ORIGINAL ARTICLE Blood Pressure Management in Acute Stroke: Comparison of Current Guidelines with Prescribing Patterns Salmann Kanji, Céline Corman, Andre G. DouenABSTRACT: Objective: Current recommendations for treating elevated blood pressure (BP) in the acute stroke are based largely on expert opinion and vary with regard to treatment thresholds and choice of antihypertensive agents. In this study we investigate the influence of these recommendations by comparing the management of hypertension in acute stroke at a tertiary care hospital with current guidelines. Method: Retrospective chart review of patients admitted with acute stroke at The Ottawa Hospital-General Campus over six consecutive months. The use of antihypertensive medications (type, dose, routes of administration, BP recordings) in the first seven days after admission was noted. Results: Transdermal nitroglycerin paste was the most commonly used antihypertensive agent. In contrast to the 15% reduction in BP over 24 hours recommended for lowering BP in hypertensive patients with ischemic stroke, nitroglycerin caused a >15% reduction of BPover the first 24 hours on 60% of the occasions used. Furthermore, despite concerns about sublingual nifedipine, this was the second most commonly prescribed agent. Surprisingly, the mean time to first BP measurement following initiation of antihypertensive therapy was 117 ± 43 minutes in ischemic stroke and 88 ± 89 minutes in hemorrhagic strokes. Conclusions: The current guidelines for management of acute poststroke hypertension appear to have little influence on prescribing patterns, leading to considerable variations in practice. Such variations, likely due to uncertainty caused by lack of evidence from randomised controlled trials, are intolerable as patients maybe submitted to nonstandardised, potentially harmful care such as inappropriate choice of antihypertensives and inadequate BP monitoring as observed in this study. RÉSUMÉ: La prise en charge de la tension artérielle dans le traitement de l’accident vasculaire cérébral aigu: comparaison des lignes directrices actuelles et des modes de prescription. Objectif: Les recommandations en vigueur pour le traitement de l’hypertension artérielle (HTA) dans l’accident vasculaire cérébral aigu (AVCA) sont basées en grande partie sur l’opinion d’experts et varient quant aux niveaux où un traitement est indiqué et au choix d’agents antihypertenseurs. Dans cette étude, nous évaluons l’influence de ces recommandations sur la pratique en comparant la prise en charge de l’hypertension dans l’AVCAdans un hôpital de soins tertiaires et les lignes directrices en vigueur. Méthode: Il s’agit d’une revue de dossiers de patients présentant un AVCA admis à l’Hôpital Général d’Ottawa sur une période de six mois. L’utilisation de médicaments antihypertenseurs (type, dose, voie d’administration, lectures de tension artérielle (TA)) pendant les sept premiers jours après l’admission ont été relevés. Résultats: La nitroglycérine administrée par voie transdermique était l’agent antihypertenseur le plus souvent utilisé. Alors que la baisse de la TA recommandée chez les patients hypertendus présentant un AVCAischémique est de 15% sur 24 heures, la nitroglycérine a causé une baisse de plus de 15% de la TA sur 24 heures dans 60% des cas où elle a été utilisée. De plus, malgré les préoccupations quant à l’utilisation de la nifédipine sublinguale, c’était le deuxième agent le plus souvent prescrit. Il était étonnant de constater que l’intervalle moyen entre la première lecture de TA suivant le début de la médication antihypertensive était de 117 ± 43 minutes dans l’AVC ischémique et de 88 ± 89 minutes dans l’AVC hémorragique. Conclusions: Les lignes directrices actuelles pour la prise en charge de l’hypertension post AVCA semblent avoir peu d’influence sur le mode de prescription, ce qui entraîne des variations considérables dans la pratique. De telles variations, probablement dues à l’incertitude causée par le manque de données provenant d’études contrôlées randomisées, sont intolérables parce que les patients peuvent être soumis à des soins non standardisés potentiellement nocifs tels des choix inappropriés d’agents antihypertenseurs et une surveillance inadéquate de la TA comme on l’a observé dans cette étude.
