Abstark kti-2012

Cahya Septia Sardiawan., I. G.A. Sri Dhyanaputri., Jannah Sofi Yanty

Food dyes is a food additives that can improve or give color to
food.The addition of food coloring to foods intended to improve the color change,
or become pale during processing or to give color to foods that are not colored to
make it look more attractive.
Objective The examination of Rhodamin B to determine the content of the
Rhodamin B in tomato sauce samples.
Methods Using Thin Layer Chromatography.In Denpasar can be found 10 types
of tomato sauce and all kinds of tomato sauce is used as a sample.
Result From Rhodamin B Standard test obtained Rf value of 0.81034 from the
ratio between the distance that stain with the distance by the eluent. Sauce sample
number 1 to 9 does not show the stain so that the value of Rf sauce sample 1 to
sample the sauce 9 can not be calculated.Samples sauce 10 obtained Rf value of
0.7931 from the ratio of the distance of stain by 4.6 cm with the eluent distance by
5.8 cm.
Conclusion One sample from a total of ten samples of sauces or as much as 10%
of the total population of tomato sauce in Denpasar positive containing Rhodamin
Keywords: tomato sauce; food color; Rhodamin B.

1 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 ANALISIS HUBUNGAN AKTIFITAS OLAHRAGA AEROBIK DENGAN
Dewa Agus Krisna Pramana., Ni Made Marwati., I Wayan Merta

Blood HDL cholesterol is good cholesterol in the body, therefore in
order to make the blood levels of HDL cholesterol keeps increasing is by doing
aerobic exercise regularly, so it can prevent or reduce the risk of coronary heart
disease. The study was conducted to see the relation of the aerobic exercise on
blood HDL cholesterol levels in aging community in Persatuan Pernafasan
Indonesia, Sukawati, Gianyar
Objevtive The type of this study is a cross sectional design, in which the
dynamics of correlations between risk factors and the effect were obtained by
observation approaches or data collection as many as 31 samples.
Method of blood HDL cholesterol is CHOD PAP.
Result of aging that has done regularly activity is 19 samples (61,3%) with good
result, four males (12,9%) and six females (19,4%), two males (6,5%) and 6
females (19,4%)in normal value (3,2%), and one male in low value. The aging
that haven’t done exercise regularly is 12 samples (38,7%) in normal value are 4
males (12,9%) and 3 females (9,7%), two males (6,5%) and three females (9,7%)
in low value. This observation is used Fisher test, the significance exact value sig
(2-sided)is 0,001 because P value les than 0,05.
Conclusion Ho reject and Ha accept, there is relation between aerobic exercise
with blood HDL cholesterol level towards the aging people.

Keywords: aerobic activity, HDL cholesterol.

2 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN KADAR TOTAL PROTEIN DARAH
Dewa Ayu Intan Puspita Dewi., I Wayan Merta., Burhannudin


Background Test of laboratory is one of health test that used to uphold a
diagnosis of disease. The most laboratory test that usually asked by the doctor for
medical check up is clinic chemistry, especially total blood protein rate test.
This test is representation to know liver and renal functions. To get result of
accurate test, all process must be done according to standard operational
procedure. Pre-analytic is the most cause of mistake in the laboratory test,
especially phase of sample preparation.
Objective of this research is to know difference of total blood protein rate
between serum and plasma.
Methods Subject of this research are 17 students of Health Analyst, Poltekkes
Denpasar who selected by purposive sampling with Intact Group Comparison
design. On once venipuncture, the blood sample that obtained will be processed
become serum and plasma. So, total of blood samples that used on this research
are 34 blood samples that consists of 17 serums and 17 plasmas.
Result By statistic test use Independent Samples T Test, the value of P = 0,298
(asympsig, sig > 0,05).
Conclusion of this research is there is no difference of total blood protein rate
between serum and plasma.
Keywords: total blood protein; serum; plasma.

3 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN LAMA WAKTU PENUNDAAN URIN TERHADAP HASIL
Dewa Ayu Niti Rahayu Putri., I.G.A. Dewi Sarihati., Heri Setiyo Bekti

The specimen urine usually check is not fresh cause delayed time.
The best specimens urine is fresh which is immediately checked. Sample for urine
glucose test better by fresh urine.
Objective This study to know the difference delayed time check on the result of
glucose in urine.
Methods The design used in this study is The Postest-Only Control Group Design
and the method of sample is purposive sampling. The samples used as 15 samples
from 15 different subjects and to do the test as much as three group. The subjects
of this study were patients of DM.
Statistical tests used the Friedman test with value of α = 0,05.
Result of the urine glucose test by fresh urine and delayed time is difference. The
followed by Post Hoc test using Wilcoxon. The result in this study between urine
glucose test is soon done and delayed time for one hour is no difference p = 1,000
(p > 0,05). There is a difference value between urine glucose test delayed done for
one hour and delayed urine glucose test for two hour p = 0,01 (p < 0,05). There is
a difference value between urine glucose test is soon done and delayed time urine
glucose test for two hour p = 0,01 (p < 0,05).
Conclusion The delayed time urine glucose test on two hour was could influenced

delayed time; urine glucose.

4 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN JENIS KEMASAN DENGAN KUALITAS AKTERIOLOGIS
Dewa Ayu Putu Wiarsini., Cok. Dewi Widhya HS., Burhannudin


Background Soy milk is one of the processed soybean products are highly
nutritious. Along with the increased interest in soy milk, soy milk producer are
also increasing, soy milk packaging became more diverse with a more attractive
appearance. A lot of packaging used by producer of soy milk in home industry is
bottles and plastic. Soy milk is consumed by the public must conform
requirements the maximum contaminant limits specified microorganisms.
Objective This study to determine the Correlation type of packaging with soy
milk bacteriological quality.
Methods used in this study was quasi experimental test is the soy milk in bottles
and plastic containers are stored for three days at 40C (in refrigerator) and a
temperature of 250C (room temperature) with 511 MPN test. The number of
samples used a total of 36 samples, consisting of 18 bottles of soy milk and soy
milk 18 plastic package. To determine the Correlation type of packaging with soy
milk bacteriological quality used Fisher's Exact test statistics.
Result showed that different bacterial growth between bottles and plastic
packaging. In the examination of bottled soy milk samples showed that all
samples are worthy for consumption (50% of the total sample). While the
examination of the results obtained samples of plastic packaging for consumption
15 samples (42% of the total sample) and three samples were not worthy of
consumption (8% of total packaging). The results of statistical tests using Fisher's
Exact test results obtained there is no Correlation type of packaging with soy milk
bacteriological quality. It’s means that producer can use bottles and plastic for
packaging. To keep the quality of soy milk should be stored at 40C(in refrigerator)
because the results showed a growth of more bacteria in soy milk bottles and
plastic containers are stored at a temperature of 250C.
Conclusion The growth of bacteria in soy milk can cause digestive problems such
as poisoning and diarrhea that may harm consumers.

