Ti trovi qui: Informazioni / Dipartimenti Aziendali / Dipartimento Toracico / U.O. Pneumologia Interventistica / Curricula dei Professionisti / Tomassetti Sara Dott.ssa Sara Tomassetti Dirigente Medico I° Livello, Pneumologia Interventistica Ospedale G.B. Morgagni - L. Pierantoni Via Forlanini n°34 - Forlì Telefono: (0039) 0543-735042 Fax: (0039) 0543-735039 E-mail: s.tomassetti@ausl.fo.it 1.. Personal data
■ E-mail: s.tomassetti@ausl.fo.it ■ Place of Birth: Ravenna, Italy. ■ Citizenship: Italian■ Date of birth: December 22nd, 1974
2.Present Rank and Position
■ Pulmonary Physician: Interventional Pneumology Operative Unit, Thoracic Dept., GB Morgagni
Hospital, Forlì, FC, ITALY. Currently since 09/2005.
■ Consultant and coordinator of IPF outpatients service of Interventional Pneumology Operative Unit,
Thoracic Dept., GB Morgagni Hospital, Forlì, FC, ITALY. Currently since 09/2009.
4. Education
• Medical School: Bologna University, since 10/1993 to 10/2000.
• Internship: Shrewsbury Hospital in Wales U.K., Pediatric Dept, July 1994.
■ Internship: Internal Medicine in Bologna University, since 10/1998 to 10/2000. ■ Research Fellowship in Pulmonary Disease, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, since
■ Pulmonary Medicine : Modena University , since 2000 to 2004. ■ Visiting Clinician in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, since
05/05/2008 to 31/05/2008 and since 01/09/2009 to 30/09/2009
5. Medical Licensures
• Italian Medical License: 1st June 2006, Bologna.
6. Honors/Awards Medical School 7. Clinical Practice Interests
• Interventional Pneumology – bronchoscopy and medical thoracoscopy
• Interstial lung diseases , Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
8. Research Activities
■ INSPIRE TRIAL : placebo controlled Phase III study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
INF gamma 1b in IPF patients (Co-investigator)
■ CAPACITY TRIAL: placebo controlled Phase III designed to determine the safety and efficacy of
treatment with pirfenidone in IPF patients (Co-investigator).
■ BUILD 3 TRIAL : placebo controlled Phase III study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
Bosentan in IPF patients (Study Coordinator)
■ RESOLVE TRIAL: Comparing inflammatory scar formation with fibroproliferative repair ( Member of
■ IPF database, Interventional Pneumology Unit, GB Morgagni Hospital, Forlì, ITALY. Currently since
■ Sverzellati N, Wells AU, Tomassetti S, Desai SR, Copley SJ, Aziz ZA, Zompatori M, Chilosi M,
Nicholson AG, Poletti V, Hansell DM. Biopsy proved idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: spectrum of nondiagnostic thin section CT diagnoses. Radiology. 2010 Mar;254(3):957-64
■ Casoni GL, Tomassetti S, Coffa A, Ravaglia C, Poletti V. Negative pressure pulmonary hemorrhage
induced by a candy. Am J Emerg Med. 2010 Jan;28(1):112.
■ De Filippo, Ingegnoli A, Carloni A, Verardo E, Sverzellati N, Onniboni M, Corsi A, Tomassetti S,
Mazzei M, Volterrani L, Poletti V, Zompatori M. Erdheim-Chester disease: clinical and radiological findings. Diagnostic Radiology . Radiol Med. 2009 Nov 14. [Epub ahead of print]
■ Romagnoli M, Bigliazzi C, Casoni GL, Chilosi M, Carloni A, Dubini A, Gurioli Ch, Tomassetti S, Gurioli
C, Poletti V. "The role of transbronchial lung biopsy for the diagnosis of diffuse drug-induced lung disease: a case series of 44 patients". Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases, 2008 in press.
■ Zinzani PL, Poletti V, Zompatori M, Tani M, Spaggiari L, Tomassetti S, Broccoli A, Derenzini E,
Baccarani M. Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas: an update of a rare extranodal maltoma. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma. 2007 Nov;7(9):566-72.