Acute hypertension is observed in approximately 80% of
ischemic penumbra, observations have been made linking early
patients with acute stroke.1,2,3 Average systolic blood pressure
hypertension with poor outcome assessed as death, dependence
(SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) can rise 20 and 10
or disability.5-7 However, other studies have argued against such
mmHg respectively, during the first ten days following a stroke.4
The mechanism underlying this acute elevation of blood pressure(BP) appears to be multifactorial, and includes rise in plasmacatecholamines, increased sympathetic discharge, as well asactivation of the renin-angiotensin and adrenocorticotrophic/
From the Department of Pharmacy (SK, CC) and Division of Neurology, (AGD), The
cortisol systems, among others.5 Although BP elevation in acute
Ottawa Hospital - General Campus, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON Canada.
stroke is thought useful in the maintenance of cerebral perfusion
ECEIVED MARCH 13, 2001. ACCEPTED INFINALFORM OCTOBER 5, 2001. Reprint requests to: Andre G. Douen, Division of Neurology, The Ottawa Hospital,
pressure and encouragement of collateral blood flow into the
General Campus, 501 Smyth Rd., Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6 Canada.
Situations that clearly necessitate treatment of hypertension
ment of poststroke hypertension revealed that these guidelines
during an acute stroke include the need for thrombolytic therapy,
are poorly supported by strong levels of evidence. One example
and life threatening end organ damage such as concurrent
of this is the recommendation of a ‘Special Writing Group’of the
myocardial infarction, hypertensive encephalopathy, aortic
Stroke Council, American Heart Association, that antihyper-
dissection, renal failure secondary to accelerated hypertension,
tensive agents should be used in acute ischemic stroke for SBP
or intraparenchymal hemorrhage.1 , 4 , 9 Furthermore, while
>220 mmHg or mean arterial pressure (MAP) >130 mmHg
elevated BP might assist cerebral perfusion pressure, a rapid
(levels of evidence III through V, grade C).15 This expert panel
increase in perfusion pressure above the upper autoregulatory
did not provide recommendations for management of DBP. In
limits, could result in worsening cerebral edema and
contrast, other experts have opined that in acute ischemic stroke
hemorrhagic transformation secondary to increased micro-
treatment should be initiated for SBP >200 mmHg2,17 and/or
vascular pressures.4,5,10 Consequently, the goal of drug therapy in
DBP >120 mmHg.1,2 Others still have suggested that acceptable
ischemic stroke should be aimed at preventing further brain
BP ranges in acute ischemic stroke should be SBP 160 ± 20
injury due to excessive hypertension without compromising
cerebral perfusion pressure. However, the lack of clinical trials in
With regard to hemorrhagic stroke, the ‘Special Writing
this area has led to discrepancies regarding the best way to
G r o u p ’ for the American Heart Association balanced two
theoretical rationales (decreasing BP decreases risk of ongoing
Although there are guidelines, based largely on expert
bleeding but may also decrease cerebral perfusion pressure and
opinion, for treatment of hypertension in acute stroke, it is
worsen brain injury) to recommend the maintenance of MAP
unknown how well these recommendations are adopted in actual
below 130 mmHg, using the weakest levels of evidence (V, grade
practice. We undertook a retrospective chart review to compare
C).16 This writing group also used similar weak levels of
current recommendations13-18 with actual prescribing patterns for
evidence to suggest BP treatment in hemorrhagic stroke of SBP
treatment of hypertension in acute stroke, at a large tertiary care
>180 or DBP >105 (level V, grade C).16 In contrast, others have
suggested that BP should be lowered in the presence ofintracerebral hemorrhage if SBP >200 mmHg or DBP >120
It is clear that there are no concrete guidelines for
We conducted a retrospective observational chart review of
management of acute poststroke hypertension. In the absence of
patients admitted with a diagnosis of stroke to the Ottawa
a definitive study, we extrapolated from the existing
Hospital-General Campus, over six consecutive months from
reports,1,2,13,15-18 to identify compromise ranges in BPparameters
June 1 to November 30, 1997. Patients admitted with the primary
to define poststroke hypertension as follows: SBP >200 mmHg,
diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke over
DBP >110 mmHg (>105 mmHg for hemorrhagic stroke) or a
six consecutive months were identified from a stroke registry.
