Minutes business meeting

SDRME Business Meeting Minutes
Sofitel Hotel, Washington DC
Sunday 24th October 1999
The meeting was preceded by dinner and commenced at 8:00pm
Present: Mark Albanese (UW-Madison), Bill Anderson (Michigan State), Ralph Bloch (IAWF Berne), Amy Blue (South Carolina), Giulia Bonaminio (Kansas). Sheila Chauvin (Tulane), David Cook (Alberta), Carol Elam (Kentucky), Kristi Ferguson (Iowa), Ruth-Marie Fincher (Georgia), David Irby (UCSF), Paul Grand’Maison (Sherbrooke), Seymour Glick (Ben-Gurion), Larry Gruppen (Michigan), Ronald Harden (Dundee), Diane Heestand (Arkansas), Maurice Hitchcock (USC), Carol Hodgson (UCLA), Athol Kent (Capetown), Sharon Krackov (NYU), John Littlefield (San Antonio), Karen Mann (Dalhousie), Peggy Murphy (Louisiana), Jack Nolte (Arizona), George Nowacek (Wake Forest), Jorgen Nystrup (Copenhagen), Gordon Page (UBC), Linda Perkowski (UT - Houston) , Emil Petrusa (Duke), Mike Ravitch (Northwestern-Emeritus), Boyd Richards (Baylor), Les Sandlow (Illinois), Frank Schimpfhauser (NY-Buffalo), Hilary Schmidt (Columbia), John Shatzer (Johns Hopkins). Judy Shea (Pennsylvania), Jamie Shumway (West Virginia), Deb Simpson (Wisconsin), John Veloski (Jefferson), Christine Vu (Geneva), Fred Wolf (Seattle) 1. Introduction
The President, Sharon Krackov, welcomed the group and each person provided a one-minute summary of recent activities in their school, as follows: Mark Albanese (UW-Madison), UME 21 grant. New curriculum in Yrs 3, 4. New admissions process Bill Anderson (Michigan State), Upcoming Accreditation, a common website format for all levels of instruction Ralph Bloch (IAWF Berne), Curriculum reform. Development of an MSc program in Medical Education Amy Blue (South Carolina), New primary care clerkship. Curriculum changes in Year 1. Giulia Bonaminio (Kansas). Now appointed as Assistant Dean Sheila Chauvin (Tulane), Teaching excellence program, clinical skills in an HMO setting, professionalism David Cook (Alberta), New research project: evaluation of the clerkship experience, inter-professional program Carol Elam (Kentucky), Now appointed as Associate Dean, curriculum review in progress. Kristi Ferguson (Iowa), Developing computer based testing, developing quality test items Ruth-Marie Fincher (Georgia), Developing centre for education, mission based management, recruiting staff. Seymour Glick (Ben-Gurion), AMEE in Beer-Sheva 2000. International accreditation for medical schools? Paul Grand’Maison (Sherbrooke), 2nd cycle of curriculum reform. Training continuum - clerkship to residency Larry Gruppen (Michigan), Med. Ed Scholars Program, small grants program, Medical Education Day Ronald Harden (Dundee), Outcome based education, portfolio assessment, changes in postgraduate training. Diane Heestand (Arkansas), Pre-planning for curriculum change – curriculum retreat Maurice Hitchcock (USC), Substantial new funding. LCME Accreditation in the near future. Carol Hodgson (UCLA), Some new staff members, Curriculum modification in 3rd and 4th year. David Irby (UCSF), Academy of Med. Ed., major new funding (endowed Chairs), recruiting to 2 vacancies. Athol Kent (Capetown), Ottawa conference in Capetown, February, 2000 Sharon Krackov (NYU), Developing a “humanistic” component of the curriculum John Littlefield (San Antonio), Examining the effects of curriculum changes in Yrs 1 & 2 on the clerkship. Karen Mann (Dalhousie), Further curriculum revision, revised clerkship, developing MSc program in Med. Ed. Peggy Murphy (Louisiana), Involved in major curriculum reform Jack Nolte (Arizona), Development of computer-based testing George Nowacek (Wake Forest), Developments in computer testing, students required to have lap top computers Jorgen Nystrup (Copenhagen), Development of an international core curriculum involving WHO Gordon Page (UBC), Completed sabbatical leave, 2000 SDRME summer meeting: Whistler, BC
Linda Perkowski (UT - Houston) , Changes in progress in the area of basic science teaching.
Emil Petrusa (Duke), Changes in senior administration. Curriculum retreat.
Mike Ravitch (Northwestern-Emeritus), Administrative changes. J. Tavist from Loyola new Med.Ed appointee.
Boyd Richards (Baylor), Developing a relative values scale for education
Les Sandlow (Illinois), MHP and interactive problem-based CME now on the web, staff testing being explored.
Frank Schimpfhauser (NY-Buffalo), Integrated curriculum, Standardized patients used in examinations
Hilary Schmidt (Columbia), Two new staff members.
John Shatzer (Johns Hopkins), New SDRME President. Significant administrative changes at Hopkins
Judy Shea (Pennsylvania), Development of new evaluation techniques.
Jamie Shumway (West Virginia), LCME Accreditation imminent. New curriculum is in its 2nd year.
Deb Simpson (Wisconsin), Still the control group for curriculum change (!) RWJ for End-of-Life education.
John Veloski (Jefferson), UME 21 Grant overviewing evaluation, Just stepped down as treasurer of SDRME
Christine Vu (Geneva), New curriculum, changes in the law which permit curriculum innovation.
Fred Wolf (Seattle), New web-based behavioral science course, 4 new Faculty members in health informatics
Membership Committee Report (Sheila Chauvin)

