Clinical Forum - Staphylococcus aureusmastitis in cattle
Martin Green BVSc DCHP PhD MRCVS Andrew Bradley MA VetMB DCHP PhD MRCVS Panel members: Steve Borsberry BVSc DBR CertCHP MRCVS Jonathan Harwood BVetMed CertCHP MRCVS Colin Penny BVM&S CertCHP DBR MRCVS Chris Watson MA VetMB MRCVS Andrew White BVMS CertBR DBR MRCVS INTRODUCTION
even if phagocytosed, Staph. aureus may survive and
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important
worldwide causes of mastitis in cattle. It is responsible for
major financial losses in dairy farming and for the culling
As well as these intrinsic properties, many Staph. aureus
of many cows. Once cows become infected they pose
strains have the ability to resist antibiotic therapy. The
significant problems. When infections have become
following traits are considered important:
established, they are difficult to remove and infected cows
Production of beta-lactamase, an enzyme that
are a potential source of infection to other cows. Well-
inactivates penicillin and closely related antibiotics.
managed herds can reduce the prevalence of Staph. aureus
Probably around 50% of mastitis Staph. aureus strains
intramammary infection to a very low level, because it is
produce beta-lactamase and there is evidence that these
usually susceptible to basic control measures. However, it is
strains are more difficult to cure with all antibiotics.
apparent that not all strains of Staph. aureus behave in the
Establishment of abscesses and fibrosis within the
same way and those with a more ‘environmental’
mammary gland that reduces penetration of antibiotics.
component are most difficult to control. Clinically, Staph.
Movement of Staph. aureus to an intracellular site
aureus presents the veterinary surgeon with various
where there will generally be reduced concentrations
difficulties, some of which will be discussed in this article.
The existence of L-forms that are resistant to
The most notable features of Staph. aureus surround its
ability to evade and influence the host immune system. Staph. aureus can be retrieved from various parts of the cow
Much research work involving strain typing has shown that
and environment although in most herds, infected quarters
important strain differences exist in how contagious,
and teats harbouring the organism are probably the main
persistent and virulent Staph. aureus may be. Different
reservoir of infection.The organism has been isolated from
strains have varying properties and these largely govern
the head, body, legs and nose of cows, from the hands and
how Staph. aureus interacts with the host. Although the
nose of people, and from the environment such as the
pathogenic roles of all cell surface-associated and secretory
milking equipment, bedding materials and watercourses.
factors are not fully established, properties of Staph. aureus
Maiden heifers are reported as important carriers and
reservoirs of infection particularly in the USA, but the
production of various enzymes and toxins, some of which
significance of this is less certain in the UK. Recent
cause damage to mammary tissue and allow tissue invasion
research has highlighted very different behaviour exhibited
an ability to survive in the keratin of the teat canal of
by different biotypes/genotypes of Staph. aureus and this
healthy cows, a substance normally inhibitory to
may explain difficulties with managing the disease on some
a capability to resist phagocytosis, for example, ‘protein
A’ in the bacterial cell wall of some Staph. aureus strains
binds to the Fc portion of antibody molecules making
Staph. aureus mastitis presents with varying degrees of
the bacteria unrecognisable to neutrophils
severity: peracute, acute, subacute, chronic and subclinical. CATTLE ● PRACTICE
The chronic and subclinical forms predominate and on a
herd basis, are the most important. The peracute form is
A herd problem with Staph. aureus can show up in different
usually seen as gangrenous mastitis (Fig. 1) and often results
ways. Spread of the organism within the herd will result in
in death. The acute/subacute form resembles other
an increase in new infections and a greater number of
moderate cases of clinical mastitis but commonly develops
chronically infected quarters. In this case the clinical
into a chronic form. Chronic and subclinical mastitis are
presentation is an increasing incidence of clinical mastitis
often associated with fibrosis, abscessation and blocked
or more commonly (because new infections often take the
ducts within the gland (Figs. 2 and 3).
subclinical form) an increasing proportion of cows (and
therefore bulk milk) with raised somatic cell counts (SCC).
An alternative presentation may be an increase in reported
treatment failures or recurrence rate of clinical cases.
