in sleep apnea:comperative sleep laboratory studies on objective and subjective sleep and awakening quality. Neuropsychobiology 1999, 39:151-159
2. Saletu M., Hauer C., Anderer P., Gruber G., Oberndorfer S., Mandl M., Popovic R.,
Saletu B.: Tagesmüdigkeit korreliert mit nächtlichen Atmungs- und Arousal-Variablen bei Schlafapnoepatienten: Polysomnographische und EEG-Mapping Untersuchungen. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 2000, 112(6): 281-289
3. Saletu B., Gruber G., Saletu M., Brandstätter N., Hauer C., Prause W., Ritter K., Saletu
Zyhlarz G.: Sleep laboratory studies in Restless legs syndrome patients as comparedwith normals and acute effects of ropinirole:I)Findings on objective and subjective sleep and awakening quality . Neuropsychobiology 2000, 41 (4): 181-189
4. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu B., Hauer C., Mandl M., Oberndorfer S., Zoghlami A.,
Saletu-Zyhlarz G.: Sleep laboratory studies in Restless legs syndrome patients as compared with normals and acute effects of ropinirole: II)Findings on periodic leg movements, arousals and respiratory variables. Neuropsychobiology 2000, 41 (4): 190-199
5. Oberndorfer S, Saletu B, Gruber G, Anderer P, Saletu M, Mandl M, Saletu-Zyhlarz G.
Theophylline in Snoring and Sleep-related Breathing Disorders: Sleep Laboratory Investigations on Subjective and Objective Sleep and Awakening Quality. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 2000, 22(4):
6. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Prause W., Semler B., Zoghlami A., Gruber G.,
Hauer C., Saletu B: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) - acute placebo-controlled sleep laboratory studies with clonazepam. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2001, 11(2):153-161
7. Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B, Hauer C, Mandl M, Semler B, Saletu-Zyhlarz G. Sleep
Laboratory Studies in Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) as compared with normals and acute effects of ropinirole. Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental 2001, 16 (2): 177-187
8. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu B., Lindeck-Pozza L., Hauer C., Saletu-Zyhlarz G.: EEG
mapping in patients with restless legs syndrome as compared with normal controls. Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging 2002, 115: 49-61
9. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Hauer C., Saletu B.: Acute Placebo-Controlled
Sleep Laboratory Studies and Clinical Follow-Up with Pramipexole in Restless Legs European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2002, 252(4): 185-194
10. Högl B., Saletu M., Brandauer E., Glatzl S., Frauscher B., Ulmer H., Poewe W.: Modafinil
for treatment of daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease. A double blind, randomized, cross over placebo-controlled polygraphic trial. Sleep 2002, 25(8): 62- 66
11. Saletu M., Anderer P., Högl B., Saletu-Zyhlarz G., Kunz A., Poewe W., Saletu B.: Acute
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Sleep Laboratory and Clinical Follow-Up Studies with a Combination Treatment of RR-L- Dopa and SR-L-Dopa in Restless Legs Syndrome. Journal of Neural Transmission 2003, 110(6): 611- 626
12. Saletu B., Anderer P., Saletu M., Hauer C., Lindeck-Pozza L., Saletu-Zyhlarz G. EEG
mapping, psychometric and polysomnographic studies in RLS and PLMD patients as Sleep Medicine 2002, 3: 35-42
13. Saletu M, Esberger-Chowdhury M, Zeitlhofer J, Deecke L: Diagnostik und Therapie des
Restless Legs Syndrom in den österreichischen Arztpraxen. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 2004, 116/15-16: 552-560
14. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G. M., Mandl M., Arnold O., Nosiska D., Zeitlhofer
J., Saletu B.: EEG-mapping differences between narcolepsy patients and controls and subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with modafinil. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2005,255(1):20-32
15. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu-Zyhlarz G. M., Mandl M., Arnold O., Zeitlhofer J., Saletu B:
EEG-tomographic studies with LORETA on vigilance differences between narcolepsy patients and controls and subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with Journal of Neurology 2004, 251: 1354-1363
16. Högl B., Kiechl S., Willeit J., Saletu M., Frauscher B., Seppi K., Müller J., Rungger G.,
Gasperi G., Wenning G., Poewe W.: Restless Legs Syndrome in the general community: Prevalence, severity and risk factor associations. Neurology 2005, 64:1920-24
17. Wenning G.K., Kiechl S., Seppi K., Müller J., Högl B., Saletu M., Rungger G., Willeit J.,
Poewe W.: Prevalence of movement disorders in men and women aged 50-89 years (Bruneck Study cohort): a population-based study. Lancet Neurology 2005 4(12):815- 20
18. Saletu M., Nosiska D., Kapfhammer G., Lalouschek W., Saletu B., Benesch T., Zeitlhofer
J.: Structural and serum surrogate markers of cerebrovascular disease in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - Association of mild OSA with early atherosclerosis. Journal of Neurology 2006, 253: 746-752
19. Saletu M., Anderer P., Semlitsch H.V, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu
B. Low- resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) identifies brain regions linked to psychometric performance under modafinil in narcolepsy Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging 2007, 154: 69-84
