Regarding the proposed Electric Power Aggregation
Plan of Governance and Operation of an Association of different Municipalities
In the Will County Governmental League that will join together to bid out the
Purchase of power for all residents who don’t opt out.
A resolution and two ordinances dealing with the issue of the Village aggregating
electricity on behalf of our residents will be considered. One ordinance deals with the plan of governance which the Village will follow and the steps residents need to take to opt-out of the program. Authorization will be given to the Will Aggregation Group (by an intergovernmental agreement) to aggregate power on behalf of the Village of Shorewood. The Group will go to the market for electric supply on behalf of its members according to this ordinance. The proposed resolution would establish the intergovernmental agreement with the Will Aggregation Group. There were no questions or comments from the Public. Trustee Schwartz made a motion to close the Public Hearing regarding the proposed Electric Power Aggregation Plan of Governance and Operation. Seconded by Trustee Anderson. Roll Call: Yeas: Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Trustee Schwartz made a motion to allow Trustee Dan Gron (who is out of town on business) to electronically attend tonight’s meeting. Seconded by Trustee Brockman. Roll Call: Yeas: Anderson, Brockman Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz. Nays: None. Motion carried. MAYOR RICHARD CHAPMAN CALLED TO ORDER THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SHOREWOOD VILLAGE BOARD. ROLL CALL After the Invocation was given by Deacon Karl Huebner of the Holy Family Parish of Shorewood and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag the following answered to Roll Call: Trustees: Dan Anderson, Steve Brockman, Gary Fitzgerald, Dan Gron, James McDonald, Celine “Cene” Schwartz and Mayor Richard Chapman. Also present: Attorney Dave Silverman and Community Development Director Kimberly Jones. The number present constitutes a quorum. CITIZENS Brian Blazek of 321 N. Louisa Street, addressed the Board on behalf of his wife and himself in regards to the removal of signs (concerning a lost cat). They had placed signs on wooden, concrete and black poles. They had received notice some of the signs had to be removed and
eventually notified that all signs had to be removed and then they had been removed and they were asking for clarification. Mayor Chapman promised to call them the next day. Robert Schwartz of 304 N. Brookshore Drive, addressed the Board and requested they consider local electric vendors when entering into an agreement with an electrical supplier. Local vendors such as Commonwealth Edison, Midwest Generation and Exelon Nuclear, have contributed to many charitable organizations and community groups and hire a lot of local people. CONSENT AGENDA 1.
Approval of accounts payable in the amount of $129,547.50.
Approval of payment in the amount of $26,350.00 to Express Signs for LED
Approval of payment in the amount of $29,559.24 to Gallagher Asphalt for
Trustee Anderson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Trustee Fitzgerald. Roll Call: Yeas: Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz. Nays: None. Motion carried. REPORTS & COMMUNICATIONS May Building Safety Month Mayor Chapman read a Proclamation naming the month of May, 2012 as Building Safety Month is sponsored by the International Code Foundation with the purpose of raising awareness of the many areas involved in building safety. Trustee MacDonald made a motion in support of the Proclamation. Seconded by Trustee Anderson. Roll Call: All in favor. LOWER DU PAGE WATERSHED PLAN Village Planner Karen James introduced Jennifer Hammer from the Lower DuPage Watershed Coalition that has been working to develop a plan for the lower DuPage River watershed.with the goal of getting the river off the impaired waters list. Ms. Hammer presented the objectives of the plan and the creation of the formal working group so the group can move from the planning process to the implementation of the plan. Mr. Christopher Burke of Christopher B. Burke Engineering (the Village’s engineering firm) addressed the Board about the merits of the plan. Mr. Burke is a member of the board of the Conservation Foundation. (The Board was given a 12 page informational booklet developed by the Conservation Foundation on the Lower DuPage River watershed plan). ELECTRIC AGGREGATION PLAN ORDINANCE # 12-1657 (The Electric Aggregation Plan of Governance and Operation was the subject of a Public Hearing before tonight’s regular meeting.)