Diagnosis of Staph. aureus mastitis is based on bacterial
isolation and it is best achieved through the use of
laboratories accredited for mastitis culture. A herd screen
may be performed on bulk milk, but this lacks the
quantitative precision to be anything other than a raw
guide to the presence of Staph. aureus intramammary
infection within a herd. To estimate more closely the
significance of Staph. aureus on the farm, culture of milk
Fig. 1: Peracute gangrenous Staph. aureus mastitis in two hind quarters of a five year old lactating cow.
from selected cows is important. Cows with persistently
raised SCC should be selected (three consecutive monthly
counts >300,000 cells/ml is a useful starting point,
although sometimes SCC can be lower than this in cows
with Staph. aureus intramammary infection). A Californian
Mastitis Test aids identification of infected quarter(s) for
culture in high SCC cows. Similarly, milk samples from
clinical cases are necessary and these can be frozen (this
tends to increase isolation rates for Staph. aureus) and then
submitted in batches within 3-6 months of collection.
Whilst sampling of high SCC cows can be pre-arranged
and therefore carried out at a milking in conjunction with
the vet involved, the provision of a milk sample kit with
Fig. 2: . Burst abscess in the left hind quarter of a cow with
instructions for sample collection is needed for the
chronic Staph. aureus mastitis.
herdspersons to successfully collect samples from clinical
Of course, this type of herd monitoring, including
bacteriological culture, is ideally carried out as an ongoing
scheme to provide an early warning of a pending problem
rather than solely in the face of a herd problem. CONTROL OF STAPH. AUREUS MASTITIS
It is certainly possible to maintain a low herd prevalence
with <2% cows infected (in one or more quarters) with
Staph. aureus. Since in the majority of herds, the most
important reservoirs of the organism are infected cows,
most control procedures are based on reducing the
probability of spread between cows. However, there are
other potential sources of Staph. aureus associated with the
environment and these may be of special significance in
Fig. 3:. Abscessation and fibrosis in the upper region
particular herds in which the condition is difficult to
of the left hind quarter of a cow with chronic Staph.
control with the traditional methods (see later). Sources of
CATTLE ● PRACTICE Staph. aureus outside the mammary gland are also the
Antibiotic treatment during lactation
reason why it is virtually impossible to eradicate Staph.
Early identification of mastitis is essential and early
aureus mastitis from a commercial dairy unit.
implementation of treatment is associated with
improved cure rates. The ability to identify clinical
There are two overall aims to controlling Staph. aureus.The
mastitis varies greatly between herdspersons and stems
first is to reduce the prevalence of infected quarters within
from observation of the cow, udder, foremilk and in
the herds to a minimum, and this effectively reduces the
line filters and palpation of the udder.
challenge to other cows. The second is to put in place
Bacteriological cure rates with antibacterial therapy
measures that minimise the risk of new intramammary
during lactation are generally poor (certainly worse
infections and this means preventing spread from cow to
than during the dry period). Research indicates that a
cow and secondarily from environment to cow.
cure can be expected in approximately 20-60% of
Conventional therapy following datasheet dose
The prevalence of infected quarters within a herd can be
regimes of typically one to three intramammary tubes
reduced in several ways. Each has advantages and
covering one to three days is often insufficient for
disadvantages and therefore must be used as appropriate. Staph. aureus mastitis. Bacteriological cure rates of
Important economic decisions have to be made when
around 20-30% will be associated with such protocols.
deciding between strategies, although the lack of solid
Prolonged antibiotic treatments can be used, and are
evidence from independent research in some areas means
generally reported to give improved bacteriological
empirical decisions sometimes have to be made. Reducing
cure rates than conventional regimes.These can be split
the herd prevalence of infection is essentially carried out
into stop-start therapies (often termed ‘pulse’
by treatment, culling, drying off infected quarters and
treatments) and continuous therapies. There is limited
ensuring new heifers/cows are uninfected. These are
evidence to clearly suggest one regime above another,
although biologically, it is intuitive that prolonged
continuous treatments will be more successful than the
pulse treatments, which were originally proposed to
As described earlier, Staph. aureus has the ability to resist
allow datasheet milk withdrawals to be followed.
conventional antibiotic therapy. Indeed, the poor response
Longer treatment protocols (possibly 7–14 days in
to therapy has resulted in a multitude of treatment
length to simulate a short dry cow treatment) are likely
protocols and is always the source of some discussion! One
to be most successful for Staph. aureus mastitis but more
over-riding difficulty is that most licensed treatment
research is necessary to allow evidence based decisions
regimes for clinical mastitis are probably too short to
to be made.As stated earlier, ensuring milk remains free
produce good results for Staph. aureus mastitis. It is
from residues is a central issue when undertaking ‘off-
imperative that if treatment regimes are used outside
datasheet recommendations, diligence is shown with milk
There is a rationale for using parenteral antibiotic
withdrawal periods. The best practice for this is always to
test milk from each treated cow for antibiotic residues after
treatments for Staph. aureus mastitis, particularly to
the standard withdrawal (7 days minimum), prior to
improve penetration of inflamed or intracellular sites.