Keyword : soy milk, type of packaging, bacteriological quality.

5 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PENGARUH PERBEDAAN WAKTU PEMERIKSAAN TERHADAP
Dwi Suarthini., Nyoman Mastra., Nur Habibah

Based on research in Indonesia, the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus
(DM) rises about 5 million people and was ranked in sixth of all DM case in the
world. One of clinical chemistry laboratory test is blood glucose check that can
early detect the DM.
Objective of this research is to determine difference influence time test effect of
fasting blood glucose level. Test of blood glucose in this research is done with
method of O-Toluidin.
Methods is glucose will react with O-Toluidin in hot acetate form green
chromatic compound. Test of fasting blood glucose level done immediately,
delayed in 45 and 90 minute. The mean of blood glucose level test in immediately
time with delayed in 45 minute is decrease until 8, 47 mg/dl, the mean of fasting
blood glucose level delayed in 45 minute with delayed in 90 minute is decrease
until 8,67 mg/dl and the mean of fasting blood glucose level test in immediately
time with delayed in 90 minute is decrease until 17,46 mg/dl. The decrease of
fasting blood glucose level is caused by glicolysis.
Result of obtained test to be tested statistically with Repeated Anova showed the
value of p<0,05 which is 0,000.
Conclusion It is indicate that there is the difference influence in time test of
fasting blood glucose level.
Keywords : difference time test, fasting blood glucose fasting level

6 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 ANALISA KUALITATIF FORMALIN PADA IKAN TERI ASIN DI
Gede Hardy Surya Cipta., I.G.A. Sri Dhyanaputri., Burhannuddin

Formalin is hazardous carcinogenic chemical substances that can
disturbances the digestive when it present in foodstuffs and processed products.
Until now formalin still use as a preservative in a food.
Objective This research is a descriptive survey to know current present of
formalin in foods, especially an anchovy in Badung’s Traditional Market. The
formalin test results carried out by BBPOM Denpasar last year in Badung’s
Traditional Market showed anchovy positive formalin.
Methods The anchovies purchased from a trader, then examined in the Analytics
Laboratory of Udayana University using kromatofat acid reagents by a purple
discoloration reaction.The kind of an anchovy such as teri kecil, teri sedang, teri
besar, teri medan, teri super,teri kayu, teri monar, teri putri ayu, and teri jenggot
were used.
Result Nine of anchovies examined, only teri jenggot negative formalin. Finally
88,89 % an anchovies contain formalin. The characteristics of salted anchovy
containing formalin are clean white, the texture is hard, no distinctive odor of fish,
and shelf life at room temperature for one month.
Conclusion Government has to execute formalin test once every six months and
traders are given feed back the results. Also the level of consumer and trader
knowledge must be increase about the hazards of formalin present in food.

Keywords: Formalin, anchovy, qualitative analysis

7 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN KADAR BILIRUBIN DIREK DALAM SERUM SEGAR
Gusti Agung Mas Shinta Paramita., I Wayan Merta., Nur Habibah

Clinical laboratory tests is one important factor in supporting the
diagnosis of a disease. One of the clinical laboratory examination is liver
physiology. At this time there a lot of liver physiology test that can be done, one
of them checks in the serum bilirubin levels. To get the most accurate examination
of bilirubin levels, there are somethings to consider starting from the pre-
analytical, analytical to post-analytic. Pre-analytic phase, especially the sample
preparation stage is the stage that most often lead to errors on the results of
laboratory tests. To check the bilirubin level direct conducted immediately after
the shooting because the levels of bilirubin in the serum is not stable in room
temperature. One of the direct due to a decrease in serum bilirubin levels, namely
exposure to direct sunlight. If the examination of bilirubin can not be done as soon
as a case example, there is damage of the equipment or the number of samples so
much so that the delay examination the samples should be stored at 2-8 ◦ C.
Objective of this study to determine differences in serum levels of bilirubin
direct in fresh and stored serum for 24 hours at 2-8 ◦ C.
Methods This type of research is a quasi experimental design with intact Group
Comparison. Sampling in this study was conducted using purposive sampling.
Result In the statistical tests using the Independent Samples T Test, the
probability (asympsig or sig) that is obtained is 0.602 (asympsig, sig ≥ 0.05) .
Conclusion The means that there is no difference in serum bilirubin levels
directors fresh and stored serum for 24 hours at 2-8 ◦ C.

bilirubin direct; fresh serum; serum stored.

8 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN HASIL PENGUKURAN LAJU ENDAP DARAH METODE
Gusti Ayu Riska Mastari., Nyoman Mastra., Heri Setiyo Bekti

ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) measures of erythrocyte
precipitation speed.
Objective This research for knowing the difference between ESR result by
westergren method with and without dilution of students at Health Analyst
Department Polytechnic of Health Denpasar. The research method is Quasi
Experiment which has been done in student grade I, II, and III that had been
chosen by proportional random system, samples had been taken from 29 students.
The analysis of data is T-Independent test.
Methods of ESR observation is westergren method, which is blood vena with
anticoagulant EDTA in a westergren tube and the erythrocytes precipitate in
certain time. In general ESR observation by westergren method, with dilution of
NaCl 0,85% is done in an hour, but without dilution of NaCl 0,85% only in 45
Result of this research has indicated the ESR observation by westergren method
with and without dilution is obtained 41% increase than normal value, and 59%
normal level in normal value. There is no difference result between ESR by
westergren method with and without dilution.
Conclusion ESR by westergren method without dilution can be used to get the
result of ESR observation which is efficient, quick, and accurate.
Keyword: ESR; westergren method; dilution.

9 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 ANALISIS HUBUNGAN KEBIASAAN MEROKOK DENGAN
I Dewa Ayu Intan Prabawati., M. Choirul Hadi., Nyoman Mastra

One of the factors that influence the risk of cholesterol in the blood
are smoking, where the smokers have HDL lower levels, but levels LDL higher
when compared with nonsmokers.
Objective of this study to know determine levels of HDL cholesterol and then the
respondents will be analyzed with each of the risk factors, especially smoking.
Methods This type of study is the cross sectional analytic survey, data collected
will be analyzed using regression analysis. From the analysis note that the only
factor affecting the consumption of cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, while other
factors are smoking, sport activity, age, occupation, education has no significant
relationship (sig <0.05).
Result Formed so that the regression equation is Y = 33.728 +0.15 X1 with r2
values of 0.218. HDL cholesterol test results on the respondents ranged between
24-49 mg / dl.
Conclusion Although there was no significant association between smoking and
HDL cholesterol but very important to reduce smoking given the risk posed.