After consideration, Trustee Fitzgerald made a motion to pass an ordinance (#12-1657) adopting an Electric Aggregation Plan of Governance Recitals and waive the second read. Seconded by Trustee Anderson. Roll Call: Yeas: Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz. Nays: None. Motion carried. AGGREGATION OF ELECTRICAL LOAD RECITALS ORDINANCE # 12-1658 After consideration Trustee Brockman made a motion to pass an ordinance (#12-1658) authorizing the Aggregation of Electrical Load Recitals and waive the second read. Seconded by Trustee Anderson. Roll Call: Yeas: Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz, Anderson. Nays: None. Motion Carried. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT RESOLUTION # 12R-808 After discussion, Trustee Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the resolution (#12R-808) authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the undersigned individual members of the Will Electric Aggregation Group. Seconded by Trustee Anderson. Roll Call: Yeas: Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz, Anderson, Brockman. Nays: None. Motion carried. SHOREWOOD MARKET STREET RESUBDIVISION The Planning and Zoning Commission considered a request for an adjustment between two lot lines in the Market Street Development (Home Depot Dev.) west of Rt. 59 and north of the main access road. The adjustment would allow the north line to be moved 18 ft. so the access road would be on the vacant lot. The owner has a pending business that will locate on the vacant lot (lot # 2) depending on the access road being moved. P&Z voted unanimously to recommend the re-subdivision. Trustee Fitzgerald made a motion approve a plat of re-subdivision for Market Street Lots 2 an 3. Seconded by Trustee Brockman. Roll Call: Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz, Anderson, Brockman. Nays: None. Motion carried. SITE PLAN – 550 BROOKFOREST The owner of the vacant lot on Rt. 59 (formerly Hunter Golf) working with Development Solutions is requesting an amendment to the Site Plan to accommodate to lease it to a new tenant Ingersol Rand/Trane (heating and air conditioning). Development Solutions would like to spruce up the lot, caulk and seal some pavement and also install a fence (8 to 10 feet) for screening purposes. A landscaping plan will be submitted for approval also. After discussion, Trustee Fitzgerald made a motion to approve an amendment to a Site Plan for 550 Brookforest Ave. subject to an approved landscape plan and a fence not to exceed 10 feet. Seconded by Anderson. Roll Call: Gron, McDonald, Schwartz, Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald. Nays: None. Motion carried. 2012 MFT PROGRAM
Trustee Anderson presented the Motor Fuel Tax Program for 2012, noting that the goal of $1 million dollars for street work this year has been met with the funds from MFT and funds from the Capital Improvements Fund. Bryan Welch of Christopher Burke Engineering presented the bids they received both a base bid (of must do work) and an alternate bid (including things they would like to get done this year) depending on favorable bids. The bids were favorable and the alternate bid came in at $l,078,000.00. Mr. Welch believes they can get the work done and not go over a million dollars. He is recommending the alternate bid for $1,078,000.00 with the understanding that no more than $1,000,000.00 would be expended without approval. “D” Construction was the low bidder. Trustee Anderson made a motion to award the alternate bid for the MFT Program (“D” Construction) for not-to-exceed $1,078,631.25. Seconded by Trustee Schwartz. Roll Call: Yeas: McDonald, Schwartz, Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron. Nays: None. Motion carried. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Public Works Superintendent Roger Barrowman presented the request to award the Landscape Maintenance bid to Greenscape Services. Four bids were submitted and Greenscape Services was the low bidder. They have also done the landscape maintenance for the Village for the past 10 years very satisfactorily. Trustee Anderson made a motion to award the bid for landscape maintenance to Greenscape Services for $35,960.00. Seconded by Trustee Fitzgerald. Roll Call: Yeas: Schwartz, Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried. FIELDS OF SHOREWOOD Mr. Barrowman discussed the work to be done in the Fields of Shorewood Units I and II. (Bond work). He had secured pricing for the work. Gallagher came in with the best prices for asphalt and for the patching. “D” Construction had the best price for surfacing. Tri-Tec Electric had a great price for lighting (They have the contract at Black and River). He would like to go with Tri-Tec for all the lighting and also all the way up to the intersection project at Black & River. He also has two quotes for the ponds. The bonds for Units I & II total $948,000.00. The ponds will be rolled into this work. These contracts were all secured under the Village’s purchasing policy so the formal bidding can be waived. After consideration, Trustee Anderson made a motion to approve the contracts for bond work in the Fields of Shorewood Units I & II and waive the formal bids. Seconded by Trustee Schwartz. Roll Call: Yeas: Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz. Nays: None. Motion carried. WORKSTATION REMODELING Community Development Director Kimberly Jones presented a request to remodel portions of the Community Development side and the Financial side of the front offices to be more efficient and provide better customer service (e.g. the building clerk desk has the clerk’s back to the front counter. The reorientation of the workstation is approximately $33,000.00. She also requested tinting of the windows on portions of the rotunda windows at a cost of $2,940.00. The funds will come from the major equipment fund. Trustee Anderson made a motion to approve work-station remodeling and window tinting for a cost of $36,732.39 and waive the formal bidding. Second
by Trustee Schwartz. Roll Call: Yeas: Schwartz, Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald. Nays: None. Motion carried. CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mayor Chapman re-appointed for two year terms the following members of the Citizens Advisory Committee: (Years of Service in parenthesis) Artis Koehler (21), Ilene Stalnaker, (21) Denzil Smothers (12) Cindy Hampton (1), Kathy Mazur Worden (2), Cheri Susner (9), Debbie Brockman (19), Mark Nicpon (2), Cindy Gould (2), and Jennifer Lorenz (3). Trustee Brockman thanked the members for their service and made a motion to ratify Mayor Chapman’s re-appoint-ments. Seconded by Trustee Schwartz. Roll Call: Yeas: Anderson, Brockman, Fitzgerald, Gron, McDonald, Schwartz. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mayor Chapman expressed his and the Village’s appreciation for the service of these members to the community. COMMITTEE REPORTS Trustee Anderson reported Joliet should begin black-topping Black Road this week. Black Road/River Road interchange is going to be worked on this week. Trustee Fitzgerald reported the approval of a fence variance at 1120 Rushwood. He complemented the Building Department for the great job they do. Trustee Brockman reported 18 of his members took advantage of the opportunity to be certified by taking the training for the “Open Meetings Act” which is required by State statute. The next meeting will be April 24 with special guest Kimberly Jones our new Community Development Coordinator. Trustee Schwartz reported that Parks & Recreation Summer brochure is in the mail. She reminded residents to visit the Village on Facebook and the Web Site. Julia A. Russell Village Clerk
American Chinese Crested Club Inc. Health Survey The American Chinese Crested Club, Inc sponsors this Health survey. The purpose ofthis survey is to compile information regarding health and genetic issues of the ChineseCrested dog. This survey is designed for every Chinese Crested enthusiast, regardless ofhow many dogs you own. The completed survey with its accompanying information willb
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