Again, length of activity may be important with 5 days
As well as factors associated with the organism, research has
A variety of antibacterial products are available but
identified various other factors important in determining
comparative trials are sparse. It would seem to make
the likelihood of treatment success. Where possible, it is
sense for the intramammary antibiotic used to have
wise to consider these factors before undertaking
good gram positive activity without being susceptible
treatment. The following are associated with a poorer
to beta-lactamase. Parenteral therapy should have
chance of a cure following antibiotic therapy: more than
similar spectrum with good penetration of the
one quarter of a cow affected, increasing parity, a beta-
mammary gland and probably intracellular activity.
lactamase producing strain of Staph. aureus, treatment not
started early in the course of the disease, increasingly high
Antibiotic treatment during the dry period
SCC, clinical signs of abscessation/fibrosis within the
Bacteriological cure rates from antibiotic therapy
mammary gland, severe teat lesions, other health problems.
during the dry period are usually in the region 40–80%
An outline, and pros and cons of different treatment
and therefore the dry period is the time of choice for
treating Staph. aureus mastitis. Again, the cow factors
described above influence the probability of curing a
that culling alone is not the answer to a high SCC
cow. There is little comparative evidence indicating
problem; in the absence of institution of appropriate
that any particular dry cow product is best for curing
measures to control spread the end result is likely to be just
Staph. aureus although it is logical to use one of the
various products that have suitable activity and remain
at a therapeutic level for a prolonged time through the
Drying off a quarter
dry period. Selection of particular dry cow products
This is a useful compromise measure, an alternative to
has been described elsewhere and is beyond the scope
culling the cow or treating infected quarters. Chronically
infected quarters are identified and milking of the quarter
Dry cow therapy is sometimes supplemented with is ceased for the remainder of that lactation. Antibiotic dry
additional antibiotic treatment before drying off, often
cow therapy is only used when the other quarters are
called ‘end of lactation therapy’ (ELT). ELT may be
infused at drying off. This technique works particularly
given via the intramammary or systemic routes. It is
well for high SCC infected quarters but not during a
difficult to objectively assess the efficacy of these
clinical episode. It is important to mark the quarter clearly
treatments and to know if, when and by how much
to prevent accidental milking (common now labour is
they improve cure rates over the use of dry cow
minimised). Research studies report the use of povidine-
therapy alone. Until this is properly established it is
iodine or chlorhexidine to ‘stop’ the offending quarter
difficult to advise farmers on the cost effectiveness of
from lactating but these should only be considered when
permanent cessation of milking in that quarter is
An alternative strategy to supplement intramammary
acceptable - if these measures are adopted it is important
dry cow therapy is the use of pre-calving therapy
to consider the welfare aspects of this procedure and
(PCT). This is administering a systemic antibiotic 1-2
consideration should be given to using appropriate
weeks before calving, possibly by using an intracellular
analgesia. Cessation of milking in a quarter for one part
antibiotic. Again solid evidence is sparse but
lactation essentially gives that quarter a prolonged dry
supplementary treatment during the dry period when
period and is often associated with cure rates of over 50%.
natural cure rates are possibly at their best is
biologically plausible if not scientifically proven. What
is certain is that it is important to target these strategies
Maintaining a low prevalence of infection means
at specific cows - it is worth considering bacteriology
minimising the risk of introducing infected heifers or cows
pre-treatment (at drying off) as the cure rates achieved
(whether bought in or home bred) to the milking herd.An
by DCT may already be reasonably high, and again, the
individual plan should be drawn up for each farm
cost effectiveness of such a strategy is not established.