MAP >130 mmHg, during the first seven days of admission.
Hemorrhagic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage were
Similar parameters are currently being used by one larg e
considered to be synonymous. Data collection included
multicentre clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of the
documenting the type of stroke, past history of hypertension,
antihypertensive medications prescribed prior to and following
m a n a g e m e n t .1 9 Patients were subdivided into two groups
admission, and use of anticoagulation prior to admission. The
depending on whether the stroke was ischemic or hemorrhagic.
highest and lowest daily BP readings for the first seven days
The highest and lowest independent SBP, DBP, and MAP were
following admission were recorded. Any antihypertensive agents
recorded on a daily basis for the first seven days of hospital stay.
used acutely to treat high BP, and BP before and after treatment
If patients were treated for acute hypertension their SBP, DBP
were noted. Complications arising from treatment and failure to
and MAP were recorded prior to and after administration of the
treat were documented. Patients were excluded if they were
antihypertensive agent. The drug used, together with the dose,
diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage, treated with
route of administration and time to the first measured post-dose
thrombolytics, enrolled in another study, or required only
BP was recorded. Treatment failure was defined as failure to
palliative care. Unavailability of charts also led to exclusion
decrease BPbelow the defined parameters for SBP(200 mmHg),
DBP (110 mmHg, ischemic; 105 mmHg, hemorrhagic), MAP
The definition of poststroke hypertension is not clearly
(130 mmHg), or to within 15% (ischemic)1 7 , 2 0 and 20%
defined in the literature. Furthermore, the lack of clinical trials in
(hemorrhagic) of initial BP over the ensuing 24 hours.1,21 By
this area has led to a number of unsubstantiated opinions from
comparison, an excessive drop in BP was defined as a reduction
individual experts and special writing groups, who base their
in SBP, DBPor MAPby >15% in ischemic strokes17,20 and >20%
guidelines from nonrandomized trials on weak levels of
in hemorrhagic1,21 strokes, within 24 hours. Although we cannot
evidence. With regard to the latter, levels of evidence are usually
be entirely sure that an excessive drop in BP is solely due to the
ranked I – V, with level I and II based on randomized trials,
use of antihypertensive agents, the temporal relationship of the
levels III – IV are based on nonrandomized cohort studies and
fall in BP to the initiation of therapy, implicates the
level V based on anecdotal reports.15,16 In addition, the strength
antihypertensive agent in the excessive lowering of the BP.
of a recommendation is graded A to C, with A being supported
Complications assessed included hypersensitivity reactions to
by level I evidence, B, supported by level II evidence, while C is
the medication, tachycardia defined as an increase in heart rate
supported by levels III, IV and V evidence.15,16
>20% of baseline, extension or secondary infarctions confirmed
A review of the literature regarding guidelines for manage-
by computerized tomography of the head, and excessive drop in
BP (defined above). We also assessed renal impairment, defined
Table 1: Patient demographics
as an increase in serum creatinine greater than 40% (not due toother identifiable cause) or myocardial infarction (assessed by
Ischemic (n=109) Hemorrhagic (n=23)
electocardiogram changes and elevated serum creatin kinaseisoenzyme MB (CK-MB)), in order to determine if BP was
lowered sufficiently to avoid end-organ damage. Complications
secondary to failure to treat included detection of hemorrhagic
transformation of ischemic stroke, renal impairment and
myocardial infarction (as defined above).