■ G Marchesini, M Brizi, G Bianchi, S Tomassetti, E Bugianesi, M Lenzi, S Natale, AJ Mc Cullough,
G.Forlani,N.Melchionda.Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a feature of the metabolic sindrome. Diabetes 2001; 50:1844-50
■ G Marchesini, M Brizi, S Natale, S Tomassetti, N Melchionda. La steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH)
[Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NASH)] . Civitas Hippocratica 2000; 21 (suppl1): A47-51
■ G Marchesini, M Brizi, S Tomassetti, E Solaroli, L Baraldi, N Villanova, G Forlani, GP Bianchi, M Zoli,
N Melchionda. La Metformina aumenta la sensibilità insulinica e migliora il profilo biochimico in pazienti con steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH) [Metformin increases insulin sensitivity and improves lipid profile in patients affected by Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NASH)] Il Diabete 2000; 12 ( suppl 1): 19
■ M Brizi, G Marchesini, N Villanova, GP Bianchi, M Lenzi, S Tomassetti, E Solaroli, L Baraldi, G
Forlani, N Melchionda. Valutazione della sensibilità insulinica nella steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH) mediante clamp euglicemico [Mesurement of insulin sensitivity in patients affected by Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NASH) using the euglicemic clamp method]. Il Diabete 2000; 12 ( suppl 1): 59
■ Poletti V, Zinzani PL, Tomassetti S, Chilosi M. Lymphoproliferative Lung Disorders. In : Costabel U,
Du Bois RM, Egan JJ (Eds). Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease. Progr Respir Res, Basel, Karger 2007:307-322.
■ S. Tomassetti. Il fumo di sigaretta e la fibrosi polmnare idiopatica [Cigarettes smoke and IPF]. In:
Nuovi Orizzonti. Editor: AIPO Ricerche (in press)
• G.Marchesini,M.Brizi,G.Bianchi,S.Tomassetti,M.Zoli,N.Melchionda. Metformin in non-alcoholic
■ S Tomassetti, A Carloni, M Chilosi, A Maffè, S Ungari, N Sverzellati, S Piciucchi, C Gurioli, G Casoni,
M Romagnoli, Ch Gurioli, V Poletti. Report of two novel mutation and a rare tumor of the lung in BHD syndrome. ATS Annual Congress, S Diego, CA , USA, May 2009.
■ Marco Chilosi, Sara Tomassetti, Alessandra Dubini, , Daniela Reghellin, Alberto Cavazza, Giulio
Rossi, Marianne Kambouchner, Alessandra Cancellieri, Mattia Barbareschi, Stefania Damiani, Licia Montagna, Serena Pedron, Paola Piccoli, Rodolfo Carella , Giuseppe Pelosi, Bruno Murer, Venerino Poletti “Immunophenotypic profiles of lung carcinomas associated with idiopathic pulmonari fibrosis” Thematic Poster Session at the ERS Annual Congress, Berlin October 2008
■ M. Romagnoli, S. Tomassetti, G. Casoni, M. Chilosi, A. Carloni, V. Poletti. Idiopathic non-specific
interstitial pneumonia (nsip): is it an autoimmune clinical entity? ERS Annual Congres Stockholm, September 15 to 19, 2007
■ GP Bianchi, M Brizi, B Rossi, S Tomassetti, S Natale, S Sassi, G Grossi, G.Marchesini
Impaired glutathione syntesis in response to an oral methionine load in patients with cirrosis Workshop on “Metionine metabolism: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications” Sierra Nevada, Granada, Spain. February 20 to 24, 2000:277-283.
■ G Marchesini, S Tomassetti, M Brizi, S Natale La steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH) [Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease (NASH)]. In: Attualità e Prospettive in Epatologia. Padova , 6-7 Novembre 2000. Tipolito Rigato, Maserà di Padova, 2000: 88-89
■ M Brizi, G Marchesini, S Tomassetti, E Solaroli, L Baraldi, N Villanova, G Forlani, GP Bianchi, M Zoli,
N Melchionda. Effetto della metformina sulla sensibilità insulinica e sul profilo biochimico in pazienti con steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH) [Metformin increases insulin sensitivity and improves lipid profile in patients affected by Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NASH)] Abstract Book 3° Congresso nazionale SISO, Bologna 4-8 Aprile 2000:84.
■ N Villanova, M Brizi, G marchesini, GP Bianchi, S Tomassetti, E Solaroli, L Baraldi, G Forlani, N
Melchionda. Sensibilità insulinica e steatoepatite non alcolica (NASH): valutazione con clamp euglicemico. [Mesurement of insulin sensitiviy in patients affected by Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NASH) using the euglicemic clamp method]. Abstract Book 3° Congresso nazionale SISO, Bologna 4-8 Aprile 2000:124. 10. Hobbies/ Interests
• Languages: Italian (native language), English (proficient use of)
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