Birthing Basics, LLC Class Syllabus Lisa-Marie Cook RNC-OB, BSN, ICCE, CD Cook CounterpressureSM This five hour long childbirth class is designed to provide the mother and father a comprehensive, informative session covering all aspects of childbirth beginning with the last trimester, covering labor and delivery and newborn childcare. Topics in labor and delivery include the newest evidence-based “Mother-Friendly” care for laboring women including: comfort measures, breathing techniques, analgesia, anesthesia, vaginal delivery, assisted deliveries and cesarean section, skin-to-skin contact at delivery for successful breastfeeding. Group classes are available and are limited to four couples per class. If you have a health challenge that influence your pregnancy and perhaps can alter your plans for birth, we can discuss your special needs after the group class for an additional consultation.
A modified class private class is available and can be specifically designed for the high-risk mother on bed rest/modified bed rest for private classes in the mother’s home or in the instructor’s home where the student can recline. The syllabus is then reformatted to meet the unique needs of the private student and their support people and will include how complications or high-risk pregnancy can affect their birth plan.
Class Syllabus: Introduction and Welcome
Pain in Childbirth/Relaxation and its importance
o Preparation for the hospital o Preparation for labor o Physiological changes in the last trimester of pregnancy o Signs and Symptoms of Labor/When to call the Doctor
Anatomy and Physiology
Physiology: the Stages and Phases of Labor
o Cervical changes: Dilation, Effacement, Station, Position
Physiological changes and Support Measures Emotional changes and Support Measures
First Stage: Latent Phase, Active Phase, Transition
Needs of a Laboring Woman and Support Measures
Abdominal Breathing/Patterned Breathing Massage Techniques, Acupressure, Counter pressure
Positions for labor, Movement in Labor and Breathing Practice
Positions for labor using a Birthing Ball and Massage/Acupressure/
Analgesia and Anesthesia What is an “Augmentation/Induction of Labor”?
Birthing Basics, LLC Class Syllabus Lisa-Marie Cook RNC-OB, BSN, ICCE, CD Cook CounterpressureSM
Pitocin, Cervidil, Prepidil, Cytotec, Foley catheter, Cook Catheter
Possible Medical Interventions, What are they for?:
Amniotomy- Amnihook, FSE, Amnioinfusion, Internal Uterine
Second Stage
Second Stage Pushing Positions Breathing and Pushing Techniques: The “No Count” Method Perineal massage Coach’s Role: Waiting for the cord to stop Pulsating, Cutting of the Cord “Skin-to-skin”: Baby in your arms
Episiotomies vs. Tearing Vacuum/Forceps Delivery
Reasons for a Cesarean Section Pre-operative teaching: What happens in the Operating Room? Post-operative bonding and breastfeeding with your baby
Clips: Vaginal Delivery with an Epidural/ Epidural Placement
Third and Fourth Stage: o Postpartum Adjustments
BREASTFEEDING/” Skin-to Skin” Bonding
Breastfeeding after delivery, “No Pacifiers, No Bottles”
“To Circumcise or Not to Circumcise?” Infant Temperature
PRACTICE: “Shushing, Swaddling, and Swaying,”
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