Microsoft word - annex07_list_of_chemicals_for_priority_action.doc
OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action (Update 2004) Type Group of substances / substances EINECS No Identified at †: Lead country: Background document A: CHEMICALS WHERE A BACKGROUND DOCUMENT HAS BEEN OR IS BEING PREPARED 4-tert-butyltoluene
OSPAR 2000: Germany: Published 2003 (ISBN 1-904426-09-3)
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Spain: Published 2002 (ISBN: 0 946956 93 6)
lead and organic lead compounds
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Norway: Published 2002 (ISBN 1-904426-00-X)
mercury and organic mercury compounds
OSPAR/MMC 1998: United Kingdom: Published 2000 (ISBN: 0 946956 54 5)
organic tin compounds
OSPAR/MMC 1998: The Netherlands: Published 2000 (ISBN: 0 946956 56 1) addressing TBT and TPT
neodecanoic acid, ethenyl ester
51000-52-3 256-905-8 OSPAR 2001: United Kingdom
perfluorooctanyl sulphonic acid and its
1763-23-1 217-179-8 OSPAR 2003: United Kingdom
salts (PFOS) tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBP-A)
OSPAR 2000: United Kingdom: Published 2004 (ISBN: 1-904426-39-5)
hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCP)
OSPAR 2000: The Netherlands: Published 2004 (ISBN: 1-904426-40-9)
OSPAR 2000: Belgium & Luxembourg: Published 2003 (ISBN 1-904426-10-7)
120-82-1 204-428-0 OSPAR 2000: Belgium & Luxembourg: Published 2003
108-70-3 203-608-6 OSPAR 2000: Belgium & Luxembourg: Published 2003
brominated flame retardants
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Sweden: Published in 2001 (ISBN: 0 946956 70 7) addressing: polybrominated diphenylethers; polybrominated biphenyls; hexabromocyclododecane
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Germany & Belgium: Published 2001 (ISBN: 0 946956 78 2)
polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs)
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Denmark & Belgium: Published 2002
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) short chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCP)
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Sweden: Published 2001 (ISBN: 0 946956 77 4)
4-(dimethylbutylamino)diphenylamin triphenyl phosphine
603-35-0 210-036-0 OSPAR 2001: Germany: Published 2003 (ISBN 1-904426-13-1)
hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS)
107-46-0 203-492-7 OSPAR 2000: France: Published 2004 (ISBN: 1-904426-41-7)
Organosilicane Type Group of substances / substances EINECS No Identified at †: Lead country: Background document
115-32-2 204-082-0 OSPAR 2000: Finland: Published 2002 (ISBN: 0 946956 97 9)
Pesticides/Biocides/ Organohalogens
115-29-7 204-079-4 OSPAR 2000: Germany: Published 2002 (ISBN: 0 946956 98 7)
hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCH)
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Germany: Published 2002 (ISBN: 0 946956 94 4)
OSPAR 2000: Finland: Published 2002 (ISBN: 0 946956 99 5)
pentachlorophenol (PCP)
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Finland: Published 2001 (ISBN: 0 946956 74 X)
1582-09-8 216-428-8 OSPAR 2002: Germany: Published 2004 (ISBN: 1-904426-37-9)
23593-75-1 245-764-8 OSPAR 2002: France: Published 2004 (ISBN: 1-904426-38-7)
732-26-3 211-989-5 OSPAR 2000: United Kingdom: Published 2003 (ISBN 1-904426-14-X)
nonylphenol/ethoxylates (NP/NPEs) and
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Sweden: Published 2001 (ISBN: 0 946956 79 0)
related substances octylphenol
140-66-9 205-426-2 OSPAR 2000: United Kingdom: Published 2003 (ISBN 1-904426-15-8)
certain phthalates: dibutylphthalate,
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Denmark & Francediethylhexylphthalate polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) §
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Norway: Published 2001 (ISBN: 0 946956 73 X)
musk xylene
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Switzerland: Published 2000 (ISBN: 0 946956 55 3) addressing musk xylene, musk ketone, moskene and musk tibetene. Revised Background Document: Published 2004 (ISBN: 1-904426-36-0)
