Severe Thrombocytopenia and Response to Corticosteroids in a Case of Nephropathia Epidemica
Robert Dunst, MD, Thomas Mettang, MD, and Ulrich Kuhlmann, MD
● Nine days after working in the woods, a previously healthy 32-year-old man fell seriously ill. His symptoms included high fever, chills, diffuse myalgia, severe headache, and back pain. On the fifth day of onset of symptoms, blood tests showed creatinine levels of 5.4 mg/dL accompanied by marked proteinuria. After admission to the hospital, a diagnosis of nephropathia epidemica (NE) caused by Puumala virus was made using solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The patient gradually recovered renal function without requiring dialysis. However, he surprisingly experienced a sharp decline in platelet count to a minimum of 2,000/L with concomitant occurrence of petechiae and conjunctival hemorrhage. Prednisolone was intitiated, resulting in a swift rise in platelets. Six days later, when the medication was withdrawn, a sharp decrease in platelets recurred. The steroids were then readministered for the next 3 months, thus reestablishing a stable platelet count. The immediate rise of platelets after administration of prednisolone supports the pathophysiological view of hantavirus infection as an immunologically mediated disease. Corticosteroids in the treatment of hantavirus-associated thrombocytope- nia might need further systematic evaluation. 1998 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. INDEX WORDS: Hantavirus; nephropathia epidemica; Puumala virus; thrombocytopenia; treatment; prednisolone. UNTIL THE KOREAN War, the clinical umala virus infection can proceed with a highly
manifestation of hantavirus infection, hem-
variable course, and sporadic fatal cases have
orrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), did
been described.7-11 What follows is the report of
not attract much attention. In the following
a case of a young man suffering from NE with
years, similarities between the so-called Korean
associated uncomplicated renal failure but life-
hemorrhagic fever1 and other illnesses outside
southeast Asia, particularly nephropathia epi-demica (NE) first encountered in Scandinavia,2were noted. Today, hantavirus infection has
emerged as a worldwide zoonosis.3 Only re-
cently another clinical manifestation of hantavi-rus infection, the hantavirus pulmonary syn-
In October 1995, a 32-year-old white man suffering from
proteinuria and rapidly deteriorating renal function was
drome (HPS), has been described in the United
referred to our department. His medical history was unre-
markable except for the passage of a kidney stone in 1993.
NE is prevalent in northern and central Europe
Five days before admission, the patient reported the
and is caused by a specific hantavirus serotype,
sudden onset of a high fever (40.5°C), chills, and devastating
the so-called Puumala virus. Usually, NE is a
muscle pain, particularly in the lower limbs. Two days later,
benign disease with virtually no mortality and
after being put on clarithromycin, a severe left-sided retrobul-
mild hemorrhage at worst.5,6 Mild to moderate
bar headache, nausea, and loin pain developed. For painrelief, the patient was prescribed a medication containing
thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure are
caffeine, acetaminophen, and acetylsalicylic acid; however,
common, generally reversible complications not
no nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs had been adminis-
requiring treatment or dialysis. However, cases
tered. He had not been swimming in ponds or rivers but had
published in recent years have shown that Pu-
been woodcutting in the forest around Schorndorf, Baden-Wu¨rttemberg, on two separate occasions, one 14 days andthe other 6 days before admission. On admission, the patientstill felt weak but reported that his initial complaints had
From the Department of Nephrology, Robert Bosch Hospi-
disappeared. No reduction in urine volume had been ob-
tal, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany.Received November 5, 1996; accepted in revised formAddress reprint requests to Robert Dunst, MD, Depart-ment of Nephrology, Robert Bosch Hospital, Auerbachstr.
Electrocardiogram was normal. Ultrasound examination
110, D-70376 Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail:
showed splenomegaly (15.2 ϫ 5.5 cm); kidneys were nor-mal in size but showed increased echogenicity and a gentle
1998 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
subcapsular fluid rim. A chest radiograph was unremarkable.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 31, No 1 (January), 1998: pp 116-120
White blood cell count was 10,900/µL (2% bands, 59%
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 27% lymphocytes, 1% eo-sinophils, 9% monocytes, 2% plasma cells); hemoglobin,149 g/L; platelet count, 62,000/µL; no fragmented red bloodcells were noted; blood urea nitrogen, 50.9 mg/dL; creati-nine, 4.9 mg/dL; uric acid, 9.7 mg/dL; sodium, 132 mmol/L;potassium, 3.8 mmol/L; total protein, 6.3 g/dL; ␥-GT, 111U/L; lactate dehydrogenase, 372 U/L; haptoglobin, 418mg/dL; C-reactive protein, 7.9 mg/dL. Antibodies againsthepatitis A, B, C, and E virus and the hepatitis B surfaceantigen were negative. Within normal limits were calcium,phosphate, transaminases, prothrombin time (PT), and acti-vated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). Antistreptokinase,antinuclear, and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titers
Thrombocytopenia and steroids.
were negative. On urine analysis, protein was 500 mg/dL;leukocytes, 26,000/mL; erythrocytes, 24,000/mL; and phasecontrast microscopic examination showed 14% dysmorphicerythrocytes and 2% acanthocytes. No casts were detected.
