International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences/1 (1)/2010
Advances In Novel Drug Delivery Carriers: Formulation And In Vitro Evaluation of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles of Nateglinide P. Khemariya1*, A. Jain2, R. Goswami3, M. Bhargava4, S. Goswami4 ,S. K. Singhal4, M. Nagar4
2Dept. of Pharmaceutical Science, Dr. H.S.Gour University Sagar, MP.
3Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujrat.
*Corresponding Author email: Abstract: 1. Introduction:
The development of new chemical entities is
expensive, time consuming and unspecified
investigation was to formulative study for the
in action1,2. Therefore more attention is
being paid in the development of novel drug
delivery carriers that can be used to improve
for Nateglinide.Method and characterization-
molecule3,4. So, current research in drug
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNPs) based on
therapeutic efficacy of drug5 and minimizing
morphology, zeta potential, particle size, and
delivery science7. It offers a suitable means
drug release. Morphology and dimensional
of delivering small molecular weight drugs
as well as macromolecules such as proteins,
electron microscopy and Photon Correlation
peptides, or genes by either localized or
demonstrate that SLNPs exhibit no toxicity.
Spherical SLNPs with an average particle
formulating suitable dosage forms which are
size of ~173 nm were formulated. Delivery
biocompatible, and reduce dosing frequency
significantly higher accumulation by the
endothelial cell monolayer as compared to
the drug in aqueous solution. In vitro release
is having particles ranging from 50-400 nm
demonstrated that Nateglinide was released
in a prolonged fashion for 24 h. Both free
Potency, no use of organic solvents, suitable
spent on the blocks in the bar test, although
delivery and use of biodegradable lipids are
the action of encapsulated Nateglinide was
more rapid in onset and prolonged than free
drug. These data suggest that SLNPs would
Keywords: Solid lipid nanoparticles, Nategli
diffusion, water-in oil- in-water (w/o/w)
double-emulsion method, high speed stirring
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences/1 (1)/2010
situation in which the human body either
definite time this resulted in the formation
of lipid suspension This mixture was further
specified time period to obtain definite
I and Type II16.Type I – condition when body
fail to produce sufficient insulin. Type II -
were formed and free drug was removed by
condition when body doesn’t use the Insulin
or by insulin resistance. Nateglinide is a anti-
diabetic drug used to lower blood sugar in
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is
Particle size measurement
diabetes. It is also helpful for stimulation of
Nateglinide is available in 60mg & 120mg
frequency, leser side effect and increased
stationary angle of 90 and fixed temperature
at 25°C. The aqueous SLN dispersions were
2. Materials and Methods: Transmission Electron microscopy
microscope (Philips, CM 200, acceleration
voltage 200kV, resolution 0.23 nm). Fig-I
(MWCO 10-12kD) was purchased from Himedia, Mumbai, India. All other reagents and solvents were of analytical grade and were purchased from local suppliers unless stated otherwise. Deionized water was used throughout the study. All ingredients were used as analytical grade. 3. Method of preparation:
The solvent injection method reported by Stevens et al., (2004) was used to prepare SLNPs. The lipid tristearin, soya lecithin &
drug nataglenide were dissolved in ethanol
Fig: 1 TEM of Nateglinide Loaded SLNPs
maintained in another water bath. Alcoholic
solution of lipid & drug was added as small
Zeta potential measurement
surfactant solution and the whole mixture
To find out the average particle charge Zeta
was stirred using a mechanical stirrer (Remi
Instrument, India) for specified time at
specified speed of rotation. Stirring for
kept stationary at 25°C. Before measuring, each sample of solid Lipid nanoparticles was
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences/1 (1)/2010
intervals samples were analyzed for drug
content by measuring absorbance at 210 nm
was performed at least four times. The pH
Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu,1600 Japan).
Differential scanning calorimetry22
in Table1,and graphically shown in fig.3
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was
performed with a Mettler DSC 822e (Mettler
Toledo, Greifensee, Switzerland). S.No. Time (in hrs.) % Drug release Samples containing
cooling rate of 5°C/min. The samples were
further cooled from 85 to 25°C under liquid
Table 1: In vitro % Drug Release
nitrogen. Enthalpies were calculated using
Fig: 3 % Drug release Fig: 2 DSC of Nateglinide Loaded SLNPs Drug loading Capacity 4. Results:
nanoparticles was performed by dissolving
Transmission Electron microscopy
methanol and analyzing obtained solution by
Solid lipid Nanoparticles (SLNPs) are the
carriers which are attracting major attention
as novel colloidal drug carriers for topical
Drug Release
10 mL of optimized SLNPs formulation free
Differential scanning calorimetery
from any unentrapped drug was taken in the
cooling scan is the most common technique.
maintained at 37±1°C throughout the study.
peak at 55.2°C which can be attributed to
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences/1 (1)/2010
Average diameter and zeta potential
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allows predictions about the storage stability
of colloidal dispersion. In general, particle
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electric repulsion. The mean zeta potential
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Author: Doni, Giovanni BattistaTitle: Aduersaria Musica GEditor: Massimo RedaelliSource: Florence, Biblioteca Marucelliana, MS A.291, f. <1r>-<26v> [-<f.1r>-] [G in marg.] Aduersaria MusicaPulsuum differentiae aliae sunt intrinsecae quae a uitula ui oriuntur ut celer tardus magnus paruus. Alie extrinsecae quae ab arteria et organis nascuntur ut siccus durus mollior et cetera. Pr
Chapter 9 Discussie en Samenvatting In dit proefschrift hebben we het Leidse cohort van patiënten met paragangliomen geëvalueerd. Een aanzienlijk deel van deze patiënten is drager van mutaties in de succinaat dehydrogenase genen. In de algemene discussie zullen we de volgende Mutaties in de succinaat dehydrogenase genen en paragangliomen Klinische aspecten van familiaire parag