Type Group of substances / substances EINECS No Identified at †: Lead country: Background document B:CHEMICALS WHERE NO BACKGROUND DOCUMENT IS BEING PREPARED BECAUSE THEY ARE INTERMEDIATES IN CLOSED SYSTEMS ‡ Aliphatic hydrocarbons 1,5,9 cyclododecatriene‡ cyclododecane‡ C: CHEMICALS WHERE NO BACKGROUND DOCUMENT IS BEING PREPARED BECAUSE THERE IS NO CURRENT PRODUCTION OR USE INTEREST* Organohalogens 2-propenoic acid, (pentabromo)methyl
59447-55-1 261-767-7 OSPAR 2003: not applicable
2,4,6-bromophenyl 1-2(2,3-dibromo-2-
36065-30-2 252-859-8 OSPAR 2001: not applicable
methylpropyl) * pentabromoethylbenzene* heptachloronorbornene* pentachloroanisole* Type Group of substances / substances EINECS No Identified at †: Lead country: Background document polychlorinated naphthalenes*,
naphthalene, chloro derivs. * 70776-03-3
55525-54-7 259-695-6 OSPAR 2001: not applicable
trimethylcyclohexyl) diisocyanate* ethyl O-(p-nitrophenyl) phenyl
2104-64-5 218-276-8 OSPAR 2001: not applicable
Pesticides/Biocides phosphonothionate (EPN)* flucythrinate*
70124-77-5 274-322-7 OSPAR 2001: not applicable
465-73-6 207-366-2 OSPAR 2001: not applicable
2227-13-6 218-761-4 OSPAR 2001: not applicable
512-04-9 208-134-3 OSPAR 2002: not applicable
The substances in this list were identified at the following OSPAR Commission meetings:
OSPAR/MMC 1998: Agreement reference number 1998-16 (Annex 2 to the OSPAR Strategy with regard to Hazardous Substances);
When identifying the substances or groups of substances, OSPAR/MMC 1998 has not allocated CAS and EINECS registration numbers. Background documents adopted by the OSPAR Commission for these substances or groups of substances may indicate which substances have been addressed so far by OSPAR)
OSPAR 2000: Agreement reference number 2000-10;
OSPAR 2001: Agreement reference number 2001-2;
OSPAR 2002: Agreement reference number 2002-18;
OSPAR 2003: Agreement reference number 2003-19.
The identification of these substances and the consequent action required is explained in § 7.6 of the OSPAR 2002 Summary Record. In brief, these substances have rankings in terms of persistency, liability to bioaccumulate and toxicity which are of equal concern as the other substances on this list. However, to the best of OSPAR’s knowledge, on the basis of information from industry, OSPAR accepts that this substance is produced and used exclusively as an intermediate in closed systems in the production of other substances, under conditions where the safeguards applying are sufficient to avoid reasonable concerns that discharges, emissions or losses of the substance could reach the marine environment. Therefore, every five years, commencing in 2003, Contracting Parties and, where appropriate, observers representing the chemicals industries should report to OSPAR:
whether they have found any evidence that these chemicals are being produced, used or discharged without being subjected to safeguards to avoid reasonable concerns that discharges, emissions or losses of the substances could reach the marine environment, and, if so, what that evidence is, and what action (if any) has been taken;
whether there have been any cases where applications have been made for approvals involving these chemicals, and, if so, what decision was taken.
The identification of these substances and the consequent action required is explained in § 4.13 of the OSPAR 2001 Summary Record. In brief, these substances have rankings in terms of persistency, liability to bioaccumulate and toxicity which are of equal concern as the other substances on this list. However, to the best of OSPAR’s knowledge, there is no current production or use in the OSPAR states. Therefore, commencing in 2003 and every five years thereafter, or earlier, if information becomes available, Contracting Parties and, where appropriate, observers representing the chemicals industries should report to OSPAR:
whether they have found any evidence that these chemicals are being produced, used or discharged, and, if so, what that evidence is, and what action (if any) has been taken;
whether there have been any cases where applications have been made for approvals involving these chemicals, and, if so, what decision was taken.