2,000/µL), petechiae on the fore edge of the shin were noted.
Solid-phase enzyme immunoassay using recombinant
Concomitantly the patient showed conjunctival hemorrhage
nucleocapsid antigen of a Puumala serotype and a Hantaan
of his right eye, which resolved within 3 days.
serotype strain (Progen Biotechnik GmbH, Heidelberg,
At this point, on day 12, the patient received one unit of
Germany) enabled the diagnosis of nephropathia epidemica
packed thrombocytes, resulting in no increase in thrombo-
caused by a Puumala serotype (Table 1). The results were
cyte count (2,000/µL) after 6 hours. The same day, intrave-
expressed as the ratio of the photometric extinction of
nous administration of prednisolone (100 mg daily) was
patient serum and a reference control.
The following day, the thrombocyte count rose to 4,000/
µL, and 6 days later (by day 18) had risen to 40,000/µL. Byway of trial, medication was then stopped, only to have the
The patient never did show any uremic symptoms and did
thrombocyte count drop to 9,000/µL by day 21. Predniso-
not require dialysis. Creatinine had risen to its maximum
lone was then reinitiated at a continuous dose of 100 mg per
(5.8 mg/dL) on day 7 (days were counted beginning with the
day, and by day 27, the day of discharge, thrombocytes had
onset of symptoms) but had returned to normal (1.4 mg/dL)
recovered to 88,000/µL. Renal studies were within normal
on day 14. However, the thrombocyte count showed a
limits, although slight proteinuria persisted.
dramatic decline from 62,000/µL on day 6 to 2,000/µL on
In an outpatient setting, the patient was doing reasonably
day 12 (Fig 1). Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid–induced
well except for the occurrence of prednisolone-induced
thrombocytopenia was ruled out by evaluating thrombocytes
Cushing’s disease and a slightly elevated blood pressure,
in citrated blood. PT and aPTT were normal, as was the
which was treated with hydrochlorothiazide. When platelets
fibrinogen level (344 mg/dL), but fibrin D-dimers were
reached a high of 126,000/µL on day 30, prednisolone was
found to be increased to 8.0 mg/L (normal, Ͻ0.5 mg/L). A
slowly tapered off over a period of 11 weeks. After
bone marrow sample disclosed that thrombopoiesis was
discontinuation of steroids on day 105, the patient’s platelet
slightly increased, and megakaryocytes of all stages could
counts remained normal (day 117; 206,000/µL; see Fig 1).
be observed. Granulopoiesis and erythropoiesis were nor-
Twenty months after the initial episode, proteinuria had
mal. Studies done by Mueller-Eckhardt of Gießen did not
completely resolved. Platelets and renal function were
detect any free antithrombocyte antibodies and showed
normal. However, labile hypertension with blood pressure
normal immunoglobulin (Ig) G covering of glycoprotein
values up to 160/90 mm Hg required close follow-up. At this
point HLA typing showed the patient being negative for
On day 10 (thrombocytes, 3,000/µL), the patient devel-
oped petechiae to his soft palate. On day 12 (thrombocytes,
Table 1. Serological Data
NE is the European type of HFRS. However,
hemorrhagic manifestations in NE are rare and
mild if present. In general, they consist of
petechiae (present in 2% to 12% of patients atrisk),5,12 conjunctival bleeding (6% to 12%),5,13
and epistaxis (1% to 28%).13,14 Moderate to
severe gastrointestinal bleeding (melena, he-
matemesis) was seen in 2% to 3% of infected
*Values Ͼ1.5 are considered positive.
patients.5,13 Macroscopic hematuria, hemoptysis,
Table 2. Association of Severe Complications in NE
typical clinical manifestation of Puumala virus
With Thrombocytopenia
infection as meticulously delineated by La¨h-devirta.2 After the acute onset with fever, chills,
myalgia, headache, back pain, and nausea, fi-
nally renal failure developed. Remarkable, and
very unusual, was the profound decrease of
platelets (down to 2,000/µL) on the 12th day of
the disease without clear-cut clinical evidence of
Anticipating other disorders predisposing
thrombocytopenia, a bone marrow sample of ourpatient ruled out diminished platelet production.