depending on current infection status and acceptability of
risk. In particular, we are concerned with Staph. aureus in
this article and various considerations include:
Culling a chronically infected cow with Staph. aureus
A closed herd is best and should therefore be
mastitis achieves both a reduction in herd prevalence and
encouraged as clearly the best way to reduce the risk of
also a reduction in the risk of subsequent spread of
infection. However, it comes with a cost, a current net loss
If cows have to be purchased, then a series of
of around £600 per cow culled. The decision to cull is
investigations/tests should be carried out. This starts
unfortunately complex and depends on the herd status in
with the history of the herd of origin; it should have
terms of somatic cell counts and clinical mastitis and the
available evidence of a consistently low SCC and
ability within the herd to prevent the spread of infection
excellent individual cow SCC and clinical mastitis
(see below); the cost of a cull needs to be tempered by the
records. Animals to be purchased should have a
cost and likely success of treatment as well as by the
thorough inspection of the udders, teats and milk
potential for spread. With the herd position in mind and
before purchase. Any signs of disease prevent purchase.
knowledge of the cow factors described above, a cull/treat
Although maiden heifers (pre-calved and newly
decision has to be made. An old cow with chronic high
calved) are generally less likely to be infected with
SCC, CMT positive in three quarters and fibrosed
Staph. aureus than cows, there is still a risk of an
mammary tissue is clearly more eligible for culling than a
infection having occurred in a heifer prior to the first
young cow with a recently increased medium SCC, one
calving.A problem with purchasing heifers is that there
quarter positive on CMT. However, decisions are not
will be no historical SCC records and the only ways to
always clear-cut and quantification of these decisions is a
determine an intramammary infection will be from
subject of current research. It is important to remember
CMT/SCC after calving and bacterial culture. CATTLE ● PRACTICE
Therefore, there is good reason to carry out culture on
advantage of wearing gloves. Indeed, if gloves become
all purchased heifers, but it requires that animals can be
contaminated and are not regularly cleaned (and
milked separately whilst awaiting results, and returned
dried), they may even present an added risk in the
to the seller if necessary. Furthermore, Staph. aureus
spread of disease. Hands (gloved or not) should not
may be shed intermittently in milk and does not always
come into contact with the teat end during milking.
elicit a very high SCC, therefore negative results
Foremilking of cows is required but again has to be
cannot be an absolute guarantee of freedom from
undertaken with care. Although it helps in the early
infection.Three weekly SCC (< 100,000/ml) and two
identification of clinical disease it clearly provides a risk
negative cultures from newly calved heifers at least
in itself as contaminated milk may be sprayed onto the
suggest the risk of infection is very low.
equipment and milker. Several research studies have
If older cows or heifers later in the first lactation are
shown it is actually associated with an increased risk of
purchased, then SCC records provide a means for
mastitis and therefore stripping milk carefully into a
assessing infection status. No SCC level will guarantee
freedom from infection, but a lifetime with SCC
If infected cows are milked with the rest of the herd,
<100,000/ml may be a reasonable starting point.
the use of a separate cluster and dump line is preferable.
Historical SCC should be supplemented with a CMT
Cluster disinfection/pasteurisation after milking an
(needs to be negative on all quarters), the absence of
infected cow is probably a poor second best. If used,
clinical signs (milk, teats and udders) and depending on
cluster disinfection is probably best achieved by
the farm status and risk attitude, bacterial culture of a
flushing with very hot water with disinfectant although
pooled milk sample from all quarters.
it should be borne in mind this is far from perfect.
Post milking teat disinfection (PMTD) is widely
regarded as one of the most important elements for
controlling contagious mastitis including Staph. aureus.
Control of the spread of infection between cows is based
PMTD reduces new infections by killing bacteria that
mostly on aspects of the milking routine and a correctly
are deposited on the teat during the milking process.
functioning milking machine. The aim is to prevent
Another important role is to preserve healthy teat
infected milk from one quarter reaching the teat of
condition and thereby maintain natural teat defences.
another cow either via the milking equipment or the
The most common disinfectants used in the UK are
milker, and this should be the over-riding thought when
iodine and chlorhexidine based with emollients.
assessing parlour routine and plant function. In most
Formulation of dips has been described elsewhere but
instances, attention to detail in the parlour is effective in
teat coverage is also important in determining
minimising contagious spread. Environmental sources are less
effectiveness. Correct storage and handling of dips is
commonly a problem but when present can prove difficult to
vital. Generally dipping with a teat cup gives more
manage. Important areas of management are listed below.
reliable coverage than spraying although if carefully
and thoroughly used both methods can work. Around
10-12 ml of disinfectant per cow/milking is
Milking routine
recommended when dipping whereas at least 15 ml is
Milking the infected cows (recurrent clinical cases or
recommended when spraying. PMTD should be
SCC > 200,000 cells/ml) at the end of milking reduces
administered as soon as possible, and certainly within
the possibility of spread to other cows. This is of
particular importance in herds with a high prevalence
of infected cows because it is the best way of reducing
Milking plant
the level of challenge and hence the new infection rate.
