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Liste der metasystemisch bearbeiteten Proteine Stand: 18.11.07—22.00h

Lfd.Nr Name Funktion
4200. CAPS1_Proteinschalter für Streßhormone_(17,29) (17,59)_Anpassung +++
4199. CAPS2_Signalübertragung in Nervenzellen_(61-14,20,44,08-33,13,.33,
4198. LAMA4_Laminin_Herzschwäche_(44,01-39,44,10,34,33,33,64-62,11,11,59, .61.33,
4197. POLR2A_(26,61)+B_Ursprung d. biologischen Evolution_Weisheit & Inn.
4195. Nucleotide 101D_A+B_pdb's
4193. TITF1=NKX2-1_ Lungenentwicklungsfaktor_Krebs_(44-56,43,13,01)
4192. EIF4E_Schrumpft Krebs_43,16-01,33,17,20,32,23,05,31-57.59.)
4191. BRCA2 Brustkrebs (01-01.43-,42,14.)
4190. VOILA_Bisexualität (3iso)_33,01-62,43,01,61,01,01-62.33.33)
4187. CHEK2_Brustkrebs (3 iso)_01,19-01,61,01,44,20,08,33-33,01,33,61.61.33,12,33,33,.)
4184. HMMR_Brustkrebs_(2iso)_01-28,01,13,13,33,09,01.)
4182. KCNA1_Kaliumtransport_Epilepsie_34,61-01,01,62,01,16,44)
4181. FADS2_Intelligenz_(41-34,46,12,11,09)
4180. NKX2-1=TITF1_Bronchialkazinom_01-09,37,13,43-61,53,14,53.)
4179. CED_Chronische Entzündliche Krankheiten_Morbus Crohn/Colitis ulcerosa_
_DEFB1+MDR1+NOD1*TNFRSF1B+TBFSF15 + 9 alte Proteine)
4175. PB1-F2_proapoptotic influenza A virus prot. (5 Stämme)
4170. AvrBs3 Avirulence protein_825-31,36,30,17-19.50,50,29,11.21,18)
4169. CAPPUCCINO_ CNO_homolog hs +Capu_drososphila_(4iso)+Spir_dros. (4 iso)
4160. RNaseL_Zerstörung Translation mRNA_(53-07,31,01-41,20.19,63.34,33.)
4159. CD39_ENTPD1_ MS Marker _(33,26-19,05-13,33,42,56-.33,33.33.)
4158. ITS_Artenunterscheidung (4 org)
4154. Marfan-Syndrom FBN1(33-24,09,34,01)+TGFBR2_(43,34-33,34,42.62.)+++
4153. t0283 put transmembrane transport pro_PDB!!_(02-08,23,62,02)
4152. TGFBR2_Krebs-Entwicklung_Marfan_(34-33,34,42,09,01,62,01
4151. MlanA-MART1_Tumor-Antigen_(61-10,20,57,55-58,56.33.34,60.04,34)
4150. Projekt Botanik Uni Köln : HAG1,-2,-3 + 11 Promotoren + 10 Gene
4126. SV40 large T antigen_DNA-Prod._Oncogen_01-05,34,61-33,11,11.34.-
4125. RHOC (3var)_tumor cell proliferation and metastasis_(20,01-04.34,12-.33.33.61)
4122. CYP2B6_cytochrome P450_(03,01-55,02,17,01,09,25-53,61.48,41,53.61,53,61.)_

efavirenz (EFV), Brustkrebs
4121. Parp_zea-mays_gegen Dürrestress (08-20,15,22,37)
4120. SCF_MGF=KIT Ligand_stem cell factor_(44-32,30,44-41,57.56.61.)
+ PDGFRA_contiguous gene syndrome_(62-52,09,35,03) +KIT =Piebaldism_defect
in melanocyte development
4118. 3 ParM (E.C.) _ Händigkeit + LSP1_F-Actin (3iso)
4112. SCN9A_Schmerzempfindlichkeit_10,62-34,12,01,02,01,16,19,12)
4111. GAD1_25+67_Schizophrenie,Parkinson-Therapie(_58,09-61,.
4109. MIRN-10B_spread of breast cancer_(GAn.=.44,28,50,32)+++
4108. Feronia_Meilenstein Entstehung d. Pflanzenarten_(23-24,16,39-.
ALDH7B4 a.th_ (19,56-44,64,62,07,14,36-41,34,.12.)
4106. ALDH3A1_ALDH_high ADH activity in lung+cance_r(09-01,38,26,61,36
.12.33. 33.11)
4105. CUL3_Hüter der Chromosomen_(09-58,06,01-09,54,60,32,59,44,33,33,01)++
4104. GCK_Glucokinase Diabetes 2_(2iso)_ (38)(43)

4103. HLA-G_histocompatibility antigen+ Multiple Sklerose_(33_64,09,30,54-
4102. INFgamma_Interferon Gamma-Autoimminunsystem_neu (62.33) +++
4101. JAK_Janus-Kinase1,2,3 (+STAT)_Onogene_Transskriptionsfaktor Genaktivität
4098. n-cofilin_protection from mental disorders(33,44-20,61,33,32,01,34) (fast ganzes
4097. NFASC_Neurofascin_Multiple Sklerose-(01-61,01,01,43-44
4096. ERVWE1
-Syncytin_Multiple Sklerose_(44,09-39,33,28,61,55,34-.19,33.33.)
4095. TCF2-HNF1 beta (2iso)_(56,01-20,09,54,01.09)
4093. TREX1_Systemischer Lupus (SLE)_19-44,40,19-32.61,41,59,29,.19.36)
4092. ATG16L1_Morbus Crohn_reparatur_34,16-01,01,19,29,12,07-.
4091. HR19 siRNA_(4iso+PGL3)_(19,15-33,29,19,45,11,40)
4088. OR7D4- Geruch Androstenon,Androstadienonduftend-stinkend_(24-42,02,23-
4087. TIPIN_timeless interacting protein__(01-01,26,01-26.60,41,34.)
4086. ADD2_regulation of blood pressure among people with hypertension_01-10,13-
4085. AMY1A-2C_Amylase_Speichel,Stärke & Intelligenz (5Mol)_02,17-20,27.)
4080. CDK5RAP2_autosomal recessive primary microcephaly_(2iso)_01-44,01-
4078. Disc1 mus musc_49-38.33,20)_(13-38,33,33) (2 iso)
4076. Inflammation rel. genes up-regulates in schizophrenia brains IFITM 2,-3; IFN
alpha+gamma, TNF + Serpina2 + GBP1 (4 neue Prot)
4072. ITPR2_ALS_01-01,43.34.09,13,.34.)
4071. P2Y12 rec._coronar artery disease_08-19,62,42,02-61,23,24,33,,11.27,34,16,04
4070. Serpina3_Alzheimer's disease_44-56,01,09,32,11-.56,33,.)
4069. SFRP1_putative tumor suppressor gene_61-02,09,61,13,.61)33,19,13-
4068. SGNE1-SCG5_glucose intolerance_33,13-02,34,01,31,01,14,01)
4067. SYNE 2_Nuance_Transmembranproteine (4iso)
4066. TNF_alpha_Gefäßverkalkungen, Rheuma;Entzündungen _43-61,09,11-.48,57)
4065. SCG 5_insulin resistance, onset obesity_33,13-02,34.31.)
4064. FOX N1_marker for thymoma and thymic carcinoma_14.01-01,37,12,01,12,01,42)
4063. CXCR4_Oberfläche Krebszellen_Metastasen_iso b 60-61,45,42,56-.3311.33.56.)
4062. Troponin -TNNC1+TNNI 1,2,3 + TNNTT 1,2,3_ cardiale + skeletale (7 prot+8 iso)
4049. IGF2BP2_diabetes 2_01,09-09,33,61,01,42,13,09)
4048. ERM=ETV5_Signaltranskriptionsfaktor Muskel_53.01)
4047. Neuregulin (12 MOl)_Schizophrenie
4035. Neurexin2_ NRXN2_Autismus_(3iso)_34,37-33,14,15,11,06,01)
4034. Neurexin3_NRXN3_Autismus_(2iso)_20-19.) (61-33,19.34.37)
4033. CHMP2B_Related Frontotemporal Dementia_01,13-44,01,37,06,01,61,63-
4032. 5-HTR4_Serotonin-Rezeptor_08-02,02,42,19-07,20,02,02,08,2355,19.-
4031. CDKAL1_Absterben beta-Zellen_Insulinproduktion_Diabetes 2_10,56-
4030. IL-R_Interleukin Receptor Family (30Mol)
4000. CD276 Biomarker Prostata Krebs_2 Isoformen _56,26-20,61,12,33,55,32) +++++
3999. Prostata Krebs_PC3, DCTN3, IL11, KLK4,PSAP +IL11RA (6Mol)
3993. Melanom-Aggressivität_Charakterprüfung für Hautkrebs_(+20 Mol)
3973. Cyr61, CTGF, NOV and WISP-1,2,3_Lungen Krebs (6Mol)

3967. PAX3 _Waardenburg syndrome 01-33,49,01,05.,10)
3966. SRY-box 10 (44)
3965. GABRG2_development of epilepsy
3964. TIP 60_Brustkrebs_Tumor-Suppressor + HIV_(13,33-.33.-41,33.33.33.)
3963. phycocyanin beta chain (33,43)
3962. LRRTM1_Linkshändigkeit _(31,53-08,44,38,62,42,61)
3961. SRP (09,16,14,19,54,68,72), RN7SL1 hn+a.th_Signal Erkennungs partikel-(9 Mol)
3952. ASEF_ARHGEF4 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4_hn+mm_Signalprotein
3950. L1TD1_LINE-1 _transposase
3949. L1CAM_cell adhesion molecule_L1 syndrome_(01-01,28,01,43,10-
3948. BubR1_Down Syndrome_(01-25,01,19-31,41.61.08,19)
3947. ASIC1 hn+mm_Furchtlosigkeit_(62,14-19,44,62,13,57,59-12,33,34,19,61,20,11,30,33.)
3945. VLDLR very low density lipoprotein rec_14-33,14,12-62,0133,14,56,19,,47,01,38
3944. HDL_HSD11B1 hydroxysteroid _(32-39,58,20-20,11,55.32,42,15,61.)
3943. DLC1_deleted in liver cancer_(01,10-.-56.61.56.)
3942. CHMP2B_Related Frontotemporal Dementia (01,13-44,01,37,06,01,61,63-
3940. GADD45A (hs) Wachstumshemmung 62,32-62,05,45,36,01,16)+++
3939. Gadd 45 A (mm) Wachstumshemmung (62-62,58,23,27,44,16)++
3938. DBN1_Drebin_Zellmobilität_Tumor-Marker(2iso)_(44-59,01-18,20.,61,09-33.33.)
3936. KIBRA_Gedächtnis_(34-01,01,20,13-.09,33.19.33)
3934. AAA+ Proteases (8Mol)
3926. ADRA2B_emotionale Erinnerung_32-41,33,24,01,29-.33.,11,62,19.12)+++
3925. Nucleotide 101D_A+B_pdb!
3923. FC-Rezeptoren_Autoimmunkrankheiten (9 Mol.)
3914. OPTC_Opticin_Kandidat Glaucom_(53-45,11,14,33)
3913. CRP_Entzündungsmarker_(23,08-02,52,59,07,24,38,11,23)
3912. USP9Y_Azoospermie-Faktor AZF_(18-56,48,56)
3911. FLS2+BAK1_a.th_ Erregerabwehr_ (15) (62,07)
3909. TRPC2_"Macho-Gen" (mm) (62-07,43,16,23,33-.)
3908. Internalin B-listeria + MET_Krebs, Schloß-Schlüssel_(14,01)(37)
3906. LCA5_erbl. Netzhauterkrankung_(01-13.43.13)
3905. Sindbis complete Genome (01-01,01,01,44,61-.30.10.13)
3904. Wnt-Signalweg_LRP5,6+Axin1,2+Dvl 1,2+div.Frizzled+ CSNK1 (26Mol)
3878. LAM_Laminine_Oberflächenproteine (5Mol.)
3873. MEDEA_Parental Conflict Hypothesis_(ATA,GAC_61,28))
3871. POK_ZBTB7A_Pokemon_Krebs-Gen_mm+hs_
3869. GRP+GRPR_Juckreiz (12)-(16)
3868. OCTN1+2=SLC22A4+5_Morbus Crohn
3866. PC1+2_Schlüsselenzyme für Kalorienverbrennung_(09)+(01)
3864. RHOX-dros_(03-17,20,53-11,03,06,08,19,43,02,53,61)
3863. RPL 36a ribosomal prot._(01-13,34,10-.3361,61.33,54,13
3862. Rps 13_Ribosomal protein S13_(33-29,09,37,61,31)
3861. TICAM 1+2_TRIF hs_(01-33,34,01)
3859. TRH + TRHR_Schlüsselenzyme für Kalorienverbrennung (33)+(04)
3858. CEACAM1_Inflammation und Angiogenese_(01-44,01,01-41,26.49,37.61)
3857. Cofilin-CFL1(non-muscle)(33-08,61,33.)
3856. Cofilin-CLF2(muscle)(50,22-12,10,56,55,50,47)
3855. CREB_cAMP responsive element binding protein 101-01,01,37.)
3854. FMR1_Fragile X mentale retardation_(01-30,13-.31,32.31)
3853. GAPDH_Alzheimer, Huntingtin_(16-20,59,19,34)