One hundred and twenty-seven patients were admitted with a
diagnosis of ischemic stroke. Of these, 18 patients were excludedfrom the study because of unavailability of charts from medicalrecords (12 patients), enrolment in other studies (two patients),misclassification (two patients), and two were excluded as their
Table 2: Average BP on admission
therapy was documented as palliative only. Twenty-six patientswere admitted with a diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke during this
BPon admission Ischemic Stroke Hemorrhagic Stroke
period. Of these 26 patients, three charts were excluded from
review because of chart unavailability (two charts) and
165 (range: 110-228) 167 (range: 110-210)
misclassification (one chart). Patient demographics are shown in
Table 1. In the ischemic group, 55% had a prior history of
hypertension compared to 48% in the hemorrhagic group.
In the ischemic stroke group (n=109), the mean SBP, DBP
and MAP on admission were 165 ± 28 mmHg, 89 ± 20 mmHgand 113 ± 19 mmHg, respectively (Table 2). Thirty-nine of the109 patients (36%) had at least one reading of elevated BP that
Table 3: Patients with increased SBP, DBP, MAPwithin the first
met the predefined criteria for acute poststroke hypertension
(Table 3). Of those 39 patients, 28 patients (72%) had a historyof hypertension prior to admission. Eleven of these 39 patients
Ischemic Stroke (n=109)
(28%) were treated for elevated BPa total of 29 times. The drugs
used for acute intervention of BP management within the first
seven days, exclusive of regular premorbid antihypertensive
medications, were transdermal nitroglycerin paste, sublingual
patients with at least one elevated reading
and oral nifedipine, propranolol, and captopril. The percent
patients with at least one elevated reading
reduction in BPaccording to drug and time to recorded effect are
shown in Table 4. The time to the recorded effect reflects the firstBPmeasurement recorded by the nurse after drug administration. Hemorrhagic Stroke (n=23)
On average, the time for this first BP measurement for patients
with ischemic stroke was 117 ± 43 minutes. Target SBP, DBP
and MAP of < 200, 110, and 130 mmHg respectively, were not
patients with at least one elevated reading
met six of the 29 times that acutely high BP were treated. Four
patients with at least one elevated reading
were treated with nitroglycerin paste, three times with the one
inch dose and once with the 1.5 inch dose; once with oralnifedipine 10 mg and the other with oral propranolol 40 mg. There was an excessive (>15%) drop in BP within 24 hours, 15times (twice with captopril, three times with sublingualnifedipine 10 mg, nine times with nitroglycerin paste one inch
the 23 (48%) met our criteria for poststroke hypertension (Table
and once with nitroglycerin paste 1.5 inches) (Table 4).
3). Seven of these 11 patients had a history of hypertension prior
Antihypertensive medications were reordered within 24 hours of
to admission. Three of the 11 patients (27%) with elevated BPin
admission in 41 of 46 patients (89%) who were taking these
hospital were treated for acute hypertension 24 times. The drugs
medications prior to admission. Twenty-eight patients with a
used were nitroglycerin paste, metoprolol, sublingual nifedipine,
history of hypertension prior to admission and having one
and intravenous labetalol. The percent reduction in BP for each
episode of elevated BP in hospital, were restarted on their pre-
drug and the time to the lowest recorded BP after treatment are
admission antihypertensive medications within the first 24 hours.
tabulated in Table 5. The average time for first BP measurement
In patients with hemorrhagic stroke (n=23), the average SBP,
in patients with hemorrhagic stroke was 88 ± 89 minutes. There
DBP, and MAP on admission were 167 ± 31 mmHg, 89 ± 19
were seven treatment failures in total, three attributed to
mmHg and 115 ± 21 mmHg, respectively (Table 2). Eleven of
nitroglycerin paste one inch, three to nitroglycerin paste two
Table 4: Percent reduction in BP for each drug and time to lowest BP in patients with ischemic stroke treated for acute poststroke hypertension number of patients number of % reduction time to recorded number of times treated (n=11)* times used effect (min) target BP not reached** BP>15%***
Some patients used more than one agent.
