Exelon Project Overview EPRI Smart Grid Demonstration Project Overview
The Exelon project is a collaborative effort bringing together
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Smart Grid
ComEd and Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO)
Demonstration Host-Site projects are part of a five-year
technologies and applications to further the industry in regards
collaborative initiative with 19 utility members focused on
to integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). The
integrating DER like demand response, storage, distributed
ComEd Customer Application Pilot (CAP) is a comprehensive
generation, and distributed renewable generation to advance
customer behavior study that will provide research to
widespread, efficient, and cost-effective deployment of utility
understand consumer responses to varying types of pricing
and customer-side technologies in the distribution and to
programs in various combinations with enabling technology
enhance overal power system operations. Host-site projects
and education in an opt-out format. The project will enhance
apply EPRI’s IntelliGrid methodology to define requirements for
the assessment of ComEd’s automated metering infrastructure
technologies, communication, information, and control
(AMI) options and support other utilities’ experienced-based
infrastructures that support integration of DER. Operations
data on engaging customers via technology, education, and
experience, integration issues, and lessons learned will reveal
time-based pricing. The PECO demonstration is a project with
the full range of standards and interoperability requirements
Drexel University that will develop and deploy an advanced
needed to support the industry. Gaps revealed will identify
distributed energy management system to demonstrate
critical areas of future smart grid research. Public updates are
economic and environmental value of integrating and
optimizing DER through a “Smart Campus” micro-grid capable of aggregating dispatchable demand reduction resources to the regional grid.
Project Criteria: 6 Critical Elements Exelon’s Smart Grid Project aligns with the six critical elements that EPRI has identified as key criteria to achieve the goals of our five-year Smart Grid initiative. Integration of multiple distributed resource types
evaluate various technologies including smart meters, a web
To further expose issues that need to be addressed and
portal, basic and advanced IHDs and PCTs combined with
various dynamic rates including increasing block rate (IBR),
The PECO project combines and co-optimizes second
critical peak price (CPP), peak time rebate (PTR), day-ahead
generation demand response (DR), renewable generation
real-time pricing (DA-RTP), and time-of-use (TOU) to test the
resources, and energy storage. The project includes software
optimum combination of rates and technology to understand
for next day schedules for the distributed resources, and
customer behavior and also customer acceptance to an opt-out
enables the combined resources to participate in wholesale
markets. The project will enable participation through virtual generation and dispatchable load reductions based upon
Integration into system planning and operations
dynamic forecasts of load, generation, and prices. The
Demonstrate integration tools and techniques to achieve full
technology will allow load curtailment to be viewed as
integration into system operations and planning.
predictable, reliable grid resources that regional transmission
The analysis of the ComEd CAP project will be performed by
operators (RTOs) can dispatch to maintain load/generation
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and will be used and
balance, and compensate for the variability of renewable
extrapolated to understand the customer behavior impacts of
generation. The ComEd study will evaluate various
wide-scale deployment of various combinations of rates and
technologies and rates to understand optimum scenarios to
technologies. The PECO project will identify next day
achieve the most effective customer demand response. A
optimization of DER, DER participation in wholesale markets
unique aspect of this study is that it is in an opt-out format;
as virtual generation, and dispatch load based on dynamic
meaning customers will be placed on one of the dynamic
forecasts of load, generation, and prices. The PECO project wil
rates and must proactively decide if they do not want to be
also specifically identify the day-ahead energy requirements
on the program. This is different than most other programs
into the RTO market as a virtual power plant and will be
included in the operation studies for generation and transmission operations.
Application of critical integration technologies and standards To identify gaps associated with standards, harden critical
Compatibility with initiative goals and approach
integration technologies and advance adoption.
Enable high-penetration of DER and advance interoperability
The PECO project will develop interfaces with Pennsylvania-
and integration for the electric power industry.
Jersey-Maryland (PJM) market and settlements interfaces via a
The project complies with EPRI’s initiatives and goals through
secure internet protocol (IP) connection, and building
the sharing of information, use cases, and lessons learned.
interfaces featuring ModBus and BACnet. The ComEd CAP
The project is a collaborative effort and integrates activities
project in-home technology will include ZigBee communications for
that support advancement of DER integration for Exelon and
“Basic” in-home displays (IHD), “Advanced” IHDs with more
feedback channels via internet connection, and WiFi communications to programmable communicating thermostats (PCT).
Leverage of additional funding sources Secure required participation, commitment, and funding for a
Incorporation of Dynamic Rates or other approaches to line wholesale conditions to customers
The customer behavior study is funded by the ComEd CAP
To evaluate integration issues and incentives associated with
project and the PECO project includes partners Drexel
customer response and linking supply with demand.
University and Veridity Energy as part of PECO’s Smart Grid
The PECO project segment will demonstrate how an
Investment Grant Project awarded by the U.S. Department of
institutional level customer participates in the RTO level
markets (PJM) for capacity and energy storage by predicting
Technical Contacts
the availability of distributed resources such as photovoltaic
PV, wind, and storage as well as demand response including
building thermal storage. The ComEd CAP project will
Jack Leonard at jack.leonard@peco-energy.com.
Electric Power Research Institute 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 USA 800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • askepri@epri.com • www.epri.com
2010 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
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