
Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur
WEEK ENDING Date: 1/27/2014
Sl.No Product Description
Closing Balance
Amoxycillin + Potassium Clavunate Tab. 375. mg Amoxycillin + Potassium Clavunate Tab. 625. mg WEEK ENDING Date: 1/27/2014
Sl.No Product Description
Closing Balance
Atropine Sulphate 0.6ml,IP,1 ml Inj. 0.6 mg /ml Etophyllin 84.7mg/ml Theophyllin 25.3/ml,IP,2 ml Inj. Anti "D" RH Immunoglobulin ,IP,2 ml Ringer lactate (Compound Sodium lactate Inj. Each 100ml contains Lactic A l Sodium Chloride 0.04gm Calcium Chloride 0.027gm) ,IP,500 ml Dextrose 5% + Sodium Chloride 0.9% (DNS) ,IP, Inj. Normal Saline 0.9 mg/ml (Sodium Chloride),IP,500 ml Inj. Rabies Immune Globulin (Human)EP ,IP,150 IU/ml 2. ml Ciproflaxacin Injection,IP,2 mg/ml Inj. 100. ml Pralidoxime Chloride 1gm With Sterile water for Inj. (PAM) ,IP,20 ml Lignocaine & Adrinaline 20mg ,IP,30 ml Heparin Low Molecular weight,IP,4000 IU/ml. 40. mg Tetanus Vaccine (Absorbed) 5ml,IP, Vial 5. ml Dextrose 10%,IP,10 % W/V Inj. 500. ml. bot.
Insulin Biphasic Isophane Inj ,IP 40 IU 30/70 ,,10 ml Inj. Chlorophenaramine Maleate ,,10 mg Inj. 30. ml Hyaluronidase Inj.,IP,1 ml Inj. 1500. IU/ml.
Heparin Low Molecular weight ,IP,6000 IU/ml. Inj. 60. mg Heparin Sodium ,IP,5 ml Inj. 5000. IU/5ml.
Carboprost Tromethamine (Endoprost),IP, Amp. 250. mcg M.V.I.(Multi Vitamin. Inj),IP,10 ml Inj. Cefoperazone 500mg + Salbactum 500mg,IP,500 mg Inj. Inj.Hepatitis 'B' Immnoglubulin, 100 IU/ml,IP,100 IU/ml. Inj. PIPERCILLIN WITH TOZABACTUM 4.5 GM ,IP, Inj. 4.5 gm Cefotaxime 1Gm + Salbactum 500mg,IP, Inj. 1. gm AMOXYCILIN WITH CLAVULANIC ACID,IP,500 mg Inj. PIPERCILLIN WITH TOZABACTUM 1.125MG,IP, Inj. 1.12 mg 1145 Inj.
WEEK ENDING Date: 1/27/2014
Sl.No Product Description
Closing Balance
Gamma Benzene Hexachloride (Lindane),,30 ml Benzoic Acid Cream Compound (White Field),,15 Chloro Hexadine Solution (Aseptic Lotion),,1000 ml Cotrimaxizoli Syrup,IP,50 ml Bottle 40. mg Xylometazoline Hydrochloride,,10 ml Bottle Salicylic Acid Ointment,IP,15 gm Tubes 3. % W/V Betamethasone Valerate Cream,IP,20 gm Tubes 1. % Salbutamol Respirator Solution ,IP,15 ml Bottle 5. Ofloxacin & Dexamethasone Eye/Ear Drop Bottle 10. Mometasone Furoated Cream,IP, Tubes 10. gm Miconozole Nitrate Cream,IP, Tubes 30. gm Amoxycillin Oral suspension,IP,30 ml Bottle 125. Sodium Fusidic Acid 10Gm/20MCG,IP, Tubes WEEK ENDING Date: 1/27/2014
Sl.No Product Description
Closing Balance
Sterile Disposible Surgical Gloves 6 1/2,, Sterile Disposible Surgical Gloves 7 1/2,, sterile disposable gloves 8.0,IP, No. No.s 8. No.
Intra Accular Lence 19D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 19.5D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 20D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 20.5D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 21D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 21.5D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 22 D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 22.5D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 23D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 23.5D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Intra Accular Lence 24D,, pkts/Box Pouch pkts/Box Absorbable Gauze Cloth 90cm x20mtrs,IP, Than Neonatal Sanitary Pads (Pampers),IP, Pouch Dispo Abdominal Darin Tube PVC No.28,IP,28 No. Tubes Dispo Abdominal Darin Tube PVC No.32,IP,32 No. Tubes Dispo I.C.D. Bags (With Water Seal),IP, No. Bag Each No Dispo Romovac Drain Set No.12,IP,12 No. No.s Dispo Romovac Drain Set No.16,IP,16 No. No.s Intra Accular Lence 24.5D,,IP, pkts/Box Pkts pkts/Box Dispo Romovac Drain Set No.08,IP,8 No. No.s 8. No.
Dispo Abdominal Darin Tube PVC No.16,IP,16 No. No.s WEEK ENDING Date: 1/27/2014
Sl.No Product Description
Closing Balance
WEEK ENDING Date: 27.01.2014
Sl.No Product Description
Closing Balance
Absorbable Synthitic Suture 2-0 Round Body, ,,1 Box Non Absorbable Suture Polymide 3-0 Circle Cutting,,1 Box Absorbable Synthetic Suture 2-0 Tapper Cut,,1 Box Absorbable Synthetic Suture 1-0 Round Body,,1 Box Absorbable Synthetic Suture No 1 RB 40MM,IP,1 Box Absorbable Synthetic Suture 2-0 RB,,1 Box Non Absorbable Monofilament Poly prolene 2-0 RB ,,1 Box Non Absorbable Monofilament Poly prolene 1 RB ,,1 Box Absorbable Synthetic Suture No 1 TC ,IP, Box Box

Source: http://www.rims-raichur.com/drugs_rims/Weeckly%20Drug%20Stock%20Position-27-1-14-rims.pdf

Std step therapy drugs 20100413.doc

STANDARD Stepped Therapy Agents ~ 2010 The following drugs will require prior authorization if the condition is not met when the pharmacist would attempt to transmit a prescription claim. Your doctor will coordinate this approval for you. If the prescription is approved, Coventry Health Care will cover the cost. You will be responsible for the copayment. If the request is not approved, i

Fever fact sheet 11.19

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Flu: What You Can Do – Caring for People at Home Fever and the Flu Fever is a higher than normal body temperature. It is the most common symptom of the flu. Although fever may cause worry, it helps the body fight infection and is usually not harmful. A person with the flu may experience a fever that: • Increases quickly, rising to a peak

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