Six potential new membership applications are being processed. A revised application package has
been developed, which will make the application process easier. If you know of anyone who is
eligible for membership and has not applied, please inform the Membership Committee Chair, Sheila
Chauvin. (schauvi@tmcpop.tmc.tulane.edu)
International Membership Report (Gordon Page)

SDRME should continue to develop our international membership, and there is a need for
reconstitution of the International Affiliate Committee (including at least one International Affiliate
member), who will review present membership and procedures and seek to attract additional members.
Note: since this meeting the following International Affiliate Committee has been struck:
Gwendie Camp, Chair
Gordon Page (Past-Chair of the Committee)
Jill Gordon (Australia)
John Bligh (UK)
Rosalie Ber (Israel)

Treasurers report (George Nowacek)

The current balance in the SDRME account is approximately $20,000 dollars. This has show a small
but consistent decline over the last few years, but not to an extent which should cause concern. George
Nowacek thanked the previous Chair, John Velsoki for his hard work during his term as treasurer.
By-laws (David Cook)
The new by-laws have been circulated, and any additional comments were sought. There was some concern expressed that not all the membership had reviewed the documents. Rather than a further delay in their approval, it was proposed by Mark Albanese, seconded by Jamie Shumway that the revised version of the By-laws be adopted by the Society. Carried nem. con. FMER (Sharon Krackov)

At a recent meeting of RIME representatives, it became clear that RIME regarded FMER as its own
responsibility. The document on FMER put together by Bill Anderson and George Nowacek was
recognized as being useful information for further developing this project. SDRME will this await
further developments, having made it clear that we are broadly in favour of the project being
The GEA/SDRME workshop for administrators

In the next workshop in San Antonio in 2000, SDRME has received appropriate acknowledgement. It
has been suggested that we now need a second level of workshop, for those who have already attended
the first one. There is some confusion with a second workshop for Associate Deans which is held at
about the same time, and this needs to be sorted out. Luann Wilkerson and Emil Petrusa who were the
founders of these workshops and continue to play a major role in their implementation, and Jon
Veloski, will recommend how the present structure might be improved. This recommendation will be
considered by the Executive Committee of SDRME at their meeting in February 2000.
SDRME Reviews (Mark Albanese)

The review of Standardized Patients (Emil Petrusa/John Shatzer) is in progress and will be available
shortly. Mark Albanese reported that the SDRME survey data have been assembled, and he had
written the paper and submitted it to “Academic Medicine”. The apparent inclusion of Canada as part
of the United States on the map which accompanies the paper, will be corrected before it goes to press.
Mark Albanese chairs the committee which considers these reviews, and will provide guidelines to
prospective authors. This committee also decides which suggestions will be approved for support.
9. Electronic
Communications (George Nowacek)

The SDRME e-mail will now be organized by George Nowacek at Wake Forest University. The
listserv is already available. The reply function will now ONLY go to the author of the original letter –
those who wish to send reply mail to the entire listserve will use sdrme@wfubmc.edu. Wake Forest
University may also host the new SDRME web page (registered domain: sdrme.org). Many thanks to
Diana Heestand for her efforts on developing the web page.
Evidence-based medical education (Fred Wolf)
The Campbell Collaboration on educational and social interventions (cf. Cochrane Collaboration) is a review resource for best-evidenced medical education. Those in SDRME may have a role as reviewers. Ron Harden reported that the Spectre resource includes about 10,000 trials. While instructors should clearly follow the “best-evidence” approach, questions were raised about how this information might become available, and how SDRME could help to further the process. There is a meeting in London England on 19th December, 1999, which includes a number of those interested in Evidence-Based Education, and the editors of the seven most influential Journals of Medical Education. Fred Wolf will keep us informed about further developments SDRME at “Ottawa in Africa” (Sharon Krackov)
The SDRME lunch will probably be on Thursday, March 2nd. Details will be sent out well before the
Capetown meeting, via the listserv.
SDRME Historian (Sharon Krackov)

Mike Ravitch has agreed to take on the role of official historian of SDRME. He has agreed to make
sure that the events are described accurately and presented in a fashion suitable for family
Upcoming SDRME Meetings (Sharon Krackov)

The next SDRME summer meeting will be in Whistler, North of Vancouver in British Columbia,
Canada, from 9-12 July, 2000. Gordon Page is the local host, and full details will be available shortly.
Immediately before the meeting, Gordon may host a site visit for interested SDRME members at his
Division of Educational Support and Development at the University of British Columbia.
The meeting in the summer of 2001 will be In Digby, Nova Scotia, at the Digby Pines Resort. Karen
Mann from Dalhousie University is the local host.
The next meeting in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of AAMC will adopt a similar format to that
at Washington, i.e. a meeting preceded by dinner. The Executive Committee will consider the various
options. In general, those at the meeting seemed in favour of raising the dues to cover the cost of the
dinner, which would then be complimentary for SDRME members.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45pm, and was followed for some, by some single-malt scotch and
maddening conundrums in the Sofitel Bar.

Source: http://www.sdrme.org/upload/80/minutes1099.pdf

Powerpoint presentation

Verhaltensstörungen – Verhalten, das uns stört? „Gestörtes“ Verhalten ist mehr als ein Symptom… der nicht mehr „normal“ kommunizieren kann, sich mitzuteilen …es ist sehr oft ein Hilferuf! Strukturen als Ende seiner Personalität Im Pflegeheim anderen auf Gedeih und Verderb ausgeliefert zu fühlen steigert diese Angst noch. Angst + Anonymität + Macht! Kom

Microsoft word - programa oficial de actos y festejos 2006.doc


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