The milking plant can facilitate transmission of
Good in principle, this is often a problem in reality,
pathogens by acting as a physical vector to transport
depending on the grouping/housing/feeding routines
bacteria between cows, by allowing the flow of milk
on the farm. There is often insufficient labour
between teats of an individual cow and by causing teat
nowadays to be parting out selected cows twice daily
damage that predisposes to subsequent infection.
Therefore, a clean, well maintained machine with
No common towels or rags used between teats.
appropriate milk flow characteristics is essential. Daily
Use clean, disposable latex gloves and disinfect
and weekly cleaning and maintenance can be carried
regularly during milking.Whilst it is common sense to
out by the herdsperson according to the manufacturer’s
protect dirty cracked hands from contact with the teat,
recommendations. A full machine test should be
various research studies have failed to show a distinct
performed six monthly preferably by an independent
machine expert. In any Staph. aureus investigation a
Jonathan Harwood writes:
machine investigation is essential. If in doubt, consult
Environmental sources
Although the spread of Staph. aureus can usually be
minimised with attention to the milking routine and plant,
research suggests that some strains of Staph. aureus tend to
presentation) twice daily for five occasions. Secondly, I may
have more of an ‘environmental’ behaviour than others.
recommend a prolonged course of a procaine penicillin/
Indeed, in these instances, changes to the milking
dihydrostreptomycin intramammary combination tube
procedure have little effect and sources outside the parlour
(containing 1 g of procaine penicillin and 0.5 g of
have to be investigated. Certainly, various studies have
dihydrostreptomycin) once daily into each affected quarter
reported that new Staph. aureus infections can occur during
for 7-10 days. Appropriate milk withdrawal periods would
the dry period and in heifers before first calving, clearly at
a time when the milking routine can have no impact on
new infections. Staph. aureus has been retrieved from
I consider that the success rates for these treatments are
various parts of the farm including bedding, yards,
enhanced through my being involved in the decision to treat.
feedstuffs, non-mains water sources, farm employees, air,
I need to examine the cow as well as the SCC records!
equipment and the nose/skin of ‘normal’ cows/heifers!
Fortunately, in most herds environmental transmission
Colin Penny writes:
appears limited but these other sources need to be
considered in herds that do not respond to the common
Much effort has been directed towards vaccination/
immune modulation for prevention and treatment of
lincomycin (off label). If multiple quarters are affected I
Staph. aureus mastitis. As yet, no commercial vaccines are
suggest a five-day course of tylosin injection. It is hard to
currently available in the UK and it is unlikely that
assess the level of success as I rarely recommend treatment
vaccines themselves will give the whole answer to bovine
in lactation but I would expect a success rate of <40%. Chris Watson writes: QUESTIONS FOR PANEL: 1. What is your favoured approach to treatment of confirmed Staph. aureus mastitis, in a cow that is definitely going to undergo treatment during lactation? Approximately what sort of success rate do you expect?
individual cow. As mentioned by the authors the
assessment of success is vital if you are going to retain
Steve Borsberry writes:
credibility with clients - they always expect too much.
I still think that the best, and simplest, approach is to use a
prolonged course of a suitable intramammary preparation.