3852. Gelsolin_regulator of cellular functions (14-33,01,41 )(+44)
3851. KIF4A_crucial cellular processes_(01-44,13,13,59-59.)
3850. MEIS 2_ tale HOMEOBOX
3849. RLS restless Leg syndrome (BTBD9+LBXCOR+MEIS1)
3846. SRF1_cell proliferation and differentiation_Gehirn-Manager(12,01-.33.33.33.)
3845. TAR DNA bind.prot._ALS_HIV
3844. TAR RNA bind.Prot 1+2
3843. TACR1_tachykinin, receptor 1_SPR,NK1R
3842. TAC1_tachykinin, precursor 1 NK1_
3841. SPAG9_sperm ass. antigen 9_(01-33,01,0109,08)
3840. OPHN1_X-Linked Mental Retardation_(01-09,14,01-14,11,10,10.32,13,10,44-46.)
3839. Fibronectin_Glymoprot_Zellmigration_Mr´tatstasen
3838. CASP8-ALPS2B_ execution-phase of cell apoptosis_53,09-62,31,01,01,31
3837. ORMDL3_Asthma
3836. BPI (+DEFB)_rheumatoide Arthritis _(01,09-25,01,34,10,11,33-60,12.12,33,11,.)
3835. VDAC1-3_Voltage Dep. Anion Chann._(19-33,19,51-19,61,6,1,61,19,20.-32,19,19.
3832. UBE1+2+3 ubiquitin-activating+conjugating enzymes (4 Mol)
3828. VDR3_Vitamin D3 Receptor_01-13,30,26,37,33)
3827. Methyltransferasen _AS3MT >< TRDMT1 (38 Moleküle)
3789. DHX16 DEAH (asp-glu-ala-his)_34-13,14,20,21-53.13.13,61,15,,60,54,59
3788. DHEA_SULT2A1_Enzym f. Hormone + Neurotransmitter & Drogen _(14-05,33,03)
3787. ACTH _beta-Endorphin_ Neurotransmitter Cortisolproduktion(01-33,01.)
3786. TP53BP1_Zellschäden_Apoptose_ (28,01-12,61,42,01,13,01,33,19-.59.61.33
3785. POMC-MSH-MC1R_Gewichtsregulation_(01+33!)
3784. CART_cocaine-+amphetamine-reg. transc._(53-02,60,58,18-)
3783. AgRP_Gewichtsreg._Hypothalamushormone_(33-20,58,01,39,20)
3782. NPY2R_neuropeptide Y Receptor_Körperfett Steuerung (15!-19,53,02,19-
3781. NPY_neuropeptide Y (33!-02,01,14-62,.61.13,12.)
3780. CIAPIN 1_apoptose inhibitor 1_(62-02,233,62)
3779. TNFSF10_TRAIL-ligand_(14-33.-33.__metasystemisches Stop-Monster)
3778. FLIP_CFLAR casp 8_apoptose regulator_(20-04,23,01,19,49-.12.12.61.)
3777. RAE1_Oberfläche Tumoren dockt NK-Zellen_(40-41,56,62,61-.,12.33.)
3776. IGFBP2_höheres Alter, weniger Krebs_(08-23,20,42,13-.
3775. TAS2R46_Bittergeschmack Artischocke_(62-23,61,19-.12,3315,33.)
3774. DLC1_hs_Tumorsuppressor Leber, Brust_(01-44,01,09,34-41,61.)
3773. TSHN Schildrüsen-Hormon beta_(56-02,30,59,19,34)
3772. TBL1X_transducin beta X-linked_(13,01-11,01,34,01,43,44,10-.33.33.11.)
3771. MC2R melanocortin2 receptor_adrenocorticotropic hormone_(27-42,19,32)
3770. DFR+PANSY+IRIS_Blue Roses
3769. MUC1_Krebsgen_Tumotherapie (7 iso) (61-61,62,33)+++++
3768. testosterone_reg. apopt. inducer+ tumor supp
3767. CCSA-3,-4_Früherkennung Darmkrebs
3766. BARX, DLX, ILA_Entwicklung molare Zähne
3763. CSNK1G1_Embryonal- +Tumorentwicklung_(01-61,61,14,34,44-.56.12,)
hs+3 Xenopus
3759. CYP3A1 _rat+hs+testosteron +++
3756. Sialophorin_Krebs_(01-33,01,43,02-.33,34,33.64.)
3755. Bsx_körperliche Aktivität +Nahrungsaufnahme_57,53-.11.06 -.61,11.12,56,33,)
3754. FGF8_ovarian cancer_Zahnentwicklung
3753. FTO_Übergewicht_43,10-01,44,31,33,59,30)

3752. NPR1_Alkoholsucht
3751. PALB2_Krebsrisiko =-FANCN
3750. PORCN_Goltz-Syndroms_Embryonalentwicklung
3749. RARA_retinoic acid receptor A_varb_09,13-44,3110,55,13)
3748. RARB_retinoic acid receptor B_(34,13-33,33,19,31,43)
3747. RRS1-Ribosome biogenesis regulatory protein_(01-61,14,26,57-.56.59,59.)
3746. PTPN2_linking autoimmune dis._Crohn+Diab1(34-01,13,19,01,34-.33,61.33)
3745. TCAP_Telethonin _Titin-cap (32,41)_stay & start++++
3744. ctk1+RPS2_Transskriptionsfaktor_Ribosomales Protein ( 4 Prot)
3743,. AS1R_Süßgeschmack +-unterscheidung (2prot)
3742. Caspase14_UVB+Dehydrations-Schutz_(01-44,33,10)+++
3741. CD177_NB1_19-33,24,23,29,27
3740. eIF2a_Gedächtnissteigerung_hs(34,33) +mm(01,20)
3739. EREG_Epiregulin_Lungenmetastasen Brustkrebs_(62,20-07,30,62,07,19,33)
3738. MMP_Matrix Metalproteinase 1+2_Lungenmetastasen Brustkrebs
3736. NR2B_Steigerung der Lernfähigkeit hs+mm_(19,13-61,62,20,53,14,01)+++
3735. PCNA_Reparaturund Replikation (35-20,32,54)+++
3734. PHA 4_LBR_(44,02-56.34.56)
3733. PKP2_plakophilin_Zellarchitektur Herz_(01-09,01,01)
3732. RP-A1_(13,07-17,49,3456,19,45,61)++++
3731. POLL_DNA-Polymerase lambda_Schutz vor Krebs (58,34-61,59,11,14,13,08,62)
3730. LAMA 1_Laminin_UV-Schutz, ALzheimer_61-34,20,33,09-.61.61.61.)
3729. NOS1_13-53,01,01,33,01-.33.33.33.)
3728. DRN_Dornröschen-ESR1 a.th_(41-01,08,32,34-.61.61.)
3727. (19_33,02,16,43)
3726. CAV3_caveolinopathie_34-43,61,07,02,34
3725. LGI 1_Autosomal Dominant Partial Epilepsy_(57,32-54,31,44,12,01,27)
3724. ZEB 2_Mowat-Wilson Syndrome_(01-01,13,01-.-6Stop)
3723. CEACAM1_Metastasenbildung Melanom_(01-44,01,01,0,61-41.61.)
3722. JNK-c-Jun_Oncogen_(09-49,11,01,01-.33,33.)
3721. p38 Tumorsuppressor_hemmend+aktivierend (41-)(19-61,20,59,11)
3720. FANCN_neues Krebsgen entdeckt_01-01,01,61,34 + 6 x 33/12 in n-3
3719. CDKN 2A- p16INK4_ARF_Cutaneous malignant melanoma _Familial melanoma +
CDK4 Inhibitor+++ (3 var)
3716. NPPA-C+NPR12_Herzschwäche (5Prot)
3711. Genetic pathways of pancreatic cancer TGFb, KRAS, p53, p16 and Dpc4
3706. CDKN 2B (29-.33)+++_Neu_diabetes 2
3705. BMP3_bone morphogenetic protein 3_(55-31,37,45,61,34-.
3704. BMP8b_ bone morphogenetic protein 8b (osteogenic protein)_55-31,49,02,55) grün-
3703. GPR56_esophageal squamous cell carcinoma+BFPP (36-42,11-.-.
3702. FoxO1A_ fundamentally critical in preventing some cancers_(01-13,01-.33.33.)++
3701. ibpA_Wie fremde Gene das eigene Überleben steuern_(26,01-33,60,12,34,34,01-
3700. Long-QT-Syndrom (LQTS) (3 Prot)
3697. NpHR_Licht steuert Nervenzellen_(19-10,07,16-26,32,34,03,07,62.56.16
3696. TG2_Anti-Apoptose(38,44-.59.61-,56,
3695. AAT=SERPINA-1=antitryopsin(09-33,31,61,31,57)
3694. APOA 5_Fettstoffwechsel_09-44,50,44,01-.12.)
3693. FLG_Filaggrin_Neurodermitis
3692. LRP 6_early heart disease_(33,13-23,57,57,11,61,30)

3691. eRF3=GSPT1G1+ eRF1_Stopp-Function_(01,33-01,44,27,33,33)
3690. Dbp 5_neuer STOPP-Faktor _(15,02-62,60,35,24,16)
3689. OBSCN-gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)_(01-43,33,01-
3688. C9orf65=PRUNE2_leiomyosarcoma (LMS)_(33-27,26,05-.56.))++++
3687. USH2D=DFNB31 _ Usher-Syndrom_Hörstörung + Netzhautdegeneration (Retinitis
TGM2-shield pancreatic cancer cells from self-destruction(38,44)
3685. PRP31 "Spleißosom"_(01-43,01,25,61,43,01-33.)
3684. cbl-b_steigert Tcell Immun-Aktivität_(61-34,20,01-14,13,19,29,15.)
3683. A1_Adenosin-Receptor_Müdigkeit_(04-03,02,47,38-.12.12)
3682. CHD5_prevents multiple types of cancer_(01-01,61-.-.33.33.33)
3681. GSTT1 Schlankheitsgen+ carcinogenesis. (27 Ernährung!-31,19,12)+++++
3680. LIN-9_Genschalter f_.Zellteilung(09,33-.33.-.33.33.)
3679. MAT1+PGC1_production of energy in the heart cell_(33_20.01,01)
3677. NUDT1-MTH1_small cell lung cancer risk+ SNP Val83Meth ++++
3675. TGFB1_Camurati-Engelmann disease_Apoptose+Cilp++
3674. TGFB2(01-33,01,01,34,28) +TGIF2 _tumor growth factor
3672. 2mTOR_FRAP1_DNA damage and nutrient deprivation-(25-55,39,01-
3671. ZBTB38_zinc finger
3670. DCDC2_Legasthenie (Uni Bonn)(14,01-.-.56,33.56,33)+++
3669. DSX_doublesex_(01,59-01,13,44,41,20,01)
3669. FETUIN-A Schutz v.Gefäßverkalkung (26-33,60,03,34),
3668. FRU_ fruitless_sex.Zugehörigkeit_iso A-M (61,01-37,35,61,01,33,26,56)
3667. Or67d_Pheremon_Männchen dämpfend_(08-08,51,42,24)
3666. Agouti_gelbes Fell & Fressucht_mm+hm
3664. Atp5a1_Maus-Mensch_Darmkrebs-Risiko_ !!!
3663. PAX5_Leukämie ALL_14-28,61,12,01)
3662. SH3BP2_Cherubism _33,13-23,61,0131,34,01
3662. TCTP_Schlüsselprotein Organwachstum_Krebs_(61,11_43,62,10,01,55,24-33.)
3621. Kasugamycin_Ribosom-Antibiotikum-Komplex_(61-01,19,61)+++
3620. MYOD1_regulates muscle cell differentiation, cell cycle arrest (44-59,01,01)
3619. HEY1,-2,-3 Herzwachstum_(3 iso) (01-05,61,34) (09-05,60,01)
3616. MB_Myoglobin_Herzinfarkt-Marker_(01-61,33,43,43,33-33.12)
3615. DEGP 7 PDZ_arath
3614. MPDZ human
3613. YVTV PDZ_ bacsu
3612. PATJ +INAD_PDZ-drosophila
3610. PODXL1 _Podocalyxin Metastasen-Bildung(01-33,44,01,33,01,34,61)++++
3609. PODXL2-_Podocalyxin_(33,43)+++
3608. MAP4K3 +mTOR
3606. ABCC8 (33,09-)Diabetes_ask for Cancer++
3605. Netrin 1_axon guidance, cell migration, cancer development. (33,01-
3604. Tango_Apoptose (33)++++
3603. CHRM 2_Intelligenz (02-45,16,20,01,43-.12.)
3602. Olig 2_Gateway-gen_Gehirntumor_(13-50,34,28,20-.56,33.33.)
3601. HDAC 2-Histondeacetylasen_Verstärkung d.Histon-Verpackung (33,02-
3600. JARID1d+Ring 6a_Öffnen u. Schließen des Genoms _(54,12-01,41,20,20,32,33-

3599. PAX5_Leukämie ALL_14-28,61,12,01)
3598. TCTP_Schlüsselprotein Organwachstum_Krebs_(61,11_43,62,10,01,55,24-33.)
3597. A1-ADORA 1_Adenosin-Receptor_Müdigkeit (04-03,02,47,38)
3596. E2F3_y-Chr. bladder cancer,retinoblastoma
3595. EMAP2=EML2_novel anti-tumor cytokine
3594. Rev_HIV
3593. VvMYBA1 + 2_rote Trauben,weiße Trauben
3590. Homo neanderthalensis Mitochondrien-Genom (40 Mol)
3550. MAGUK_PDZ_Protein- Protein Interaktion
3549. KCNJ11 _(41-34,04,12,50-.12.56.)
3548. GCK_Glucokinase Diabetes-MODY 2 (38)(43)
3547. TCF2-HNF1 beta_MODY5
3547. MOCS2_Molybdän-Co-Factor-2.Phase
3546. NEF_Human + Simian immunodeficiency virus 1(44,61) (61-10,29)+++++
3544. PRP8_DHX16 DEAH (asp-glu-ala-his) box polypeptifRetinitis Pigmentosa !!pdb!
3543. NLGN1_Neuroligin_Autismus
3542. NRXN 1_neurexin_Autismus
3541. SYNE1_Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia_(01-01,01.47)
3540. SP110_Hepatic veno-occlusive disease with immunodeficiency_(01-34,33,01,34,30,49)
3539. PRL Receptor_Prolaktin_stoppt MS
3538. DMT1_CHMP2B Membrantransporter Eisen (01,13-44,01,37,06,01,61,63)
3537. DNAJC 11= FLJ10737_cand. tumor supp. neuroblastoma (14, 61-
14, 34, 54, 13, 15, 14, 20)
3536. MOCS1_Molybdän-Co-Factor (31-20,14,55,43)
3535. Troponin 1_Hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie+Mut.R145G ( 4 Mol)

