If you are taking Aspirin (or like products, see last page) you should stop it 7 days prior to this procedure. Please talk to your Physician.
or two. This is due to the mechanical process of
needle insertion as well as initial irritation from
the steroid itself. The cortisone starts working in
The actual injection takes only a few minutes, but
about 1 to 5 days and its effect can last for several
plan to spend 1-1.5 hours at the facility.
The injection consists of a mixture of local
anesthetic (lidocaine) and the steroid medication
Make sure to make an appointment to see us in
follow up 2-3 weeks after each injection to decide
the future course of treatment options. You
should have a ride home. Please DO NOT plan to WHAT IS AN EPIDURAL STEROID
The procedure involves inserting a needle through drive or perform activities needing coordination
skin and deeper tissues (like a "tetanus shot"). So,
right after the procedure. You do not need to stay
Epidural Steroid Injection is an injection of long
there is some discomfort involved. However, we
in bed, walk and do activities as tolerated, but do
lasting steroid ("cortisone") in the Epidural space
numb the skin and deeper tissues with a local
not resume strenuous physical work even if you
(the area which surrounds the spinal cord and the
anesthetic using a very thin needle prior to
nerves coming out of it) done under a fluoroscope
inserting the Epidural needle. IV sedation is used
(X-ray camera) with the latest and advanced
in most cases to provide relaxation, but you will
not be completely “put out”. With IV sedation
you will have food and water restrictions (see last
You should be able to return to non-physical
The steroid injection is directed to the source of
the pain. (“It can be compared to trying to put the HOW IS THE INJECTION PERFORMED? HOW MANY INJECTIONS DO I NEED TO
fire out from where it starts”) The steroid reduces It is done with the patient lying face down. We
HAVE? If the first injection does not relieve most
inflammation and swelling of targeted nerves in
use a fluoroscope, which gives x-ray image of the
of the symptoms in about three to four weeks, you
the Epidural space to relief pain, tingling,
spine for proper placement of the needle. The
may need to have the 2nd or 3rd injection.
numbness and other symptoms. The fluoroscope
patients are monitored with blood pressure cuff
allows pinpointing the pain source safely and
effectively. This also allows less use of steroid
dose and number of procedures done per patient.
In a 12 month period, we generally do not
By getting to the source of the pain and
perform more than three Epidural injections. If
controlling it, the body is given chance to recover
Immediately after the injection, you may feel your three injections have not helped you much, it is
from the pain, avoid drug dependence, disability
legs slightly heavy and/or numb. Also, you may
very unlikely that you will get any further benefit
and improve quality of life. In most cases patients notice that your pain may be gone or quite less.
from more such injections. Often the injections
can live with the condition they have and avoid
This is due to the local anesthetic injected. This
may help the pain in the leg (sciatica) but not the
will last only for a few hours. Your pain will
center back pain. Other procedures such as Facet
return and you may have a "sore back" for a day
If you are taking Aspirin (or like products, see last page) you should stop it 7 days prior to this procedure. Please talk to your Physician.
Neurotomy (heat waves to burn pain nerve
CERTAIN MEDICATIONS MAY INCREASE • Stop taking Asprin or like products 7 days
endings) may be indicated, check with the doctor. THE RISK OF COMPLICATIONS. prior to the scheduled procedure.
• Bring any requested MRI, CT, X-ray images WILL THE EPIDURAL STEROID
If you are on Coumadin (warfarin), heparin,
on the day of the procedure. INJECTION HELP ME?
• If you are pregnant or possibility that you
In most cases it may not stop all back, leg, neck or (ticlopidine), Plavix (clopidogrel), Aspirin or
may be pregnant, let the physician know
arm pain with one injection. Mostly, it will
Aspirin like products * you will need to get a
immediately, as the X-ray camera cannot be
reduce pain by 50% or more than before. Some
medical clearance allowing you to stop your
patients may feel more relief from an injection
medication from your physician, prior to your
• When you check in you will need to sign
than others, while some patients may need more
scheduled procedure. DO NOT STOP TAKING consent forms, advise the medical staff of any
than one injection to get relief. Generally
YOUR MEDICATIONS UNTIL WE CALL allergies, especially to shellfish, iodine or
speaking, the patients who have "radicular
symptoms" (spine pain traveling in legs or arms)
MEDICAL CLEARANCE. You can continue to • IV sedation; No FOOD for 8 HOURS before
respond better to the injections than the patients
use Celebrex and your pain medicines before the
the procedure. Clear fluids (Water, Apple
who have only back or neck pain. Similarly, the
procedure. You should continue to TAKE YOUR Juice) are OK 4 hours before the procedure.
patients with a recent onset of pain may respond
ROUTINE MEDICATIONS (high blood If you are Diabetic please omit morning dose
better than the ones with a long standing pain.
pressure and diabetes medications) before the
of diabetic control medicine the day of the
procedure. If you are on antibiotics please notify
appointment. If you have taken your WHAT ARE THE RISKS AND SIDE diabetic medicine, please make sure you EFFECTS? drink Apple Juice 4 hours before your
Generally speaking, this procedure is safe.
* List of Asprin like products: procedure to avoid low sugar related
However, with any procedure there are risks, side
Asprin, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofen, problems
effects, and possibility of complications. The most Naprosyn, Naproxen, Voltaren, Relafen,
common side effect is temporary increase in pain,
Clinirol Cataflam, Feldene, Lodine, Mobic, ALL PROCEDURES DONE AT THIS
soreness or trouble sleeping. The other rare risks
Arthrotec, Vicoprofen and similar products. LOCATION:
involve spinal puncture with headaches, infection
You can resume taking these the next day after
New York Spine & Sport Rehabilitation
or bleeding, nerve injury etc. In many years of Medicine/New York Advanced Surgical Intervention Care practice, Dr. Gopal has performed over 15,000 REMEMBER : 2008 Eastchester Road 2nd level, Bronx, NY spinal procedures on thousands of patients with
• Please DO NOT stop taking your blood no reported serious complications. pressure, diabetic, insulin, or cardiac Office: 718-794-0600 medicines. Fax: 718-794-9899 WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE THIS
• Have adult drive or take personalized taxi SIREEN GOPAL, M.D. INJECTION? service to return to your home. Clinical Assistant Professor Albert Einstein College
If you are allergic to any of the medications to be
• Wear loose, comfortable 2 piece clothing Board Certified in:
injected, or if you have an active infection or
• If you are diabetic, steroids may temporarily Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R),
illness going on or have bleeding disorder you
affect your blood sugar, please contact your Pain Management/ Electrodiagnostic Med physician.
READ CAREFULLY WAIVER, RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT In consideration of my child being enrolled and permitted to attend school, make trips and participate in school activites and athletics, andto the full extent allowed by law, I HEREBY AGREE TO WAIVE AND RELEASE THE SHELTON SCHOOL , its Trustees, Administrators, Head of School, Faculty, school nurses, agents, employees, volunteers a
TARIFF AMENDMENTS – 14 JULY 2006 Amendment #1 Creation of a new tariff subheading / Insertion of a new tariff subheading Government Gazette : Notice No .: List No. : Tariff Subheading : 2933.59.10 Description : The creation/insertion of tariff subheading 2933.59.10 i.e. “--- Trimethoprim (INN). The rate of customs duty is free, in respect of the general rate of duty, th