Bruno cv-publ für anträge 1


Surgical Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors, Biomedical Sciences Cancer Biology EDUCATION
MD: Medical Faculty of Zurich, Switzerland, 1992 MD: United States Medical Licensing Examination USMLE 1997 PhD: Biomedical Sciences, Tumor Biology, Mayo Graduate School, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA, 2004 Residency in General Surgery and Neurosurgery (1993-1995) Residency in Orthopedic Surgery, Balgrist, University of Zurich and Inselspital, University of Berne (1996- 1998) Musculoskeletal Oncology Fellowship, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA (1998-2000) Graduate School in Biomedical Sciences, Tumor Biology, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA (2000-2004) SCIENTIFIC INTEREST
Molecular Mechanisms mediating Metastasis in Osteosarcoma using in-vitro and in-vivo approaches to improve therapy Functional Outcome Analysis after Surgical Resection of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Biologic and Prosthetic Reconstruction after Tumor Resection • March 18, 2008 Swiss National Science Foundation SNF: “Genetic Markers of Osteosarcoma Metastasis as a Basis for the Development of New Treatment Strategies” 243’000 sFr for 3 years (PI, competitive) July 18, 2008 The Limb Preservation Foundation, Denver, CO, USA “Assessment of Intraarterial Chemotherapy in an Osteosarcoma Mouse Model of Spontaneous Metastasis.” 50’000$ (1:1.1) for 1 year, starting January 1st, 2009 (PI; competitive) May 20, 2009 Cancer League of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland: Sensitation of Sarcomas for Chemotherapy by Tumor Cell Targeted TNF-fusion 189’331 sFr for 3 years (starting October 2009) Sept. 1, 2009 European Innovative RTD Project Proposal in Nanomedicine (EuroNanoMed): „Photo Dynamic Therapy using Photosensitizer-doped Targeted Organic Nanoparticles” Transnational Collaborative European Project. 480’000 sFr over 3 years, starting December 01, 2010 (granted at European Level, nationally coordinated by SNF, entire International Project granted 2.45 Mio €) June 22, 2010 Cantonal Department of Health: Strategic Organization Program to Build a University Center for Musculoskeletal Oncology. 18. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Publications :