HDL cholesterol, cigarette

10 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 TINJAUAN KUALITAS BAKTERIOLOGIS JAMU BERAS KENCUR
I Gusti Ayu Made Dwi ., Nyoman Mastra., Jannah Sofi Yanty

Jamu Beras Kencur is a part of herbal medicine that the main
ingredients are rice and kencur. Most of the ingredients of jamu beras kencur are
contained a chemical that is a good growth medium for microorganisms.
Microorganisms can contaminate jamu beras kencur because it is supported by
environmental conditions that allow microorganisms to grow and develop.
Objective To know quality of jamu beras kencur which produced in the
Batubulan Village and to determine the MPN value of jamu beras kencur based on
regulation of the chief food and drug control agencies of the republic of Indonesia
No. Hk. about determination the maximum limit of microbial and
chemical contaminans in food.
Methods This type of research is descriptive survey, conducted from March to
June 2012. The research was conducted in herbal production centre at Banjar
Telabah Batubulan Village. Samples used in this study as many as 16 of jamu
beras kencur.
Result of MPN 511 test is performed, that three samples of jamu beras kencur is
eligible and 13 samples of jamu beras kencur is not eligible based on the
regulation of the chief food and drug control agencies No. Hk.
that the maximum limit of MPN Coliform is <20/mL and for MPN E.coli is
Keywords: Bacteriology quality, Jamu Beras Kencur

11 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 TINJAUAN TUBERKULOSIS PARU PADA PASIEN SUSPEK
I Ketut Widnyana., Ida Ayu Made Sri Arjani., I.G.A Sri Dhyanaputri


Background TB is the number three cause of death after cardiovascular diseases
and respiratory diseases in all age groups, and is one of the largest number in a
group of infectious diseases. One of the best test for TB is smear test.
Tuberculosis disease in the Bali Province is a public health problem, as indicated
by the increase in cases of smear positive.
Objective of this study to determine the number of patients tuberculosis in
patients with suspected tuberculosis in Sanglah Hospital.
Methods This study used descriptive of smear performed smear positive results
obtained for 16 samples of 69 samples with suspected tuberculosis by percentage
of 23.2%.
Result While the negative results obtained with the percentage of 53 samples of
Conclusion Seen from the findings of all patients diagnosed with smear positive
TB is lower than the negative TB result.
Keywords: percentage, diagnosis of disease, TB
12 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 ANALISIS KANDUNGAN FORMALIN DALAM MIE BASAH
I Made Yogi Dharmika., Ni Made Marwati., I Wayan Merta

Many circulate processed foods on the market with cheap prices,
like a noodle. Most of a noodle manufacturers who wish to gain a big profit in the
manufacture of noodles so steeled manufacturers of hazardous chemicals such as
formalin. The addition of formaldehyde in the production of noodles can make
noodle becomes more durable. Actually the use of formalin is not for food, but as
generally used to be embalming.
Objective of this study was to determine the formaldehyde content of noodle are
sold in the city of Denpasar in 2012.
Method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The samples used were 36
samples from 36 noodle industry in the city of Denpasar. This research using a
qualitative method of investigation.
Result of this research a noodle in the city of Denpasar, from 36 samples of
noodles that come from domestic industry in the area of East, West, North, and
South of Denpasar. Of the 36 samples obtained by noodles as many positive
results of two samples (5.56%), while for other samples obtained negative results
Conclusion It is not in accordance with the Health Minister (Menkes) Number
1168/Menkes/PER/X/1999 about utilization of formaldehyde, Rhodamin B and
yellow methanyl in food.
Keywords: noodles; formaldehyde.

13 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 TINJAUAN KUALITAS MIKROBIOLOGI MATA AIR DI KECAMATAN
I Putu Wipa Widarsa Putra., I Wayan Jana., Cok. Dewi Widhya HS


Background Spring is one of the source of water that can be used as drinking
water for the human need. The qualified water to drink has certain conditional
standard namely physic, chemistry, microbiology and radioactive and the
condition is unity. And there is one of those conditions doesn’t fulfill the
conditional standard, the water is not qualified to drink, especially on
microbiology standard because of water pollution or contamination of coliform
and E. coli bacterias which belong to the group of coli bacteria. The
contamination of the bacteria to the water will influence our health especially
diarrhea disease.
Objective is done to know the description of microbiology quality of the springs
in twice replication using MPN 555 method and observe the sanitary condition
around the springs.
Methods is done in 13 springs by taking the sample of water twice with the
interval 15 days. Based on Permenkes no. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 about the
regulation and monitoring of microbiology standard of the fresh water to each
coliform and E. Coli bacterias is 0/100 mL.
Result From the twice examination to each springs which can be used as fresh
water, there is only one spring has qualified to be fresh water, there is only one
spring regulation from the minister of health that is Batu Lampo springs.
Conclusion While the 12 springs have no qualification as fresh water.

Keyword :
spring; drinking water; microbiology standard

14 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PE NGARUH PERB EDAAN KONSE NT RASI AI R PERASAN
RI MPANG KUNYI T (Cur cum a dom esti ca va l. ) TE RHADAP
PE RT UMB UH AN St aphyl o co ccu s aur eus
Ida Ayu Putu Suseni., I Wayan Jana., Nur Habibah
Background The development of medicine is rapidly increasing. The medicines
made by pharmaceutical industry has a more dangerous side effects of the cured
disease. This fact motivate researchers to develop traditional medicine for
generations has been used. One type of traditional medicine is often used is the
rhizome of tumeric (Curcuma domestica val.). Rhizome of tumeric (Curcuma
domestica val.
) have content antibacterial that is curcumin. One of the bacterial
pathogens that cause disease is Staphylococcus aureus.
Objective According to this matter the researches of difference concentrations
rhizome of tumeric water (Curcuma domestica val.) effect on the growth of
Staphylococcus aureus by in vitro process will be conducted.
Objective used for antibacterial sensitivity test is a disc diffusion method, disc
saturated into the rhizome of tumeric water (Curcuma domestica val.) with a
concentration of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, negative control (sterile distilled
water) and positive control (antibiotica ampicillin). Pure bacteria Staphylococcus
standardized with Mc Farland 0.5%. Bacterial suspension scratched on
Muller Hinton media surface. Then the disc that has been saturated in the
difference concentrations rhizome of tumeric water (Curcuma domestica val.)
attached to the surface of Muller Hinton media and included with the antibiotic
ampicillin control and sterile distilled water control (0%). Measured inhibition
zone formed after incubation 37o C for 24 hours.
Result of researches showed rhizome of tumeric water (Curcuma domestica val.)
All concentrations no inhibitory zone formed. Statistical analysis results of the
researches the difference concentrations rhizome of tumeric water (Curcuma
domestica val.
) effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus by in vitro process
using Kruskal wallis test. After tested, the results showed that the rhizome of
turmeric water (Curcuma domestica val.)
Conclusion Concentration of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% there is no
difference concentrations rhizome of tumeric water (Curcuma domestica val.)
effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus by in vitro process

