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C.NO. 1350/SS/1/2006

a) WRITTEN EXAMINATION (Objective type)
b) INTERVIEW (Oral Test)
1. General Science – Contemporary developments in Science and Technology and their implications including matters of every day observation and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. 2. Current events of national and international importance. 3. History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and political aspects with a focus on AP Indian National Movement. 4. World Geography and Geography of India with a focus on AP. 5. Indian polity and Economy – including the country’s political system- rural development – Planning and economic reforms in India. 6. Mental ability – reasoning and inferences. 2 - Subject: (MEDICAL SCIENCE & GENERAL MEDICINE)

HUMAN ANATOMY: Gross and microscopic anatomy and movements of shoulder hip and
knee joints – Gross and microscopic anatomy and block supply of lungs, heart, kidneys, liver,
testis and uterus – Gross anatomy of pelvis, perineus and inguinal region, Cross sectional
anatomy of the body at mid-thoracic, upper abdominal, mid-abdominal and pelvic regions.
Major steps in the development of lung, heart, kidney, urinary bladder, uterus, ovary, testis and
their common congenital abnormalistics – Placenta and placental barrier – Neural patnways
for cutaneous semasations and vision cranial nerves iii, iv,v, vi, vii, x; distribution and clinical
significance - Anatomy of the automatic centrol of gastrointestinal respiratory and reproductive
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: Nerve and muscle excitation, conduction and transmission of
impulse; mechanism ;of contraction; neuromuscular transmission - Synaptic transmission,
reflexes, control of equilibrium posture and muscle tone. Descending pathways; functions of
cerebellum, basal ganglia, reticular formation, hypothalamus limbic system and cerebral cortex
– Physiology of sleep and consciousness: E.E.G. – Higher functions of the brain – Vision and
hearing – Mechanism of action of hormones; formation, secretion, transport, metabilism,
functions and regulation of secretion of pancreas and pituitary glands – Menstrual cycle;
lactation, pregnancy – Development regulation and fate of blood cells – Cardiac excitation;
spread ;of cardiac impulse, E.C.G. cardiac output, blood pressure, Regulation of
Cardiovascular functions – Mechanics of respiration and regulation of respiration – Digestion
and absorption of food, regulation of secretion and motility of gastrointestinal tract –
Glomerular and tubular functions of kidney – Blood groups, Rh grouping, blood transfusion,
and Blood volume.
BIOCHEMISTRY: PH and PK Hendrson – Hasselbalch equation – Properties and regulation of
enzyme activity; role of high energy phosphates in bioenergetics – Sources, daily
reqauirements, action and texicity of vitamins – Metabolism of Lipids, carbohydrates, proteins;
disorders of their metabilism – Chemical nature, structure, synthesis and functions of nucleic
acids and proteins – distribution and regulation of body water and minerals including trace
elements – Acid base balance – Clinical importance of enzymes. PATHOLOGY; Reaction of
cell and tissue of injury; inflammation and repair, disturbances of growth and cancer; genetic
diseases – Pathogenesis and histo-pathology of; rheumatic and ischaemic heart disease –
bronchogenic carcionoma, carcinoma breast, oral cancer, cancer colon – Etiology,
pathegenesis and histopathology of: Peptic ulcer – Cirrhesis liver – Glemerulonephritis –
Lobar pneumonia –Acute ostoomyclities – Hepatitis – acute pencreatitis – FINE needle
aspiration cytology(FNAC) – MICROBIOLOGY: Growth of micro-organisms; sterilization and
disinfection bacterial genetics; virus-cell interactions – Immunelogical principles; acquired
immunity; immunity in infections caused by viruses – Diseases caused by and laboratory
diagnosis of staphylococcus Enterococcus; Salmonella; Shigella; Edcherichia; Pseudomonas,
Vibrio; Adenoviruses; Herpes viruses (including Rubella); Fungi Protozoa; Helminths – AIDS –
diagnostic procedure – PHARMACOLOGY: Drug recepter interaction, mechanism of drug
action – Mechanism of action, dosage, metabolism and side effects of the – Pilocarpine,
Terbutaline, Metophrolol, Diazepan, Acetylsalicylic Acid Ibubrofen, Furosemide,
Metronidazole, Chloroquin, - Mechanism of action, dosage and texicity of the antibiotics:
Ampicillin, Cephalexin, Doxycycline, Chloramphenical, Rifampin, Cefotaxime – Indications,
dosage, side-effects and contraindications of the following anti-cancer drugs:- Methotrexate,
vincristin, Tamoxifen – Classification, route of administration, mechanism of action and side
effects of the :- General amaesthetics, Hypnotics, Analgesics – Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology: Forensic examination of injuries and wounds – Physical and chemical examination
of blood and seminal stains – Details of forensic examination for establishing identification of
persons, pregnancy, abortion rape and virginity.
GENERAL MEDICINES:- 1. Disorders of CNS: Meningitis Eencephalitis, Cerebrovascular
diseases epilepsy, Neoplasms - 2. Disorders of CVS - Rhematic, Ischaemic and congential
heart diseases, Hypertension _ 3. Respiratory diseases – Acute and Chronic infections,
bronchial asthma, Neoplasms, Industrial diseases – 4. Excretory systems – Acute glomerulo
Nephrities, Nephrotic syndrome, chronic phyelonephritis and renal failure – 5. Gastro-Intestinal
disorders – Acid Peptic diseases, Malabsorption syndromes, viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis of liver
pancreatitis - 6. Hematological diseases – Anemias, Coagulation failures, Leukemias,
Lymphomas, Hodgkins disease – 7. Metabolic disorders – Diabetes, Thyrod disorders,
parathyroid diseases – 8. Miscellaneous – Skin disorders – Allergies, Drug reactions, parasitic
infestations, Psychiatric disorders: Schizophrenia and depression – 9. Community Medicine –
Malaria, Filaria and various national Health programmes – Leprosy, T.B., S.T.D. including
AIDS – Parasitic infestations – Hook worm, round warm, Guinea worm, Amoebiasis – 10.
Nutrional disorders – Normal nutrition, and deficiency diseases in India.

: 1. Cervical lymphnodes, parotid tumour and oral cancers – 2.
Peripheral arterial diseases – varicose veins, Failariasis – 3. Dysfunctions of Thyroid,
Parathyroid adrenal tumors and the surgical aspects – 4. Abscess breast and cancer breast –
5. Acute and Chronic Appendicitis blleeing peptic ulcer, T.B. of bowel intentinal obstructions –
6. Renal mass, retention of Urine Benign Prostatic Hypertrophi – 7. Spleno-Megaly, Chronic
Cholecystitis portal Hypertension liver abscess peritonitis, Cancer head of Panchreas – 8.
Direct and indirect Ingninal Hermias and their complications – 9. Fracture of Femur, Spine
Poly trauma and their management.
Antenatal Screening for high-risk pregnancy, Feto-placental development – 2. Labour
management, complications of 3rd stage, post partum hemorrhage, Inversion, Resuscitation of
the new born and premature baby – 3. Diagnosis and management of Pregnancy – induced –
hypertension Eclampsia, anemias – 4. Principles of contraceptive methods – Intrauterine
Device oral pills, Tubectomy and Vasectromy. Medical termination of pregnancy including its
legal aspects and complications – 5. Etiology, Clinical features, diagnosis and mass screening
of cancer cervix leucorrhea, Infertility, Abnormal Uterine bleeding, Amenorrhoea – 6.
Miscllaneous: Objectives, components of National Health and Family Welfare Programmes –
Maternal and Child health – Family welfare – Nutrition – Immunisations – Population trends
and its effect on health and Development.



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