and ecchymoses occasionally occur. In the Asian
In light of possible interstitial nephritis, drug-
type of HFRS, hemorrhagic complications con-
induced thrombocytopenia then had to be the
tribute in a significant proportion of cases to the
primary suspect explaining increased platelet
consumption. Directly before admission, the
NE has long been considered a benign disease
patient was taking clarithromycin and a combina-
normally associated with no mortality.5,13 How-
tion of acetylsalicylic acid, acetaminophen, and
ever, severe complications and sporadic fatal
caffeine. The administration of all of these drugs
cases have been reported in recent years (Table
could be associated with thrombocytopenia; nev-
2). All of them were associated with severe
ertheless, in absolute terms, the probability would
thrombocytopenia (9,000 to 37,000/µL). Five of
be extremely low. Some minor evidence against
these six fatalities showed laboratory data sug-
drug-induced thrombocytopenia was the absence
gesting disseminated intravascular coagulation
of the rise of platelets after discontinuation of the
(DIC). In Belgium, a growing number of NE
drugs. Other conditions were ruled out by labora-
cases were complicated by pulmonary edema
tory results or on clinical grounds.
cause of bleeding has been noted in 20% to 70%
General causes of thrombocytopenia in a viral
of European patients.2,5 Platelet counts below
infection may include impaired platelet produc-
30,000/µL were very rare, with lowest values
tion, vasculopathy, DIC, and a variety of immune
ranging between 6,000 and 26,000/µL in some of
the larger study populations (Table 3). In Asian
Vascular dysfunction most likely attributed to
studies, thrombocytopenia occurred in 69% to
virus replication in the endothelium is the hall-
mark of the pathophysiological derangements in
At its outset, the case reported here reflects the
HFRS.19 It not only accounts for hemorrhagiccomplications and renal failure; it can also
Table 3. Thrombocytopenia in HFRS
The diagnosis of DIC can usually be made by
careful consideration of both the clinical situa-
tion and laboratory data. The best screening tests
for DIC are measurements of the fibrin degrada-tion products (FDP), PT, fibrinogen level, and
platelet count.20 The situation in our thrombope-
nic patient first disclosed some contradictory
aspects. As an indicator of reactive hyperfibri-
nolysis in late-stage DIC, FDP (d-dimeric form)
were elevated. The normal fibrinogen could not
rule out DIC because fibrinogen is also an
acute-phase protein with the possibility of pseudo-
developed normal platelet counts, which per-
normal levels. However, the absence of major
sisted after discontinuation of the drug 3 months
bleeding, shock, and early-stage laboratory mark-
later. Circulating immune complexes were in-
ers such as prolonged PT or aPTT militated
deed observed in some patients up to 8 months
after onset of NE. Almost 2 years after the acute
(d-dimeric form) have been described as being
phase of the disease, the patient was asymptom-
falsely positive in about 20% of patients.21 In
atic except for labile arterial hypertension. In-
renal failure, elevated levels of FDP are often
deed, hantavirus infections might account for a
primarily related to delayed clearance rather than
certain percentage of chronic renal disease or
A growing body of data support the view of
The response to treatment with steroids is
further evidence of the immunologically medi-
ease.3,19 Specific immune mechanisms such as
ated pathogenesis of the disease. Immune com-
early IgE production, T cell activation, and
plexes activate the classical complement path-
activation of both the classical and alternative
way. The action of corticosteroids does not
complement pathways have been identified. Im-
significantly decrease the concentration of circu-
mune complexes were shown especially in se-
lating antibodies; it rather interrupts cytokine-
rum,15 and on renal tubules and glomeruli23 of
affected patients. Of particular interest in our
leukocytes.27 As one consequence, complement-
setting was the demonstration of immune com-
triggered phagocytosis of immune complex–
plexes on platelets.24,25 By activating comple-
loaded thrombocytes might be decreased.
ment, triggering mediator release, and inducing
More systematic investigations on the action
platelet aggregation, they could result in further
of corticosteroids in HFRS seem to be warranted.
thrombocytopenia and vascular injury. However,
some immunologic findings such as missingperivascular infiltrates of mononuclear cells and
The authors thank Maurice Mareschal for reviewing the
others differ from those seen in classic immune-
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