Italian-greek-turkish expert meeting_scientific program
Italian-Greek-Turkish Expert Meeting: Perspectives on Controlled Ovarian Stimulation Rome (Italy) 2-3 December, 2011 General Information VENUE: Roma Eventi Fontana di Trevi P.zza della Pilotta, 4 - 00187 Roma Tel: +39 06 6701 5176 Fax: +39 06 6701 5178 LANGUAGE: The official language of the meeting will be English. Scientific Committee Filippo Maria Ubaldi Italy Loutradis Dimitris Greece Timur Gürgan Turkey Organizing Secretariat Meridiano Congress International Via Sapri, 6 - 00185 Rome, Italy Congress coordinator: Sara Guglielmini Tel.: +39 (0)6 88595 211 Fax: +39 (0)6 88595 234 E-mail: Friday, 2nd December, 2011 T.Gurgan (Turkey), D. Loutradis (Greece), F. Ubaldi (Italy)
Chairmen: T. Gurgan (Turkey)- F. Ubaldi (Italy)Mechanism of follicular maturation I. Messinis (Greece) Factors Effecting Embryo Quality Markers to predict COH and ART outcome A. Guglielmino (Italy)
Chairmen: M. Mastrominas (Greece) – R. Pabuçcu (Turkey) Mild ovarian stimulation for ART: pros and cons Strategies to prevent OHSS A. Demirol (Turkey) Surgical Treatment for PCOS Patients: is it a viable option to COH?
Chairmen: .V. Athanasiou (Greece) Poor responders: definition and strategies of management D. Loutradis (Greece) Natural IVF cycles with or without minimal stimulation M. Schimberni (Italy) Clinical use of LH: rec-LH and LH activity- containing gonadotropin preparations C. Alviggi (Italy)
Chairmen: A. Paraschos (Greece) - E. Tavmergen (Turkey)Luteal phase support of GnRH agonist and antagonist cycles L. Nardo (Italy) The role of progesterone rise in follicular phase D. Kyrou (Greece) The black-box of embryo implantation: what is more important the embryo and/or the endometrium? A. Makrygiannakis (Greece) Saturday, 3rd December, 2011
Chairmen:Th.Mantzavinos (Greece) Ovulation induction in anovulatory women A. Lanzone (Italy) Ovarian stimulation in women with endometriosis R. Pabuçcu (Turkey)
Chairmen: E. Porcu (Italy), A. Demirol (Turkey) Controlled ovarian stimulation and associated hyperestrogenism for fertility preservation. How can we manage the preconcept “estrogens are bad whatsoever”? Female fertility preservation: when, to whom and how to let it be cosidered a routine procedure A. Borini (Italy)
Inpact on fertility of different treatment strategies in young women with haematoncologic diseases E. Cocorocchio (Italy) Different strategies for fertility preservation in oncologic patients A. Capalbo (Italy) Closing remarks T.Gurgan (Turkey), D. Loutradis (Greece), F. Ubaldi(Italy) 12.45 End of the Meeting and Lunch
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