You are delivering huge quantities of antibiotics compared
with any parenteral approach. Also remember that these
days the vast majority of parenteral preparations are
by the resultant ISCC). However, the problem is
designed to have minimal effect on residues in milk for
persuading the farmer that the cow requires treating,
obvious financial reasons. With a definite diagnosis of
Staph. aureus mastitis a drug that is likely to have beta
lactamase resistance should be used. There are several
A course of parenteral antibiotics, during lactation, is not
options available but it is often difficult to get specific
information about the ability of a product to resist the beta
lactamase activity of Staph. organisms. Use the
Steve Borsberry writes:
intramammary treatment once daily for 5 to 7 days but
Drying off quarters is a useful method in response to herds
always advise a minimum 7-day milk withdrawal, though
with a cell count problem. However, in general, it should
with some products it may be necessary to test the milk for
be viewed as a ‘quick fix’ prior to culling. But, as the article
residues as well to be certain. The success is often very
points out, if by chance the quarter(s) are milked by
much influenced by how soon the decision to treat is
accident it has a tremendously adverse affect on BMSCC.
taken. Unfortunately the interval is often too long because
a conventional treatment protocol has been tried first
Jonathan Harwood writes:
before either a specific diagnosis is made or it becomes
I have recommended this method of treatment on several
apparent that the mastitis is likely to be Staph.
occasions. However, I am unable to draw any personal
Andrew White writes: Colin Penny writes:
I suggest this strategy in cows with single quarters affected
only when the farmer is reluctant to cull but needs to
Chris Watson writes:
intramammary tube, usually of cefquinome, every 12 hours
Drying off individual quarters is often very successful. It
using a total of three, together with an intramuscular
may be simple to do but in practice you need to be careful:
injection of the same compound on the first and third
Be sure the client understands what you mean by
occasion. Success with this regime varies from 30 to 60%
drying the quarter off. It must be emphasised that this
being the highest in young cows in the first 100 days of
does not imply the use of an intramammary dry cow
lactation, the lowest in old cows particularly in those
which were affected in previous lactations and those
The quarter that is dried off must be closely monitored
towards the end of their present lactation.
for several days to make sure that the mastitis does not
If the infection is subclinical, with the farmer not able to
A system of identifying the quarter should be used, as
detect changes in the milk other than with the Californian
the cell count could be very high as the quarter
Milk Test, then again I divide our cows for treatment into
involutes and it may well be infective for other animals
those in the first 100 days of lactation and those beyond
for a long period of time. Milking it by accident could
that stage. The first group I treat with intramuscular
be a risk to milk quality and other cows.
injections of tylosin daily for 5 days, those in the second
group I suggest removal from the milking herd to be dried
Andrew White writes:
off or used to suckle bull calves. If there are other problems
I have had very little success trying to dry off only the
with these cows, such as poor fertility or lameness I suggest
affected quarter. If individual cell counts are available on
removal from the farm.The success of treatment for those
a monthly basis and I can see three consecutive high
treated is about 75% based on a check cell count 14 days
figures just prior to drying off, and I know the existence
of Staph. aureus infection in that herd I have used tylosin
as a pre-calving treatment, the cow having been dried off
2. Do the panel use quarter drying off as a control
in the usual way with dry cow tubes. This regime has
strategy in Staph. Aureus herds? If so, what results
given very satisfying results in some herds but
do you get?
disappointing results in others. I am not sure why there
Subs hotline: 01635 254911 email: CATTLE ● PRACTICE 3. In practice, what do the panel recommend farmers Chris Watson writes: do, and what is realistically achievable, to minimise
There is no practical option for safeguarding against
the risk of introducing mammary pathogens when
replacement animals being infected.The best that you can
new cows are purchased?
advise is to always try and buy heifers and preferably calve
them down on the farm to minimise the risks of infection at
Steve Borsberry writes:
or around calving. If adult cows are purchased then screening
In general, unless the current and/or previous lactation ISCCs
them quickly with a California Milk Test is simple and rapid
are available I advise that they could be buying-in trouble.
but needs to be done for several days to be sure. It may be
Herds where these ISCCs are not available always give rise
possible to use ‘separation’ techniques (see Q4 below) to
to some concern/suspicion. Relying on BMSCCs can be
make sure newly purchased cows do not contaminate the
fraught with danger and there are a couple of scenarios:
milking clusters until their status is apparent.
