First Name:__________________________ M.I. _____ Last Name:____________________________ Male / Female D.O.B:_________________ Employer: _____________________________ MARRIED / SINGLE / OTHER Home Phone: _______________________
Cell: _____________________ Work: ________________________
Address: ____________________________City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________ Primary Cardholder’s Name on Insurance: ________________________________ Relation: Self / Spouse / Child Subscribers D.O.B: __________ Subscribers Employer:___________________________ SS#:_____________________ Please answer the following questions. For your safety, please circle Yes or No and answer completely: Have you had a prior CT scan that pertains to today’s exam and where? ________________________________________ What medications do you currently take?________________________________________________________________ What is your weight? ____________________________ List any surgeries?__________________________________________________________________________ Yes No Are you Allergic to Iodine? List all Drug/Food Allergies you have: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes No Have you had any IV contrast within the past 48 hours? ________________________________ Yes No Do you have both kidneys? ______________________________ Yes No History of Kidney Surgery? ______________________________ Yes No Asthma or Lung problems? ______________________________ Yes No Hepatitis or Jaundice? __________________________________ Yes No Epilepsy/Seizures? _____________________________________ Yes No High Blood Pressure (hypertension)? _______________________________________________ Yes No Heart Problems? _______________________________________________________________ Yes No History of Cancer; If yes, explain:___________________________________________________ Yes No Stomach/Intestinal Problems; If yes, explain: __________________________________________ Yes No Multiple Myeloma; If yes, explain: __________________________________________________ Yes No Stroke; If yes, explain: ___________________________________________________________ Yes No Bladder Problems; If yes, explain: __________________________________________________ Yes No Metal Implants/Foreign Objects; If yes, explain: _______________________________________ Yes No DIABETIC OR RENAL DISEASE? _____________________________________________________ WHAT ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS? ______________________________________________________________ If Diabetic, do you take Metformin Medications (Glucophage, Glucovance, Avadament, Metaglip, Fortamet, or Riomet)? If YES, please DO NOT TAKE YOUR METFORMIN MEDICATIONS FOR 48 HOURS AFTER RECEIVING IODINE CONTRAST INJECTION. PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR PHYSICIAN FOR ADVISEMENT*******************************************
FOR FEMALE PATIENTS OF CHILD BEARING AGE; COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Please check all that apply; if none please complete below information:
I have had a Hysterectomy I have had a tubal ligation
Are you Pregnant? Yes / No Are you Nursing? Yes / No
Birth Control Information (If Applicable):
My birth control method is ___________________________.
The dates of my last menstrual cycle are/were ___________________ to _______________________.
Consent: I have answered all the questions to the best of my knowledge and understand the information presented to me. I have also informed the technologist that I am NOT pregnant at this time. Patient Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR TECH USE ONLY: CREATININE _____________ IV SITE: ___________ GAUGE: ___________ TECH: ____________
Hi, I'm Conor Knighton, and welcome to Google Current. Dripping al over the rising Google searches recently is "Blue Bel Ice Cream," an ice creamery that's about to celebrate 100 years of deliciousness. Now, coastal dwel ers may not have heard of them , but the East Texas company is huge in the Southern states. So huge, in fact, that it's the third biggest sel er of ice cream in the countr
BTS Berufsverband der Tierheilpraktikerinnen Schweiz PARASITEN 1 X 1 Eine Auflistung der bekanntesten Ekto- und Endoparasiten mit ihren Bezeichnngen und den al opathischen gänigsten Medikationen. Al es ohne Gewähr auf Vol ständigkeit und Aktual ität der Anwendung der Medikamente. Das 1x1 sol zur Übersicht dienen wenn wirals Tierheilpraktiker mit vorbehandelten Tierpatiente