Target BPfor ischemic stroke is MAP<130 mmHg, SBP<200 mmHg, DBP<110 mmHg.
*** Excessive drop in BPfor ischemic stroke considered to be >15% within 24 hours. Table 5: Percent reduction in BP for each drug and time to lowest BP in patients with hemorrhagic stroke treated for acute poststroke hypertension number of patients number of % reduction time to recorded number of times treated (n=3)* times used effect (min) target BPnot reached** BP>20%***
Some patients used more than one agent.
Target BPfor hemorrhagic stroke is MAP <130 mmHg, SBP<200 mmHg, DBP<105 mmHg.
Excessive drop in BPfor hemorrhagic stroke considered to be >20% within 24 hours.
inches, and one to metoprolol. Excessive reduction in BP
occurred eight times and three of these were attributed to
The relative dearth of clinical trials addressing patient
sublingual nifedipine 10 mg, two to nitroglycerin paste one inch,
outcome following management of elevated BP in acute stroke
and one each to nitroglycerin paste two inches, intravenous
has led to considerable controversy and reliance on recom-
metoprolol and intravenous labetalol. A n t i h y p e r t e n s i v e
mendations based largely on expert opinion. A review of the
medications were reinitiated on the first day of hospital stay in
current literature suggests different thresholds for treatment of
eight of nine (89%) patients taking medications prior to
hypertension following both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.9-
18 It has been previously suggested that treatment of elevated BP
In this small study, no acute complications were observed in
in ischemic strokes is only warranted if MAP is >130 mmHg or
treated or untreated groups, apart from asymptomatic excessive
SBP >220 mmHg, or DBP>120 mmHg (Levels of Evidence III
drop in BP >15% (ischemic stroke) or >20% (hemorrhagic
through IV).16 While these recommendations were upheld more
stroke) observed in a small number of cases. However, the full
recently in the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
impact of treatment of hypertension in acute stroke can only be
Stroke (NINDS) guidelines for treatment of hypertension in
accurately assessed through prospective randomised studies with
acute stroke,2 2 others have advocated lower thresholds for
treatment, SBP >200 mmHg,2,17 and others still have suggested
that a SBP of 160 ± 20 mmHg, and DBP of 110 ± 10 mmHg
of early BP treatment in hemorrhagic stroke to control bleeding
would be acceptable ranges during acute ischemic stroke.13
and hence hematoma expansion. However, the natural history of
However, the decision to lower BPduring an acute stroke may be
the hemorrhage must always be considered and elevated blood
warranted even below these suggested parameters if there is
pressures might be warranted in some circumstances e.g. risk of
evidence of end organ damage.4,11,12,14 A 15% or less reduction of
vasospasm in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhages. As with
BPhas been suggested during the first 24 hours,17 consistent with
ischemic stroke, evidence of end-organ injury secondary to
the observation that in ischemic stroke, a >16% decrease in SBP
hypertension will also favor treatment of elevated BP.
from baseline over a 24 hour period results in decreased cerebral
C o n s e q u e n t l y, management of acute
hemorrhagic strokes should be assessed carefully with particular
On the other hand, The Sixth Report of the Joint National
attention to the clinical scenario and neuroimaging.
Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment
The suggested thresholds for treatment of elevated BP in
of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI)14 does not provide specific
acute hemorrhagic strokes are also quite varied. One source
parameters and only suggests that in ischemic stroke, it is
recommends intervention if SBP is >200 mmHg or DBP i s
appropriate to withhold treatment unless BP is very high. The
>120 mmHg,1 while others recommend lower thresholds, SBP
JNC-VI does, however, recommend maintenance of SBP and
>180 mmHg or MAP>130 mmHg.16,18 Furthermore, a suggested
D B P below 180 mmHg and 105 mmHg, respectively, if
moderate reduction in BP of up to 20% during the first 24
treatment with thrombolytics is indicated, consistent with the
hours,1,21 is contrasted by alternate recommendations for BP
NINDS randomised study on the use of recombinant tissue
reduction of no more than 25% within minutes to two hours, with
plasminogen activator (rtPA) in acute stroke.22 However, it is
a suggested target SBP of 160 mmHg and DBP of 100 mmHg
unclear how guidelines were established in the latter study.