20. Saletu M., Sauter C., Lalouschek W., Saletu B., Kapfhammer G., Benesch T., Zeitlhofer J.
Is excessive daytime sleepiness a predictor of carotid atherosclerosis in sleep apnea? Atherosclerosis. 2008, 196: 810-816
21. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M., Zeitlhofer J., Saletu B. Event-
related-potential low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (ERP-LORETA) suggests decreased energetic resources for cognitive processing in narcolepsy; Clinical Neurophysiology. 2008, 119: 1782-1794
22. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M., Zeitlhofer J., Saletu B. Modafinil
improves information processing speed and increases energetic resources for orientation of attention in narcoleptics: Double-blind, placebo-controlled ERP studies with low- resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Sleep Med. 2009; 10 (8): 850-858
23. Saletu M., Anderer P., Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M; Parapatics Silvia, Gruber Georg
Nia Saba , Saletu Bernd Comparative placebo-controlled polysomnographic and psychometric studies on the acute effects of gabapentin vs. ropinirole in restless legs Journal of Neural Transmission.; 2010, 117: 463-473
24. Saletu M. Sleepiness and atherosclerosis in sleep apnea; Letter to the editor
Atherosclerosis. 2010, 208:334
25. Kotzian S., Stanek J., Pinter M., Grossmann W., Saletu M. Subjective evaluation of sleep
apnea is not sufficient in neurorehabilitation. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation; 2012, 19:45-53
26. Saletu M. Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) - aetiology and treatment. Brain Pharmacology 2002, 1: 103-119 (invited review article) 27. Poewe W., Saletu M. Das Restless-Legs-Syndrom (RLS) - Diagnose und Therapie. Promed Praxisthema (Springer Verlag) 2001, 7-8 28. Saletu M. Männerkrankheit – Schnarchen ? Hausarzt 2002, 7-8:10-14 29. Saletu M. Ärztliches Vorgehen und Differenzialdiagnostik bei Restless Legs Syndrom. Doktor in Wien Fortbildungsbrief 230 der Wiener Ärztekammer 4/2005 : 40-43 30. Saletu M. Online Fortbildung: Restless-Legs-Syndrom für das AKH-Consilium 5/2006; 31. Saletu M. Schlafstörungen und Schlaflabor Eine Spielwiese für Spezialisten? Jatros 32. Saletu M. Schlafstörungen – komplex und folgenschwer Ärztekrone 08/2010 33. Schlaf und Schlaganfall Spektrum Psychiatrie 3/2011 34. Schlafapnoe und Schlaganfall- Neurologisch Dezember 2011 Ausgabe Book chapters:
35. Michael Saletu and Bernd Saletu- Differential Diagnosis of Insomnia; Chapter 4 in Clinical handbook of insomnia; Edited by H.P. Attarian und C. Schuman; Humana Press Springer 36. Michael Saletu - Die Neurobiologie des melatonergen Systems; Chronopsychiatrie; Der Mensch und seine Zeit; Herausgeber Michael Lehofer, Gerald Pail; April 2009 37. Michael Saletu - Chapter 9 LORETA in Sleep Disorders; Chapter 30 Modafinil effects in narcolepsy in Neuroimaging of Sleep and Sleep Disorders; Editors Michael Thorpy, Eric Congress presentations (selection):
Michael Saletu, Catharina Hauer, Stefan Oberndorfer, Magadalena Mandl , Georg Gruber, Peter
Anderer, Rainer Popovic, Bernd Saletu: Tagesvigilanz korreliert mit nächtlicher Atmung und
Arousals bei Schlafapnoepatienten: Somnopolygraphische Untersuchungen und EEG-
Mapping. Klin.Neurophysiol. 1999, 30: 193
M.Saletu, P.Anderer, G.Gruber, M.Mandl, G.Saletu-Zyhlarz, R.Popovic, B.Saletu: Zur
Korrelation zwischen nächtlichen Apnoen und Arousals des Apnoikers und
Tagesmüdigkeit, objektiviert mittels EEG-Mapping (Autorenreferate.Atemwegs-und
Lungenkrankheiten, Jahrgang 25,Nr.9/1999,S.516)
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B, Hauer C, Oberndorfer S, Gruber G, Saletu-Zyhlarz G:
Das Restless legs Syndrom und periodische Beinbewegungen im Schlaf -
Polysomnographische Studien zur Therapie mit dem Dopaminagonisten Ropinirol.
