Ayahuasca Goes to
International Medical Veritas Association
The New York Times reported last week that the Supreme Court has added a religious case to be heard. The court wil decide whether the government can ban the importation of a hal ucinogenic tea central to the religious rituals of several Brazilian-based churches. The tea, known as Ayahuasca, is made from two plants from the Amazon that produce a chemical (dimethyltryptamine, usual y known as DMT) listed by the federal government as a Schedule I control ed substance. Schedule I, on which DMT is listed, along with marijuana and other il icit drugs, is reserved for substances that the government considers to be particularly unsafe and to have no valid medical use. Though on the court’s docket for religious reasons, in reality it is a personal freedom issue as wel as a medical one for there are wide ranging uses for this herbal formula.
Rejecting the arguments of the government, federal district Judge McConnel stated the fol owing: "If Congress or the executive branch had investigated the religious use of Ayahuasca and had come to an informed conclusion that the health risks or possibility of diversion are sufficient to outweigh the free exercise concerns in this case, that conclusion would be entitled to great weight. But neither branch has done that." Ayahuasca is a powerful holistic purgative medicine used widely in Brazil and Peru that is famous for its healing and transformation properties and has been regarded as the supreme holistic plant medicine throughout the western Amazon for hundreds of years. It is claimed to cure a wide range of physical, psychological, and spiritual maladies. One user described it, "I felt the presence of the plant racing throughout my body, peeking and poking into every nook and cranny in search of something to work on, to straighten out, to put back in order, to polish." A person experiencing Ayahuasca sessions often shows remarkable mental and psychic improvement.[1] Ayahuasca has the power to facilitate significant changes in a very short period of time by interacting with the psychological mindset of each individual. It reflects what a person brings to it and almost universal y has a positive effect, though many have a rough ride with emotional and mental purges that are accompanied by vomiting. After vomiting and such purges people universal y experience heightened experiences that can be remembered for a lifetime. Ayahuasca is a herbal drink that should always be used with caution[2] and approached with an attitude of respect because of its remarkable power on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being.
Ayahuasca is a natural synthesis of two plants that have a detoxifying or purging effect. It cleans and purges the alimentary canal[3] and seems to do the same on mental, emotional and spiritual levels of being. Perhaps it does that simply by forcing a person back to their center, a place that is often long forgotten, trampled upon by al the confusion and hustle of modern life.
Dr Timothy Ray, a physician trained in oriental medicine, describes this type of process as taking a person into “present time” mental y and emotional y. He writes, “If a person achieves a resonance with the “now”, either through meditative states, laughter, al consuming physical and mental participation (great sex, real battle, and competition sports), spiritual experiences or transformational processes, their bioelectrical physical needs tend to recede while EEG viewed brain synchrony increases, measurably.
Here we can explore the paradox that when a person approaches Point Zero, or selflessness, that they mysteriously gain longevity, functionality and Ayahuasca certainly has the ability to force a person into the “now” or it battles against our resistance to that space, forcing us there despite our resistance. When we resist the Ayahuasca is when we vomit but this releases us into “now”, as vomiting usual y does. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, one of the fathers of chelation, says about this kind of process, “Psychological factors are always treated first and wil usual y unlock the system,” and this is as important in the treatment of general disease as it is in detoxification and chelation. Klinghardt believes that uncovering emotional conflict and the resolution of such has a tremendous impact on healing and detoxification.
Klinghardt’s Rule #7:
For each unresolved psycho-emotional conflict there is an aliquot of toxic material stored in the body: Whenever a conflict is successful y resolved, an even amount of toxic material can be easily released from the body. Vice versa, for each amount of mercury (or other toxins) released from the body, psycho-emotional material surfaces that has to be acknowledged, understood and processed! Failure to be aware of and help to resolve these issues is the most common reason for difficulties, side effects and crises during a detoxification program. Each toxin stored has a specific set of unresolved emotional and spiritual issues, which were responsible in trapping the toxin in the first place. Advanced spiritual masters have been able to drink poison and not be affected by it. The most profound mercurial issue is a lack of connection to God. In Greek mythology Mercury was the messenger who communicated between humans and god. The forces that would like to you to keep the mercury in your mouth or in your body are the same forces that benefit from you feeling disconnected from god (and therefore craving god- substitutes like money, cars, entertainment, excitement etc.) Brazil is dominated by churches that use Ayahuasca in a control ed way in ceremony. In Peru and in the Amazon, however, one finds Shamans who know how to use it to set people free of limitations that are causing spiritual suffering and physical il ness. The story of Donald Topping [4], Professor Emeritus formerly of the University of Hawai , is an incredible tale of one man’s confrontation with Ayahuasca and the journey it took him on that I have personal y had many wonderful and powerful experiences with Ayahuasca and have used it therapeutical y with one difficult patient. I had started a form of medical therapy with a man who was dying, simply because he could not eat, and it seemed that the source of the problem was more from a rigid ego structure than anything else. So great was his ego that I felt I needed assistance from something real y strong – Ayahuasca – so I convinced him to fly both of us from the coast of Brazil to the interior highlands where I have use of a retreat center, which grows the plants needed to distil Ayahuasca. Basical y he went into the interior starving and came out two weeks later eating like a horse. Right out of the pages of Carlos Castaneda, the plant was a powerful helper in my quest to get to the roots of the man’s issues and then compel a change.
