
Men’s body contouring after massive weight loss
What is it?
Massive weight loss is generally described as being in the order of more than 50 kilograms. Such dramatic weight reduction is
usually as a result of modern weight loss surgery, such as the insertion of lap bands. However, some people have managed weight
reductions of this size on their own.
Unfortunately, in obese people, the skin stretches to a point where it does not return to normal after massive weight loss. Consequently, a large amount of skin may be left that will not retract. As well as being unattractive, this skin can affect hygiene and cause other health problems. A solution to this problem can be body contouring. Although this procedure can offer the potential for impressive results, it also carries the risk of major complications. Who can benefit from this operation?
Usually patients who have lost a significant amount of weight should stabilize for at least one year before seeking cosmetic
surgery. This allows time for any obesity-related health problems, such as diabetes and/or heart and lung conditions, to improve.
Surgical technique and results
As there are usually a range of areas that need to be contoured, Dr. Beldholm will discuss your concerns and devise an individual
plan for you. In the majority of cases, patients require several operations, starting with the area of most significant concern.
The surgical plan usually ranges from one to two years, with several staged procedures. In between these, there needs to be sufficient time – generally three to six months – to allow for healing and for the final results to be apparent. However, some patients find that after one or two procedures they are happy with their shape and there is no need to continue with the plan.
The usual range of operations performed includes:
Body lifts
This is a large operation and has an extended recovery period. Dr. Beldholm will usually stage this procedure in two steps, doing
the abdomen first, followed by removal of other areas causing concern. With a wide range of patient presentations, there is a
relatively high complication rate and an extended recovery time for this operation.
Thigh lifts
A body lift will usually be done before this operation as it can generally lift the thighs up and make a significant improvement in
their contour.
Buttock aesthetics
Although the buttocks may droop and overhang following massive weight loss, an initial body lift can improve this problem. There
are a range of operations to improve the buttocks, including implant, skin excision and dermal fat grafts. The most suitable
procedure will depend upon the extent of the problem and patient preference.
Brachioplasty (bat wings)
Normal arm contour can be restored by excising skin from the arms. This operation usually involves a long scar.
Upper body lifts
In patients losing massive weight there will be loose skin in the upper chest region requiring excision. With this operation, an
individual plan is established for each patient. Different techniques are also used for male and female patients.
This document is intended as an information sheet and does not contain all known facts about this subject. Nor is it a substitute for consulting your surgeon. While reading through this pamphlet, it is advisable to jot down questions you may have as Dr Beldholm will be happy to answer them.
Sydney 39 Grosvenor St, Bondi Junction NSW, 2022 | Lorn 30 Belmore Rd, Lorn NSW 2320
P. 1300 588 494 F. 1300 030 498 E. info@SpecialistCosmeticSurgery.com.au W. www.SpecialistCosmeticSurgery.com.au
Effects of surgery and side effects
Body contouring after massive weight loss usually involves much higher risks and side effects than similar operations for healthy
patients who have not had major weight issues. This is because usually a lot more skin needs to be removed and most previously
obese patients have weight-related health problems.
As the effects of surgery vary depending upon what operation is to be performed, every patient receives detailed information relating to each operation included in their plan. Smoking
Patients are advised that smoking before any body contouring operation will increase complication rates threefold.
Nicotine, carbon monoxide and many other toxic tobacco by-products clearly interfere with the dynamics of normal wound repair.
Their adverse effects can include:
Causing direct tissue injury within the microvasculature (network of tiny blood vessels).
Inhibiting cellular populations involved in propagating healing.
Producing hormones that actually retard wound repair.
Reducing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the skin and extremities.
To optimise your surgical results, Dr. Beldholm requests patients stop smoking for four weeks before and four weeks after surgery.
These recommendations are based on conclusive medical findings. Nicotine patches or gum should not be used to take the place of
cigarettes or cigars as they are also associated with increased complications.

