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Recherche sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains  

Lieu d’exercice : Department of English and German, University of Barcelona Coordonnées professionnel es : Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Universitat de Barcelona Gran Via 585 08007 Barcelona Espagne Adresse e-mail / Webpage Axes/domaines (et éventuel ement auteurs) de recherches : - Contemporary British theatre - Film adaptations of literary classics Créations, projets artistiques, participation à des événements culturels… 2010: “Panorámica del teatro de David Hare, 1968-2010”, a guest lecture given within the “XIV Ciclo Autor: David Hare”, Festival Escena Contemporánea, Teatro Pradillo (Madrid), 11 February. 2006: “Pinter 1957-2006: Teatro, lenguaje y política”, a guest lecture given within the XVII Seminario de la Asociación de Directores de Escena (ADE) “Beckett y Pinter: dos vías de la literatura dramática contemporánea”, Medina del Campo (Valladolid), 7 July. 2005: “La revolució teatral de Harold Pinter”, a guest lecture given within the cycle “Els Premis Nobel 2005”, Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Barcelona), 19 December. 2003: “David Hare, textos i contextos: des del Portable Theatre (1968) fins a The Breath of Life (2002)”, a guest lecture co-authored with Pilar Zozaya for the “David Hare Season” organized by Fundació Romea per a les Arts Escèniques (Barcelona) and the British Council, 3 March. 2002: “El teatre anglès contemporani: la figura de Howard Barker”, a public interview with Michael Billington on the occasion of the Catalan premiere of Scenes from an Execution (Escenes d’una execució), organized by the British Council and the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC) and co-conducted with Pilar Zozaya, 22 March. Recherche sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains 1996: a public interview with Harold Pinter held at Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), within the Pinter season “Otoño Pinter” organized by Sala Beckett (Barcelona) and the British Council, 6 December. 1996: “El llenguatge en l’obra de Harold Pinter”, inaugural lecture given within the Pinter season “Otoño Pinter”, organized by Sala Beckett (Barcelona) and the British Council, 21 October. 1995: “El diálogo dramático: el ejemplo de Harold Pinter”, a seminar given within the course “Nuevas tendencias en la creación y producción teatrales” organized by Sala Beckett (Barcelona) and Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (ICI), 6 November. 1994: “El lenguaje dramático de Harold Pinter”, a seminar given within the course “Nuevas tendencias en la creación y producción teatrales” organized by Sala Beckett (Barcelona) and Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (ICI), 24 October. 1993: “El diálogo dramático como acción: el ejemplo de Harold Pinter”, three seminars given within the course “Nuevas tendencias en la creación y producción teatrales” organized by Sala Beckett (Barcelona) and Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (ICI), 18 and 25 October, and 11 November. 1991: “El lenguaje en el teatro de Harold Pinter”, two seminars given within the course “Play Pinter” organized by Sala Beckett (Barcelona), 17 and 24 April. 2013: with Enric Monforte (forthcoming), “Racial Violence, Witnessing and Emancipated Spectatorship in The Colour of Justice, Fallout and random”, Contemporary British Theatre: Breaking New Ground. Ed. Vicky Angelaki. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012: with Clara Escoda, “Postdramatism, Ethics and the Role of Light in Martin Crimp’s/James Macdonald’s Fewer Emergencies (2005)”, New Theatre Quarterly 28: 2, pp. 133-42. 2012: “Globalization, Space and the Ethics of Witnessing: Party Time (1991), Far Away (2000) and Fewer Emergencies (2002)”, Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama. Eds. Mark Berninger and Bernhard Reitz. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, pp. 105-19. 2011: “A Mirror of our own Anxiety: Civilization, Violence and Ethics in Martin Crimp’s Cruel and Tender”, Atlantis 33, 2, pp. 75-87. 2010: with Pilar Zozaya, “Actos de fe: El teatro de David Hare, 1968-2009”, Primer Acto: Cuadernos de Investigación Teatral 333, pp. 31-44. 2009 (2001): “Pinter, Politics and Postmodernism”, The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter. Ed. Peter Raby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 283-96. 2008: “La revolució teatral de Harold Pinter”, Els Premis Nobel de l’Any 2005. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, pp. 106-39. Recherche sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains 2007: review of Harold Pinter and the Twilight of Modernism (Varun Begley, 2005), Modern Drama 50, 1, pp. 114-16. 