Ayahuasca is an unusual kind of medicine that should have its appropriate place in medicine, much like marijuana. I have published before about the medical insanity of shunning exceptional y safe substances that have beneficial medical uses and the wholehearted embrace of the use of the most toxic and poisonous substances on earth, such as mercury, which is stil used in dentistry and medicine.
Ayahuasca and Autism
Dr. Bernard Rimland was bold enough to suggest that eating marijuana could hold an appropriate pharmaceutical place in aggression and self-abuse behaviors sometimes evident in mercury poisoning (autism) cases and it is equal y possible that something like Ayahuasca could be used not only to clear intestinal problems but also to help unblock autistic children’s sense of separation from the environment and perhaps themselves.
As with any medicine, reactions are dose sensitive and thus effects can be careful y regulated. With control ed doses we can effect favorable changes in the intestines and monitor col ateral effects to see if they are desirable or not. The US government and pharmaceutical companies wil have none of this and most doctors are the least likely candidates to either recommend or The real point I am making with this essay has nothing to do with the endorsement of either marijuana or Ayahuasca in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. The point is to encourage those in al areas of caring for the health of others to open their minds to alternatives to mainstream pharmacology. So many of the ‘conventional’ tools come with toxic side effects that can and do kil many patients, that one wonders at the reluctance of the mainstream to consider alternatives. Ayahuasca is exceptionally
powerful and should not be used without the supervision of someone
highly experienced with it.
The Ayahuasca issue before the Supreme Court should not be taken lightly. Natural medicine and even the vitamin supplement industry are under broad attack (CODEX). In the age of deepening toxicity our need is not more toxic substances so readily offered by pharmaceutical companies, which gain the endorsement of governmental agencies, but gifts from mother earth. Our freedom to seek natural treatments is in doubt and there is nothing intel igent or benevolent about this.
Ayahuasca should be embraced by the medical community in need of powerful purging agents that wil help people move through their issues while they detoxify. Dr. Klinghardt at least is clear on how emotional, mental and spiritual blockages can actual y impede detoxification, and in this process Ayahuasca can possibly be put to good use. The overwhelming tendency in our age is toward pharmaceutical synthetic drugs with serious toxic side effects. The government and the medical establishment cry out of the dangers of using Type I substances mentioned in this essay but have no qualms about approving and using medicine that kil s many people. For instance the FDA failure to act on research resulted in 140,000 Vioxx patients suffering heart attacks and 60,000 of them dying. That death count "is the It is my hope that the Supreme Court wil sustain the right to use this obscure substance cal ed Ayahuasca and that wise and enlightened people wil push for the wider use of natural substances that mother earth provides us in our need. If our right to use something like Ayahuasca is preserved then perhaps in the future, instead of endless therapy sessions or antidepressants, for confusion and unresolved mental conflicts, we wil let this beneficial and enlightening plant assist us in opening our blockages and Director International Medical Veritas Association [1] J. C. Cal away, et al., Psychopharmacology 116:385-387, 1994) reported on the possible long- term effects of Ayahuasca teas in platelet serotonin receptors in long term users of Ayahuasca. They found anomalous increase in the density of platelet serotonin uptake sites in long-term users was a surprising finding. While numerous psychotropic agents, as wel as other treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy, are known to down regulate platelet serotonin receptors, no other pharmacological model, other than Ayahuasca, has been demonstrated to increase uptake site density in platelets. The possible implications of this long-term effect, as wel as the question of whether it reflects a similar effect occurring in the central nervous system, remains [2] El Tigre Journeys. Amazon Spirit Quests prescription medication (including antibiotics), are subject to high blood pressure, have a heart condition, or are under treatment for any health condition, consult your physician about the use of temporary monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). Medical consultation is especial y important if you are taking Prozac, Paxil, Welbrutin, Effexor, Zoloft or other antidepressants affecting serotonin levels, i.e.serotonin selectie re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI).
These medications general y require a period of up to six weeks to completely clear the system and must be reduced gradual y. Some may clear the system in a shorter period of time. We recommend you consult your physician about the risks of taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor in conjunction with your medication. Based on growing anecdotal reports, Ayahuasca seems to provide deep-rooted and often-lasting relief from many common forms of depression. In many cases, individuals do not feel they need to return to pharmaceutical antidepressants after intensive short-term treatment with Ayahuasca. Non-prescription medications such as antihistamines, dietary aids, amphetamines and derivatives, and some natural herbal medicines, i.e. those containing ephedrine, high levels of caffeine, or other stimulants, may also cause adverse reactions. We recommend that you discontinue al such medications, drugs, and herbs for at least one week prior to and fol owing work with Ayahuasca.
[3] There is evidence that suggests the use of isoquinoline and tryptamine- related alkaloids such as the beta-carbolines is effective in the control of intestinal parasitic worms and microbes by forest-dwel ing people. Because these compounds are not only entheogenic, but also powerful emetics with antimicrobial and antihelminthic properties, it is suspected that the use of ayahuasca is more than vision seeking; it is also chemotherapy for parasites.


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