External programme editors' template

Course information 2013–14

PS2082 Comparative politics
This course encompasses how we form or develop concepts of democratic political institutions and some of the different ways in which democracies can be organised.

Learning outcomes
If taken as part of a BSc degree, courses which At the end of this course and having completed the must be passed before this course may be essential reading and activities students should have a good understanding of the way in which different democratic institutional systems work. PS1172 Introduction to political science or
Specifical y, students should be able to explain: PS1114 Democratic politics and the state or
PS1130 Introduction to modern political thought.  Why institutional analysis is a key aspect of Aims and objectives
 How institutional stability and political The main aim of this course is to enable students to address questions such as the fol owing:  What is meant by political culture and how it What are political institutions and how should  Why does democracy require institutions?  How presidential systems differ in key respects  How do institutions relate to legitimate political  The relationship between elective and non-  How does political culture relate to institutions? elective dimensions of the democratic state  What is the relationship between democratic  The concept of federalism and how it differs  How are democracies with presidential systems different from democracies with parliamentary  How do different electoral systems influence  How do different types of legal system influence  How does political culture influence  How do democracies decentralise power to Assessment
This course is assessed by a three hour unseen Students should consult the Programme Regulations for degrees and diplomas in Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences that are reviewed annually. The Prerequisites, Exclusions, and Syl abus are subject to confirmation in the Regulations. Notice is also given in the Regulations of any courses which are being phased out and students are advised to check course availability. PS2082 Comparative politics
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This is a description of the material to be examined, as published in the Regulations. On registration, students wil receive a detailed subject guide which provides a framework for covering the topics in the syllabus and directions to the essential reading. This course is concerned mainly with the question of how different kinds of political  presidential and parliamentary systems systems work. It focuses both on the political process and on the role of government. The  the nature and role of the state; bureaucracy; the judicial power, the role of the military government and considers the main variations  forms of political organisation; parties and  electoral systems and party competition Essential reading
For ful details please refer to the reading list. Dahl R.A. On Democracy (New Haven; Yale U.P 1998) Ackerman, B. ‘The Rise of World Constitutionalism’ Virginia Law Review, 83/4 (May 1997), pp.771-797 R. Elgie, ‘The perils of semi-presidentialism: Are they exaggerated?’ Democratization 15/1 (2008), pp.49- Booth J and Seligson M The Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America; Political Support and Democracy in Eight Nations (New York, Cambridge University P Lassman and R Speers Weber’s Political Writings (Cambridge texts in the History of Political thought, 1994) (to be used as an alternative to Connol y 1984) Bowen J Why the French Don't like Headscarves; Islam, the State and the Public Sphere (Princeton NJ, Linz, J. ‘The Perils of Presidentialism’, Journal of Connol y, W. (ed.) Legitimacy and the State. (Oxford: March, J.G. and J.P. Olson ‘The New Institutionalism’, Blackwel , 1984) Especial y the chapter by Weber, American Political Science Review (September 1984) ‘Politics as a Vocation’ and the chapter by Lipset entitled ‘Social Conflict, Legitimacy and Democracy’ Roberts A The Quality of Democracy in Eastern Europe; Public Preference and Policy Reforms Dahl, R.A. Democracy and its Critics. (New Haven: (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009) PS2082 Comparative politics
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Source: http://www.londoninternational.ac.uk/sites/default/files/82_cis.pdf


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