Before surgery
A well-balanced diet
Dr. Beldholm’s approach to your health is holistic. If you are contemplating elective cosmetic surgery, then the first thing you can
do for yourself is to have a well-balanced, healthy diet. Maintaining such a diet is central to preparing for any type of surgery as
proper nutrition assists healing and strengthens the immune system, resulting in a faster recovery.
Prior to your operation, take one multivitamin a day. This multivitamin should contain vitamin C (which improves wound healing)
but NOT contain vitamin E. It is important that you avoid vitamin E intake for about two weeks prior to undergoing surgery as it
can interfere with blood clotting. Under normal circumstances this vitamin helps decrease the likelihood of contracting heart
disease. However, in the context of surgery, it can lead to haemorrhaging. Almonds and wheat germ, as well as vegetable oils
made from sunflower, almonds or wheat germ, are particularly high in vitamin E, so avoid these for two weeks before your surgery.
Regular exercise
Regular exercise is helpful in preparing for cosmetic surgery. Exercising increases metabolic rates and builds muscle mass,
which assists in preventing weight gain during the recovery time. As a strong heart promotes a faster immune response (thereby
speeding up healing), plenty of aerobic exercise should be included in fitness regimes.
Although some medications should be stopped prior to this operation, it’s important to always check with your GP first.
Two weeks prior to surgery: Stop vitamin E intake. As wheat germ, nuts and vegetable oils containing sunflower, almonds or wheat
germ contain the highest amounts of vitamin E, avoid these for two weeks before your surgery.
Seven days prior to your operation: Stop taking aspirin, clopidogrel (eg. Plavix, Iscover), dipyridamole (eg Asasantin, Persantin) and
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The use of some forms of post-cancer treatment medication may also involve
an increased risk of complications during or after surgery. Use of these types of medications may produce, in rare cases, an
increased risk of developing dangerous internal blood clots.
This document is intended as an information sheet and does not contain all known facts about this subject. Nor is it a substitute for consulting your surgeon. While reading through this pamphlet, it is advisable to jot down questions you may have as Dr Beldholm will be happy to answer them.
Sydney 39 Grosvenor St, Bondi Junction NSW, 2022 | Lorn 30 Belmore Rd, Lorn NSW 2320
P. 1300 588 494 F. 1300 030 498 E. info@SpecialistCosmeticSurgery.com.au W. www.SpecialistCosmeticSurgery.com.au
Five days prior: Stop taking warfarin medications (Coumadin, Marevan). However, for high risk patients, stopping warfarin can lead
to life-threatening blood clots and daily injections with low molecular weight heparin may be required. High risk patients most
commonly include those with artificial heart valves or those who have suffered myocardial infarctions. Your GP can advise if you
are in the high risk category. Low risk patients stopping warfarin may require no course of action.
Stop eating at least six (6) hours before your procedure. However, you may continue drinking water and clear apple juice (and only clear apple juice) up to two (2) hours prior to your procedure. Shower on the morning of your operation and remove your watch and all jewellery. Although valuables are looked after during your procedure, the hospital does not accept responsibility for these items, so it’s best to only bring necessities. Your own medication can be taken with a sip of water on the morning of surgery. However, it’s important to check with Dr Beldholm regarding what medications can be taken well before your operation. Please bring anti-embolic stockings and your own medications to the hospital. After surgery
Advice for the post-operative period varies according to what procedure has been performed. Rest assured you will receive
specific instructions prior to your surgery.
This document is intended as an information sheet and does not contain all known facts about this subject. Nor is it a substitute for consulting your surgeon. While reading through this pamphlet, it is advisable to jot down questions you may have as Dr Beldholm will be happy to answer them.
Sydney 39 Grosvenor St, Bondi Junction NSW, 2022 | Lorn 30 Belmore Rd, Lorn NSW 2320
P. 1300 588 494 F. 1300 030 498 E. info@SpecialistCosmeticSurgery.com.au W. www.SpecialistCosmeticSurgery.com.au

Source: http://specialistcosmeticsurgery.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/SCS-A4-Body-Contouring-Men.pdf


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