Peer-reviewed articles

1. N.Bodmer, DK.Walters, B.Fuchs: Pemetrexed, a Multitargeted Antifolate Drug, Demonstrates Lower Efficacy in Comparison to Methotrexate against Osteosarcoma Cell Lines.
Pediatr Blood Cancer 50(4):905-8, 2008 (IF 1.891)
2. K.Husmann, R.Muff, W.Born, ME.Bolander, G.Sarkar, B.Fuchs: Cathepsins and Osteosarcoma: Expression Analysis identifies Cathepsin K as a Prognostic Indicator of Metastasis.
Mol Carcinog 47:66-73, 2008 (IF 3.164)
3. HA.Ruediger, B.Fuchs, A.von Campe, C.Gerber: Measurements of Shoulder Mobility by Patient and Surgeon Correlate Poorly: A Prospective Study.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 17(2):255-60, 2008 (IF 2.747)
4. DK.Walters, P.Steinmann, B.Langsam, S.Schmutz, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Identification of Potential Chemoresistance Genes in Osteosarcoma
Anticancer Res 28:673-80, 2008 (IF 1.725)
5. DK.Walters, R.Muff, B.Langsam, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Cytotoxic Effects of Curcumin on Osteosarcoma Cell Lines
Invest New Drugs 26:289-97, 2008 (IF 3.357)
6. B.Fuchs, C.Ossendorf, T.Leerapun, FH.Sim: Intercalary Segmental Reconstruction for Bone Defects. Europ J Surgical Oncol 34(12):1271-6, 2008 (IF 1.873)
7. B.Fuchs, M.Zumstein, F.Regenfelder, P.Steinmann, T.Fuchs, K.Husmann, J.Hellermann, B.Jost, J.Hodler, W.Born, C.Gerber. Upregulation of alpha-skeletal muscle actin and myosin heavy polypeptide gene
products in degenerating rotator cuff muscles.
J Orthop Res 26:1007-11, 2008 (IF 2.811)
8. C.Ossendorf, GM.Studer, B.Bode, B.Fuchs: Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma: Case Presentation and a Systematic Review
Clin Orthop Rel Res 466:1485-1491, 2008 (IF 2.533)
9. S.Schmutz, T.Fuchs, F.Regenfelder, P.Steinmann, M.Zumstein, B.Fuchs. Expression of Atrophy mRNA relates to Tendon Tear Size in Supraspinatus Muscle.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 467(2):457-464, 2009 (IF 2.533)
10. E.Frey, F.Regenfelder, P.Sussmann, M.Zumstein, C.Gerber, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Adipogenic and Myogenic Gene Expression in Rotator Cuff Muscle of the Sheep after Tendon Tear.
J Orthop Res 27(4):504-509, 2009 (IF 2.811)
11. B.Fuchs, N.Hoekzema, D.Larson, C.Inwards, FH.Sim: Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis: Outcome Analysis of Surgical Treatment.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 467(2):510-518, 2009 (IF 2.533)
12. J.Yuan, C.Ossendorf, JP.Szatkowski, J.Bronk, A.Maran, M.Yaszemski, ME.Bolander, G.Sarkar, B.Fuchs: Osteoblastic and Osteolytic Human Osteosarcomas can be studied with a New Xenograft Mouse
Model Producing Spontaneous Metastases
Cancer Invest 27(4):435-42, 2009 (IF 1.847)
13. R.Hudek, S.Schmutz, F.Regenfelder, B.Fuchs, PP.Koch. Novel Measurement Technique of the Tibial Slope on Conventional MRI.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 467:2066-72, 2009 (IF 2.533)
14. C.Halder, C.Ossendorf, A.Maran, M.Yaszemski, B.Fuchs, G.Sarkar. Preferential Expression of the Secreted and the Membrane Forms of Tumor Endothelial Marker 7 Transcripts in Osteosarcoma.
Anticancer Res 29(11):4317-22, 2009 (IF 1.725)
15. C. Ossendorf, GU.Exner, B.Fuchs. A New Incision Technique to Reduce Tibiofemoral Mismatch in Rotationplasty.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 468:1264-1268, 2010 (IF 2.533)
16. P.Zwolak, P.Kuehnel, B.Fuchs. Extra-articular Knee Resection for Sarcomas with Preservation of the Extensor Mechanism: Surgical Considerations and Review of Cases
Clin Orthop Rel Res 469:251-256, 2011 (IF 2.533)
17. A.Krieg, F.Hefti, B.Speth, L.Guillou, G.Jundt, U.Exner, A.v.Hochstetter, M.Cserhati, B.Fuchs, E.Moushine, A.Kaelin, F.Klenke, K.Siebenrock. Synovial Sarcomas usually Metastasize after > five
Years: A Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis with Minimum Followup of 10 Years for Survivors
Annals of Oncology 22(2):458-67, 2011 (IF 6.425)
18. PP.Koch, B.Fuchs, DC. Meyer, SF.Fucentese. Closing Wedge Patellar Osteotomy in Combination with Trochleoplasty.
Acta Orthop Belg 77(1):116-121, 2011 (IF 0.401)
19. MJE. Arlt, IJ. Banke, DK. Walters, G. Puskas, P. Steinmann, R. Muff, W. Born, B. Fuchs. LacZ Transgene Expression in the Subcutaneous Dunn / LM8 Osteosarcoma Mouse Model Allows for the
Identification of Micrometastasis
J Orthop Res 29(6):938-46, 2011 (IF 2.811)
20. R.Hudek, B.Fuchs, F.Regenfelder, PP.Koch. Is Non-contact ACL Injury Associated with the Posterior Tibial and Meniscal Slope?
Clin Orthop Rel Res 469:2377-84, 2011 (IF 2.533)
21. B.Fuchs: Current Trends in Musculoskeletal Oncology Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie 3:22-24, 2011
22. P.Steinmann, DK.Walters, MA.Arlt, I.Banke, U.Ziegler, B.Langsam, J.Arbiser, R.Muff, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Antimetastatic Activity of Honokiol in Osteosarcoma.
Cancer 118(8):2117-27, 2012 (IF 5.551)