Although specific treatment was not clearly defined in the
In our study, ~ 72% of all stroke patients, ischemic and
NINDS rtPA study protocol, agents used to achieve target BP of
hemorrhagic, who were hypertensive at some point during their
less than 185 mmHg systolic and 110 mmHg diastolic were
first seven days in hospital did not receive treatment. This
thought to include administration of intravenous nitroprusside, or
tendency to withhold treatment is likely due to the widely-held
repeated doses of labetalol, enalaprilat and sublingual
view that actively decreasing BPin an acute stroke will decrease
nifedipine.18 Consequently, because antihypertensive therapy
cerebral perfusion pressure and could extend the area of
was not clearly decided upon a priori in the NINDS rtPA trial,
infarction. When hypertension was treated, nitroglycerin paste
there is little useful information about the management of stroke
was the most commonly prescribed drug. In the ischemic stroke
patients that can be derived from this study. Moreover, patients
group nitropaste induced an excessive >15% reduction in BP
who received acute antihypertensive treatment post-
within 24 hours ~ 60% of times administered and did not achieve
thrombolysis had worse outcomes than those who did not.23 The
t a rget BP on four occasions. In the hemorrhagic stroke
latter might indicate that specific thresholds exist for BP
population studied, nitroglycerin paste was used 17 times and
lowering in acute stroke, as previously suggested.20
produced a BP reduction of >20% within 24 hours on three
The management of acute hypertension in hemorrhagic stroke
occasions and was ineffective in reaching target BP six times.
is somewhat more complex, since the treatment of hypertension
Although there are valid concerns regarding unpredictable
in hemorrhagic stroke depends on a number of factors including
decreases in BPwith sublingual nifedipine,20,26 this agent was the
(i) the underlying mechanism, e.g. aneurysmal rupture versus
second most commonly prescribed first line drug. Sublingual
hypertensive hemorrhage; (ii) the need to maintain adequate
nifedipine was used seven times in ischemic stroke and resulted
perfusion pressure and to prevent vasospasm (in cases of
in >15% reduction BP on three of these seven occasions. In the
subarachnoid hemorrhages); (iii) need to control hematoma
hemorrhagic group studied, sublingual nifedipine was
expansion and rebleeding that might result from sustained
administered four times in the same patient, and on three of these
elevated BP. The JNC-VI classifies intracranial hemorrhage as a
occasions reduced BP by >20% within 24 hours. The other
hypertensive emergency with recommendations for immediate
antihypertensive medications prescribed included captopril,
reduction in BP (not necessarily to normal range). While this
propranolol and oral nifedipine during ischemic stroke, and
view is supported by others,13 it is not universal.12 Although it
intravenous labetalol and metoprolol in hemorrhagic stroke.
has been suggested that physical disruption and local tissue
However, these medications were used too infrequently to
pressure caused by intraparenchymal hemorrhages produces a
zone of ischemia surrounding the clot which might benefit from
One important observation in this study is the length of time
elevated BP,12 this needs to be weighed against the risk of
to first BP recording following administration of antihyper-
hematoma expansion, increased risk of herniation and/or
tensive therapy. The average length of time was almost two hours
extension into ventricles. Indeed, a SBP of ≥200 mmHg on
in the ischemic group and 1.5 hours in the hemorrhagic group.
admission is a predisposing factor to enlargement of a
This observation is indeed disturbing as it might suggest
spontaneous intracerebral hematoma.24 In addition, hematoma
inappropriate follow-up of BP after initiation of treatment, in
size is directly linked to patient 30-day mortality, i.e. larger
acutely ill stroke patients, and might reflect the lack of evidence-
intraparenchymal hemorrhages have worse prognosis.