Rhizome of Tumeric, Staphylococcus aureus, the disk diffusion

15 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH BERDASARKAN TINGKAT
(Studi Dilakukan di RSUD Wangaya Denpasar)
Kadek Ambarawati., I Wayan Merta, Nur Habibah


Background Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of degeneratif and chronic disease
that is getting increase in Indonesia. Based on the result survey of Indonesia
Health Department 2011 the number of people with DM reached 7,5 %. Based on
the report of Wangaya Hospital Denpasar, on the January until December 2010
there were 2810 people with DM. This number is increased by 17,13 %.
Objective The aim of this research is to find out the difference level of blood
glucose based on the level knowledge of the DM outpatient at Wangaya Hospital
Methods The research is held in Wangaya Hospital Laboratory on March 2012.
This research is an observational research by using cross sectional method. The
sample is choosen by using Consecutive Sampling with 51 sample of patient DM.
The type of data is primery and secondary data.
Result Based on research, 22 (43,1 %) of DM patients have a high knowledge of
DM, 25 patients (49,0 %) have a sufficient knowledge of DM and 4 patients (7,9
%) have a low knowledge of DM. The mean of blood glucose for the patient with
high knowledge is 144,27 mg/dL,the patient with sufficient knowledge is 174,08
mg/dL and the patient with low knowledge of DM is less than 149,25 mg/dL.
The result of the analysis by using Chi-square value of Exact Sig = 0,556
(p > 0,05)
Conclusion there is no relationship between the level of knowledge patient with
the blood glucose level of DM patient.

Keywords: knowledge; DM; blood glucose

16 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PENGETAHUAN MASYARAKAT TENTANG TAHU BERFORMALIN
Kadek Dita Descayani Pratiwi., Ida Ayu Made Sri Arjani., I.G.A. Sri Dhyanaputri
Tofu it was a common food consumed by the public, the other case
because the price is affordable and also the factor of naturak protein content is
high enough. Based on the results of the investigation and laboratory testing
conducted and Drug Administration Center for Food ( BPOM ) in jakarta in 2011
found a number of food products that use formaldehyde as a preservative in the
tofu. Formaldehyde is a solution which not surprisingly colorful and smell the
stench was terrible.
Objective Formaldehyde is known as a weed killer ingredient ( disinfectant ).
Minister of health regulation No. 1168 in 1999 about amendments to Minister of
Health Regulation No. 722 in 1988, there are some additional materials that are
prohibited for use in foodstuffs such as formaldehyde.
The purpose of study was to assess knowledge of the community to know that
contain formaldehyde.
Methods The experiment was conducted in Banjar Kaja Sesetan denpasar in
2012. This study is a type of Descriptive study using Cross Sectional design. The
types of data collected are the primary data obtained directly from the subject of
research. The data was collected by interviews and questionnaires conducted by
Result of research shows that the characteristics of respondents base on the group
of age between the age 30 -38 years about 38 people (63%). Level of basic
education ( Primay and secondary ) 32 people (53%). And worker’s mostly self-
employed about 28 people (46%). The knowledge of respondents about tofu
containing sufficient formaldehyde with enough categories such as 55 people
(90%), good knowledge of such as 6 people (10%) and respondents who have no
knowledge about the formaldehyde wasless.
Conclusion that the percentage of respondents knowledge about tofu that
containing formaldehyde is to have sufficient criteria (90%).

Keywords : Knowledge, Tofu, Formaldehyde

17 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN KADAR KREATININ DENGAN HEMOGLOBIN PADA
Kadek Mirah Nursiana Dewi Suatra., I.G.A Dewi Sarihati., Jannah Sofi Yanty

Background Chronic renal failure is a clinical condition that is irreversible renal
damage. Kidney damage is known from the value of LFG decreased, resulting in
increased levels of creatinine. In addition the interference is not only with the
increase in creatinine, but also affect to secretion of the hormone erythropoietin
which is formed by cells in tissue peritubulus interstisium kidneys, resulting in
decreased levels of hemoglobin.
Objective of this study to determine the relationship between creatinine levels
with hemoglobin levels in patients with chronic renal failure.
Methods descriptive analytical. Secondary data examination creatinine and
hemoglobin levels obtained from the medical records of patients with chronic
renal failure who are hospitalized during the month of March 2012. The data were
statistically analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to determine the
correlation between creatinine levels with hemoglobin levels in patients with
chronic renal failure.
Result Data obtained 33 patients with chronic renal failure hospitalizations,
including as many as 27 people-sex male and 6 female. The average value of
serum creatinine 13.4 mg / dL and the mean hemoglobin level 9.5 g%. The results
obtained 0.491 correlation means there is a relationship between creatinine levels
with hemoglobin levels in patients with chronic renal failure with a significance of
p = 0.004(p<0.01).
Conclusion that there is a relation between creatinine levels and hemoglobin

Keywords: Levels of creatinine; Hemoglobin Levels; Chronic Renal Failure

18 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN HASIL PEMERIKSAAN LAJU ENDAP DARAH (LED)
Ni Kadek Juliantari., I.G.A Dewi Sarihati., Nur Habibah

Background The delay time is one of the errors on the pre-analytical phase that
could lead to misinterpretation of the results of laboratory test. ESR checks the
deadline for the examination after blood sampling was performed 2 hours. If the
accumulation of samples, the limitations of the equipment and dispatch of samples
to laboratories that are not immediately there will be a delay of up to 2 and 3
Objective to determine the differences in results of the LED were examined
immediately by a time delay for 2 and 3 hours.
Methods This type of research is a quasi experimental with posttest only design.
Stratifield sampling was done in this study. In the statistical tests using a repeated
anova, the probability value obtained was 0,000 (p<0,05).
Result showed significant deference from the results of the ESR in the three
treatment groups were examined immediately by a delay time for 2 and 3 hours.
Paired wise comparison test used to find out the different treatment groups. The
test analysis showed significant difference with value of p = 0,000 (p<0,05)
between groups that were examined immediately with the group that delayed 2
hours and 3 hours, and between delayed group 2 hours and 3 hours.
Conclusion that are differences in the results of the ESR were examined
immediately by a time delay for 2 and 3 hours, differences occurred in all three
treatment groups.