23. A.Sabile, M.Arlt, R.Muff, B.Bode, B.Langsam, J.Bertz, T.Jentzsch, G.Puskas, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Cyr61 indicates Poor Survival in Osteosarcoma Patients and Promotes Intratibial Xenograft Primary Tumor
Growth and Lung Metastasis in Mice.
J Bone Mineral Res 27(1):58-67, 2012 (IF 6.373)
24. MJE. Arlt, DK. Walters, IP.Banke, P. Steinmann, GJ. Puskas, J.Bertz, K.Rentsch, F.Ehrensperger, W. Born, B. Fuchs. The Antineoplastic Antibiotic Taurolidine Promotes Lung and Liver Metastases in Two
Syngeneic Osteosarcoma Mouse Models and Exhibits Severe Liver Toxicity.
Int J Cancer 131(5):E804-12, 2012 doi: 10.1002/ijc.27378 (IF 5.444)
25. M.Betz, C.Dumont, B.Fuchs, GU.Exner. Epiphyseal Distraction for Joint Preservation in Malignant Metaphyseal Bone Tumors in Children.
Clin Orthop Rel Res 470(6):1749-54, 2012 (IF 2.533)
26. K.Reidy, C.Campanile, R.Muff, W.Born, B.Fuchs. mTHPC-mediated Photodynamic Therapy is Effective in the Metastatic Human 143B Osteosarcoma Cells.
Photochemistry and Photobiology 88(3):721-7, 2012 (IF 2.679)
27. M.Erschbamer, B.Bode, FM.Buck, B.Fuchs. A Rare Periosteal Diaphyseal Lesions of the Ulna. Open Orthop J 6:8-10, 2012 (IF -)
28. K.Modaressi, F.Niggli, B.Fuchs. Strategisches Vorgehen bei Verdacht auf Knochensarkom. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Onkologie SZO 2: 12-17, 2012 (IF 0)
29. K.Berndt, J.Vogel, C.Bühler, P.Vogt, W.Born, B.Fuchs. A New Method for Repetitive Drug Infusion into the Femoral Artery of Mice.
J Am Assoc Lab Animal Science 51(6):825-31, 2012 (IF 0.708)
30. G.Studer, B.Bode, B.Fuchs. Extremitäten-Weichteilsarkom des Erwachsenen: Stellenwert der Radiotherapie
Info @ Onkologie 02:14-17, 2012 (IF -)
31. MJE.Arlt, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Taurolidine: Mode of Administration in Mouse Tumor Models Int J Cancer 131(5):E1053-4, 2012 doi:10.1002/ijc.27569 (IF 5.444)
32. K.Modaressi, B.Fuchs. Die Chirurgische Behandlung von Sarkomen
Leading Opinions Hämatologie & Onkologie 2:74-76, 2012
33. M.Arlt, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Improving Visualization of Lung Metastases by Combining X-Gal Staining of LacZ-tagged Tumor Cells with In-situ Perfusion and Fixation of the Lung Tissue
J Vis Exp (66):e4162, 2012 DOI 10.3791/4162 (IF -)
34. R.Muff, R.Kumar, S.Botter, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Genes Regulated in Metastatic Osteosarcoma: Evaluation by Microarray Analysis in Four Human and Two Mouse Cell Line Systems.
Sarcoma 2012; 2012:937506 DOI 10.1155/2012/937506 (IF )
35. M.Glanzmann, B.Fuchs, H.Schwyzer. Chronische Ellbogenschmerzen einer Volleyballerin. Arthroskopie 1-4, 2012 DOI 10.1007/s00142-012-0711-2 (IF )
36. A.Gvozdenovic, MJE. Arlt, C.Campanile, P.Brennecke, K.Husmann, Y. Li, W.Born, R.Muff, B.Fuchs. CD44 Enhances Tumor Formation and Lung Metastasis in Experimental Osteosarcoma and is an
Additional Predictor for Poor Patients’ Outcome.
J Bone Min Res published online November 20, 2012 DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.1817 (IF 6.373)
37. K.Husmann, MJE.Arlt, R.Muff, B.Langsam, J.Bertz, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 promotes Tumor Formation and Lung Metastasis in an Intratibial Injection Osteosarcoma Mouse Model.
BBA Molecular Basis of Disease 1832(2):347-54, 2013 (IF 5.387)
38. T.Jentzsch, M.Erschbamer, F.Seeli, B.Fuchs. Extensor Function After Medial Gastrocnemius Flap Reconstruction of the Proximal Tibia.
Clin Orthop Rel Res in print January 15, 2013 (IF 2.533)
39. C.Campanile, M.Arlt, A.Gvozdenovic, P.Brennecke, A.Sabile, M.Honer, C.Fischer, A.Mueller, S. Ametamey, S.Krämer, R.Schibli, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Characterization of Different Osteosarcoma
Phenotypes by PET Imaging in Preclinical Animal Models
J Nuclear Medicine accepted February 10 (IF 6.527)
40. K.Modaressi, B.Fuchs, P.Bode, R.Sutter, M.Decurtins, U.Weber. Osteoblastoma of the Ilium mimicking sacroiliitis
Arthritis Rheumatol accepted February 21, 2013 (IF 7.866)
41. A.Gozdenovic, MJE.Arlt, C.Campanile, P.Brennecke, K.Husmann, W.Born, R.Muff, B.Fuchs: Silencing of CD44 Gene Expression in Human 143-B Osteosarcoma Cells Promotes Metastasis of Intratibial
Tumors in SCID Mice
PlosOne accepted February 25, 2013 (IF 4.092)
42. K.Berndt, C.Campanile, R.Muff, E.Strehler, W.Born, B.Fuchs. Evaluation of Quercetin as Potential Drug in Osteosarcoma Treatment.
Anticancer Res submission February 05, 2013, accepted March 02, 2013 (IF o.o)
43. A.Sabile, M.Arlt, R.Muff, B.Bode, B.Langsam, J.Bertz, T.Jentzsch, W.Born, B.Fuchs: Caprin1 promotes Metastasis in an Experimental Animal Model of Osteosarcoma.
BBA Molecular Basis of Disease accepted March 18, 2013 (IF 5.387)
1. B.Fuchs, W.Born. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Osteosarcoma Metastasis: Current Knowledge and Perspectives (Review)
Current Orthopaedic Practice 20(6):593-597, 2009 (IF -)