3531. Butyrate-ManNAc_causes cancer cells_(54AGT-43,32,16,20-.33.56.)
3530. Dbp 5_neuer STOPP-Faktor_(15,02-62,60,35,24,16)
3529. dddD_Meeresduft-Gen_02-02,19,20-29,02,20,34,20,19,02,19,61,20)+++
3528. DDX19B_DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-As)_Erkennung des Stopp-Kodons_(3 iso) (61) (11)
3525. Hmr(10,55-.33. +Lhr_(33,19----19.-.19.) make fruit fly hybrids sterile (4 Mol)
3521. MMP12_promotes artheriosklerose, cervical cancer_(32-21,34,04,34,61-
3520. PALLD_Palladin_01-01,01,43-13.61,34,33.)
3519. PMR1_ATP2C1 ATPase, Hailey-Hailey disease (4 Var)8_(20,19,23,02-.56.)
3514. PTPN22_controlled by FOX P3
3513. Usher Syndrome DFNB31 deafness_Whirlin_(33_08,28,43)
3512. WTX_FAM123B_Wilms tumor X_(14-61,34,32,60)
3511. PB1-F2_Influenza A_Anti-Immunsyst_(34-01,09,45-01,49,01.61,62.)
3510. Netrin 1_axon guidance, cell migration, cancer development. (33, 01-
3509. Myosin X-MYO 10_molecular motor_(01-30,14,43,01,34,01,53_.33,56.33.33.)
3508. DCC_deleted in colorectal carcinoma 61,59-33,08,01,12,20,01
3507. EMAP2=EML2_novel anti-tumor cytokine (62,02-15,.07.46,46,33)
3505. E2F3_y-Chr. bladder cancer,retinoblastoma 01-33,09,25,37,14)
3504. aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (20 Mol)
3484. Adenoviren + Antigene (36 Mol.) // work at progress
3448. Homo Neanderthalenses ( 43 Prot.)
3405. B-MYB_MYBL2 v-myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene_(13,01-50,13,01,34,01,14,06)

3404. DYRK1A_serine-threonine-protein kinase_learning defects, Down_(44,26,01)(5var)
3399. FLT3_acute myeloid and acute lymphoblastic leukemia_(13-42,01,33,60)
3398. LIN-9_Genschalter für Zellteilung_(09,33-43,11,01,62,01,33,44-.33.33.)
3397. MUSK_muscle, skeletal, receptor tyrosine kinase _13-50,61,34-59,33,41,33,.)
3396. P2RY2_different thyroid tumors (3 var)-(03-60,07,60,35)
3393. PRPF4B_serine-threonine-protein kinase (01-01,01,20-.33.)
3392. PTK2B_protein tyrosine kinase 2 (55-53,13,20,14 oder 61)
3391. PTPRA_protein tyrosine phosphatase, gastric cancer progression (3 iso) s)(01-
3388. PTPRC-hep.C virus inf.,down-regulate T cell activ. -(3 iso)(34-01,51,01,34-
3385. SIRPA-inflammatory disease,brain tumors_(33,01-35,43,14,43,14,01-
3384. TNK- nonreceptor tyrosine kinase_(55,59-48,61,16,36,04,01,33,16)
3383. TSSK2_testis-specific serine-threonine (SerThr) kinase_(01-09,30,61,61)
3382. TYRO3-_signal transduction and cell adhesion(02-45,62,19)
3381. ARMCX1 armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 1_tumorigenesis (33)
3380. ARMCX2 armadillo repeat_tumorigenesis (2 iso) (43,20-33,09,11,62,62,44,60)
3378. ARMCX3 armadillo repeat, X-linked 3_tumorigenesis (3 iso) (53_08,11,34,33-
3375. BAGE_B-Melanoma antigen_(16-40,12,46,42-.12.)
3374. BRWD3 open function_mgl. cancer (12,61-19,59,33.)
3373. DDX53 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp)box pp_developt gastric cancer, hepcell.
3372. DLEU 1_deleted in lymphocytic leukemia, 1
3371. ECH 1_enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase 1(11-26,06,23,61-33,53,12.)
3370. FABP3 fmuscle and heart growth inhibitor,cand. tumor suppressor breast cancer
3369. FASN_enhance tumor cell death, hyperactivity in cancer cells (11-30,11,16)
3368. MBOAT5-open fuction (02,23-02,52,35,1,19,03)
3367. MSN-lymph node metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma_58,01-
3366 MTCP1 mature T-cell proliferation (61-09,02-.-.33.33.)
3365 MYEOV_Gastric adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinomas (02-19,62,20)
3364. NONO_non-POU domain containing_(11-01,11,20,01,14)
3363. OAS_hepatitis C virus infection_mgl cancer (var1_13-60,61,34,43-.33,33.)
3362. OLIG2_tumors of the brain, lymphoblastic leukemia_(13-.-.56,33.33.-
3361. PDCD10=CCM3_programmed cell death _ 01-34,43,43,44,14,01,05-.33,33,.56.)
3360. PER1_ survival of cancer cells
3359. MAGE_melanoma antigen family 26 gene
3333. RAGE_renal tumor antigen_(01-01,34,01,13,10- 09,6133,33,.33.56.)
3332. RBM15_acute myeloid leukemia (53-52,11,13,14.)
3331. SAGE_Sarcoma antigen_(01-09,34,30-.-.33.56.33.)
3330. SELENBP1_prognostic information of ovarian cancer_(11-01,31,62,34,01-33.33.)
3329. Sindbis Virus_killt Tumorzellen (3 mol)
3326. TFE_pediatric renal carcinoma_59,13-12.)
3325. YEATS 4_amplified in tumors 09-30,11-.33,09.09.)
3324. YY1- lung carcinoma,neg. regulator of p53_(01-.13,13.-.33.33.)
3323. YY2_antagonizes the negative actions exerted by YY1(43-26,01,38,01-.13.12.)
3322. ZYX_Tumor-suppressor_using adenoviral vectors_(44,13-.25.)

3321. ZZEF1 zinc finger prot._(57-59,31,10,44-.56.)
3320. ARL 6_Bardet-Biedl (31,16)
3319. BBS 2_Bardet-Biedl (12-19,56,61)
3318. MKKS_McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (24,56-42,24,20,15,09,32,15)
3317. PTHB 1_parathyroid hormone-responsive B1_Bardet-Biedl syndrome _(4 iso) (33)
3313. TRIM32_Bardet-Biedl +interacts with HIV-1 Tat protein (32-03,28-
3312. TTC 8_Bardet-Biedl (3 iso) (01,10-33,43,09,33,59,33)
3309. Nbs 1_neurodegenration,Immunschwäche, Krebs (mm) ( 33-15,33,01)++++
3308. MAPK14 mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (4 iso (19-61,20,07)
3304. AVP_ arginine vasopressin_cognition, tolerance, adaptation and complex sexual and
maternal behaviour (35,62-27,21,03,19,44,20)
3303. M-beta--20,11,62,62-.11,20,20.62.)
3302. ID BH3 interacting domain death agonist, antagonist BCL2 (2 iso)(13-31,30,61-)
3300. BMP4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 (59-56,62,09,13,11)
3299. C1S complement component 1, s subcomponent (2 iso)(30,35-.56.)
3298. C3 complement component 3(01-143333,14,10,13)
3297. Cart_cocaine and amphetamine(rattus) (39-02,60,06,05-.12,33.)
3296. CAV1 caveolin 1, caveolae protein, 22kDa (01,24-.61,11,24,02)
3295. CD14 (20-20,15,10,10)
3294. CDK5 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (27-60,62,59-.33.)
3293. CEL carboxyl ester lipase (33-62,33,01)+++
3292. Chuk _conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase _colorectal tumors (33)+++
3291. CP ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase) 01-13,01,10,01-.33.)
3290. CSTA cystatin A (stefin A) (01-33,05,61-.33.)
3289. CTGF connective tissue growth factor (20-02,46,09,01)
3288. CYBA cytochrome b-245, alpha (20,10-.12.)
3287. CYP2C19 cytochrome P450 (33,34-15,10,33,61,13,02)+++
3286. CYP2E1 cytochrome P450 (33,01)++
3285. CYP19A1 cytochrome P450 (55,01-60,30,27,34,61,10)
3284. DCN decorin (6 iso) (33-27,61,05,56)
3283. DLD dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (62,42-24,33,62,55,19,34)
3282. EIF2AK3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-(44,39,43,01,09-.33.)
3281. EIF2S1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor_(44-12,43,58-.5633.33.)
3280. ELN elastin (melanoma, Williams-Beuren syndrome) (02-02,02,02-02.62,62,62.)
3279. ERCC6 excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency(34,01-
3278. F2 coagulation factor II (thrombin)_(08,09_20,20,60,61,22,43,61)
3277. F2R-F2 receptor (51-31,32,02,19,08)
3276. FNGR2_Interferon Gamma-Receptor-Autoimminunsystem_alt (62.33) +++
3275. FTL ferritin, light polypeptide (41,61-30,20,,54,01,62,34)
3274. GGT1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (5 iso) (33-02,26,10,29,34,14,55-.
3269. GH1 grotwth hormone 1 endometrial carcinoma (33-02.61.33.)
3268. GK glycerol kinase (2 iso) (54,08-44,41,02,62,19,55)
3267. GP5 glycoprotein V (platelet) 33,16-0258,61,20,12,45)
3266. HGF hepatocyte growth factor (5 iso) (01-13,0110--.33.33.)
3265. HLA-B major histocompatibility complex, B (13-42,01,13,34-.33.33)
3264. HSPA5 heat shock 70kDa protein 5 (20-52,19-.33.)
3263. HSPA8 heat shock 70kDa protein 8 (09-49,11-48,33,53,10,11,27,01,34-.33.33.)
3262. IKBKAP inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells (16-

3261. IKBKG inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells (01-32,13.)
3260. ITGA2 integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit of VLA-2 receptor)(43-
3259. ITGAM integrin, alpha M (complement component 3 receptor (01-09,14,10,33-
3258. MIF macrophage migration inhibitory factor (glycosylation-inhibiting factor) (37-
3257. MSH6 mutS homolog 6 (E. coli) (13-42,34,34,09,11)
3256. MYH7 myosin, heavy polypeptide 7, cardiac muscle, beta (01-14,,01.-09.01,59)
3255. NARS asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (05,62-01,11,42,45,14,19-
3254. NDRG1 N-myc_stress responses, hormone responses, cell growth, and
3253. NEFH neurofilament,ALS,sporadic motor neuron disease_44-21,01,01,01-
3252. NPM1 nucleophosmin numatrin)_malignancy of cancer cells (3 iso)_(10-10,56,44-
3251. NTRK1 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, 3(3 iso)_(02) (08) (07)
3250. PAWR PRKC, apoptosis, WT1 regulator_ (01-43,33,01,01)
3239. PDGFRA platelet-derived growth factor receptor (63-52,09,35,03)
3248. PECAM1 plateletendothelial cell adhesion molecule (CD31 antigen)_ cancer cell
growth and metastasis(01-33,01,33)
3247. PHB prohibitin_regulator of cell proliferation, tumor suppressor, cellular
senescence. (56-02,37,56)
3246. PIK3CA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic (19-09,62,19,24)
3245. PLAU plasminogen activator, urokinase (01-33,14,01,55)
3244. POLA polymerase (DNA directed) (05,34-61,53,42,13,01,23)
3243. POR P450 (cytochrome) oxidoreductase (05,34)
3242. PRKCZ protein kinase C, zeta (3 iso)_09,37-09,31,33,53,31,61,01)
3239. RAC1 ras-related C3 (rho family)_control of cell growth, cytoskeletal
reorganization_ 41,14-37,35,36,33,09,41,10)
3238. RARA retinoic acid receptor_promyelocytic leukemia (PML)(3 iso) (09,13-
3235. RHOA ras homolog gene family (15,43-35,42,45,49,44,11,51)
3234. SCN5A sodium channel, voltage-gated, type V, alpha (long QT syndrome 3) (10,62)
3233. SEC13L1 SEC13-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)
3232. SGCB sarcoglycan, beta(dystrophin-associated glycoprotein)_(33-15,33,34,61-
3231. SHC1 SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) (2 iso ) (09-33,06,44,13,54)
3230. SLC2A1 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporte) (02-62,02,20,19,16,08)
3229. SYP synaptophysin_integral membrane protein of small synaptic vesicles in brain
and endocrine cells (23-20,23,41-23,20,09,24,20,.12.)
3228. TCF4 transcription factor 4 (49,34)
3227. TIPM1 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1(31,54-.12,19.)
3226. TP73L tumor protein p73-like (01,13-61.33.)
3225. ZBTB4 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 4 (01-61,33,01m11-.33.33.)
3224. ZBTB33 zinc finger and BTB domain_(62,01-.33.)
3223. BCHE butyrylcholinesterase (62,62-62,34,23,62,58,62,43)+!+!+ //31.12.06
3222. CBL Cas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequence (61-43,62,01-
3221. CCL2 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (33-20,01,09)