Keywords : delay time ;erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

19 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 TINJAUAN KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH SEWAKTU PADA
Ni Ketut Nik Lestari., I.G.A Dewi sarihati., Burhannuddin

Background Random blood sugar levels test is one of the examinations of blood
glucose levels which are most often used to detect diabetes early.
Objective to determine the random blood sugar level on student in Health Analyst
Department at the Poltekkes Denpasar.
Methods Research methods are used descriptive study in which random blood
sugar levels were examined to students in health analyst department Poltekkes
Denpasar. The research from February to June 2012 with a sample of research 57
people represent 50% of the population of students in Health Analyst in Poltekkes
Result showed that the samples were examined from 57 samples of students who
has random blood sugar ranges from 75 mg/d-190 mg/dl by the number of
samples that include the category is not DM 20 (35.09%) and including the
uncertain category DM 37 people (64.91%) with an average of 106.79 mg / dl.
Descriptive statistics and results of blood sugar content in the samples nuchter's
range is 115 mg / dl, mean 106.79 mg / dl, mode 90 mg / dl, median 100 mg / dl,
with a deviation standard of 27.19.
Conclusion random blood sugar level on Student in Health Analyst at Poltekkes
Denpasar still classified in the category are not DM and uncertain DM.
Keyword: random blood sugar content, students
20 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN KADAR HEMOGLOBIN DENGAN PRESTASI BELAJAR
(Studi Kasus Tahun 2011/2012)
Ni Komang Ayu Fitri Prathiwi., I.G.A Sri Dhyanaputri., Heri Setiyo Bekti

Background Hemoglobin content less than normal is called anemia. Problem of
iron deficiency anemia is closely related to the level of concentration therefore
contributes to a child's intelligence and academic achievement in school.
Objective of this study is to determine whether there is a correlation between
hemoglobin content with student learning achievement at elementary school 2
Rendang Karangasem.
Methods of research conducted was survey research using Cross Sectional design
in which data relating to the dependent and independent variables will be
collected in a common and directly. At the same time sample is class V and VI
students the amount was to 41 people. Tested using the test statistic with fisher
exact test. Students who have normal hemoglobin content as many 61%, while
students who have low hemoglobin content as much 39%.
Result of collecting and recording the average value of report card known that
students who have an average value of as much as 29% report card good, enough
as much as 44%, minus as much as 27%.
Conclusion are known to exist the correlation of hemoglobin content with student
achievement Junior High School 2 Rendang Karangasem Students who have
normal hemoglobin content are likely to have better student learning achievement
than of the students who have low hemoglobin content (anemia).
Keyword: hemoglobin, learning achievement

21 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 TINJAUAN TENTANG PERBEDAAN WAKTU SAMPLING DAN
Ni Komang Juniawati., Nyoman Mastra., Heri Setiyo Bekti

Background There is not enough source of water that can be used in Denpasar
City especially in South Denpasar District forces the development of refreshment
stand drinking water. By refreshment stand drinking water, the people can get
drinking water quickly. However, most of them do not know the quality of their
drinking water. The quality of the refill drinking water that is being sold effects on
the people health who drink it. They must realize it to avoid diseases caused by
water such as gastroenteritis (diarrheic, cholera, typhus). The laboratory
observation to the refill drinking water that was done by the local government
clinic in South Denpasar District in 2011 due to; in local government clinic I
Denpasar Selatan found about 5 samples contain positive coliform from 10
samples being observed, local government clinic II South Denpasar found about 1
sample contain positive coliform from 10 samples being observed, local
government clinic III South Denpasar found about 3 samples contain positive
coliform from 10 samples being observed, and local government clinic IV South
Denpasar found about 4 samples contain positive coliform and E. coli from 10
samples being observed.
Objective This research discuss about the bacteriology quality of the refill
drinking water based on time sampling where the time sampling is determined by
the row materials changing process.
Methods Time sampling is determined because the writer wants to know about
the difference bacteriology quality among the first and the second time sampling
as long as 14 days. The research is descriptive one where the writer did
observation to the refill drinking water samples in bacteriology side.
Result This research was done for 2 weeks by the water samples were taken twice
in every seven days. The first observation, there were 17 water samples contained
41.2% coliform that is not obey the Indonesian Health Minister Policy No.
492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010, and the second observation, there were 17 water
samples samples contained 30% coliform that is not obey the Indonesian Health
Minister Policy No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010.
Conclusion By knowing the result of the research, the writer suggests to the
people to be able to choose refill drinking water properly and safety.

Keywords: time sampling, bacteriology quality, the refill drinking water

22 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PENGARUH BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI AIR PERASAN DAUN SIRIH
(Piper Betle Linn) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Staphylococcus aureus
Ni Luh Sugiari., Nyoman Mastra., Burhannuddin
Disease effect of infection represent one of the health area internal
issue which continue to expand. Most disease of infection in Indonesia because of
bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus ( S. aureus) representing one of bacterium
cause of infection.
Objective of this research is to know influence various concentration irrigate
extract of betle leaf ( Piper Betle Linn) in pursuing growth of Staphylococus
Methods which is used in this research is method of dilusi. Usage of
concentration irrigate extract of betle leaf made differ to give influence
storey;level which is bereda also to growth of bacterium of Staphylococcus
. Concentration which is used in this research is 40%, 60% and 80%.
Result of from this research indicate that at all of used concentration in
comparison with negative control show the amount of colony spanned the amount
of very far from masing - used concentration masing. Growth of real correct
bacterium - correctness pursued by at concentration 80%. From result of this
research indicate that concentration excelsior irrigate extract of betle leaf hence
growth of bacterium of Staphylococcus aureus is progressively pursued because
more and more active materials in condensation test with concentration 80%. If
this result is tested by using statistical test of anova way one got by value of sig
equal to 0,000 if this result is compared to signifikan (α 0,05) hence this result
show the existence of influence various concentration to growth of bacterium of
Staphylococcus aureus because result of sig < 0,05.
Conclusion in this research is that concentration 80% correctness - real correct
can pursue bacterium plant.
Keywords: concentration; leaf of betle; Staphylococcus aureus

23 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI EKSTRAK BAWANG PUTIH
(Allium sativum linn) TERHADAP ZONE HAMBATAN
PERTUMBUHAN Escherichia coli
Ni Made Dwijayanti., I Wayan Merta., Nyoman Mastra

Background Allium sativum linn is a well know advantageous herbal . Previous
studies show that Allium sativum linn had antibacterial effect to Escherichia coli.
Objective of this research was to know the differentiation of multy concentrate
garlic extract (Allium sativum linn) against zone inhibition germination to
Escherichia coli. This research was an experimental study with posttest only
control group design with difusi disk method .
Methods The sample of this experimental study was extract of Allium sativum
with multy concentrate. The antibacterial activity test uses difusi disk method
, these were divided into five test group with concentration 20% , 40% , 60% ,
80% , 100% , positive control , and negative control . Minimum Inhibition
Consentration was determined by ability to prevent Escherichia coli from growing
on Mueller Hinton Agar .
Result Statistic analysis was done by using One Way Anova test and LSD (Least
Significant Different) . Concentration of effective or sensitive is concentration
20% significantly inhibited bacterial growth and had a sensitive compared to
positive control.
Conclusion All concentration did show different ability in bactericidal activity .
Minimum Inhibition Concentration to Escherichia coli is concentration 20% .

