Fundamental research at primary care level*
Two Canadian medical schools may have appointed a
apparently researchable.1 Other important problems are
family physician as dean, but in most of the developed
those involving large numbers of people, many days in pain
world primary care is held in low esteem in academic
or suffering, many days lost from work or school, and those
establishments. If, as I believe, primary care provides the
requiring extensive human and material resources or money
essential underpinning for any rationally balanced health
that could be put to use more productively elsewhere. Less
service why do so many in positions of academic power and
common problems are also important if their origins, when
influence have a negative opinion of general practitioners
better understood, result in more effective prevention or
resolution. Important, fundamental, and usually complex
In my view, this negativity is because primary care
questions should be the hallmark of primary care research.
investigators, as opposed to their biomedical colleagues,
The second essential ingredient for first-rate research of
have contributed little fundamental knowledge on the
any kind is curiosity. Little of note is accomplished without
origins and natural history of disease. Studies of physicians’
a burning curiosity. But what kind of curiosity is needed for
activities, problem distributions, training schemes,
primary care research? It is the curiosity of the naturalist
prescribing patterns, appointment strategies, office staffing,
concerned with first causes, diversity, and patterns of
specimen collection, and management strategies are helpful.
growth and senescence rather than with structures and
They are health services research, an enterprise with which I
processes. John Ryle (1889–1950), the former professor of
have been involved for decades; I welcome them and we
medicine who was the first director of Oxford’s Institute of
Social Medicine, observed that naturalists have “the desire
Health services research, however, does not throw much
to establish the truth of things by observing and recording,
light on the interacting factors that predispose to,
precipitate, and perpetuate ill-health and disease. Such
“Certain sciences, such as chemistry, physics, and
studies rarely expand our knowledge of prevention,
treatment, and amelioration of disease to the extent that
experimental. Others, like zoology and astronomy, are
biomedical research does, although I believe primary care
observational. In the biological sciences as a whole it would
research could have an impact in these areas.
seem we can dispense with neither method . . . It is well to
Truly important studies contribute to our understanding
remember, however, that nearly all experiments have
of causality; their insights endure as essential components of
developed on the basis of earlier, painstaking observations
medical theory and practice and are applied in many
of natural phenomena, and that there is actually no great
settings. At best, the results of most studies in the past few
dividing line between the methods . . . The observer uses
years by primary care investigators have had only a slight
the slow, vast, and difficult experiments of nature”.2
impact. Only rarely does primary care research have a
Unfortunately, naturalists in medical research are now in
lasting influence on the practice of medicine or the
short supply, especially in primary care.
Experimental methods, buttressed by ever more complex
First-rate fundamental research at the primary care level
statistical analyses, have contributed mightily to the
should contribute substantially to buttressing the
generation of effective pharmacological and technological
intellectual credibility of general practice and family
interventions; we should be very grateful. As engineers’
medicine in the eyes of the medical establishment. To
close attention to the wiring enables them to detect
accomplish this, priorities and aspirations for primary care
malfunctioning of a radio’s transmitters, and receivers, so
research need to change. Is there any valid reason why a
the biomedical scientists’ focus on neurological, humoral,
primary care investigator should not contribute landmark
and chemical pathways enables them to detect
malfunctioning of the patient’s neurotransmitters and
How should one start? The first criterion for selecting any
research problem is that it can be an important one. There
receptors. Primary care scientists, on the other hand, should
is little justification for wasting time on unimportant
be concerned with the music and messages transmitted and
matters. But how does one define important? A very
received over the wiring and through the ether. There is a
important question is whether there is life after death.
vast difference between the two but neither is good or bad,
Unfortunately, few people are working on it although it is
right or wrong, hard or soft. For effective understanding ofhealth, disease, and suffering both the wiring and messagesdeserve investigation. The role of naturalists in medicine hasbeen lost sight of in the wake of biomedicine’s growing
*Adapted from the 1999 Maurice Wood Lecture at the 27th Annual
hegemony. It is time to restore the balance western
Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group, SanDiego, CA, Nov 8.
medicine needs now, more than ever, the wonder, awe, and
observational instincts of the naturalist.