3220. CLU_clusterin (2 iso)(3314-19,01,13.)
3219. CRH corticotropin releasing hormone (31,61-02,33,11,25,08,49,44)
3218. CYP1B1 cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily B, polypeptide 1(16,41-)+!!+
3217. CYP2C9 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 9 (32,34-56.)
3216. DDC dopa decarboxylase (aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase) (26-09,31,32,06,19)
3215. ERCC2 excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency
3214. FAP fibroblast activation protein, alpha (62-19,44,29-33.)++
3213. FLNB filamin B, beta (actin binding protein 278) (01-01,05,13-.33.33)
3212. FOLH1 folate hydrolase (prostate-specific membrane antigen) 1(43-13,37,53)
3211. GALC galactosylceramidase (02,13-02,46,45,11,25,61,33,19)
3210. GJB2 gap junction protein, beta 2, 26kDa (connexin 26) (61,34)
3209. GNAS GNAS complex locus (5 iso)
3204. GSTP1 glutathione S-transferase pi (53,05)
3203. IGF1R insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (61-09,20,61,34,15-33.12.))
3202. ITGA2B integrin, alpha 2b (platelet glycoprotein IIb of IIbIIIa complex, antigen
3201. KCNMA1 potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, (2 iso)(20-
3200. LIPA lipase A, lysosomal acid, (Wolman disease)(07-12,62,19,20)
3199. MEF2A MADS box transcription enhancer factor_(01-43,28,05,34,05,34)+++
3198. NAT2 N-acetyltransferase 2 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase) (20-19,16,43)
3197. NOS3 nitric oxide synthase 3 (endothelial cell) (14-44,33,41,14,33-
3196. NTRK2 neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor,(5 iso) (33-20,34,14-.33.)
3195. PARK7 Parkinson disease (autosomal recessive, early onset) 7 (08,59-
3194. PF4 platelet factor 4 (chemokine (C-X-C motif) (53-07,42,01-.56.)
3193. POU5F1 POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1(31-02,57,53,34-.56.33,33.)
3192. PRKCG protein kinase C, gamma (57-12,53,10-.
3191. PPRKG1 protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I
3190. PTGDS prostaglandin D2 synthase 21kDa (brain) (02,01-20,19,04,14,09,01,42)++
3189. PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (prostaglandin GH synthase and
3188. SELP selectin P (granule membrane protein 140kDa, antigen CD62 (61-01,19,44)-
3187. SP1 Sp1 transcription factor (14-01,01,32)
3186. SREBF1 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 (14-13,30,12,02-
3185. TAP1 transporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDRTAP)(08-07,24,53)
3184. TAP2 transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDRTAP) (2 iso)(02,20-
3183. TAZ tafazzin (cardiomyopathy, (X-linked); endocardial fibroelastosis 2; Barth
syndrome)(5 iso)(24-53,07,52-62,31,14,59,07,51,52,55,39)
3178. TBP TATA box binding protein (01,09,01,09,15)
3177. TIMP2 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 2 (33,01-29,61,33.)
3176. TPI1 triosephosphate isomerase 1 (34-44,33,19.)
3175. UBE2C colon cancer with liver metastasis (33)
3174. VAT1 vesicle amine transport protein 1 homolog (T californica) (60-09,16,06,32)
3173. YWHAZ susceptibility gene for paranoid schizophrenia (05-26,06,06-.12.)
3172. CART cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (rattus) (39-02,60,06,05-
3171. DUSP1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 (12-23,39,33,62)

3170. F7 coagulation factor VII (serum prothrombin conversion accelerator) (2 iso) (b_35-
35,21,641,34,12)3268. GHR growth hormone receptor (22,12-31,11,22,20,56,01)
3167. GM2A GM2 ganglioside activator (18,23)
3166. GSR glutathione reductase_ lung tumors (20,33)
3165. GSTM1 glutathione S-transferase M1 (2 iso) (01,30) (01,13)
3164. HADHA hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase (34-33,43,07)
3163. KiSS1 Hormon_Anti-Liebesleben-+Tumor Suppressor (44-03,61,61,14,42)
3162. LCK lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase (2 iso) (01-58,01,61,33,61,33)
3161. MAPK14 mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (19-61,20,07)
3160. MMP9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 colla (62-62,61,19)
3159. SELL selectin L (lymphocyte adhesion molecule 1) (34-37,33,52,33)
3158. TCF1 transcription factor 1, hepatic; LF-B1, ,albumin proxi (01-01,43-
3157. SELL selectin L_inflammatory diseases, gastritis, duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer
3156. AGL glycogen storage disease (6var) (34,61-09,13,07,34,02,28)
3150. AAAS achalasia, adrenocortical insufficiency, alacrimia (Allgrove, triple-A)19,02-
3149. ABCA1_cholesteral efflux pump in the cellular lipid removal pathway(55-50,57,19),
3148. ABCA4_Stargardt disease , asoc. retinitis pigmentosa-19 + macular degeneration(41-
3147. ABCB7_multidrug resistance as well as antigen presentation (51-55,12,09-.33.)
3146. ABCC1 advanced breast cancer, multidrug resistance in gastric cancer cells(2iso)
3144. ABO blood group transferase A (07-59,0,08,01)+++
3143. ABR active BCR-related gene,vestibular morphogenesis, coordinate motor skills and
balance (2 iso) (01-33,01,01)
3141. ACACB_fatty acid biosynthesis (01-26,13,61)
3140. ACADL-nonketotic hypoglycemia.-mitochondrial (60-44,20,60,10,19)
3139. ACADS_ACADS hereditary deficiency (27-50,04,41,01,44)
3138. ACCN3_acid sensor, role in the detection of lasting pH changes (3 iso) (58,34-
3135. ACP1 polymorphic, type 1 diabetes, allergy (3 iso) (01-61,34,01,12,55)
3132. ACVRL1_hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) ( 2iso) (16,01)
3130. ADAMTS3_extracellular matrix degrading enzyme (38-33,54,56,44,53)
3129. ADCY3_pathophysiological metabolic processes (08-24,19,11,26)+-+
3128. ADCY7_catalyses the formation of cyclic AMP from ATP and is inhibitable by
calcium( 56-20,61,41,20-.33.12.)
3127. ADH5_alcohol dehydrogenase (55-55,34,08,63) +-+-+
3126. ADORA2A adenosine A2a receptor (02-35,23,23,39,01-.56.56.)
3125. ADRA2A attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (29-03,20,42,01,02)++
3124. ADRB1_heart failure_open-angle glaucoma (16-24,41,16,31,20) +-+
3123. ADSL autism_ADSL deficiency (35-20,56,12,32,10-.33.33.33.)+++
3122. ADSS adenylosuccinate synthase (13-60,33,33,60,20)+++
3121. AGER_cell surface molecules_oral squamous cell carcinoma_lung cancer
3119. A4GALT_P(k) antigen of the P blood group (23-20,19,32,01)
3118. AGXT_Oxalosis I (61-61,62,33,34)
3117. AIRE_autoimmune regulator_autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-
ectodermal dystrophy (APECED)( 2 iso)(35-02,59,54,46)
3115. AKT2 ovarian carcinoma, pancreatic cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma 843,09-

3114. ALDOB _hereditary fructose intolerance (01-58,58,61,62-.12.33.)
3113. AOC3_various inflammatory and other myopathies (44-36,33,30)
3112. APO A1_apolipoprotein_HDL deficiencies,risk of violence, myocardial
infarction,coronary artery disease (01-33,01,01)
3111. APO B_recognition signal for the cellular binding_increased risk of violence_
myocardial infarction (01-14,14,33,01,61,44-33.56.)
3110. APO C2_increased risk of pancreatitis and early atherosclerosis (44-59,01,10—
3109. ARSE_X-linked chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX), abnormalities in cartilage and
bone development (15,41-20,22,15,05,02,12,12)
3108. ASPA_Canavan disease (19-57,19,62-12.)
3107. ASS1_citrullinemia (20-62,29,01,31,51)
3106. ATR_PI3-PI4-kinase family_ataxia telangiectasia_reperfusion in solid tumors (33-
3105. ATXN7 _not known
3104. AVP arginine vasopressin_cognition, tolerance, adaptation and complex sexual and
maternal behaviour (35,62-27,21,03,19,44,20)
3103. AXL_chronic myelogenous leukemia-associated oncogene , colon cancer and
melanoma (2 iso) (43-13,43,42)
3101. AMA1 Malaria-Antigen_ (33,01-62,09,14,61,01,01)
3100. A1BG_ alpha-1-B glycoprotein_unknown function (09,20-33,11,43,16,23,33-
3099. AADAC_initial biotransformation pathways for heterocyclic amine carcinogens (35-
3098. ABCC9_MRP subfamily _ multi-drug resistance (08,11-02,19,11,61,31,02)(2 iso)
3096. ABCC11_ear wax (27-55,72,56,19,15) (3iso)
3093. ABCD1_inherited demyelinating disorder of the nervous system (57-59,53,37-
3092. ACACA-i.V.m BRAC1_breast cancer predisposition_multifunctional enzyme
system (33-15,01,61-.33,61.61) (2 iso)
3090. ADCYAP1-pituitary_ hypophysiotropic hormon_neurotransmitter and
neuromodulator (44,42-59,49,13,50,35,34)
3089. ADH1B_major role in ethanol catabolism_ (62-02,01,20,19)+!+!+!
3088. ADM- adrenomedulli _Kawasaki disease_blood pressure, carcinogenese (33,43-
3087. AGA_aspartylglucosaminidase_development of congenital disorders of glycosylation
3086. AGT_ angiotensinogen serpin peptidase inhibitor_(34,59-33,61,24,39,62,34)
3085. ALB albumin _one-half of the blood serum protein_carrier prot. for steroids, fatty
acids, hormones (62,61!!!!)++++
3084. APOD_apolipoprotein D_senescence-associated gene in normal human oral
keratinocytes_lipoprotein metabolism (33,41)++
3083. CASR_autosomal dominant hypocalcemia (30-06,01,36,12)
3082. GTR1 angiotensin II receptor _controlling blood pressure_ (23-02,07,59,45-
20,02,07,56.)(4 iso)
3078. LIF_ leukemia inhibitory factor (33,01-20,0137,43,33,26,38)
3077. ACADM_acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase (19-33,20,45,20,03)
3076. AHCY_S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (50-41,44,54,61,33)
3075. CCR4_ chemokine (C-X-C motif) rec_.CD184 antigen _WHIM syndrome_Brust-
Krebs (60-61,45,42,56-.33.33.56.)

3074. GRB2_growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (01,61-.19.33)
3073. HNF4A hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (5 iso) (01,09-14,15.-.33,56.33)
3068. NR3C1 nuclear receptor_glucocorticoid receptor (3 iso)(01-43,09,30.61,56)
3065. ABCC4_cellular detoxification (27-42,24,32,02,01)
3064. ADH1C alcohol dehydrogenase ,epigenetic mechanisms in human hepatoma cells
3063. ADH7 alcohol dehydrogenase 7 (34-09.25,02,25-.33.33,56.)
3062. ERBB4 v-erb-a erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene (43-34,10,31,31,13-
3061. FOXP3 (01-10,14,10,61,14)
3060. GLA galactosidase, alpha_Fabry disease(23-45,40,56,13,41)
3059. ITGB3 integrin=CD 61 Antigen_breast cancer(13-53,61,01)-.33.)
3058. MDM2 Mdm2_diminishing p53 tumor suppressor function (15,01-15,53,19,58,13,61)
3057. OSM oncostatin_leukemia-inhibitory factor+tumor cell lines (49-31,33,42)
3056. SDHC succinate dehydrogenase_paragangliomas,tumorigenesis (4iso)
3052. TCF2 transcription factor 2, hepatic_ovarian cancers, prostate cancer (56-
3051. TOP2A topoisomerase (DNA),target for several anticancer agents, topology of DNA
3050. BUB_aneuploidy and several forms of cancer (43-43,10,11,17-.33.))
3049. DCT_dopachrome tautomerase_TRP2 (62,24-20,61,16,42,19,24)
3048. GCSH glycine cleav. syst. H-Protein_neonatal hyperglycinemia (20,33-
3047. GLDC glycine dehydrogenase = P-Protein_mitoch._glycine encephalopathy (61-
3046. IFNG_Interferon Gamma
3045. KLRC4 killer cell lectin-like receptor (01,07-01,43,34,59,19,19)++++
3044. LDLRAP1- Steroidhormon-Cholesterinstoffwechsel (13-53,01,61-.33)
3043. LRP1_low density lipoprotein-related protein 1_(10,01-.36,61,57-.33,33.)
3042. MMP 2_arthritis and metastasis (34,43-33,34,19,01,44,11,12,09)
3041. NCR2 natural cytotoxicity triggering (Killer-Gen)
3040. NKG2D-=KLRK1 killer cell lectin-like receptor (44-32,61-12,01,23,19,15,61,44,28)
3039. NXF1_(10,43-61,56,01,14,01,53,59)
3038. RAE1_Tumor-Oberfläche (40-41,56,62,61) (2iso+3 org)
3033. TRA@ locus
3032. TYR-OCA1A Albinismus(32,38-56,33,20,57,32,36)
3031. ABCB1_ABCB1 ATP-binding cassette (53-16,55,26,27,61)
3030. ADCY1_brain( 53-02,36,34,33)
3029. ADCY2 (20-23,19,61,12)
3028. BALB-c (mm) Gelhar 1_(01-01,26,61,01)
3027. CCT7_chaperonin _folds actin and tubulin (39-62,31,06,15)
3026. EP300_prostate cancer cells_(n-2=.33.)
3025. ITGB2 integrin_cell adhesion+ cell-surface mediated signalling (13-31,13,61)
3024. JAK 2 protein tyrosine kinase_ exhibit embryonic lethality (01-33,01,61,44)
3023. NOS2A_Migräne, colorectal carcinoma,carcinogenesis from leukoplakia(09-
3022. OCA 2 Augenfarbe_Melaninproduktion (40-32,54,24)
3021. Phl p 5b Allergen_Gelhar 2 (3 var)__3D +++
3020. RELA_reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogen (43,01-44,44,22,13,25,09)
3019. STOML3stomatin-like protein 3_
3018. SLP3 Berührungsreize (33-07,61,49-56.33.33)3117.