Keywords : concentrate, garlic, Escherichia coli

24 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN ANTARA KARAKTERISTIK DENGAN KADAR ASAM
Ni Made Enny Santiari., Cok Dewi Widhya Hana Sundari., Jannah Sofi Yanty
Background The number of elderly currently based on Central Statistics Agency
(in Indonesia called Biro Pusat Statistik or BPS) are 14,439,967 people. One of
disease that often experienced by by the elderly is on the joint disease. Almost 8%
of 23 million persons aged 50 and over have a complaint to the ligaments. In
Banjar Sangging most elderly painter aged 50 or over is often complain about
tingling and pain in the knee joints or toes.
Objective to determine the relationship between the characteristics of the uric
acid levels in the elderly in Banjar Sangging, Kamasan village, subdistrict of
Methods The study type of a deskritif research, approach to the cross sectional
The results of the characteristics of the age category of uric acid in the elderly in
the test statistic using Chi Square test results obtained P=0.825, the characteristics
of the Body Mass Index results obtained P=0.128, the results of gender
characteristics results obtained P=0.710, The results of the education levels
results obtained P=0.551. For the results of research job with results obtained
P=0.467 and the results of the favorite foods uric acid levels in the elderly results
obtained P=0.000.
Result Characteristics of the elderly in Banjar Sangging: age, gender, body mass
index (BMI), education level, occupation and favorite foods. Uric acid levels in
women ranged from 3.3 to 12.2 mg / dL while males ranged from 4.4 to 11.5 mg /
dL. The analysis of the characteristics of elderly people with high levels of uric
acid there is no significant relationship between the characteristics of age, body
mass index (BMI), gender, education level, work with uric acid levels in the
elderly in Banjar Sangging, Kamasan village, subdistrict of Klungkung.
Conclusion favorite food there is a significant relationship between favorite foods
with uric acid levels in the elderly in Banjar Sangging, Kamasan village,
subdistrict of Klungkung.

Keywords : elderly people characteristic, elderly, level of uric acid

25 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN KADAR VITAMIN C MINUMAN BUBUK INSTAN
Ni Made Sri Dwijastuti., I Gede Sudarmanto., I.G.A Sri Dhyanaputri
Background Heat can increasing the oxidation rate of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid
and dehydroascorbic acid are easily oxidized in reversible reaction which retains
their activity as an antioxidant. When dehydroascorbic acid were oxidized to be
diketogulonic acid, they no longer have biological activity. Therefore, dissolving
instant baverage with hot water can damage and reduce the amount of vitamin C
in the baverage.
Objective This research aims to determine the differences of vitamin C levels at
the instant baverage which diluted with variety solvent temperature.
Methods The type of this research is experimental with posttest-only with control
design. The treatment is diluted with hot, warm and cold water. As a control the
instant baverage diluted with normal temperature water.
Result obtained the average levels of vitamin C in hot temperature is 0.47% w / w
to the weight of instant baverage powder, in warm 0.48%, in cold 0.51% and
0.50% at control.
Conclusion There was no significant difference between the levels of vitamin C
in the group that was dissolved in hot water and vitamin C levels in the control
group. Similarly, the levels of vitamin C in the group that was dissolved in warm
water and the group dissolved in cold water also no significant difference in levels
of vitamin C in the control group.
Keywords: vitamin C; instan baverage; temperature.

26 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PENGARUH BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI AIR PERASAN KUNYIT
(Curcuma domestica Val) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN
BAKTERI Salmonella typhi
Ni Made Yanti Astini., I Gede Sudarmanto., I.G.A Dewi Sarihati
Infection still become the problem of health in Indonesia, one of
them is typhoid fever because of bacterium Salmonella typhi. In general, infection
can healed by using antibiotic. But usage of antibiotic inappropriate study therapy
give a dangerous side effect. Therefore, require to be developed to find
medication alternative like using turmeric plant owning compound of
Objective to know the effect of various concentration turmeric water (Curcuma
domestica Val
) that is ; 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% to growth of bacterium
Salmonella typhi.
Methods in use is research experimental with Complete Randomized Design
where this device is often used for experiment in laboratory. Sample in research
are bacterium Salmonella typhi, bacterium given by treatment and then in change
research that happened by see the bacterium resistance zone in MHA (Muller
Hington Agar) medium.
Result there is no bacterium resistance zone (bacterium resistance zone is 0 mm).
That result given an abnormal distribution data according Kolmogorov Smirnov
Test, and then data tested with Kruskal Wallis test and produce value of
signification or probability (p) is 1,000 > 0,05.
Conclusion that there is no effect of various concentration turmeric water
(Curcuma domestica Val.) to growth of bacterium Salmonella typhi

Keywords : Turmeric Water (Curcuma domestica Val), Bacterium Salmonella

typhi, The disk diffusion method) 27 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 TINJAUAN PEMERIKSAAN DARAH SAMAR PADA PENDERITA
Ni Putu Eva Wiyatni., I.G.A Dewi Sarihati., Jannah Sofi Yanty

Background Gastrointestinal bleeding can result from several diseases.
Preliminary studies in Sanglah Hospital is obtained patient samples
gastrointestinal disorders reach 5-8 samples per day and the sample suspected
gastrointestinal bleeding of at least one sample per day.
To detect the presence of gastrointestinal bleeding occult blood examination.
Objective to determine the outcome of the examination and diagnosis of occult
blood in order to carry disease prevention for at risk result.
Methods of this study is descriptive method. Test results were analyzed and
expressed in percentage.
Result Diagnosis of disease with the greatest number is the number of suspected
ALL is 4 samples from a total of 20 positive samples with a percentage result is
20% and the percentage of diagnosis of pneumonia by 15%. Both diagnoses were
examined because of suspected occult blood bleeding. This results suggest that
ALL diseases and pneumonia acquired symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Conclusion For the community should be vigilant to prevent the occurrence of
gastrointestinal bleeding.

Keywords: percentage, diagnosis of disease, occult blood

28 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN KADAR ALKOHOL HASIL FERMENTASI UBI KAYU
(manihot esculenta crantz) BERDASARKAN WADAH DAUN PISANG
Ni Putu Lilik Fitriani., Ni Ketut Rusminingsih., I.G.A. Sri Dhyanaputri
Background Alcohol is one result of fermentation of carbohydrate-containing
foods including cassava.
Objective to detect levels of alcohol difference from cassava fermentation
product using banana leaf and plastic containers.
Methods In this research cassava fermentation using yeast during 3 days with
difference container, before it is cooked by steaming. After that alcohol in tapai
determined by gas chromatography method.
Result show that alcohol product from cassava fermentation using banana leaf
container is 1.47% ; 0.66% ; 3.30% ; 1.31% ; 2.33% ; 0.72% ; 2.61% ; 1.48% ;
3.54% ; 4.16% and alcohol product from cassava fermentation using plastic
container is 3.03% ; 4.33% ; 4.81% ; 4.17% ; 4.99% ; 5.97% ; 4.28% ; 3.72% ;
4.31% ; 5.33%.
ConclusionFor people who want to make tapai with a lower levels of alcohol
should use banana leaf as the fermentation container.

