
- 75% of women experience symptoms associated with menopause -

The major ingredients in BioGest®, specialized with photo-oestrogenic essential oils, Rose extract of Wild yam herb, Rose geranium and Sage essential oils, have been individually used to effect on oestrogen levels, and therapeutic help hormonal balance that may be upset by the doses of a specialised extract of Wild yam herb, homeopathic Wild yam and homeopathic progesterone.
The addition of vitamin E, Flaxseed oil and a homeopathic dilution of both Wild yam and BioGest Menopause Relief has been on the progesterone, ensures optimal absorption and market for 10 years, is safe, and does not assists in production of the enzyme cascade to It is one of the few natural products shown to be effective in clinical research, backed oestrogen and progesterone levels are out of balance. BioGest naturally helps your body to balance its oestrogen and progesterone levels CLINICALLY EFFECTIVE
A randomized double blind placebo controlled and changes in appearance of texture of skin) study of 23 menopausal women over a 5 month symptoms of menopause. It was not shown to period was used to assess the effectiveness of improve the psychosocial or emotional symptoms BioGest Menopause Relief cream for the treatment that are often associated with menopause.
of menopausal symptoms. This study highlighted the diversity of symptoms Results showed that BioGest Menopause Relief associated with menopause and supports the cream is effective in the treatment of vasomotor usage of natural treatments including BioGest (hot fl ushes and night sweats) and physical Menopause Relief cream for the most common (particularly aching in muscles and joints, decrease menopausal symptoms.
in physical strength, feeling a lack of energy, QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS
• BioGest uses only Mexican Wild yam – the most potent form of Wild yam available. and vitamin E – each with their own powerful The liquid extraction process is performed just before the cream is manufactured for optimum • BioGest uses only natural vitamin E, which provides a topical antioxidant (anti-aging) effect • BioGest only uses Wild yam that is certifi ed to be free of pesticides and hence free of potential chemicals or xenoestrogens.
Fig 1: Average bothered rating for all

participants month 0 vsmonth 5 for
the individualvasomotor questions:
fl ushes and night sweats
PO Box 2586
Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006, Australia
P +61 7 3634 6222 F +61 7 3252 7707
• Traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of hormonal imbalance • The active constituent of this herb is considered to be • Has a regulatory effect on the hormonal system lymphatic stimulant• Helps relieve depression, vaginal dryness, joint aches, breast pain/swelling, nervous irritability and anxiety or agitation • Phyto-oestrogenic reduces sweating • Relaxant & restorative effect on the nervous systems • Helps relieve night sweats, dizziness, emotional tension and anxiety • Potentiates the effects of other ingredients CHARACTERISTICS
• Assists with the body’s production of enzymes involved in • Homeopathics are traditionally used to reset the body’s • Packaged in glass bottle with cardboard • Vegetable based contains Vitamin E & Flaxseed Oil to enhance transdermal absorptionno petrochemical ingredients moisturising FURTHER INFORMATION
Recommended Adult Dosage
Apply ¼ to ½ metric teaspoon of cream morning and night to areas of soft skin. Rotate the area of application daily between the inner arms (elbow & forearm), neck, inner thighs, abdomen & chest. Allow 4-8 weeks for best results. Commence at the higher recommended application level (1/2 metric teaspoon) and move to the lower recommended level when desired results are achieved.
• Allergen statement• BSE free statement• Published and unpublished REFERENCES
• Lust JB. The Herb Book. New York: Bantam Books, 1974, 401.
• Fisher, C and Punter, G. Materia Medica of Western Herbs for the Southern Hemisphere. (copies available: National Herbalists • Battaglia, S. The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. Publ: The Perfect Potion (Aust) Pty Ltd. 1997.
• Steels et al. The effect of the natural preparation BioGest® Menopause Relief in the treatment of symptoms associated with The statements in this information sheet have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
PO Box 2586
Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006, Australia
P +61 7 3634 6222 F +61 7 3252 7707

Source: http://www.biologichealth.net/BioGest-Menopause.pdf

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