3017. PITX2 _Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (ARS), iridogoniodysgenesis syndrome (IGDS),
(3 iso)
3013. mec-2 Berührung Fadenwurm (3 iso)
3010. HPV Malignants (incl. part. HPV 16+18) dav 37 neue Gene.
2973. Merlin update + 3 neue Proteine
PPP1CA protein phosphatase 1(16-20,12,02,61)
PPP1R14B protein phosphatase 1,(01-25,63,01,05,62) ,
PPP1R3A protein phosphatase 1(33-23,01,09,02)
2970. BHLHB_basic helix-loop-helix proteins (14 Mol+2 iso)
2954. MIER1 mesodern ind.early response (6 Iso)
2948. m-Numb_Notch-Hemmer (09-01,55,44,01,60,10,11)
2947. NTSR neurotesin_hypotension, hyperglycemia, hypothermia, intestinal motility and
2946. ARRB2_ADHD+stimuli hormones, neurotransmitters, or sensory signals(2iso)(01-
2946. MAOA_degrades neurotransmitters, dopamine, norepinephrine, and
2945. PNMT_epinephrine production_ADHD (34-14,61,02)
2944. SHANK3_language or social communication disorders (01,09-14,10,09,48,01,61)
2943. SLC6A3=DAT 1 ADHD (60,62-30,02,38,46,01,02, 59)
2942. TPH2_UP and BiPolar disorder_unipolar major depression ADHD (19,33-
2941. BHD_regulate tumorigenesis stem cells,renal tumors, Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
2940. SERPINH1_risk of prostate cancer in black men (33-64,01,34,43,55)
2939. FNIP1_Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome_ gutartige tumors of hair follicles, lung
cysts, kidney cancer (33-04,43,01,13)

2938. ARTS-1 type 1 tumor necrosis factor (61-01,02,43-33,34,.33,61.) (2 iso)
2936. AGC1_aggrecan 1 antigen (34-01,34,53-33,61,43,19,53) (2 iso)
2934. BCAM basal cell adhesion molecule (Lutheran blood group_epithelial cell cancer(2 iso)
2932. EIF2C1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor_RNA interference (01-58,14,33)
2931. EIF2C2 eukaryotic translation initiation factor_gene silencing (13-11,01,01)
2930. FSAP_Schutz v.Gefäßverengung Infarkt_i.V.m. PDGF (01,14-33,10,13,44,41,59)
2929. PDGF B Wachstumsfaktur i.V.m.FSAP_Schädigung Gefässe (12-20,59,01) (2 iso)
2927. NCAM1 neural cell adhesion molecule 1_antigen (3 iso)
2924. MKI67 antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki-67
2923. Cd200 antigen [ Rattus norvegicus] (61-33-27,34)
2922. CD47 Antigen+ Glykoprotein (46-12,55,07) (2 iso)
2920. SLC3A2_antigen_cell growth and tumorigenesis (2 iso)
2918. TNFRSF4_ATC35-Antigen_Tumor necrose factor rec (13-53,01,34-.61,61.61))
2917. CCM2_Sjogren syndrome_membr. prot. immunoglobulin superfamily (34-34,49,02,01,10)
2916. K RIT1_cerebral cavernomas (10,01-.33.)
2915. LIM K1_brain development._Williams syndrome (33-29,01-.33.)
2914. LIM K2_
reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton (33,60-07,33.)
2913. RIPK2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase (01-05,61,34,34-.33.33)
2912. RNF 12 ring finger protein (01,19-09,01,26,19,40,61)
2911. ROCK _phosphorylates and activates LIM kinase_u.a. cancer(12!-24,12!,01,01)++++
2910. SLP3-SYTL3_Berührungsreize (10!,43!-34,56,10,01,33,31)++++
2909. TESK1_testis specific kinase1 (62,13-08,43,24,42,01,01)
2908. TESK 2_testis specific kinase1 (62,34-1601,19,09,43,15,57)
2907. Capsulèen_Unfruchtbarkeit dros. (01,60)
2906. PRMT3 arginine methyltransferase_(33,03!)+++
2905. TDRD 1-6 hn+dros+mm.-Tudor_Männl. Unfruchtbarkeit (7+5 Mol)+++

2898. Valois_Unfruchtbarkeit dros.(54-13,41,46,50)
2897. VASP_cell adhesion and motility (28-41,34,60,14)
2896. BPS1- Bypass_Wachstumskontrolle, neg. Regulator (20)+++
2895. update:H19 oncogen(56 stop)+++
2894. HRas_ Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene+++++
2893. KorB_Ulf Lenski(01-61,01,10)
2892. Matrilin-3_Osteoarthritis (02,61-35,20,60,33,,23,13-.66.61.61))
2891. MHC2TA_Arthritis+Infarkt + MS (33-62,34,10,33) cancer
2890. PDGF-D_rheumatische Artritis (2 iso)(01-44,09,30,19)
2888. PTPN22_type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis
2887. SLO-KCNMB1_Potenz (44,34-32,13,34,33,43,40,46)
2886. BBS1+TRIM32+ BBS2+ARL6+MKKS + TTC8 +PTHB1_Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
2879. update:Beta Globin_Sichelzellanemie
2878. Claudine 1-23_Transmembran-Proteinfamilie (19 Moleküle)
2859. COL 6A1_Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy
2858. COL 18A1-Endostatin_Tumortherapie_Knobloch syndrome
2857. CORS2+JBTS1+AHI1+NPHP1+CEP290_Joubert Syndrome
2852. CTSD_cathepsin D_estrogen-regulated transcrip,breast cance, possibly Alzheimer disease
2851. CTSE_cathepsinE_gastric cancers, atopic dermatitis (61-33,62,61,52)+++
2850. GTF2I_Williams-Beuren syndrome
2849. IDH3A(33)+3B(12)_NAD+
2847. KRIT1+CCM2 (+PDCD1)_HIV,Autoimmun, Arthritis, Lupus,Sjorgen Syndr.+++
2845. LepA_neue Klasse von Antibiotika_EF-TU1+ EF-TU2
2843. MSX2 + ALX4 Enlarged Parietal ForaminaCranuium Bifidum (2 Mol.)
2841. PDCD1_programmed cell death 1 (01-33,01,33)+++
2840. PEA15_Antiapotosis + chemoresistance cancer (43-33,05,38,13)
2839. XPA +ERCC3+ XPC +ERCC2+ DDB2+ ERCC4 + POLH_Xeroderma Pigmentosum
2832. CCL3L1_HIV Abwehr (33-23,01,30)
2831. CLARIN-1_usher sndrome3_progressive Taubheit + Blindheit(04,02-4123,41,62,35,02,01,16)
2830. GATA3_development of breast cancer,
2829. GOLGA1_complex autoantigen ass. Sjogren syndrome
2828. LMOD1_eye+skeletal muscle_Graves' disease +ophthalmopathy. (13,01-42,6101,13-
2827. NUMA1_myelodi leukemia, breast cancer risk
2826. PR3_PRTN3 (62-62,13,16)
2825. Adk_Andenosin Kinase (rattus) (55-60,14,19,34)
2824. ADORA2B adenosine A2b receptor (02-02,20,20,56)
2823. EXTL3 Cancer Marker _colorectal cancer (54-33,32,02)
2822. REG 1A _colorectal cancer Biomarker CANCER (32,12-59.52,20,59,26)
2821. tNOX Biomarker prostate cancer CANCER (b 01-14.33,13.)
2820. Calpain2 _tumour cell invasion (34-57,63,02)+
2819. Src_viral tumour (01,19-01.19)
2818. CASQ2 _Herzmuskel (20-27,20,43,26)
2817. CODANIN-1_anämie (51-06,41,40,49,59)
2816. DhbE
2815. dok-7 downstream of tyrosine kinase 7 [ Takifugu rubripes
2814. Endoglin + ALK1_Morbus Osler
2812. Gonadotropin _CGB+GNRH1_Unfruchtbarkeit (25-60,03,01)
2810. GP91 oxidase 1_NOX-NADPH-GP91 oxidase 1_Immunschwäche septische Granulomatose
2809. GPR 24_intracellular calcium flux+ neuronal regulation of food consumption (56-
2808. KCNC3_ K+ channels - neurodegenrative Krankeiten (61-01,15,01)
2807. LHB+LHCGR_ luteinizing hormone_Ovulation (Eisprung) + die Spermienreifung
2805. MN1_meningioma 1 (14-.33.33) ++++
2804. RAN +Estrogen receptor_Group Mattaj-EMBL
2803. S100A4_Metastasin_Metastasen-Wahrscheinlichkeit (20-45,19.34-.12.)

2802. SALL4 Okihiro Syndrom_J.Kohlhase
2801. SC1_ Verhindert Zellspezialisierung + Verlust der Pluripotenz(39!!)++++
2800. SERPINA1_emphysema and liver disease (09-33,31,61,31,57)
2799. SGCG sarcoglycan, gamma _sarcolemmal transmembrane glycoprotein (31-19,37,55)
2798. SST_somatostatin_colon +ovarian cancer (12-02,59,01,33)++++
2797. TAL1_T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1
2796. TAL2 _T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2
2795. TRIP_association with the Golgi apparatus (11 (01-01.09.01,05)
2794. UGT2B17_Supp. Prostata-Krebs (02,10-15,23,16,61,41,01-.12.33.-.33.33)
2793. UGTB2B15_estrogen and androgen concentration(02,13-15,35,40 06,43,34,09-.12.56.33.)
2792. ULK2_Smith-Magenis syndrome (44-18,49,43,54)
2791. WDR 33_WD repeat domain 33(01-61,61,43,01,13)
2790. EPB41_erythrocyte membrane protein
2789. ACTA1+2 (>>zmlc2)_Herzmuskelschwächung-Myosin (+ MYL2)
2787. MYL1 ,2 Myosin, Motorproteine Kurzstreckentransport
2785. CDC 42_Schalter für die Selbsterneuerung neuraler Stammzellen (23,11)++++
2784. RasGAP_
RAS p21 protein activator
2783. SALL4 Okihiro Syndrom_ SC1_ Verhindert Zellspezialisierung + Verlust der
Pluripotenz (39!!)++++
2782. CAMTA1_candidate tumor suppressor genes of neuroblastoma(01-01.43.01-.34,43,33)
2781. Cx36_Connexin 36 =GJA9 (50-59,10,54,33-.3x61)
2780. IL_23A_Morbus Crohn+Colitis ulceros_Entzündung (33,61)++++
2779. PON1_might be involved in the tumourigenesis of brain tumours(no)
2778. PRKACA_Protein Kinase A (61-01,19,34,33) PRKCA_Protein Kinase C
2777. SOXN_major player in Regulating the sensitization of neuroblastoma cells (61-44,29-
2776. SRPR_signal recognition (docking protein)_(25,01-31,12,44.35.)
2775. TNC-Tenascin-C_ extracellular matrix protein_glioblastoms_colorectal tumors
(n- 3_.33,61,33,62)++
2774. IAPP_Bauchspeicheldrüsenhormon,Plaques,Hochdruck(i.V.m.APP)(33.20,01,20)
2773. SRP_Signalerkennungs-Protein(33-15,34,33,54,01)++
2772. BRIP1_BRCA1 interacting protein_ Krebs (34-01,13,02,61,13 -33.33.33.)++++
2771. Dentin-Matrix protein.- erbliche Rachichtis, Colon Cancer (++)
2770. EAG1_KCNH1_Verbindung mit Krebsprogression= Antikörper (60-49,02,53,01)++++
2769. GCH-1 Schmerzlinderung (10-01,32,61-.32,26,04,33,29,10)
2768. G-Protein coupled receptors _ (8 neue +3 ) Ganga
2760. HectH9_Ubiquitin Ligase_ Myc-Hemmer_Tumor Antigen (59(33) 01_GtaaAA)
2759 HPV 18 (3 Gene)
Æ +5 in Nr. 3110
2756. IFN-alpha_Interferron_Systemischer Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
2754. IRF 6 (01-44,01,44,24,55-.33.56.)
2753. KSN1_KIF5B_Kinesin1(01-05,44,01-.12.01)
2752. Merlin_(PP1) Krebsentstehung
+ CPI 17 =
+ MYPT 1= PPP1R12A protein
2749. NRF2 + KEAP1_ Lungenkrebs
2747. p63_Oncogen (01,13-0.33.-.33.33.12.)
2746. RAN-Komplex_5 Moleküle
2741. RISK_kinase
2740. RNPC1=RBM38_p53 family
2739. RTVP1=GLIPR1_prostata cancer ( 01-33,34,34)
2738. SALL1+TBX5_Okihiro-Syndrom_erbl. Fehlbildung Arme+,Herz __J.Kohlhase
2736. SH2_krebsmarker
2735. SIX2_Nierenentwicklung Stammzellen
2734. Slynar=AY070435_depression and bipolar disorder (59-54,51,33,45,02-.56.33.12)
2733. TDP 43_ALS+HIV-1 gene expression (62-24,01,19.19,34)
2732. TF+TFRC+TFR2_Tranferrin_Eisentransport