Keywords : Alcohol, fermentation, cassava

29 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 ANALISIS KADAR GULA REDUKSI BUAH PISANG KEPOK KUNING
Ni Putu Pina Martini., I.G.A Sri Dhyanaputri., Nur Habibah
Background Kepok banana’s including klimateric fruit. The maturation process
does not wait ripen on the tree. Ripe on the tree will be quickly attacked by insects
or rot, quality of banana that ripen on the tree is lower than the fruit that ripen
after picking. So necessary to ripening.
Objective to determine the reduction sugar content kepok banana’s ripening of
calcium carbide and glyricidia leaves.
Methods This type of study is experimental research with complete randomized
block design. This study uses three treatments and two replications. In this
research, conducted laboratory test by the titration of Luff Schoorl method. The
data analysis using Kolmogorov Smirnov (KS) obtained all these results have a
number p > 0,05 which can be stated that the data are normally distributed. Then
the data processed using One Way ANOVA test to determine differences between
reduction sugar content ripening of calcium carbide and glyricidia leaves with
three duration of ripening (0, 3, and 6 days).
Result obtained that acquired all of Sig 0,000 (sig < 0,05) so that Ho is rejected.
These results indicated difference between the reduction sugar content without
ripening, ripening of calcium carbide and glyricidia leaves.
Conclusion that the real effect from different of ripening to reduction sugar
content on kepok banana’s.

Keywords: kepok banana’s, ripening, calcium carbide, glyricidia leaves

30 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN HASIL PEMERIKSAAN KADAR ETANOL PADA ARAK
Putu Agus Arya Pradipta., Ni Ketut Rusminingsih., Nyoman Mastra
Background Drinking habits had been there all along. Arak is one type of liquor
and arak is balinese liquor. Manufacture of arak could be produced by cottage
industries. The cottage industry that produces arak usually uses a simple gauge to
measure the levels of ethanol contained in arak. Commonly used measure is
alkoholmeter. Alkoholmeter using the principle of measuring the of ethanol in
arak. However, in the laboratory there is a special tool for measuring the content
of pure ethanol in arak that is using gas chromatography method.
Objective to determine differences in the results of ethanol content in arak using
gas chromatography method and the method of specific gravity.
Methods cross sectional design. Arak samples used were home-based arak
production, amounting to seven samples. Seven arak samples were examined
using gas chromatography method and the method of specific gravity, get 14
results of ethanol. Statistical test used Mann Whitney U with the significance
level α = 0.05. The average results of the ethanol content in arak using the method
of specific gravity is 25.14% and the average results of the ethanol content in arak
using gas chromatography method is 42.22%.
Result showed no significant difference in the results of the ethanol content in
arak using gas chromatography method and the method of density, p = 0.018 (p
<0.05). From seven samples, two samples include groups B and five samples
include groups C. The samples belong to this class arak classification based on
levels of ethanol contained in arak is expressed in percent (%).
Conclusion no significant difference in the results of the ethanol content
Keywords: ethanol content; arak; gas chromatography; specific gravity

31 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN ANTARA HIGIENE PERORANGAN DENGAN TINGKAT
Putu Agus Gradian Wijaya., Cok. Dewi Widhya H.S., Heri Setiyo Bekti
Background Based on Health Departement of Karangasem city, prevalence of
helminthic level in Karangasem district is 0,1% from the population in
Karangasem district. In Puskesdes Tegallinggah village, Karangasem district,
Karangasem city, in 2011, found helminthic infections case in 20 child.
Objective to know the correlation between personal hygiene and helminthic level
at students SDN 2 tegallinggah, Karangasem district, Karangasem city.
Methods of research uses analytical survey, with approach cross sectional.
Samples research is students class I, II, and III that amounts to 39 students. The
result of research is correlation between personal hygiene and helminthic level at
students SDN 2 tegallinggah, the statistic test with fisher’s excat test with
probilitas 0,037. Personal hygiene students good (89,7%) and personal hygiene
students bad (10,3%).
Result The result of research helminthes egg, students suspect helminthic
infections (46,2%), and students not suspect helminthic infections (53,8%).
Conclusion Personal hygiene students good tend not suspect helminthic level than
personal hygiene bad.

Keywords : correlation, personal hygiene, helminthic level

32 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PERBEDAAN HASIL LAJU ENDAP DARAH MENGGUNAKAN CARA
Putu Ayu Suryaningsih., Cok. Dewi Widhya Hana Sundari., I.G.A Dewi Sarihati
Hematology test is one of the laboratory test that can be used to
support a diagnostic such as Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). ESR test is a
non specific test that can be useful to determine inflammatory. ESR is determined
by using vertical manual method and oblique manual method. Based on ICSH
(International Commitee for Standarization in Hematology,) vertical manual
method is standart procedure for ESR test. To shorten time of the test, the vertical
manual method changes becoming oblique manual method in the some of regency
hospital laboratory. Because, the vertical manual method needs one hour to find
out the result but the oblique manual method only needs seven minutes.
Objective to find out difference between the results of vertical manual method
and oblique manual method.
Methods Quasi experimental study was carried out among 23 students of Health
Analyst Department Poltekkes Denpasar from February to June 2012. The data
were analyzed using independent samples T test.
Conclusion There is no difference result (P>0,05) between vertical manual
method and oblique manual method.
Keywords: ESR test; vertical manual method; oblique manual method

33 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN ANTARA KADAR KOLESTEROL TOTAL DAN DERAJAT
Putu Cintia Marjayanti., Ida Ayu Made Sri Arjani., I.G.A Dewi Sarihati
Elderly have a higher risk for hypertension. A risk factor for
hypertension is the total cholesterol rate in the blood are high. The study was
conducted to look at the relationship of total cholesterol rate and hypertension
level in the elderly at nursing homes Wana Seraya.
Objective to analyze the correlation between total cholesterol rate and
hypertension level.
Methods a descriptive correlational study method. The sampling method is
purposive sampling is based on a specific consideration by criteria inclusion and
exclusion on the population at nursing homes Wana Seraya Denpasar. The
collecting data is using primary data through interviews and measurements of
blood pressure and total cholesterol rate.
Of the 30 samples, obtained the highest case in grade I hypertension with high
total cholesterol rate are 10 samples or 56%. From the results of Chi Square test
showed that there was no association between total cholesterol rate and
hypertension level with Sig value > 0.05.
Conclusion was no association between total cholesterol rate and hypertension
level in the elderly at nursing homes Wana Seraya Denpasar.