1. In herds with low BMSCCs there can be a significantly
low percentage of ‘high cell count’ sub-clinical carriers. Andrew White writes:
2. BMSCCs can be massaged for a few weeks before the
Most of our herds here in Lancashire are, fortunately self-
date of the sale by discarding ‘high cell count’ cows’ milk.
contained. If cattle are brought in then they tend to be
either newly calved heifers or older cows of high genetic
Relying on mastitis records also gives rise to
merit with a well-documented cell count history. A
clinical examination of all animals is recommended and is
1. Mastitis cases are not necessarily recorded.
usually carried out. It is not easy to detect udder changes
2. Herds with a significant sub-clinical Staph. aureus
in a newly calved heifer because of the oedema present.
problem do not appear to have a high incidence of
The milk is examined clinically but not many farmers
will take samples for culture. Separating the purchased
animal and awaiting bacteriology results for longer than
I do advise that any milking cow purchased should be
the usual five-day return-to-seller time being real
milked last. In reality, this tends to be a non starter as on
most occasions the cows in question arrive overstocked
and require milking ASAP. (Deliberate overstocking for
4. What do the panel consider to be the single most
sale and other purposes, is in my opinion a welfare problem
important management policy to control Staph.
and should be actively discouraged). The minimum
aureus mastitis?
requirements should be CMT shortly after arrival. Steve Borsberry writes:
I don’t know how to get round the problem of bought-in
The most significant problems to overcome in Staph. aureus
dry cows having not necessarily received DCT. I must
problem herds is to persuade the client that they have a
admit that I do not have any great concerns about bought-
mastitis problem.They are aware that they have a cell count
problem, and such herds do not tend to have a high
incidence of clinical cases. Cows with high ISCCs appear,
Jonathan Harwood writes:
to the farmer, not to be too adversely affected regarding
Purchasing replacement stock always carries risks since
yield. Due to the intermittent excretion of Staph. aureus a
even the diseases for which the risks can be considered to
negative culture can be difficult to comprehend. The
be very low will crop up on occasions. In order to avoid
spread can be insidious even on farms that have extremely
introducing intramammary pathogens female replacement
stock should, if possible, be purchased prior to their first
calving. If cows have to be purchased, then enquiries must
I have tried separate milking groups, identifying carriers, all
be made as to SCC history of the individual cows as well
with limited success rates. Staph. aureus herds are chronic
as that of the herd as a whole. It is preferable to scrutinise
herds and long term alterations to milking practices
the SCC records collected at regular milk recordings rather
(separate groups, spare units etc. for high ISCC cows) are
than to rely on a single figure or two in a sale catalogue.
not accepted by overstretched staff, and there is little point
when relief staff fail to abide by the rules. Promotion of
Colin Penny writes:
good milking routines is obviously useful in all mastitis
Being in a low dairy herd density area this is not an issue
control programs but may be of limited value in Staph.
for us as almost all our herds are closed and therefore rarely
aureus herds, where culling is the only answer to chronic
CATTLE ● PRACTICE Jonathan Harwood writes:
Cull the cows with the worst subclinical mastitis first.This
must immediately be followed up with an investigation
into the milking machine and how it is used in an effort to
prevent another six cows developing a cell count similar to
Colin Penny writes:
Attention to parlour hygiene and effective teat dipping are
crucial along with continued monitoring of individual
SCC data and having clear action plans for dealing with
Chris Watson writes:
The most important thing to aim for is to reduce the rate
of new infections - self cure, dry cow treatment or culling
will then take care of the infection already present. As the
source of new infections is the infected cow then the
contact opportunities for transfer of infection must be
removed. Isolation of the infected cows from the milking
plant must be the key policy to implement. A ‘separation’
technique to ensure the infected cow does not
contaminate the clusters or the milkers’ hands means that
the chances of spread will be markedly reduced.There was
a study done in the USA comparing a good isolation
technique alone against intensive treatment with
antibiotics during the lactation. The isolation technique
produced better results showing a marked drop in bulk
milk SCC compared with the therapy herds. Isolation or
separation techniques sound impractical to the stockperson
but there are simple options as described in the article:
Change gloves after handling an infected cow
Shedding the infected cows at milking into an isolation
This approach relies on being able to accurately identify
Andrew White writes:
I consider the most important management policy to
control Staph. Aureus infection is the strict adherence to
hygiene matters in the parlour.This does mean attention to
the farmer’s hands, to the cows’ teats and also the
machinery involved. The importance of recording systems
1. GREEN M. J., HUXLEY J. N. and BRADLEY A. J. (2002) A Rational Approach
to Dry Cow Therapy I - Background and Current Perspectives. In Practice
2. BRADLEY A. J., HUXLEY J. N. and GREEN M. J. (2002) A Rational Approach
to Dry Cow Therapy II - Making Logical Treatment Decisions. In Practice
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