2729. BLR_Burkitt lymphoma receptor 1, GTP binding protein
2728. GBP1_Reaktionsmechanismus Immunproteine
2727. ATRX_Thalassemia_ thalassemiamental retardation syndrome X-linked
2726. p75_TNFRSF1B tumor necrosis factor receptor(61-33,40,01,33,60)+++
2725. PPARGC 1a_pcg-1@
2724. ATP13A2_Kufor Rakeb Syndrom(61-33-02,33,34)
2723. Calcineurin _Schlüsselfaktor Diabetes
2722. Calpain2 +Src
2720. CDNK1A_p21 Krebs + Seneszenz (60,61-33.)+++
2719. CHIC2 cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 2
2718. CXRCR4+Vhlh +_Glomerulonephritiden
2716. DMBT1_Metagen _bei Krebs-Absenz_DKFZ (32,34 + 41)+++
2715. ILK_Kontrolle Herzschlag
2714. KLF4_Jungbrunnen
2713. MBP_Lernprozesse
2712. MDS2_myelodysplastic syndrome
2711. Glutamate Rezeptoren:
GRIN1_3 iso (.12.56.)
GRIN3B (20-08,15,33,61-.33.561.61)
GRIN 2A_NR2A (28,13- 28,13,53,53,o1,14)
GRIN 2B_NR2B_ (11,13-13,31,02,53,01,34)
GRINA_2 iso (34-33,01,02,24)
2703. GABA B Receptoren, gamma-aminobutyric acid
GABRQ (01,44-34,34,37,03,33,34,14)
GABRE_4 iso (44,07-12,14,61,41,52,07-20,
GABRB3_2 iso (18,33-56,31,54,62,01-.
GABBR1_4 iso (36-53,06,19-.56.33.)
GABARAP (54-10,32,62,14-.12.33.))
ABAT_2 iso (14.01-44,18,14,09,01)
2688. SLC32A1 GABA vesicular transporter (14,62)

2687. 5HT3-5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3A_2 iso (33,03) ( 33,62)
2686. NEMO (+IKK2NF-kB) Multiple Sklerose-Minderung (viel 61)
2685. NOD 2= CARD 15_Crohn disease(07-56,20,20,56)+++
2684. PKD2L1_Rezeptor sauer
2683. RPL10 Autismus_DKFZ
2682. SLC6A4_5-HTT= Depression,Alz,e.a
2681. SLITRK1_Trichotillomanie+Tourette Syndrom (35,01)
2680. Thermus thermophilus bact. Ribosom_Struktur
2679. UCHL1_Enzym Gedächtnis(61,09)
2678. UNC-93B_Herpes Simplex
2677. VSV Matrix Protein (44-56,01,10,56,33,01,43,02-33,56.33.56.)
2676. APM1+ADIPOR_Adiponectin_Fettleibigkeit
2674. CDC2_ cell division cycle 2, G1 to S and G2 to M
2673. CHAF1 A+B_Bildung von Chromatin
2672. CLEC10A=HML_inflammation and immune response
2671. eEF3 Proteinsysnthese Pilze
2670. Efg1p_silencing
2669. ECFP-cyan_
2668. EGFP(grün)
2667. EYFPgelb
2666. EBFP(blau)_
2665. GFP Anemonia sulcata asFP499 mRNA(34,13)+++
2664. GFP_Kaede Trachyphyllia geoffroyi von gün nach rot(05,32)++++
2663. GFP_orange fluoresz
2662. GFP-RFP_Rot-fluoreszierendes Protein

2661. PKM2 pyruvate kinase, muscle_Krebs-Kontext (32,56-.01,02,19,61,32)
2660. PSMD4-Asf1_proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 4
2659. RPL10_Autismus
2658. SER3 123+234
2657. Rx3_Zellmigration Auge (33-20,43,61)+++
2656. SIR T1-3 gene silencing hs_Altern
2653. TR4_HMR=NR4A1_Alzheimer
2652. 5'-nucleotidase, cytosolic III
2651. 5-HTT= SLC6A4 Depression, Alz,e.a
2650. PD1=PDCD1_HIV-Abwehr_T-Zellen Regeneration
2649. HAR1F_Entwicklung der Großhirnrinde (4 Strukutren)+++
2648. Borna Virus_Depression (MDD) (27,51-60,19,41,60.41,62)+++
2647. DCX_double cortin (rattus+ mus musc.)_doppelter Cortex
2646. DOK-7_Kongenitale Myasthene Syndrome(CMS)-Muskelschwäche
2645. ERK 1+2=MAPK3+1_ Biomarker Alzheimer
2643. HCRT, HCRTR1,-2 _Orexin_Botenstoff Fettleibigkeit
2641. Human Adenovirus_Ad-36,-37 +-31,-02_i.V.m.Fettleibigkeit
2637. JET_light signals from CRY to TIM
2636. mRFP1-Q66T Fluorescent bacteria proteins (5 Mol)
2631. Oxyntomodulin_Fettleibigkeit
2630. Q4JET8_ADE04_Human adenovirus 4 (HAdV-4)(45-23,03,,53,39)
2629. RELN-Reelin_schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder, major depression (62-62,33,19,62)
2628. SRB1 Entststehung Gallensteine
2627. Barx1,Dlx1+2_Mesenchym_molare Zähne
2625. Coenzym Q_reductase_Strahlenschäden-Reparatur
2625. DLX_forebrain & craniofacial dev
2624. hGH_Receptor (22,12-.56.)+++
2623. HPV 16 compl. Genome (5 Gene)
2618. HSPD1 heat shock 60kDa protein 1 (chaperonin)+DiaPep 277
2617. MSI1+2_Musashi_malignancy and proliferative activity in gliomas and melanomas+++
2615. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2614. SFRS10_Htra2-beta(54-44,32,16)
2613. ATP8B1+ ABCB1_ Low Gamma-GT Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis
2611. CC2D1A+CRBN+PRSS12_autosomal recessiv non-syndromic mental retardation
2608. cmlc2-tel mut_Schlagkraft des Herzens (zebrafish)(13,31-11,05,25,62,37,11)
2607. IL1A_paradontitis (01-61,01,01)
2606. Reptin_lik-Liebeskummer-Gen_(44-54,33,05,36,01)
2607. ALDH7A1_ Pyridoxine-Dependent Seizures(61,20-57,19,44,20,19,34)
2606. ANOP1_Lenz Microphthalmia Syndrome_noch
2605. APTX_Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 1_(19,23-01,20,23,29,19,12)
2604. ATXN1_Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type15
2603. BCOR_Lenz Microphthalmia Syndrome (34,01-09,13,62,01,01,23)
2602. CD19 molecule(61,33-28,20,61,02,01,05)++
2601. CD24 Antigen_Y-linked_Krebsgen
2600. Common Variable Immune Deficiency Overview(CD19,Icos,TAC1,TNFRSF13B)
2596. CUL7 cullin 7_3-M syndrome (20,61)
2595. EAAT1 hs_SLC1A3__Neurotransmitter_ZI
2594. MAFH fumarate hydratase (44,56-1210,01,1944,12-12.56,33.33.33)++
2593. FOXC2_Lymphedema-Distichiasis Syndrome (01,13-01,01,01,44,01,28)
2592. G72 G30 Verfolgungswahn(NöthenPropping)
2591. GDAP1_Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 4A (62-46,49,64)
2590. GLI3 _GLI-Kruppel family member _Pallister-Hall Syndrome (01-61,01,09,14,01
2589. GPR143_Ocular Albinism, X-Linked (19-34,02,15,01,08)
2588. HMG CoA reductase_Congenital Heart Disease++
2587. ICOS inducible T-cell co-stimulator (08,02-20,31,08,16,33)
2586. Lamin Receptoren-LBR_

2585. Matrilin-3_Osteoarthritis (02,61-35,20,60,33,,23,13-.66.61.61))
2584. Nan+ Iav _dros_Ionenkanal_Tinnitus+++
2583. NEFL_Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 2E1F(01-10,01,01,43,01)
2582. NompC_2 Organismen_Gleichgewicht, Tinnitus
2580. P2RX7_Depression
2579. PABPN1 Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy (62-20,13,20)
2578. PAF_Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein_Pilzinfektionen
2577. RGS9_Lichadaptation
2576. SLC19A2_Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia Syndrome
2575. TAC1 tachykinin(31-20,13,60,62)
2574. TNFRSF13B tumor necrosis factor rec_(33-20,43,33)+++
2573. ABCR_Stargardtsche Krankheit-Juvenile Macula-Degeneration (41-01,08,41-.33)
2572. CASQ2_ Cardiac arrhythmia_Tachycardia _monogenic disease (20-27,20,43,26)
2571. COL4A5_Alport syndrome (3 iso)
2568. DMD dystrophin (muscular dystrophy, Duchenne and Becker types) (3 iso)
2565. EMD_Emery-Dreifuss-Muskeldystrophie (34-14,61,07-.12.33.))
2564. F5_Faktor 5-Mangel_Parahämophilie, Owren-Syndrom (01-01.14.31.-01,01,13)
2563. GRN_Progranulin_FTD-frontotemporale Demenz+Krebs (2iso)( 02,33(iso1 02)+++
2561. HGD_Alkaptonurie_Homogentisinsäure-Oxidase-Mangel (32-56,61,02,62,23)
2560. MTM1_myotubuläre Myopathie_(X-chromosomal) (55,19-50,44,19,30,04,19,10
2559. MYF6- myogenic factor 6 (herculin) _DuchennescheBeckersche Muskeldystrophieer(32-
2558. NEU1_NEURAMINIDASE 1_Acetylgalaktosaminidase-Defizienz _NAGA (24-42,0215,11,09)
2557. NIPBL_Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (01-01,43,,28) (3 iso)
2554. PAPB2_Okulo-Pharyngeale Muskeldystrophie_OPMD (62-20,13,20-.33.)
2553. RYR1_Makula Degenerationen, Maligne Hyperthermie_MH,MHS (33,09-
2552. SGCA_Gliedergürtel-Muskeldystrophie_Adhalin-Defizienz, LGMD2D (23-20,62,12,62)
2551. SLC26A2_Diastrophic dysplasia (61-61,156,33)+++
2550. SLC26A6_Pendrin_Pendred syndrome (4 iso)
2546. SMC1L1_Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (01-61,01,57,01,43)
2545. SMN1_Spinale Muskelatrophie_SMA Typ1,II,III (33-20,33,01.33.33.)
2544. SMN2_ survival of motor neuron 2, centromeric SMA(33-20,33,01-) (4 iso)
2540. XLRS1_Juvenile Retinoschisis-X-chromosomal , RS1(44,12-.56.) (+Mut)
2538. AMACR_prostate cancer (08-.-.12,56,61.33) (2 iso)
2536. CCND1_Myeloma_colorectal cancer (33-19,13,10-.33.)
2535. ERG_erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene (2iso)
2533. ETV1 ets variant gene 1_mammary tumorigenesis (01,61-09,0910,01,29,33)
2532. EZH2_prostata + bladder carcinoma (2 iso)
2530. PBX1_Leukemia (01-61,61,34,01,33-.
2529. PRO1073_Renal cancer (07,08-41,19,51,20,20,42)
2528. TMPRSS22_transmembrane protease, serine 2_prostate cancer
2527. WHSC1_Myeloma (13-60,01-.33-.33,33.) (3 iso)
2524. APOH lipoprotein metabolism, coagulation (59-39,20,14,13)
2523. ARSA_metachromatic leukodystrophy,MDL (20,12-62,20,28,23,21,57)
2522. BPAG1-DST_Autoimmunity targets, Haut (3 iso)
2519. BPAG2-COL17A1 (2 iso)
2517. CDAN1_monogenic disease_Anemia (51-06,41,40,49,59)
2518. COH1_Cohen syndrome (23-62,46,54,33,61) (2 iso)
2516. ELK 1_cell death, mitoch. diseases_neurodegeneration+ schizophrenia
2515. Ets-1_E26 avian leukemia oncogene_ fließende Genaktivität (2 iso)
2513. FALZ fetal Alzheimer antigen (2 iso)
2511. GNE glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)_monogenic disease_Muscular dystrophy (08,37)
2510. MCOLN1_monogenic disease_ ML4_developmental and mental retardation (61,19)
2509. PDGF-D_rheumatische Artritis (2 iso)
2507. PrPc- PRNP-Prion Protein_Creuzfeldt-Jacob _update (2 iso)

