Y. S. Vinnik, Е. V. Serova, A. V. Leyman, R. I. Andreev, Y. V. Kotlovskiy,
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University n. a. professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky
Neuropeptide Mechanism of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Development after Cholecystectomy
(Rector – MD, Professor I. P. Artyukhov)
Gallstone disease (GSD) is a very common disease. The main method of
treatment of calculous cholecystitis is cholecystectomy [1]. However, after
postcholecystectomical syndrome (PCES) [2]. Researches of recent years have
mostly focused on diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of organic conditions that lead
to this syndrome. There are not enough studies on the development of PCES of
inorganic etiology, particularly sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) of the functional
Aim: to improve the results of diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute
calculous cholecystitis (ACC) and SOD of inorganic etiology after cholecystectomy.
The research included 214 patients of both sexes aged from 25 to 80 with the
ACC and PCES. The research included 166 (77,6%) women and 48 (22,4%) men.
Group 1 patients (49 people) with the ACC after the traditional conservative
treatment were operated. After surgery, patients of group 1 received standard medical
therapy. Patients of group 2 (76 people) with the ACC after standard conservative
treatment, supplemented by selective inflammatory drugs (mebeverine hydrochloride
200 mg four times a day orally) were operated. On the third postoperative day
mebeverine hydrochloride was included into the treatment regimen. Patients of group
3 (36 people) with the functional nature of PCES – SOD type III received traditional
medical treatment. Complex conservative therapy of improved scheme with selective
antispasmodic drugs was prescribed to patients of group 4 (53 people) with the
functional nature of PCES – SOD type III.
Patients with ACC had initial cholecystokinin (CCK) level raising 4-7 times
(the norm – 0,5-1 ng/ml), which allows to judge indirectly about the seriousness of
functional disorders of the biliary tract in case of ACC. Before surgery, the
concentration of CCK was 4,11±0,1 ng/ml. In the early postoperative period a
relatively stable level in the first and fifth day – 3,9±0,1 ng/ml and 3,49±0,12 ng/ml
was revealed. By the ninth day of observation there was a decrease in its
concentration up to 2,14±0,11 ng/ml. Dysfunctional disorders of biliary tract develop
during gallstone disease and the longer the history of gallstone disease is, the more
serious functional disorders are and the more likely the formation of structural
Out of 125 patients that made up groups 1 and 2,34 (27,2%) sought medical
help after cholecystectomy during the first year. 18 of them (52,9%) made up group 1
and 16 (47,1%) formed group 2. There were fewer patients who applied for medical
help again in group 2 than the first group. In the process of the study of the CCK
concentration, patients with PCES tended to lower levels of this neuropeptide. In the
period up to 1 month after surgery the level of CCK is at the lower limit of normal
(0,58±0,05 ng/ml), then there is a tendency to decrease in CCK. Thus, in the first
month after cholecystectomy neyropeptide element reacts to the new conditions of
functioning of biliary tract by reduction in CCK. Patients of groups 3 and 4 did not
have organic pathology gepatopancreatoduodenal zone or significant changes in
The decrease in CCK in more than 50 times – from 4,11 to 0,08 ng/ml is
observed from the first day and in terms of up to 5 years after cholecystectomy. Out
of 125 patients forming groups 1 and 2,34 (27,2%) sought medical help after
cholecystectomy during the first year. In the process of comprehensive survey of
these patients organic pathology of the gepatopancreatoduodenal zone was not found,
the clinical picture corresponded to the SOD of the functional nature, which was the
basis for the diagnosis: postcholecystectomical syndrome, dysfunction of the
sphincter of Oddi type III. In the study of the levels of CCK there were found
variations from 0,08 to 0,44 ng/ml, the middle concentration – 0,29±0,02 ng/ml. A
direct strong correlation (correlation coefficient = 0,94) between the multiplicity of
the reduction of the CCK level and the development of SOD type III was found.
Prognostic criteria is based on the following pattern: when the level of CCK after
surgery is more than twice smaller to the ninth day, the risk of the development of
SOD of the functional nature is increased by 22,6%, which is the criterion for the
timely implementation of preventive measures – prescription of the selective
antispasmodic drugs in early time after removal of the gallbladder.
Thus, we can conclude the following: determination of the level of
cholecystokinin in patients with acute calculous cholecystitis allows to judge about
the seriousness of functional disorders of the biliary tract. In the postoperative period
cholecystokinin of plasma concentration decreases progressively, resulting in the
development of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction of the functional nature.
Cholecystokinin concentration below 0,5 ng/ml when there is the absence of organic
pathology of gepatopancreatoduodenal zone indicates sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
of the functional type. When the level of cholecystokinin on the ninth postoperative
day becomes more than two times lower, the risk of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction of
the functional nature rises to 22,6%, which requires the use of selective
1. Effect of cholecystectomy operation on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract /
V.S. Savelyev, M.S. Magomedov, V.I.Revyakin etc. / / Endoscopic surgery. - 2007. -
2. Ilchenko, A.A. Postcholecystectomy syndrome: clinical aspects of the problem/
A.A.Ilchenko / / Consilium medicum. Gastroenterology. - 2008. - № 2. – p. 34-38.
3. Loranskaya, I.D. Biliary dysfunctions - principles of diagnosis and treatment /
I.D.Loranskaya, V.V.Vishnevskaya, E.V.Malakhova / / Rus. med. journal. - 2009. -
PRISE EN CHARGE DES NAUSEES ET VOMISSEMENTS POST-OPERATOIRES Validation par Dr E. AHLSCHWEDE Dr. MOULLIER chef de service d’anesthésie M. LAURENCIN président COMEDIMS DIFFUSION: services de chirurgie et de gynécologie – obstétrique, service d’anesthésie 1. OBJECTIFS : Traitement et prophylaxie des nausées et vomissements post-opératoires (NVPO).
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available atFlexible Learning Centre, University of South Australia,International Graduate School of Business, University of South Australia,AbstractPurpose – The purpose of this research is to focus on how students from different cultural andlinguistic backgrounds encounter online learning environments, and to assess the extent to