Ecumenical News International News Highlights 14 February 2012 Kenyan faith leaders exchange roses as reminder of HIV/AIDS Nairobi, Kenya (ENInews)--At a Roman Catholic church center near the Kenyan town of Thika, red roses were exchanged among faith leaders on Valentine's Day as reminder of their call to love and care for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. The Christian and Muslim leaders had gathered under the Kenyan chapter of the International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Affected by HIV/AIDS to discuss how to strengthen current approaches being used to fight the epidemic. "A red rose is a sign of love, but many people infected by HIV/AIDS don't often get the expression of it. In most cases they face animosity, but as religious leaders, we can be different," the Rev. Joseph Njakai of the Anglican Church of Kenya told ENInews on 14 February. [449 words, ENI-12-0084] Indonesian Christians continue fight to reclaim church building (ENInews)--In Indonesia, Protestants who have been illegally prevented from worshipping in or outside their building are continuing the fight to reclaim it. As religious leaders attended the 2012 World Interfaith Harmony Week at the House of Representatives last weekend, dozens of Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) Yasmin congregants held Sunday services in front of the State Palace in Jakarta. "This is our way to show our concern for this country. We've been barred from our church for months. Our house of worship is sealed," said GKI Yasmin spokeswoman Dwiati Novita Rini. [296 words, ENI-12-0085] Pope contributes to restoration of Algerian basilica Rome (ENInews)--Pope Benedict XVI is among those contributing to the restoration of the Basilica of St. Augustine in Annaba, Algeria, in a project that the Vatican said is "a symbol of the brotherhood between Christians and Muslims," Vatican Radio reported. Church officials were careful to point out that the contribution, which was not quantified, was from Benedict directly and also through the "Papal Foundation," but not by the Vatican itself. The 112-year-old church was built on a hill overlooking the ruins of Hippo, the episcopal see of St. Augustine. [295 words, ENI-12-0086] Assemblies of God marking 100 years in Nicaragua Managua, Nicaragua (ENInews)--The Assemblies of God church in Nicaragua is in the middle of a three-month centennial celebration that will culminate 21 April with an official commemoration in Managua. A two-day caravan of 170 vehicles set out on 28 January from the Pacific port city of Corinto, where the Rev. Benuz Shoneckey set foot on Nicaraguan soil in 1912. The caravan retraced the route Choneckey and his wife, Yegui, used in establishing a mission in the Central American nation, ending up 145 km to the north in the capital of Managua. [294 words, ENI-12-0087] ENI News Highlights contain summaries of ENI articles published today. This summary may be copied or re-posted provided the information printed below is retained. Individual paragraphs may be reproduced provided ENI is acknowledged as the source. For details of subscriptions to the full ENI News Service, which contains full text articles, contact ENI at the address below. Ecumenical News International PO Box 2100 CH - 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Tel: (41-22) 791 6088 - 6111 Fax: (41-22) 788 7244 Email:


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