Microsoft word - new volunteer application_1997.doc
MAKE PROMISES HAPPEN VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Make Promises Happen is a program of Central Christian Camp and Conference Center. Please fill out the form COMPLETELY
First Name _________________________________________ Last Name____________________________________________________
Nickname ________________________________________________________ Sex _____ Age _____ Date of Birth _____/______/_____
Address __________________________________________________________________________________Apt. # _________________
City _______________________________________________ State______________ Zip____________________ Shirt Size __________
Home Phone _________________________ Alt. Phone_________________________ Email Address_____________________________
Previous volunteer experience? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Have you attended MPH counselor training? ___________________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about MPH? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Why do you want to be a volunteer counselor?__________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor excluding traffic violations? Yes/No
If yes please explain. (A yes answer will not automatically exclude you from consideration.) ____________________________________
Do you consent to authorize Make Promises Happen to conduct a criminal background investigation?
Social Security number (required) _______________________ Signature of volunteer ________________________Date______________
Signature of guardian (if volunteer is under the age of 18) ______________________________________________ Date______________
Parent/caregiver_____________________________________________________________ Relationship___________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone __________________________ Cell Phone_________________________ E-mail __________________________________
2nd Parent/caregiver__________________________________________________________ Relationship___________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone __________________________ Cell Phone_________________________ E-mail __________________________________
If in the case of emergency, the parent cannot be reached, we ask that you give 2 additional names and numbers that we might contact. (pager and/or cellular phone numbers are acceptable)
Name __________________________________________________ Phone Number __________________ Relationship ______________
Name __________________________________________________ Phone Number __________________ Relationship ______________
Please visit our website at
Are you allergic to Penicillin? YES____ NO____
Date of last Tetanus vaccination: ___________________
Have you been under the doctor’s care in the last 12 months?
If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Are there restrictions on exercise? YES____ NO____
If yes, please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any allergies to medications and/or food(s)? YES____NO____
If yes, please list __________________________________________________________________________________________________
AS NEEDED MEDICATIONS: Please mark X on the medications below you are NOT allowed to take if needed. For Pain, Fever, anti-inflammatory:
__ Acetaminophen (Tylenol) __ Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) __ Naproxen (Aleve)
For allergic reactions, sleep aide, motion sickness, nausea:
__ Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (Benadryl)
For upset stomach,diarrhea: For heart burn: Topical Creams EMERGENCY RELEASE:
Central Christian Camp and Conference Center’s Make Promises Happen camping program hereinafter referred to as the “Camp” requires
a signature for all attendees of the Camp and participants of the Camp activities. I hereby give permission for the volunteer listed on this
application to attend and to take part in all Camp activities. Also, I give permission to the Camp to provide routine health care, administer
prescribed medication and to seek emergency medical treatment for the volunteer listed on this application.
Signature or Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian
MPH regularly photographs and films our camp for fundraising and publicity purposes. The following consent form allows MPH
to use your (your child’s) photograph or film for these purposes.
In consideration of Make Promises Happen permitting me (my child, who is under 18 years of age) to attend MPH camp, I hereby give my
consent to MPH to use my (my child’s) name, picture, likeness, writings, biographical information, audio tape and/or videotape recordings
and sound and/or silent motion pictures of me (my child) in any medium for editorial, educational, promotional and advertising purposes,
for the solicitation of contributions and for any other purpose in the furtherance of the corporate purposes and objectives of MPH.
Signature or Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian
Please include a photograph of yourself and return this application to: Make Promises Happen, #1 Twin Cedar Lane, Guthrie OK 73044
Please visit our website at
Der portosystemische Shunt (Liver Shunt) Renée E. Devaux Der folgende Artikel ist ein Versuch, diese komplexe Erkrankung so verständlich wie mög-lich, aber doch ausführlich genug zu beschreiben. Es handelt sich also nicht um einen wis-senschaftlichen Text, gewisse Vorgänge werden deutlich vereinfacht dargestellt. Weiterge-hende Informationen lassen sich leicht auf dem Interne
To try and learn more about the genes involved tryptophan biosyntheisolate trp - mutants of E.coli . Briefly describe how you would isolate trp - mutants in your screen. (6pts) 1. Plate cells on nonselective rich media (that contains tryptophan). 2. Replica plate the cells onto media plates that lack tryptophan. 3. Colonies that did not grow on the plates without tryptophan but did grow on