Keywords: elderly, total cholesterol, hypertension level

34 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 HUBUNGAN ANTARA KARAKTERISTIK DENGAN KADAR GLUKOSA
Putu Diyan Candrasaraswati., Cok. Dewi Widhya HS., Burhannuddin

The increasing of elderly population causes various health problems.
One of the diseases that accompany the elderly is Diabetes Mellitus. Monitoring
of DM can be done by checking the content of Blood Glucose. Panti Tresna
Werdha Wana Seraya is one of the nursing homes that accept the elderly from
poor families, therefore the regular health check up needs to be done.
Objective to knowing the relation between the characteristics and content of
Blood Glucose of the elderly in Panti Tresna Werdha Wana Seraya.
Methods It is a survey research which uses a Cross Sectional design in which the
data of dependent and independent variables will be collected at the same time.
The total of study population is 50 persons and the sample is 44 persons. The
checking of blood glucose is done by stick method.
Result The normal content of blood glucose of the elderly is 45.5% meanwhile
the abnormal is 54.5%. Based on the Chi-Square test with 95% confident level
(α=0,05), it shows that there is a relationship between age characteristic, BMI and
the family history of DM with the content of blood glucose of the elderly in Panti
Tresna Werdha Wana Seraya.
Conclusion there is no relationship gender characteristic and education with the
content of the blood glucose of the elderly in Panti Tresna Werdha Wana Seraya.

Keywords: Characteristics; Blood Glucose; Panti Tresna.

35 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 PENGARUH PROSES PEREBUSAN TERHADAP KANDUNGAN
Putu Novi Kharisma Dewi., M. Choirul Hadi., I Wayan Merta

Tofu is one of the foodstuff which in demand by society in
Indonesia. As the product of food from the processed soybean, tofu has the nature
of does not last long and easy to spoil or musty, so that some of the producers use
the additive material to preserve the food that they produced.
The lack of the knowledge by the society and control from the related institutions,
often become the dominant factors of the escape of formalin use as the food
preservative in Indonesia. The society that lack of information and lack of
understanding regarding the danger of formalin often did not notice in the
purchasing of processed foodstuff for consumption.
Objective of this research is to find out the impact of boiling process to the
formalin content of tofu.
Methods used in this research is the True Experimental Design that is by using
the Design control group pre-test – post-test. The research’s planning is to
measure the result before the test being conducted (pre-test) and after the test
being conducted (post-test). The research was conducted at UPT Analytic
Laboratory of Udayana University on April 23rd until May 04th, 2012.
Result The statistic test being used in the research is the t-Test Paired test that is
the average of the result of formalin examination prior to boiling of 0.4992 with
deviation standard of 0.40902 and the average of the result of formalin
examination after boiling of 0.1831 with deviation standard of 0.19414. From the
correlation outcome (the relation of formalin content before and after the boiling
process) of 0.708, then α = 0.05 > sig. = 0.000.
Conclusion thus it is indicated that the formalin examination outcome by the
boiling prior and after the process are not the same, that there is the impact of the
boiling prior and after the process to the formalin content of tofu, with the
degradation reaching 50.2%.

Keywords: Tofu; Formalin; the Boiling Process.

36 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012 STUDY TENTANG KUALITAS MIKROBIOLOGIS AIR MINUM ISI
Siti Hamidah Diyah., I Wayan Merta., Cok.Dewi Widhya H.S
Background Water is an essential in life, especially human being. Community is
dependent on availability of cleaning water, especially drinking water. Due to the
busthe of human activities, so people tend to use drinking water refill that is ready
to drink.
Objective of this study of determined the microbiological quality of drinking
water refill in West Denpasar District.
Methods This research is descriptive, cross sectional approach and field work.
Test is done using the MPN series 5-5-5 and 5-1-1. Primary and secondary data
are obtained will be processed and analyzed with descriptive.
Result showed that 10 samples of raw water refill the obtained results of six
samples are not eligible for the value MPN of 13, 63, 70, 140, 220 and 240 and
four samples are eligible. For 10 samples of drinking water refills the obtained
results of four samples are not eligible for value MPN of 10, 16, 27 and 38 and six
samples are eligible.
Conclusion This research proves that raw water refill before treatment as much as
60% are not eligible and 40% are eligible of quality as cleaning water. While
drinking water refill after treatment as much as 40% are not eligible and 60% are
eligible as drinking water.

Keywords: drinking water refill; microbiological quality.

37 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012

Wayan Gigih Niaga Pratama., I Gede Sudarmanto., Cok. Dewi Widhya HS
Background Milk is a special food to humans because it delicious tastes and
content balanced nutrition. However, during the process of milking and
processing, can occur contamination by microorganisms. One of the bacteria as
indicators of food safety sanitation is Escherichia coli included in Coliform
bacteria that can cause damage to the milk. Pasteurization aims to reduce
contamination of the milk but can not protect it permanently, so its quality is
affected by the sanitation of processing, storage temperature, and storage time.
Objective to determine the effect of various cooling temperatures of Coliform
MPN value of pasteurized cow's milk produced by PT. Puri Purnama.
Methods used in this research to test the value of Coliform MPN pasteurized
cow's milk is stored at freezer temperature (-10 ° C), refrigerator temperature (2 °
C), and the temperature of ice cubes (5-10 ° C). Measuring used the MPN
presumptive test with Lactose Broth media were then compared with the 7388
National Standard of Indonesia in 2009.
Result showed that no effect of storage temperature on the value of Coliform
MPN. After testing of 15 samples, there’s no found Coliform MPN value of
pasteurized cow's milk (0 colonies / 100 ml). But examination of the controls,
indicated the presence of Coliform in fresh cow's milk, although still in the
category for consumption based on the 7388 National Standard of Indonesia on
2009. Based on statistic measuring with Kruskal Wallis formula, probability value
on this research is 1,000 (p>0,05).
Conclusion Non-significant results in this study, caused MPN Coliform was
measuring just 24 hours after cooling storage and pasteurization done with
accurate procedure that caused Coliform bacteria were killed.

Keywords: cooling temperature, Coliform MPN, pasteurized cow milk

38 Jurusan Analis Kesehatan| Poltekkes Denpasar 2012

Source: http://poltekkes-denpasar.ac.id/files/KTI%20JAK/Abstrak%20KTI-2012.pdf

Microsoft word - kenetcv.rtf

Place of work : Phone : 5302409/2120 Faculty: Department : Hematology Telephone: Date and place of birth : Zahal military service: Marital status : EDUCATION Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1983 Bachelor of Science in Basic Life Sciences 1986 Elective internship in Montreal Children's Hospital during exchange program for outstan

Denver children's natural health - pediatric pneumonia

Pneumonia Pneumonia is a respiratory condition in which there is inflammation of the lung. Community-acquired pneumonia refers to pneumonia in people who have not recently been in the hospital or another health care facility (nursing home, rehabilitation facility). Pneumonia is a common illness that affects millions of people each year in the United States. Germs called bacteria, viruses,

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