Another development has accompanied the evolution and
500 Crestwood Drive, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22903–4858, USA(Kerr L White MD)
dominance of biomedicine. That is the myth of the single
“cause” of each disease. Western medicine’s failure to
For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of The Lancet.
distinguish between necessary and sufficient factors in the
Mere talk about the centrality of the biopsychosocial or
genesis of ill-health distorts both its theoretical base and
any other paradigm is simply inadequate. That is the
clinical practice. The public harbours the notion that most
challenge and the opportunity facing primary care
physical ills are due principally to genes or germs. Both are
investigators. Two public figures provide additional
important but rarely sufficient to cause disease. Undue
examples. The late William Casey, then director of the US
focus on them tends to stifle further thought about the
Central Intelligence Agency, on the day before being
myriad factors that impinge on each individual’s disease.
questioned by a congressional committee about the Iran-
Contra imbroglio, had a major convulsion due to a
Years ago I accompanied an Indonesian doctor making
previously undiagnosed malignant brain tumour. In
rounds in a village. A distraught mother brought him her
response to a reporter’s question, his physician, a prominent
feverish, coughing infant. “What seems to be the trouble?”,
academician, stated on national television that the timing of
I asked. The physician replied: “The child seems to have
the seizure was “just a coincidence”. Maybe so, if you
bronchitis but the mother is depressed. The mother is
believe in coincidences. A different view, however, was
depressed because her husband is chronically drunk. The
expressed by Woody Allen’s character Isaac Davis in
husband is drinking because the pig, the family’s main
Manhattan when he said: “I can’t express anger. That’s one
source of wealth, is dying. The pig is dying because it is the
of the problems I have. I grow a tumour instead!” What’s
rainy season and the roof is leaking. The roof can’t be
repaired because there is no money. So what is the
To investigate such matters at the primary care level, we
problem”, he asked “the rain pouring, the roof leaking, the
should consider addressing five types of generic question.
pig dying, the husband’s drinking, the wife’s depression, or
Onset circumstances—What precisely was the situation
the infant’s bronchitis?” What is the point of investigating
surrounding the initial signs or symptoms of the patient’s
the “wiring” in such a situation when so many unspoken
discomfort or illness? Where was the patient? Who was he
poignant messages are ricocheting back and forth from rain
or she with? What was he or she doing or thinking? What
to roof to pig to husband to mother to child? Would the
was new or different and what did he or she think and feel
child have developed bronchitis if a kindly neighbour had
about it? What were other persons in the home, at work, in
the family, in the neighbourhood doing or saying? What
Here is another example. One Monday an irate medical
were the unspoken messages he or she was receiving? Were
student assigned to a home-care service demanded to see
there more or fewer messages than usual? Were they more
me. “I’ve had it with this family medicine business,”
he stormed. “Over the weekend I made twelve house calls
Concomitant factors—Was there a constellation of two,
to Mrs Jones and her eight kids. It was just one thing
three, or more interacting or re-enforcing circumstances or
after another; there were colds, coughs, fevers, vomiting,
encounters surrounding the onset of the patient’s
pains—just no end to the problems.” I said: “Did it ever
discomfort or illness? For example: unusual job stress,
occur to you that there was something else going on in the
damp weather or a “chill”, and exposure to a “bug”, before
family that was upsetting everyone?” I sent him back to
the onset of a common cold; the threat of unemployment,
discover the problem. Sure enough he returned with
the presence of a sick child or relative, and undue fatigue
word that the father had lost his job and was drinking
from physical exertion on the job, before the onset of
heavily; there was no money and the mother was
rheumatoid arthritis; consumption of an extra cup of coffee
distraught. The children were receiving the parents’
and a caffeine-laden chocolate biscuit, followed, when late
desperate non-verbal messages; their immune systems were
for an appointment, by a stressful drive through dense
impaired allowing “bugs” to wreak their harm by
traffic, immediately before an episode of atrial fibrillation?
