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2010 Prohibited List
What major changes does the 2010 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods
include compared to the 2009 List?

 The List reflects the latest scientific advances.  Several of the changes to be implemented in 2010 will allow anti-doping organizations to manage a number of substances and methods in a significantly more administrative- and cost-effective way. In particular: Salbutamol
Following several years of practice and consideration of all relevant information from stakeholders and others, WADA’s List Committee recommended a change for the status of the beta-2 agonist salbutamol – a substance listed as a specified substance in the 2009 List. Over the past few years, almost all cases where salbutamol has been detected were covered by Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs). In the 2010 List, therapeutic use of inhaled salbutamol will not be prohibited and will therefore no longer require a TUE. For monitoring purposes, athletes using inhaled salbutamol will be required to declare their use on the Doping Control Form when they are tested. Salbutamol will still be prohibited for urinary concentrations above 1,000 nanograms per millilitre. In such cases, there will be a presumption that the substance was not taken by inhalation and the athlete will have the burden to demonstrate through a controlled pharmacokinetic study that the level found in his urine was the result of therapeutic inhaled use. Anabolic Steroids
The detailed technical comments on the management of analytical results related to anabolic agents have now been moved to the revised WADA Technical Document on Minimum Required Performance Levels for Detection of Prohibited Substances. No further collections or analyses will be required in cases where the testosterone to epitestosterone (T/E) ratio is greater than 4 and an isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) test or any other reliable analytical method has not revealed evidence of exogenous administration of a prohibited substance. What other noteworthy changes does the 2010 List include?
 Pseudoephedrine will be reintroduced to the List.  Until 2003, pseudoephedrine was prohibited in sport. It has been included in WADA’s Monitoring Program annually from 2004 on. (The Monitoring Program includes substances that are not prohibited in sport but are monitored by anti-doping laboratories in order to detect patterns of misuse.)  Results of the Monitoring Program over the past five years have shown a sustained increase in samples containing pseudoephedrine. The Program indicated clear abuse of this substance with high concentrations in a number of sports and regions. In addition, available literature shows scientific evidence of the performance-enhancing effects of pseudoephedrine beyond certain doses.  Based on the results of the Monitoring Program, as well as scientific literature and results of controlled excretion studies conducted by WADA, pseudoephedrine will be prohibited above 150 micrograms per millilitre. Oxygen
 The 2010 List clarifies that supplemental oxygen (hyperoxia) is not prohibited. Platelet-Derived Preparations
 The status of platelet-derived preparations (e.g. Platelet Rich Plasma, “blood spinning”) has been clarified. These preparations will be prohibited when administered by intramuscular route. Other routes of administration will require a declaration of use in compliance with the International Standard for TUEs. What is the status of sildenafil (Viagra)?
 Sildenafil (Viagra) is not on the List.  WADA is aware of studies presented in relation to the potential of sildenafil to restore pulmonary capacities at very high altitudes. WADA is funding a number of research projects on the effects of sildenafil at various altitudes. These projects are ongoing.


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