based guidelines in these patients. On the other hand, our study
Furthermore, recent studies in an experimental model of
collected data on the time to first recorded BP, and did not
intracerebral hemorrhage using autologous blood injection in
account for unrecorded BP measurements, that might have been
mongrel dogs did not show any evidence of an ischemic
made at an earlier time than that recorded in the chart.
penumbra.25 Taken together, these studies strongly argue in favor
In variance to the prescribing patterns observed in this study,
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, which have an
majority of patients within the first 10 days1 has been used to
onset of action within minutes, duration of action of a few hours,
argue for a conservative approach to treating hypertension in
and have been recommended as first-line therapy for the
acute stroke. However, the full impact of hypertension on
treatment of hypertensive urg e n c i e s ,2 7 might be useful in
functional recovery is unknown. Although a review of the
managing acute poststroke hypertension. Captopril, which has a
published literature in this area has led some to conclude that
peak hypotensive effect within 1-2 hours, 28 may be a reasonable
there is not enough evidence to fully evaluate the effect of
choice. Initial doses of 12.5 to 25 mg, could be followed by a
altering BP after an acute stroke,33 others have reported an
second or third dose at 0.5-1 hour intervals if necessary.
association between early hypertension (SBP >180 mmHg) and
Sublingual captopril may also be an option,29-31 but no studies
poor outcome.5 In addition, a negative effect on functional
have demonstrated the superiority of sublingual captopril over
outcome has been observed in stroke patients with markedly
oral administration.32 In contrast to ACE inhibitors, calcium
elevated MAP ≥145 on admission.3 4 The latter study also
antagonists such as nifedipine or nicardipine should be avoided
reported that persistent inadequate control of BP adversely
because of unpredictable absorption and possible precipitous fall
affected the prognosis in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.
in BP.2 0 , 2 6 In addition, reflex tachycardia with increased
Moreover, improved outcome in both mortality and morbidity
myocardial oxygen demand and peripheral vasodilation causing
was observed in stroke patients whose MAP was ≤145 on
steal in certain vascular beds has also been attributed to calcium
admission or had BPcontrol such that MAPwas ≤ 125 during the
first two to six hours. Consistent with this observation,
Patients who do not respond to oral agents or have a MAP ≥
Chamorro et al,3 5 in a study of 481 patients, observed a
130 mmHg or SBP ≥ 220 mmHg may benefit from parenteral
correlation between the odds of full neurologic recovery and a
antihypertensive agents.14 Parenteral enalaprilat is an acceptable
20-30% decrease in MAP within 48 hours of an acute stroke.
choice and does not require cardiac monitoring. It may be given
However, the positive findings in favour of BP management
1.25 mg IVevery six hours as needed and doses up to 5 mg have
during an acute stroke is contradicted by earlier studies
been used.14 The onset of action is 15 to 30 minutes and the
suggesting that higher BP on admission reduces the risk of
duration of action is six hours. A 50% dose reduction is required
ischemic stroke progression.8 Nevertheless, we do not truly
for those with renal insufficiency or a creatinine clearance less
know the extent to which untreated hypertension exacerbates
than 0.5 mL/second.2 8 The mixed alpha and beta blocker,
microvascular injury and edema in an ischemic brain, and
labetalol, which has a short half life and may be
consequently should not assume that lack of neurologic
cardioprotective,18 may be a good alternative to enalaprilat as it
worsening implies that elevated BPshould not be treated. Hence,
induces a relatively mild decrease in arterial pressure. In
we cannot rule out the possibility that thresholds exist for
addition, labetalol’s response time is 5 to 10 minutes, with a
treatment of poststroke hypertension that may have a positive
duration of action for three to six hours. 2 8 The dose
recommended by the JNC-VI is 20 to 80 mg IV bolus every 10
In this study we investigated the extent to which current
minutes to a maximum of 300 mg or 0.5 to 2.0 mg per minute via
recommendations for management of hypertension in acute
continuous infusion;14 cardiac and frequent BP monitoring are
stroke influences clinical practice. In general, we found
n e c e s s a r y. If these measures are ineffective, then sodium
tremendous variability in prescribing practices that generally did
nitroprusside can be used, provided that elevated intracranial
not follow current recommendations, particularly with regard to
pressure is not suspected. Nitroprusside requires cardiac
thresholds for initiating treatment and choice of medication.