2505. RyR2 i.V. m CASQ2_cardiac arrhythmia (63,33-55,11,31,20,33,61)
2504. USH 3A_Usher syndrome_monogenic disease_Progressive deafness and blindness (19-
2503. WRKY53_Seneszenz (13-11,01,01,24)++++
2502. APOH lipoprotein metabolism, coagulation (59-39,20,14,13)
2501. HMOX heme oxygenase 1
2500. LDLRAP1 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein (13-53,01,61
2499. CheY_Escherichia coli Chemotaxis_Steuerungselemente (13-42,61,10,45)
2498. ELMOD 2+ LOC152586_ Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) (34-33,10,19)
2496. GPR 83 Killerzellen zu Friedensstiftern (04-36,46,41,02,13)
2495. OVATE_Tomate Birne-Kugel (01-33,13,13,55)
2494. pmrA+D_Antibiotika-Resistenz (20-07,62)& (53-40,50,32)
2492. PS 2_Photosystem 2 (7 proteine)
2485. YAP + cIAP1_hepatocellular carcinoma- HCC(.33)(.-.33)
2483. LTA+LTBR Lymphotoxin_tumor necrosis factor family_Krebsgen(59,35-.61.56.33)
2481. C14orf156_SLIRP_Ausschalten von Genen beim Energiestoffwechse(39)l++++
2480. RAE1 mm_Krebsgen(62-35,01,62,61-.12,61.33.)
2479. ACAT2-Arteriosklerose (53-08,31,,10,59)
2478. AFP_Schutz vor Kältetod-Fische (33-20,01,01)
2477. AGL24_Formenvielfalt Blumen (01-01,59- 61.33,60.)
2476. Bin 1b Beta Defensin-Spermienaktivität-Bakterienabwehr(20,27-07,20,13,53,02,41,19)
2475. CAD hs _promote optimal cell growth (12-23,32,44)
2474. CDKN2A_ARF_Tumorsuppressor 12,20-27,56.)
2473. CDYL =TSYPL_plötzlicher Kindstod SIDS-SIDDT
2472. CYP1A1_Osteoporose (49,34)
2471. DLC 1 Brustkrebs (01-01.43-61.33.33.)
2470. DMBT1_META-GEN (41)++++
2469. DNase11 dros_Immunerkrankung (12-23,32,44-.12.56.)
2468. DSX+FRU_doublesex+fruitless_Sexualtrieb bei männlichen Fruchtfliegen
2466. Dynamin_ Homosexualität Drosophila 09-34,60)
2465. EAAT1 hs_SLC1A3__Neurotransmitter_ZI MA (61,08-10,20,43,02,08,60)
2464. EBA 140 +GYPC_Malariaschutz
2462. Eugenol_Geruch Basilikum (08-07,24,06,20,23)
2461. FLAP_ALOX5AP_Risiko Herzinfarkt& Schlaganfall(32,23-54,34,19,20,19,56)+++
2460. Frap1_mTOR rattus (01-30,33,01-.29,61.60))+hs Dämpfung Hungergefühl
2458. FRDA_Friedreichs Ataxia(44,54)
2457. GAL4_Lichtschalter für Gene (43-61,14,60 -33.33.33)
2456. Galektin-1_tötet Immunzellen gegen Krebs(33-.33.)
2455. Gapdhs mm+hs_Verhütung ((01-33,61,61,28,41)
2454. GAT-1 -2 iso _Schlüsselmechanismus Heroinentzug (27,05-42,62,12,01,60,60)
2452. H60 hs+mm Krebgsgene(33) i.V.m. Rae-1 _Krebsgen
2450. Häm-Oxygenase-1_Schutz vor Herzinfarkt hs+rat (01-01,43,33)
2449. HDAC-9_Herzvergößerung (5 iso)
2448. HIF1+SDF-1_Botenstoffe Stammzellen (57-12,42,44)__(33-20,13,33)
2447. HLA_DQB1+DYB_Schlafwandeln(53-46,50,26)-56.56,13,41,61,06,36)
2446. HMGB1_entzündungshemmende Stoffe (01-13,01-11,.34,61.01)
2428. HPV_18 Human Papillon Virus Stämme _McPV2+MNPV+Ha0PV von Prof Rösl, DKFZ
2427. HQT_Stressschutz Pflanzen (23-19,16,56,01,60)
2426. ID 4_Tumorsuppressor ((16,01)
2425. KDR-VEGFR2-FLK-1_Hemmung Tumorwachstum 13,6160,01,01,43, 64-33.33.)
2424. LIGHT=TNFSF14_Immunzellen Tumorzertsörung (02-24,19)
2423. Mcm5_Speiseröhrenkrebs (01-01,58,01-34,34.33)
2422. mps 1_Regeneration von Herzgewebe danio rerio+hs (61-43,24)
2421. MSR 1 prostata-Krebs und Entzündungsreaktion_3 iso
2418. MYH 16_Gehirnwachstum (01-01.)
2417. Nef_HIV (44,61-59,01,61,09,62,13,31)

2416. NPC1L1 Regulation Cholesterin im Blut(09-34,60,34,23,55)
2415. NPS_wach und mutig(02-19,20,20-.29,20,23,20.33)++++
2414. p16INK4a+ARF_Altern-Tumorsuppressoren
2412. p53BP1_zellschäden_Apoptose
2411. Pet1 mm Angst-Aggressivität (09,01-.61,33,34,61.56)
2410. PHLLP_Tumorsuppressor
2409. Phytochrome A+++
2408. proNGF Apoptose-Stop
2407. Ptf1_Stammzellen werden Bauchspeicheldrüse
2406. SCD1_Fettleibigkeits-Schutz
2405. SHP-1_Diabetes 2 Therapie hs+mm (33,09-02.33.01)
2403. SLC22A4 _OCTN_Morbus Crohn (19-13,02,02,33,02,35)
2402. Spi2A_immunologisches gedächtnis (44-56,01,34,28,59)
2401. takeout_Intensität Balzverhalten Drosophila Männchen
2400. TR4 mm_+hs_komplexe Störungen(61,33-01,20,33,20,09,33,149++++
2398. TRIM-5 _ AIDS-Abwehr
2397. TROSPA_Borreliose(01-01,01,61)
2396. Trp-cage_Proteinfaltung++++
2395. Urokinase-Plasminogen-Aktivator (uPA)_Metastasen-Verhinderung (01-33,14,01,01,55)
2394. VRN 1+2_Weizenwachstum (
2392. ZBTB7A_POK_Pokemon-Gen_Krebs (49,01)
2391. ZFP 145_Stammzellgen-Spermienproduktion01-01,10-25,01,34,43,41,61,01_ 7x33)
2390. ADAM 17_tumor necrosis factor (43-25,01,11-.33.13.02,01)
2389. CATSPER 2,1,3,_Male Infertility monogenetic dis.-Sperm Ionen Kanäle
2386. Connexin 26_GJB2_Taubheit_erbliche Taubheit –Deafness
2385. DARC_Chemokine Rezeptor_Malariaschutz+Krebsrisiko (07_36,02,16,23)
2384. Histatin 1+3_TRP1p_Speichelproteine
2382. mTOR_Dämpfung Hungergefühl
2381. TRP1p_Membranprotein
2380. LAMAN_Alpha-Mannosidose
2379. RYK_Verbindung zwischen Gehirnhälften (20,01)
2378 HCV core protein_Hepatitis C+carcinom (58,02-34,12.)
2377. LAT-Herpes simplex
2376. NRG 1_schizophrenie ( 9 isoformen)
2367. EVI_hs_ecotropic viral integration site 1
2366. SHP-1_Diabetes 2 Therapie hs+mm (33,09-02.33.01)
2365. AP1- hs_JUN v-jun sarcoma virus 17 oncogene homolog (avian)
2364. DDX20_translation initiation, nuclear and mitochondrial splicing(53-20,60,09-.33,33.&
2363. SMN1_Spinale-Muskel Atrophie_SMA+++
2362. CLN8_epilepsie_progressive with mental retardation(02-02,24,02-24,02.07,07)+++
2361. CLN3_Batten, Spielmeyer-Vogt disease(02-20,19,02,61,20)
2360. CLN6_late infantile, variant(16-07,54,02)
2359. CLN5_ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 5 (02-40,08,20,01,27)
2358. CLN2_TPP1_Jansky-Bielschowsky disease_colorectal carcinoma progression(32,02-
2357. Kit(mm)_Erbgut-RNA_Dominant white spotting++++(13-55,09,34,01-.61,61,08,61,61.)
2356. cFLIP-CFLAR_Apoptose_Verhinderung
2355. TNFSF11 tumor necrosis factor-Rankl (14-34,49,39)
2354. CXCLigand12+CXCReceptor 4_Lockstoff Lunge Matastasenbildung-(20-.-.12.12.)
2352. HIPK2_Tumorsuppresso(.-09-.,56.33,33.33.)
2351. MDR_ABCB1 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR-TAP) 11 Moleküle
2340. RPL 23 ribosomal prot. _activiert p53_Magenkrebs (33-02,61,33,61,50)
2339. Satb2_Entwicklungsgen Schädelknochen_Kommandozentrale f.
2338. Androgen Rezeptor_Mutation Glatze (Prof.Nöthen)
2337. HMGR_Katalyse Cholesterinproduktion (24,02)

2336. F10_Gerinnungsfaktor 10 (01,44-33.56.)
2335. F8_Faktor VIII_Gerinnungsfaktor Hemophilie X-linked(33 & 29,01- 33.12.)
2334. CFH_Factor H_Makuladegeneration (30)+++
2333. ARC_Apoptose Repressor Herzzellen 01-61,10,01,01-.61,09.61,01,61.09)
2332. CNP_Schizophrenia(01-43,57,26,49,46)
2331. CREB_cAMP responsive element binding protein 1
2330. DTNBP1 dystrobrevin_schizophrenia, cognitive dysfunction (33-16,09,01,49)
2329. DBNDD1_Dysbindin-1 domain containing 1(33,10-15,01,61,44,12)
2328. DBNDD2_Dysbindin-2_domain containing 1(02-27,20)
2327. LRIG2 _leucine-rich repeats a. immunoglobulin-like dom.2 (53-62,11,63,15)
2326. LRIG3 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like dom.3
2325. LRIG 1 leucine-rich repeats_Tumorinhibitor ErbB (44-12,34.)
2324. NPPC-CNP_ Schutz vor Hypertrophie(33-20,01,10,33)
2322. NPR-B_Schutz vor Hypertrophie (56-23,61,59,14)
2321. Oncomodulin_Wachstumsfaktor Nervenzellen (01--01,14,61,12-.12.33.))
2320. PRSS 1_chronic pancreatitis (62-20,43,35)
2319. PRSS 2_protease, serine, Schutz v. chron. Pancreatitis & Mutat.(15-20,60,,23) +++++
2318. MGMT_Zellreparatur_Hirntumor-Therapie(61,33)
2317. Col4 A5+col 4A4+col4A3_Alport-Syndrom
2314. AR_ update Mai_ Prostata - Krebs_Kennedy disease (58-01,32,,60-
2313. GSTT1 Schlankheitsgen+ carcinogenesis. (27 Ernährung!-31,19,12)+++++
2312. CYP1A2_Leberferment, Coffein abbauend (56,34)
2311. PIN1_Alzheimer, cancer (43,14-.12)++++
2310. ATXN1-Ataxin1_autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCA)(01-01,01.14-
2309. ATXN2 Ataxin2 (ADCA) (33-24,01,13,01,61)
2308. ATXN3_Machado-Joseph disease
2307. ATXN10_Ataxin_autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCA)(42,20-.33.)
2306. CRHR1_Alkoholkonsum (36 Zensur!)++++
2305. ATG_Membranerneuerung
2302. TYR-OCA1A_ Albinismus +DHICA+DCT+HPS1-6
2298. Lamin A_Altern
2297. ESCO2_establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2_Roberts syndrome (01,61)
2296. envelope protein [Human mammary tumor virus] (02-02,62,02,05,34)
2295. DTNBP1_Intelligenz, Schizophrenie
2294. DKN1A- SDI1_senescence _(60!,61)+++
2293. 12 Gene zum Fettstoffwechsel:
En1_Engrailed 1
Gpc4_Glypican 4
Sfrp2__secretes frizzled-rel seq. protein 2
Shox2_Short stature homeobox 2
Tbx15_T-box 15
Vdr_Vitamin D Receptor
2281. HPV human papillomavirus (4)
2277. Histamine (4)
2273 Insig2_Insulin induced gene 2_Fettstoffwechsel (24_Ventilator)
2272. Mitochondrial DNA_complete Genome
2271. Myobacterium tuberculosis_ compl. Genome
2270. UBM+UBZ_Ubiquitin SIgnaltransduktion
2268. CD 25 (+Neuropillin/No.283/)wichtige Bremse für das Immunsystem

2267. DCD2_programmed cell death 2_
2266. PEX7+PHYH_Refsum Disease
2265. Proteinkinase G_Tuberkulose
2264. Parafibromin_Zellkommunikation-Dickdarmkrebs
2263. Pygopus_Zellkommunikation-Dickdarmkrebs
2262. TH Tyrosin Hydroxylase_conversion of tyrosine to dopamine
2261. PCP _Antibiotikum-Produktion (4 Org)
2257. rs7566605_Adipositas
2256. CROP cisplatin resistance-associated overexpressed protein(12).
2255. DAF 2_Ste3_Altern (02,44)
2254. Pheromone _VN1Rn vomeronasal rec. 1-5 & Ste2
2248. ZAP70_marker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
2247. NOX-NADPH-GP91 oxidase 1_Immunschwäche septische Granulomatose (CGD)
2246. WAS_Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein(01-61,33,01,01,33,33)+WASPIP+WASF1
2243. ZNF 378-ZDHHC8_candidate gene for schizophrenia(33-16,34,10)+++
2242. TACR 3_tachykinin receptor 3 (24,33)
2241. MCP-1 Tuberkulose (33)
2440. PAX6+OLIG2_Neurogenese_Nervenzellregeneration im Gehirn
2338. Necdin_Prader-Willi-Syndrom(34)
2337. SNRPN _Prader-Willi-Syndrom (MIM 182279)(54,23)
2336. PWCR_Prader-Willi Syndrome_Fressucht (07-Masse)++++
2335. AKR1D1_hepatic dysfunction(34-01,30.30)
2334. Cortisol-Stresshormon ACTH, CRF, MC2r_Immunfunktion, psych.Befindlichkeit,
2331. CD28_der TGN1412-Unfall
2330. HDLBP_ high density lipoprotein binding protein (vigilin)
2329. ABHD1_phylogenetic origins and catalytic functions(31-29,63.)
2328. APOBEC3F_Antiretroviralfactor++
2327. C15orf2_testis-specific expression(44-12.)+++
2326. DGAT2L1_MOGAT1_Fatty acid synthesis+MOGAT2+DGAT (07-03,24,20,01)
2323. CD81 antigen (target of antiproliferative antibody 1) (15,33)
2322. MLF myeloid leukemia factor 1(33)
2321. PBK_PDZ binding kinase -TOPK(34-5,30,62-.33,12.)
2320. PPA1 pyrophosphptase (inorganic) 1(09-61,55,33-.62.33.)
2319. PU.1_SPI1 spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) proviral integration oncogene
2318. TAC1_tachykinin, precursor 1 NK1_
2317. TACR1_tachykinin, receptor 1_SPR,NK1R
2316. TAN-Ebony_histamin-offen
2315. VIM_vimentin (33+strasse)
2314. BCL6 zinc finger_Lymphoma 6 (33)
2313. ZTGB 20 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20
2312. ZNFN1A1_Ikaros_T-cell-leukemia
2311. ZNF 398-estrogen receptor interaction++
2310. ZNF 271_Epstein Barr
2309. ZNF 235 zinc finger protein 235 +++
2308. ZNF 198_FIM_Stem-cell leukemia
2307. ZNF 146_OZF_exocine pancreas tumor
2306. ZNF224 zinc finger protein 224 +++
2305. ZFHX1B_Mowat-Wilson Syndrome
2304. ZBTB16_promyelocytic leukemia
2303. SET8 domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 8 (01-44,01,43, 01)
2302. SET7_SET domain containing (lysine methyltransferase) 7 (50)
2301. SET3_histone deacetylase complex_meiosis-specifi.repr.(01-10,33)
2300. SET2_RNASET2_human malignancies and chromosomal rearrangement (01-33,.)
2299. HepG2_glucose transporter(13,59)
2298. MAL2_T-cell diff +TPD52 (19,20)

