Microsoft word - sry vuosikokouksen 2014 ohjelma-1.docx

SRY:n vuosikokous Helsingissä 23.-24.01.2014 Kalastajatorppa Torstai 23.01.2014 12.00 - 12.05 Cochrane-katsausten tekeminen ja käyttö kliinisessä työssä Abstrakteja I (kesto 10 min sisältäen keskustelun) 12.50-13.00 Kalle Aaltonen: Rates of serious infections and malignancies among rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving either TNF-blocker or rituximab therapy 13.00-13.10 Heikki Valleala: Epstein-Barr virus in peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis patients predicts response to rituximab therapy 13.10-13.20 Leena Arstila: A serious disease course in a patient suffering from SLE treated with 13.20-13.30 Aulikki Kononoff: Adipokines in patients with newly diagnosed inflammatory joint 13.30-13.40 Aulikki Kononoff: Metabolic syndrome in patients with newly diagnosed 13.40-13.50 Aulikki Kononoff: Early active therapy of rheumatoid arthritis with combinations of traditional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs reduces the need for large joint surgery 13.50-14.00 Antti Puolitaival: Leg amputation – a serious adverse event of intensive therapy in chronic arthritides. Three case reports. 14.00-14.10 Heikki Relas: Outcome of transition phase patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis at Helsinki University Central Hospital adult clinic 14.50-15.00 Jaana Joensuu: The cost-effectiveness of biological drugs for rheumatoid arthritis: a 15.00-15.10 Mari Havukainen: Analyses on burden of various rheumatic diseases to health care 15.10-15.20 Anne Kerola: Cardiovascular Mortality in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis in Finland – a 15.20-15.30 Lauri Tuure: Aurothiomalate inhibits the expression of mPGES-1 in primary human 15.30-15.40 Vappu Rantalaiho: Initial infliximab is not cost-effective in otherwise actively treated early rheumatoid arthritis. The 2-year follow-up results of the randomized clinical NEO-RACo Trial. 15.40-15.50 Heini Pohjankoski: Väitöskirjaraportti 15.15.-16.00 Emilia 08.30-08.40 Hanna Säilä: Rehabilitation system for young juvenile idiopathic arthritic (JIA) 08.40-08.50 Juhani Koski: Detection of knee osteophytes with ultrasonography and conventional radiography in osteoarthritis: Intra- and inter-reader agreement and relation to arthroscopic degeneration of articular cartilage 08.50-09.00 Elina Nummenmaa: Effects of FGF-2 on MMP-enzymes in OA cartilage 09.00-09.10 Goncalo Barreto: Soluble bioglycan elicits an in situ catabolic effect in human 09.10-09.20 Oili Kaipiainen-Seppänen: Automated immunoassays for the autoantibodies to carbamylated or citrullinated telopeptides of type I and II collagen 09.20-09.30 Erja-Leena Paukkeri: PPARα agonist fenofibrate and PPARγ agonist GW1929 differently regulate classical and alternative activation pathways in macrophages 09.30-09.40 Jouko Takala: Survival of patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis diagnosed in 09.40-09.50 Tuomas Rannio: Challenges of therapy in patients suffering from granulomatosis with polyangiitis limited to the upper airways – two case reports. 09.50-10.00 Pinja Parmanne: Description of the baseline findings of nailfold videocapillaroscopy in systemic sclerosis and primary raynaud’s phenomenon – 12 months follow up multicenter study Satelliittisymposiumit vuosikokouksen yhteydessä: Ke 22.01.2013 klo 17.30-21.30 Roche To 23.01.2013 klo 09.30-11.15 BMS Pe 24.01.2013 klo 12.30-15.00 Abbvie


Curriculum vitae inglese

1. Cortellini P., Pini Prato G.P., Baldi C., Clauser C.: Guided tissue regeneration with different materials. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry 2, 137-151, 1990. 2. Cortellini P., De Sanctis M. Pini Prato G.P., Clauser C., Luzi R., Miracco C.: Effects of a 1% chlorhexidine gel (Corsodyl) on the bone resorption and inflammation asssociated with experimentally indu

Aintensificação da competição no cenário globalizado contemporâneo temprovocado aceleradas mudanças e reestruturações nas empresas, transmitin-do instabilidade e insegurança a seus ambientes internos. Em conseqüênciadisso, as bases do fazer coletivo são corroídas, em prejuízo daquilo que se configuracomo condição sine qua non de qualquer organização, que é a colaboração

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