monitoring and thus admission to an intensive care unit.
Variations in practice were also reflected in the choice of
Although nitroglycerin paste has been suggested as a possible
antihypertensive agent. Despite the lack of support for using
alternative in the NINDS guidelines, and is commonly used at
calcium channel blockers to reduce BP during an acute stroke36
this institution, there is no literature supporting its use in
and grave concerns surrounding adverse events from nifedipine
antihypertensive therapy during an acute stroke. Overall, we
in hypertensive emergencies,20,26 this agent was the second most
observed a relatively excessive reduction in BP in 50% of
commonly used antihypertensive. The most commonly used
patients treated with antihypertensive agents in the ischemic
agent was trandermal nitropaste, which precipitated an
undesirable drop in BP by >15% within 24 hours ~ 60% of the
The treatment of acute hypertension following hemorrhagic
times used for treatment of hypertension in ischemic stroke. This
stroke involves similar principles. Oral captopril, at similar doses
is particularly worrisome since blood flow to the ischemic
suggested for ischemic strokes, may be a reasonable first choice
affected area is compromised as BP decreases below 16% of
if hypertension is considered moderate (i.e. SBP between 200
baseline over a 24-hour period in patients with ischemic stroke.20
and 220 mmHg, or DBP between 110 and 120 mmHg or MAP
Overall, the excessive decrease in BP observed in 50% of
≥130). However, intravenous agents should be considered for
patients treated with antihypertensives may, in part, have been
hypertensive emergencies (situations requiring immediate BP
due to the alarming lack of documented BP recordings after
reduction to prevent or limit end organ damage, including
initiation of antihypertensive medications.
hypertensive encephalopathy).14 Agents which have unfavorable
This study shows an inconsistent, nonstandardized approach
e ffects on cerebral perfusion pressure should be avoided,
to treatment of hypertension in acute stroke and indicates that the
including hydralazine, which can cause cerebral vasodilation1,9
current guidelines have little influence on prescribing patterns
and clonidine and methyldopa which may depress higher
leading to considerable variations in practice. Such variations,
cerebral functions and thus are not good choices.1,4
undoubtedly due to uncertainty caused by lack of evidence from
The observation that elevated BP spontaneously remits in the
randomised controlled trials, are intolerable as it means that a
substantial proportion of patients may be mismanaged. It is clear
17. Adams HP. Acute treatment of cerebral infarction. Therapy in
there is a need for definitive criteria for BPmanagement in acute
Neurology II. 1995. American Academy of Neurology AnnualMeeting. Seattle, Washington, USA. 1995.
stroke patients that can only be obtained through large pragmatic
18. Broderick JP. Guidelines for medical care and treatment of blood
randomised trials of BP management in acute stroke. Two
pressure in patients with acute stroke. In: Marler JR, Winter Jones
randomised clinical trials assessing BP lowering following acute
P, Emr M, eds. Proceedings of a National Symposium on Rapid
stroke using transdermal nitroglycerin (ENOS:efficacy of nitric
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NCLEX REVIEW QUESTIONS Fall 2010 Set 2 (Answers and rationales follow all questions) Fundamentals of Nursing 1. A 62-year-old client recently retired after working 30 years as a bank manager. Which statement to a nurse during a clinic visit best suggests that the client is achieving the developmental stage of “integrity versus despair”? A. “Now that I have some free ti