Neuropsychiatrie 2000, 14 (2): 120
Oberndorfer S, Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B: P300-Studie zur kognitiven Dysfunktion bei
primärem Scharchen und schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen. Neuropsychiatrie
Högl B, Glatzl S, Brandauer E, Saletu M, Seppi K, Poewe W: Schlaf-Wach-Störung bei Morbus
Parkinson. Somnologie 2000, 4 (Suppl 1): 15
Saletu MT, Glatzl S, Brandauer E, Seppi K, Poewe W, Högl B: Pergolide induced insomnia and
daytime sleepiness in a patient with parkinson's disease resolved bs switch to ropiniole.
(Sleep 2001, volumne 24,abstract supplement A 370)
Saletu M, Högl B, Brandauer E, Seppi K, Glatzl S, Poewe W: Pergolid induzierte Insomnie und
Tagesmüdigkeit bei Patienten mit M. Parkinson. EEG-EMG 2001
M. Saletu, P. Anderer, G. Gruber, B. Saletu, C. Hauer: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and
periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)- Polysomnographic studies with the
benzodiazepine clonazepam. Klin Neurophysiol 2001;32: 54
Högl B, Saletu M, Brandauer E, Glatzl S, Ulmer H, Wenning GK, Poewe W: A double blind,
placebo-controlled study of modafinil treatment for daytime sleepiness in parkinson's
disease. Somnologie 2001, 5 (Suppl.2): 68;
Saletu M, Glatzl S, Brandauer E, Poewe W, Högl B: Vergleich des Pupillographischen
Schläfrigkeitstests mit dem Multiplen Wachbleibetest in der Messung von exzessiver
Tagesschläfrigkeit bei Morbus Parkinson. Somnologie 2001, 5(Suppl.2): 45
Saletu M, Anderer P, Högl B, Saletu-Zyhlarz G, Kunz A, Poewe W, Saletu B: Acute double -blind
placebo-controlled sleep laboratory studies with a combination treatment of rr-L-dopa and sr-
L-dopa in restless legs syndrome. (399) JSR 2002, 11(Suppl.1): 200
Saletu B, Anderer P, Saletu M, Hauer C, Saletu-Zyhlarz G: Acute placebo-controlled sleep
laboratory studies with pramipexole in restless legs syndrome. (398) JSR 2002, 11 (Suppl.
Brandauer E, Frauscher B, Saletu M, Muigg A, Poewe W, Högl B: Complete remission of severe
restless legs syndrome after relief of iron deficiency: a case report. (47) JSR 2002, 11 (Suppl.