2007: co-editor with Hildegard Klein, Enric Monforte and Pilar Zozaya, British Theatre of the 1990s: Interviews with Directors, Playwrights, Critics and Academics. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2006: “Harold Pinter: Teatro, lenguaje, política”, Revista de Teatro de la Asociación de Directores de Escena (ADE) 111, pp. 43-50. 1998: Spanish translation of Harold Pinter’s One for the Road (La última copa), Assaig de Teatre: Revista de l’AIET 12-13-14, pp. 185-201. 10th National Prize for Translation awarded by the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN), 1996. 1997: “Writing, Politics, and Ashes to Ashes: An Interview with Harold Pinter”, The Pinter Review: Annual Essays 1995-1996, pp. 4-15. Reprinted in: Harold Pinter, Various Voices: Prose, Poetry, Politics 1948-1989. London: Faber, 1998, pp. 58-70. 1994: “Exploring Gender Roles in the 60s: Ann Jellicoe’s The Knack and Harold Pinter’s The Reprinted in Essays from ESSE: Proceedings of the Women’s Studies Section at the ESSE Conference (Bordeaux, 1993), BELLS (Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies) 7, 1996, pp. 183-93. 2012: with Deniz Bozer (Hacettepe University, Turkey) and Ibrahim Yerebakan (Rize University, Turkey), coordination of seminar “Representations of Political/Ethical Concerns in post-1989 British Theatre” at the 11th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Bogaziçi University (Istanbul), 4-8 September. 2012: “Borders, Thresholds and Crossings: Liminal Spaces in post-1989 British Theatre”, keynote lecture given at the international conference “The Border, an Unavoidable Concept? International Conference on the Border and its Relationship to the Performing Arts in Europe”, organised by GRAE-Grup de Recerca en les Arts Escèniques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1-3 March. 2011: “Crossing Borders: From the State of the Nation to Globalisation in Contemporary British Theatre”, guest lecture given at the international conference “Adaptations, Versions and Perversions: French Theatre and English Playwrights (19th-21st Century)”, Universitat de Valencia, 1-2 December. 2011: “Globalization, Space and the Ethics of Witnessing in Party Time (1991), Far Away (2000) and Fewer Emergencies (2002)”, paper presented at the 20th CDE (German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English) Annual Conference, “Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama”, University of Mainz, 2-5 June. 2010: “Some Thoughts on Documentary Theatre and Canon Construction” paper presented at the conference “Contemporary British Theatre: Towards a New Canon”, School of English, Birmingham City University, 16 October. Recherche sur les Arts Dramatiques Anglophones Contemporains 2010: chair of Emerging Scholars Panel “The Changing Faces of Theatrical Representation” at the conference “Contemporary British Theatre: Towards a New Canon”, School of English, Birmingham City University, 16 October. 2010: with Enric Monforte and Hanna Scolnicov (Tel Aviv University), coordination of seminar “Ethics in Contemporary British Theatre” at the 10th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), University of Turin, 24-28 August. 2009: “Civilisation, Violence and Ethics in Martin Crimp’s Cruel and Tender”, paper presented at the conference “Fractured Narratives: Pinter, Postmodernism and the Postcolonial World”, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 7 November. 2008: coordination of the round table “The Politics of Contemporary British Theatre”, XXXII International Conference of the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN), Universitat de les Illes Balears, 14 November. 2008: participation in the round table “The Politics of Contemporary British Theatre” with a paper on documentary theatre, XXXII International Conference of the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN), Universitat de les Illes Balears, 14 November. 2008: “Blasted, Pain, Tragedy”, paper presented at the conference “Sarah Kane: Reassessments”, University of Cambridge, 16 February. 2004: participation in the round table “Shocking the Audience? Experiential Theatre in London since 1990”, 7th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Universidad de Zaragoza, 9 September. 1993: “Exploring Gender Roles in the 1960s: Ann Jellicoe’s The Knack (1961) and Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming (1965)”, paper presented at 2nd Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), University of Bordeaux, 4-8 September. 1992: “Narrative as Power in Harold Pinter’s Old Times”, paper given at XVI International Conference of the Spanish Association of Angloamerican Studies (AEDEAN), Universidad de Valladolid, 15 December.


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