manifesting assorted physical illnesses. These are anecdotes,
Predisposing factors—What is known about the patient’s
however, they are not research. If such tales are to have any
genetic, familial, and cultural backgrounds and “belief
impact on medical practice and education, they require
system”? Does the patient have or believe he or she has any
particular vulnerability or susceptibility or what used to be
Walter B Cannon’s 1942 article on “Voodoo death”,3
called a locus minoris resistentiae? Why me? What is the
bolstered by George Engel’s brilliant description of the
“biopsychosocial” paradigm in 1977,4 led to increasing calls
Precipitation of help-seeking—What events, comments,
for the expansion of the 17th century world view that
thoughts, or behaviour triggered the patient’s decision to
dominates Western medical thinking.5 The potential role of
consult a a particular physician at this precise time? What, if
epigenetic phenomena in modifying the substrate of many
diseases provides additional support for the need to broaden
Therapeutic environment—What did the patient feel,
our notions of causation.6,7 No longer can we ignore vital
perceive, imagine, and think about the physician’s and
information describing the circumstances surrounding the
nurse’s behaviour, the technology, procedures, medications,
onset of each individual’s disease.
and general ambience of the setting? What were the
It is hard to deny the outstanding success and effective
characteristics, hallmarks, and reputation of the health-care
interventions of our present medical paradigm. But if a
personnel, institution, system, or clinic?
broader model can accommodate a wider array of clinical
Patients’ responses to these kinds of questions usually are
and historical evidence and generate more enlightened
best elicited at the primary care level and should go a long
understanding of illness, disease, and health, is it not
way toward understanding the webs of causality.
preferable? As with any hypothesis, however, acceptance is
The ten problems described below are illustrative; there
unlikely in the absence of credible research. Research is
are scores of others that cry out for deeper understanding.
needed that will persuade the sceptics in the medical
All of these problems have been studied previously, some
establishment that changes in the emphasis and content of
decades ago, others by several investigators. To provide
medical education and scientific thinking are fully
external validity, to say nothing of generalisability leading to
acceptance by the medical establishment, their initial
For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of The Lancet.
findings require replication with large numbers in diverse
patients? Answer yes or no. If “yes” provide one brief case
settings. Only then are the results likely to be incorporated
widely in medical education and practice. Each problem
Positive results should provide a host of researchable
deserves critical thought, careful refinement, and several pilot
questions as well as put primary care research on the
studies. Like eating an elephant, you take one bite at a time.
Collaboration with immunologists, neuroscientists,
Sir James Mackenzie (1853–1925) is the patron saint of
psychologists, epidemiologists, sociologists, clinical
general practitioners and family physicians the world over.
specialists, and other scientific colleagues is essential.
By following patients in his general practice for decades he
Research designs will necessitate the development of generic
revolutionised cardiology and concluded that much was to
protocols, including survey instruments that enable the
be learned by meticulously studying the origins of
reporting clinicians to record categories of responses derived
symptoms and describing the natural history of disease. In
from conservations with each patient and probably one or
1919 Mackenzie retired from his world-renowned
more family members or friends. In addition to a wide range
cardiology practice in London to establish an institute for
of quantitative methods, a substantial armamentarium of
medical research in St Andrews, Scotland. Among its
qualitative research methods is available for use in primary
purposes was: “To investigate disease before the occurrence
care.8 Generation of adequate numbers—large numbers—
of any structural change in any organ of the body, with the
for studies of each clinical entity and its explanatory patterns
view of providing a diagnosis at a period earlier than is
at the primary care level needs substantial networks of
possible by the methods now in use and in order to obtain a
primary care practitioner/investigators who report to a
knowledge of the circumstances that favour the onset of
central co-ordinating office. Successful examples include
those sponsored by the Netherlands Institute of Primary
In my view, primary care can best achieve the academic
Health Care’s Continuous Morbidity Registration Sentinel
stature to which it aspires by internalising the clinical
wisdom bequeathed us by Ryle and Mackenzie and
Physicians’ Ambulatory Sentinel Practice Network.10
undertaking the serious investigation of important clinical
Here are common clinical questions that I believe merit
further investigation:● If Helicobacter pylori is a necessary factor in the causation
of peptic ulcer, is it sufficient? Why do so many “carriers” of
Shroder T. Old souls: the scientific evidence for past lives. New York:
the bug not develop the disease? What other factors or
experiences does it take to evoke clinical symptoms?11
Ryle J. The physician as naturalist: the natural history of disease. London
● What role does separation from a family member,
and New York: Oxford University Press, 1948.
neighbour, job, or even a pet, have on the precipitation of an
Cannon WB. “Voodoo death”. Amer Anthropol 1942; 44: 169–81.