Högl B, Saletu M, Brandauer E, Glatzl S, Frauscher B, Ulmer H, Wenning G, Poewe W: Modafinil
treatment of daytime sleepiness in parkinson’s disease. (205) JSR 2002, 11 (Suppl. 1): 102
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu-Zyhlarz G, Mandl M, Arnold O, Saletu B: EEG-mapping differences
between narcolepsy patients and controls and subsequent double- blind, placebo-controlled
studies with modafinil. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol 2002 24(Suppl D): 154
Saletu M, Nosiska D, Kapfhammer G, Lalouschek W, Saletu B, Benesch T, Zeitlhofer J:
Cerebrovascular surrogate markers in sleep apnea. Sleep Medicine 2005 6 (suppl.2): 60-61
Saletu-Zyhlarz GM, Semlitsch HV, Saletu M, Anderer P, Zick D, Böck G, Saletu B, Zeitlhofer J:
Identifying brain target regions of modafinil in narcolepsy by low-resolution brain
electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) and psychometric correlation analyses. Sleep
Medicine 2005 6 (suppl.2): 129
Saletu M.T., Sauter C., Kapfhammer G., Lalouschek W., Saletu B., Benesch T., Zeitlhofer J:
Excessive daytime sleepiness predicts carotid atherosclerosis in sleep apnea. Young
scientist`s Symposium Journal of Sleep Research Volume 15(suppl1) Page 1 - September
Saletu M, Anderer P, Semlitsch H.V, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B. Low-
resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) identifies brain regions linked to
psychometric performance under modafinil in narcolepsy. Narcolepsy-Hypersomnias P021
Journal of Sleep Research Volume 15(suppl.1) Page 74 - September 2006
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B. Low-resolution
brain electromagnetic tomography (Loreta) applied to event-related potentials reveals
impaired event-encoding in untreated narcoleptics Sleep Volume 30, 2007 Abstract 0652
Saletu B, Anderer P, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M., Mandl M, Saletu M, Zeitlhofer J Modafinil improves
information processing speed and increases energetic resources for orientation of
attention in narcoleptics double-blind, placebo-controlled ERP studies with Low-resolution
brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) Sleep Volume 30, 2007 Abstract 0652
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu B. Parapatics S, Gruber G, Stanek J, Saletu -Zyhlarz G.M.
Comparative placebo-controlled polysomnographic and psychometric studies on the acute
effects of gabapentin versus ropinirole in restless legs syndrome (RLS) Journal of Sleep
Research Volume 17 (Issue S1) - December 2008
Saletu M; Kotzian S, Klein W, Freiler M, Holzreiter S, Stanek J, Pinter M. Subjective and
objective evaluation of sleep apnea in neurorehabilitation: Clinical and respiratory
correlations ÖGN/ÖGNR Tagung Villach 2009
Stanek J; Kotzian S, Klein W, Freiler M, Holzreiter S, Saletu M, Pinter M. Excessive daytime
sleepiness (EDS) appears not common in stroke rehabilitation. ÖGN/ÖGNR Tagung Villach
Saletu M, Kotzian S, Grossmann W, Klein W, Freiler M, Holzreiter S, Stanek J, Pinter M Sleep
apnea predicts stroke in neurorehabilitation: Somnologie Band 13; Supplement 2,
November 2009
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu-Zyhlarz Gerda M, Silvia Parapatics, Bernd Saletu, Comparative
placebo-controlled polysomnographic and psychometric studies on the acute effects of pregabalin vs. ropinirole in restless legs syndrome;Sleep Volume 33; 2010 San Antonio Texas
Saletu M, Kotzian S, Stanek J, Pinter M, Spatt J. Kontinuierliche nächtliche Blutdruckmessung
mittels Pulswellenlaufzeit (PTT) bei Schlaganfall: DGSMF Jahrestagung in Bremen; Somnologie
Band 14; Supplement 1; Oktober 2010
Saletu M., Kotzian S., Stanek J., Pinter M., Spatt J Unterschiede in der nächlichen
Blutdruckregulation bei Schlaganfall und Schlafapnoe- Kontinuierliche Messungen nächtliche Blutdruckmessung mittels Pulswellenlaufzeit (PTT): Poster bei der DGN Jahrestagung
Wiesbaden; September 2011
Saletu M, Anderer P, Saletu-Zyhlarz Gerda, Rosales Rodriguez S., Saletu B. Akuteffekte von
Polysomnographische und Psychometrische Studien ; Somnologie; Mannheim; Oktober 2011



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