andida Questionnaire and Score Sheet This questionnaire is designed for adults and the scoring system is not appropriate for children. It lists factors in your medical history which promote the growth of Candida albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast-connected illness (Sections B and C). Circle your answer for each question. At the end of Section A, give yourself one point for each “Yes” answer and record your total score on the line at the end of the section. Then move on to Sections B and C and score as directed. Filling out and scoring this questionnaire should help you and your physician evaluate the possible role of Candida in contributing to your health problems. Yet it will not pro- vide an automatic “Yes” or “No” answer. SECTION A: HISTORY 1. Have you taken tetracyclines (Sumycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other antibiotics for acne for 1 month (or longer)? 2. Have you, at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotics for respiratory, urinary, or other infections (for 2 months or longer, or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a 1-year period)? 3. Have you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic drug, even a single course? 4. Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis, or other problems affecting your reproductive organs? Yes / No 5. Have you been pregnant 2 or more times? 6. Have you taken birth control pills? For more than 2 years? For more than 6 months to 2 years? 7. Have you taken Prednisone, Decadron, or other cortisone-type drugs? For more than 2 weeks? For 2 weeks or less? CANDIDA QUESTIONNAIRE 8. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors, and other chemicals provoke. Moderate to severe symptoms? Mild symptoms? 9. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days, or in moldy places? 10. Have you had athlete’s foot, ring worm, “jock itch,” or other chronic fungal infections of the skin or nails? Have such infections been. Severe or persistent? Mild to moderate? 11. Do you crave sugar? 12. Do you crave breads? 13. Do you crave alcoholic beverages? 14. Does tobacco smoke really bother you? Total Score, Section A . SECTION B: MAJOR SYMPTOMS Circle your answer for each question. If a symptom is occasional or mild, score 3 points. If a symptom is frequent and / or moderately severe, score 6 points. If a symptom is severe and / or disabling, score 9 points. Add your total score and record it in the box at the end of the section. 1. Fatigue or lethargy Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 2. Feeling of being “drained” Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 3. Depression Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 4. Poor memory Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 5. Feeling “spacey” or “unreal” Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 6. Inability to make decisions Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 7. Numbness, burning, or tingling Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 8. Headache Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 9. Muscle aches Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) CANDIDA QUESTIONNAIRE 10. Muscle weakness or paralysis Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 11. Pain and / or swelling in joints Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 12. Abdominal pain Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 13. Constipation and / or diarrhea Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 14. Bloating, belching, or intestinal gas Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 15. Vaginal burning, itching, or discharge Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 16. Prostatitis Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 17. Impotence Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 18. Loss of sexual desire or feeling Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 19. Endometriosis or infertility Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 20. Cramps and / or other menstrual irregularities Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 21. Premenstrual tension Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 22. Attacks of anxiety or crying Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 23. Cold hands or feet and / or chilliness Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) 24. Shaking or irritable when hungry Mild (3) / Moderate (6) / Severe (9) Total Score, Section B . SECTION C: OTHER SYMPTOMS Circle your answer for each question. If a symptom is occasional / mild, score 1 point. If a symptom is frequent and / or moderately severe, score 2 points. If a symptom is severe and / or disabling, score 3 points. Add your total score and record it in the box at the end of the section. 1. Drowsiness Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 2. Irritability or jitteriness Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 3. Incoordination Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 4. Inability to concentrate Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 5. Frequent mood swings Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 6. Insomnia Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 7. Dizziness / loss of balance Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 8. Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) CANDIDA QUESTIONNAIRE 9. Tendency to bruise easily Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 10. Chronic rashes or itching Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 11. Numbness, tingling Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 12. Indigestion or heartburn Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 13. Food sensitivity or intolerance Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 14. Mucus in stools Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 15. Rectal itching Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 16. Dry mouth or throat Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 17. Rash or blisters in mouth Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 18. Bad breath Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 19. Food, hair, or body odor not relieved by washing Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 20. Nasal congestion or postnasal drip Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 21. Nasal itching Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 22. Sore throat Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 23. Laryngitis, loss of voice Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 24. Cough or recurrent bronchitis Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 25. Pain or tightness in chest Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 26. Wheezing or shortness of breath Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 27. Urinary frequency or urgency Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 28. Burning on urination Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 29. Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 30. Burning or tearing of eyes Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 31. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) 32. Ear pain or deafness Mild (1 ) / Moderate (2) / Severe (3) Total Score, Section C . CANDIDA QUESTIONNAIRE GRAND TOTAl SCORE Re-enter all your scores from the previous sections below and add them up to get your grand total score. Total Score, Section A . Total Score, Section B . Total Score, Section C . GRAND TOTAl SCORE . The Grand Total Score will help you and your physician decide if your health problems are yeast-connected. Scores in women will run higher as 7 items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to women, while only 2 apply exclusively to men. Yeast-connected health problems are almost certainly present in women with scores over 180 and in men with scores over 140. Yeast-connected health problems are probably present in women with scores over 120 and in men with scores over 90. Yeast-connected health problems are possibly present in women with scores over 60 and in men with scores over 40. Yeast-connected health problems are less apt to cause health problems in women with scores of less than 60 and in men with scores of less than 40.
SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Auracol Ear & Skin Suspension For Dogs, Cats & Horses For the treatment of otitis externa and skin infections caused by fungi, yeasts, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria in dogs, SECTION 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION This product is not classified as dangerous goods under the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code, but is cla
E’ COMPARSA LA VARICELLA E’ una malattia molto frequente e molto contagiosa: è sufficiente un’ora di permanenza nella stessa stanza con una persona affetta, per contrarre questo virus, della famiglia degli Herpes. L’incubazione è di 15-21 giorni dal contatto, poi comincia ad arrivare la febbre quasi subito seguita dalla comparsa dei piccoli brufolini rossi pruriginosi che in brev