Engel G. The need for a new medical model: a challenge for
illness such as congestive heart failure?12
biomedicine. Science 1977 196: 129–36.
● How frequently is the manifestation of tuberculosis
Pauli HG, White KL. Scientific thinking, medical thinking and medical
preceded by “two years of increasingly disturbing
education: questions derived from their evolution in the 20th century. Hum Resources Health Develop 1998; 2: 155–82.
McClintock B. The significance of responses of the genome to challenge.
How frequently is the perception of inability to control
Science 1984; 226: 792–801.
fundamental aspects of one’s job associated with the
Strohman RL. The coming Kuhnian revolution in biology. Nat
development of an illness such as coronary heart disease?14
Biotechnol 1997; 15: 194–200.
● Is the depression associated with pneumonia a precursor
Crabtree BF, Miller WL. Doing qualitative research: research methodsfor primary care, vol 3. Newbury Park and London: Sage Publications,
● Are there illnesses that come from being “caught in a
Foundation of the Netherlands Institute of Primary Health Care
(NIVEL). Continuous morbidity registration sentinel stations in the
Why do patients recover more rapidly in some hospitals
10 Green LA, Wood M, Becker L, et al. The ambulatory sentinel practice
network: purpose, methods, and policies. J Fam Pract 1984; 18: 275–80.
● Why do wounds heal more quickly on some clinical
11 Melmed RN, Gelpin Y. Duodenal ulcer: the helicobacterization of a
psychosomatic disease? Israel J Med Sci 1996; 32: 211–16.
● Why do healing rates for both placebo and active
12 Vernon CR, Martin DA, White KL. Psychophysiological approach to
management of patients with congestive heart failure. JAMA 1959; 171:
ingredients vary widely in different study centres during
clinical trials using identical protocols?19
13 Lerner BH. Can stress cause disease? Revisiting the tuberculosis research
● Why do mortality rates increase substantially after
of Thomas Holmes (1948–1961). Ann Intern Med 1996; 124: 673–80.
personal, religious, ethnic, and statutory holidays, and
14 Marmot MG, Bosma H, Hemingway H, et al. Contribution of job
control and other risk factors to social variations in coronary heart
disease incidence. Lancet 1997; 350: 235–39.
This is difficult research but then all really important
15 Takeida K, Nishi M, Miyake H. Mental depression and death in elderly
research is difficult. If it is not difficult, it may not be worth
persons. J Epidemiol 1997; 7: 210–13.
doing. Others have tackled the easy problems.
16 Alvarez WC. Illness due to having become caught in a trap. Ann InternMed 1954; 40: 774–83.
Here is another suggestion: if the biopsychosocial, or,
17 Revans RW. The hospital as a human system. Bull NY Acad Med 1996;
better still, just the “broader” paradigm is an accurate
3: 418–29.
formulation of reality that can accommodate a wide array of
18 Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Page GG, Marucha PT, MacCallum RC, Glaser R.
factors impinging on the patient’s life and health, why not
Psychological influences on surgical recovery: perspectives from psychoneuroimmunology. Am J Psychol 1998; 53: 1209–18.
find out how useful it is clinically? I suggest that some group
19 MacDonald AJ, Peden NR, Hayton R, et al. Symptom relief and
develop a simple but carefully designed postal survey of a
the placebo effect in the trial of an antipeptic drug. Gut 1980; 21:
credible stratified probability sample of all primary care
clinicians in two or three countries; the response rate should
20 Phillips DP, Smith DG. Postponement of death until symbolically
meaningful occasions. JAMA 1990; 263: 1947–51.
be at least 85%. Ask this: Is the biopsychosocial paradigm
21 Mair A. Sir James Mackenzie MD—1853–1925. Edinburgh and
useful in the management of most (over 50%) of your
London: Churchill Livingstone, 1973.
For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of The Lancet.
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