Book Chapters

Spine Tumors
Author: B.Fuchs, N.Boos; in: Textbook of Spine Disorders, ed. N.Boos & M.Aebi, Springer. Primary
Tumors of the Spine, Chapter 33, pp. 951 – 976, 2008
Surgical Exposures to the Pelvis (iliofemoral, ilioinguinal, ischiopubic and posterior sacroiliac
Authors: B.Fuchs, FH.Sim; in, Morrey BF, Morrey MC. Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery:
Relevant Surgical Exposures (Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery), Philadelphia: Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins; 2008
Surgical Treatment of Benign Bone Lesions about the Hip
Authors: P.Rose B.Fuchs; in D.Berry “Hip Surgery” (submitted April 2011) Total Knee Arthroplasty in Cancer Patients. Chapter 66. Authors: F.Hess, B.Fuchs, in: Knee
Reconstruction, Replacement and Revision (submitted August 15, 2011)
Exposure of the Acetabulum
Authors: E.Frey, B.Fuchs; Ebook Chapter on (published September 2011)
Distal Femoral Resection
Authors: A.Arteau, B.Fuchs; Ebook Chapter on (published May 2011)
Resection of the Proximal Fibula
Authors: A.Arteau, B.Fuchs; Ebook Chapter on (published May 2011)
Medial Scapulectomy
Authors: A.Arteau, B.Fuchs; Ebook Chapter on (published May 2011)
Resection of the Proximal Tibia
Authors: E.Frey, B.Fuchs; Ebook Chapter on (published September 2011)
Exposure of the Posterior Pelvis (Enneking Type I Resection)
Authors: B.Fuchs, FH.Sim; Ebook Chapter on (published July 2011)
Exposure of the Pelvis (Enneking Type II Resection)
Authors: B.Fuchs, FH.Sim; Ebook Chapter on (published July 2011)
Exposure of the Anterior Pelvis (Enneking Type III Resection)
Authors: B.Fuchs, FH.Sim; Ebook Chapter on (published July 2011)
Resection of the Proximal Humerus
Authors: A.Arteau, B.Fuchs; Ebook Chapter on (published May 2011)


Microsoft word - childhood headaches.doc

C h ild h o o d H e a d a c h e s D o n 't Tak e T h e m L ig h tly B y D r. B ria n A b e ls o n D .C . R N C . Headaches during childhood should be taken seriously. There is a growing body of evidenceshowing that headaches that occur during childhood can set a pattern for headache relateddysfunction throughout a person's adult life. In the United States, it is estimated that more than 45m

Elegant resume

Michelle Babb-Tarbox, MD 2009 - PRESENT Cleveland Clinic. Dermatopathology Fellowship 2006 - 2009 Cleveland Clinic. Dermatology Residency Cleveland Clinic. Internal Medicine Internship Texas Tech School of Medicine. M.D. May 2005 Texas Tech University. B.S. Cell and Molecular Biology Summa Cum Laude Honors studies with Highest Honors Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentor

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