
Central Arizona College
EMS 240 Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Catalog Description:
Didactic and psychomotor skills training and validation in techniques of Advanced Cardiac Life Support according to the Current Standards and Guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA). Includes endotracheal intubation, ECG arrhythmia recognition, synchronized, unsynchronized and automated defibrillation, cardiovascular pharmacology, and electronic pacemaker. For all health-care related professionals, clinical and prehospital. Credit Hours:
Effective Term:
Teaching Methods:
Current ARC or AHA BLS Health Care Provider, or NSC Green Cross Prof Rescuer, or Division Chair consent Corequisite(s):
Times for Credit:
Grading Option:
Credit Breakdown:
Cross Listed:
Learning Outcomes:
1. (Knowledge Level) Describe the concepts of the Chain-of-Survival according to American Heart Association Standards and Guidelines. 2. (Comprehension Level) List the etiology of sudden cardiac death. 3. (Application Level) Demonstrate one- and two-person Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques in basic life support for the adult and child, obstructed airway maneuvers for conscious and unconscious adult, child and infant, and CPR for infant victims. 4. (Application Level) Demonstrate advanced life support skills to include endotracheal intubation. 5. (Application Level) Demonstrate at least 90% of the Central Arizona College EMS 240 Advanced Cardiac Life Support Page 2 of 2 steps in the universal algorithm for adult emergency cardiac care. 6. (Application Level) Demonstrate at least 90% of the steps in the algorithm for early management of patients with chest pain, signs, and symptoms of myocardial infarction. 7. (Analysis Level) Identify types of dysrythmias and predict the mechanical pharmacologic, and electrical interventions. 8. (Analysis Level) Identify indicators of, techniques used, and complications related to peripheral and central venous access. 9. (Evaluation Level) Choose the appropriate use and dose considering the indications, contraindications, actions, side effects, for the following drugs: oxygen, morphine, nitroglycerin, atropine, isoproterenol, lidocaine, procainamide, bretyllum, calcium chloride, furosemide, adenosine, verapamil, magnesium sulfate, propranalol, dopamine, dobutamine, and nitroprusside. 10. (Application Level) Demonstrate transcutaneous pacing, defibrillation, synchronized cardioversion, and automated defibrillation. 11. (Application Level) Illustrate special resuscitation situations to include stroke, traumatic cardiac arrest, shock, congestive heart failure, near-drowning, and hypothermia. 12. (Application Level) State the medical-legal aspects of advanced cardiac life support to include advanced directives, do-not-resuscitate orders, discontinuation of life support measures, and concepts of skills validations. Standards/Assessments:
1. Outcomes to be met by AHA ACLS assessments. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in patient management by correctly analyzing stable and unstable conditions, and treating those conditions with acceptable treatments. 3. Discuss patient management issues, and correctly make decisions in mega code situations. AGEC/Special

Source: http://www.centralaz.edu/documents/class/EMS240.pdf

Microsoft word - fracture.doc

FRACTURE Definition : A fracture is a break in the continuity of the bone.1,6 Pathophysiology : The causes of fractures are varied. Common causes are trauma (such as fal s, vehicular accident and prolonged unaccustomed use) and diseases (ex. osteoporosis, bone tumors, cysts)1,5 Affected People/Population : Fractures in the elderly are most commonly caused by accidents, fal


Revista Philosophica Vol. 29 [Semestre I / 2006] Valparaíso (287 - 303) E L C O N O C I M I E N T O D I V I N O D E L O S A C T O S F U T U R O S E N B Á Ñ E Z , M O L I N A , S U Á R E Z Y B R I C E Ñ O 1 The Divine Knowledge of Future Acts in Báñez, Molina, Suárez and Briceño MIRKO SKARICA Profesor Extraordinario, Instituto de Filosofía, Pontifi

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