Polychlorinated naphthalenes should be treated as a group of substances (OSPAR 02/21/1, § 7.7).
PFOS is the highly persistent and toxic breakdown product of a number of perfluorooctanyl sulphonyl compounds. Several PFOS precursors have been selected on the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern. The background document will identify these precursors and, if necessary, appropriate control measures will be proposed. CAS and EINECS numbers refer only to the acid form of PFOS.
The following substances belonging to the group of polyaromatic hydrocarbons have been deselected from the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern on the grounds that they do not meet the cut-off values for persistence in the Selection Criteria used in the Initial Selection Procedure adopted by OSPAR 2001 (Reference Number: 2001-1) and are therefore not considered to be a priority for action by OSPAR: naphthalene, 2-methyl- (CAS No. 91576); 1-phenanthrenecarboxylic acid, 1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,10,10a-decahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl ester, [1R-(1.alpha.,4a.beta.,4b.alpha.,10a.alpha.)]- (CAS No. 127253); 1-phenanthrenemethanol, 1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,7,9,10,10a-dodecahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)- (CAS No. 127366); 7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (CAS No. 194592); 13H-dibenzo[a,i]carbazole (CAS No. 239645); 1H-3a,7-methanoazulene, 2,3,4,7,8,8a-hexahydro-3,6,8,8-tetramethyl-, [3R-(3alpha,3abeta,7beta,8aalpha)]- (CAS No. 469614); 1-phenanthrenemethanol, 1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,10,10a-decahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-, [1R-(1.alpha.,4a.beta.,4b.alpha.,10a.alpha.)]- (CAS No. 666842); cedrene- (CAS No. 11028425); 1-phenanthrenemethanol, tetradecahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)- (CAS No. 13393936); 1-
phenanthrenecarboxylic acid, tetradecahydro-1,4a-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl ester, [1R-(1alpha,4abeta,4balpha (CAS No. 19941287).
The following substance belonging to the group of organic tin compounds has been deselected from the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern on the grounds that it does not meet the cut-off value for persistence in the Selection Criteria used in the Initial Selection Procedure adopted by OSPAR 2001 (Reference Number: 2001-1) and is therefore not considered to be a priority for action by OSPAR: stannane, tributyl(1-oxododecyl)oxy- (CAS No. 3090366).
The following substance belonging to the group of polychlorinated biphenyls has been deselected from the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern on the grounds that it does not meet the cut-off value for persistence in the Selection Criteria used in the Initial Selection Procedure adopted by OSPAR 2001 (Reference Number: 2001-1) and is therefore and is therefore not considered to be a priority for action by OSPAR: 1,1'-biphenyl, 4,4'-dichloro- (CAS No. 2050682).
The OSPAR Background Document on Hexachlorocyclopentadiene adopted by OSPAR 2004 indicates that HCCP does not meet the cut-off values for persistence and bioaccumulation in the Selection Criteria Used in the Initial Selection Procedure adopted by OSPAR 2001 (Reference Number: 2001-1) and does not fulfil the bioaccumulation criterion in the EC Technical Guidance Document. A decision on whether to delete HCCP from the OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action will await the finalisation of the risk assessment report under EU Council Regulation (EEC) 793/93. TRIBUNAL CONSTITUTIONAL DE ESPANA Sala Segunda. Auto 151/2013, de 8 de julio de 2013. BOE núm. 183, de 1 de agosto de 2013. Volver al listadoAuto:151/2013Fecha:08/07/2013Sala:Sala SegundaMagistrados:Excms. Srs. doña Adela Asua Batarrita, don Francisco José Hernando Santiago, donFernando Valdés Dal-Ré, don
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