2297. SCARB1 scavenger receptor class B_cholesterol metabolism(31,15)
2296. SOCS3_ negative regul. of fetal liver hematopoiesis and placental development. (01,13)
2295. TGFA_transforming growth factor, alpha (62)
2294. TNP2 transition prot.2 +Mirn 122A2 (01-01.)
2293. AMD_Faktor
CFH +TCEB3_altersbedingte Makuladegeneration
2291. GSH Metabolismus Gcl + Gc (05,20-33.)
2289. SEPT5_fusion prot. with MLL in leukemia (01-.33,44)(01-33,44.)
2288. Staufen1+2_double-stranded RNA (dsRNA
2286. GSN_gelsolin_amyloidosis_(14-33,01,41)
2285. INSULIN neu_hs+mm_+APS+IRS1+IRS2+PDPK1+PIK3R5
2280. TPD52 tumor protein D52_3 isos_(01-43,01,13,33,34)
2279. TPD52L1 tumor protein D52-like 1_4 isos_(13)
2278. TPD52L2 tumor protein D52-like 2_5 isos_(33,20)
2277. WRN_Werner syndrome(34,59)+SGS1(43,01)
2276. SGS1_regul.chromosome synapsis+meiotic crossing over(43,01-01,09,55,33,01))
2275. RUNX1T1 (runt-related transcription factor 1) oncoprotein
2274. MELAS_Syndrom Mutation-A3243G
2273. Kremen1_Auge+Nase_ kringle containing transmembrane protein(34,62)
2272. CALM_myeloid leukemia
2271. APS1-AIRE_Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome
2270. Ghrelin_GHRL Hungerhormon hn+mm+rn ( .56,56+33+33+)
2267. JUN B_proto-onocogen + CCTAA. (61-34,20.)
2266. SRF_cell proliferation and differentiation_Gehirn-Manager
2265. TF transferrin_iron transport(20,01)
2264. LYAR_hypothetical protein (01-61,01,43,01-33.)
2263. MAFG_v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene(10,01-10,12,10,14,01,44)
2262. HIP1_huntingtin interacting protein 1 (01-09,01,01,61)
2261. KRT16,17,6A,6B_Pachyonychia congenita _u.a.hypertrophic nail dystrophy (33+12)
2257. FCMD-Fukutin_Fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy (31,33)
2256. CACNA1C_Timothy syndrome (44-54,43,44-.33.12.))
2255. COX6C cytochrome c oxidase mitichondria (04,20)
2254. HMGA2_Uterine leiomyomas -cancer
Cancer Prone Diseases:
2253 ELL ((eleven nineteen lysin rich leukemia gene)_elongation factor RNA polymerase II (01-
2252. EEN (extra eleven nineteen leukemia fusion gene)_SH3GL1_(01,44,57,01,01)
2251. CNC1_PRKAR1A_Carney complex (CNC) tumor-gene (01-10,34,37,16)
2250. CREBBP_Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (01-.01.-33.)
2249. BTK_Bruton's agammaglobulinemia _cancer prone_(26,34-.33.56)
2248. EDN3_melanocytes and enteric neurons_WS + Hirschsprung (20,34)
2247. EDNRB endothelin receptor WS + Hirschsprung (54-33,41,02,61,02)
2246. ERCC8_Cockayne syndrome-cancer prone (53)
2245. GPC3_Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome (43,44-33.12)
2244. HRPT2_CDC73_Hyperparathyroidism-Jaw Tumor syndrome
2243. JAG1 Alagille syndrome (20-20,20,.20- 20.20.20)
2242. MET_Hereditary papillary renal cell carcinom _Von Hippe-Lindau+ Lynch syndrome (37-)
2241. MITF_WS + Tietz syndrome _ (01-01,34,01.34,34)
2240. NBS 1_Nijmegen break.syndr._growth retardation, immunodeficiency.,cancer
predisposition(01- 33,33,33,01)+++++
2239. PTCH-update_Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCS)_Gorlin syndrome (56,41)
2238. RECQL4_Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS) (55-55,34,23,56,33)
2237. RPS 19_Diamond-Blackfan anemia(DBA) (46-59,48,19,14,57)
2236. SDHD_Hereditary Paraganglioma (PGL)-tumor (14-13,43,41)
2235. SLUG_snail homolog 2 _ WS + Hirschsprung (49-11,44,42-.56.33.)
2234. SMARCB1_Rhabdoid predisposition syndrome (01-37,01,14,01)

2233. XPA,-B,-C,-D,-E,-F,-G,-V _Xeroderma pigmentosum
2225. NSD1_Cerebral gigantism_Sotos syndrome
2224. FXN + YFH1 mitochondrial iron accumulation,Friedreich ataxia
2223. PGIC_glucose-6-phosphate isomerase
2222. OspA_Borreliose-bekämpfung
2221. MSH-alpha + beta Appetithemmung (01-33,01,01)
2219. MAPK14=p38_Tumorsuppressor
2218. WRN_Werner disease (34,59)+SGS1(43,01)
2216. EVC_Ellis van Creveld syndrome (49-31,61,06,01)
2215. POLRMT polymerase (RNA) mitochondrial DNA directed_ (55-06,44,51,11,33)
2214. POLG_progressive external ophtalmoplegia with mitochondrial DNA deletions,(13)
2213. PEO progressive external ophthalmoplegia 1 (32,56-56.)
2212. ECGF1_endothelial cell growth factor 1 (61)
2211. SBDS_Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS)
2210. PTPN11_LEOPARD syndrome (49,34)
2209. AFF1_promoting stimuli in myeloidlymphoid leukemia
2208. AFF2_fragile X mental retardation 2-FRAXE
2207. AFF3_transcriptional activator _ proto-oncogene
2206. AFF4_ MCEF- transcription factors involved in acute lymphoblastic leukemia
2205. sgk-1C.elegans+SGK1,2,3 HS-1_Schlüsselgen Zellalterung (19)(15_38) (20_34)
2201. TRC8-RNF139_translocation in renal carcinoma (23,02-.33.)
2200. TCTA _T-cell leukemia translocation-associated gene (02-02,07,08,33)
2199. PAX7_fetal development and cancer growth(09,01)
2198. DDR1_ regulation of cell growth, differentiation and metabolism (08-02,20,42)
2197. PTS_ Phenylketonuria due to PTS deficiency
2196. ABCG5-Sterolin1 (07-54,40) +
ABCG8-Sterolin2 (11-01,55)
2194. FANCC, FANCG,FANCD2,FABCE, FANCF_Fanconi anaemia (12 0der 33)
2189. HCC thyroid carcinoma, Hurthle cell i.V.m. TCFL
2188. Orexin-HCRT,-R1,-R2__bind to orphan G-protein_Schlaf u.a
2187. TCF7L2_Diabetes-Risiko
2186. Protein_Kinasen neu ( 19 Moleküle)
CDK2A, CDK4D1, CHK2, FAK=PTK2, IKK beta, MAP2K1= MEK1, MAP2K6 =MKK6,
MAPK11= SAPK2 , MAPK1=ERK2, MAPK3 =ERK1, MAPK8 = SAPK1 mitogen-activated
protein kinase 8, MAPK9=JNK2 , MET proto-oncogene (hepatocyte gfr), MET proto-
oncogene (hepatocyte gfr), PKB_PTK2B protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta,
tyrosine kinase , TIE2+1, TK1_thymidine kinase , VEGF-R
2167. SLC12A6_HMSN-ACC_Hereditary neuropathy
2166. ANGPT1+2_Angiopoietin 1 + 2
2164. CD 40 antigen_TNF rezeptor_Neuropenie
2163. TCF3_E2A_DNA looping structure
2162. DYX1C1 dyslexia susceptibility 1_developmental dyslexia (DD)
2161. KIAA0319_developmental dyslexia (DD) (13)
2160. THEM2_thioesterase superfamily member_developmental dyslexia (DD) (10-01,12.)
2159. TTRAP_ developmental dyslexia (DD)_(13)
2158. VMP vesicular membrane protein p24 _developmental dyslexia (DD)_(15,20)
2157. LIS1_Wanderung v.Nervenzellen+
Miller-Dieker lissencephaly syndrome (+DCX)
2156. Defensine (35 Mol)
2121. DSG1desmoglein1_pemphigus foliaceus.(01-61,61,01,61)
2120. DSG2_colon carcinoma (01-01,01,61,49)(n-2=4x33)
2119. LAMP2_Membran Glycoprotein Familie_role in tumor cell metastasis (61-33,.)++
2118. PRKAG2_tödliche Herzerkrankung
2117. AFF4_ involved in acute lymphoblastic leukemia
2116. BLM_Bloom syndrome
2115. DEK oncogene (n-2_33.56)
2114. DIRC1,2, _disrupted in renal carcinoma 1
2112. DKC1_ dyskeratosis congenita 1, dyskerin

2111. EXT1, 2_exostosin 1,2(61-33,19,01)
2109. MLLT11_ myeloidlymphoid leukemia(33_18,44,58)
2108. MST1R macrophage stimulating 1 receptor(23,11-.56.)
2107. STK11_Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (21)
2106. Stn 7+8_ Photosynthese II--(19.33)
2104. HAP 1_huntingtin-associated protein 1
2103. HD_Huntingtin Disease
2102. NEUROD1 neurogenic differentiation 1_(14-01,12,33) vgl APP
2101. Wuschel-Gen Pflanzenwachstum + ARR7,-5
2100. Telethonin _Titin-cap (32,41)
2099. p11-_tumor marker(01-33.)
2098. ATF4_Krebskorrelation_(31-16,33,31,01)
2097. SMAD2 (61-33.)
2096. TGIF-TGFB-induced factor_ transmission of nuclear signals(56)u.a. (4 Isos)
2092. TK1_marker non-small cell lung cancer (n-3=4 stop)
2091. TF-transferrin_iron transport
2090. TDFA_Testis-determining factor
2089. TDF_tumor differentiation facTDF_endocrine metabolism
2088. Spectrin-alpha-SPTA1_erythrocytic1_genomic orientation
2087. Spectrin-beta-SPTB_erythrocytic_Skelett-Protein
2086. CFTR_Cystische Fibrose (33,61)
2085. TXNDC9_APACD_thioredoxin domain containing 9 (33,43-.33.)
2084. SAT_spermidinespermine N1-acetyltransferase
2083. PIP2_Dufthemmer
2082. IMMT_mitochondrial inner membrane protein (13)
2081. CSMD1_neur. Signalübertragung (44)
2080. CPE-peripheral membrane protein _pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors (57-56.)+++
2079. CXCR3_leukocyte traffic_Kettenmann (15-62,42,62,02)
2078. CCL21_Immunreaktion _Kettenmann(33-.33.-.33)
2077. ACTN2_muscle-specific iso of skeletal and cardiac muscles
2076 C1orf6_chromosome 1 open reading frame 6_UBQLN4 ubiquilin 4
-75 C1orf42_(07-12.19.62)_chromosome 1 open reading frame 42
-74 C2orf17_chromosome 2 open reading frame 17
-73 C2orf18_chromosome 2 open reading frame 18
-72 C7orf20_chromosome 7 open reading frame 20
-71 C7orf36_chromosome 7 open reading frame 36
-70 C14orf1_chromosome 14 open reading frame 1
-69 C14orf139_chromosome 14 open reading frame 139
-68 C14orf170_YLP motif containing 1
-67. C20orf97_TRIB3 tribbles homolog 3
2066. AGR2 anterior gradient 2_prostata cancer marker (13,41)
2065. AKR1C3_Asthma +Tumor Kopf, Nacken, Atmung (32-12.33)
2064. ASS_citrullinemia (20)
2063. CRMP1_Wnt pathway+Lungenkrebs et al_supp.gene (01-34,33)
2062. CUTL 1-CCAAT_gene express., morphogen., +tumor progress++
2061. NUDT3_homeostatic checkpoints_Wächter_Promotoren AT ><CG {color}
2060. RPL8 ribosomal protein (33 =unknown)
2059. RPLP1 ribosomal (phospho)protein (40- 12)
2058. RPL 12 ribosomal protein (+TUBA)
2057. TUBA_DNMBP-dynamin binding prot (33)++++
2056. WWOX_Oncogen= FS FRA16D-Tumor supp-(7 isoformen)
2055. TANK_tumor necrosis factor
2054. Fragile-sites_FRA3B,6B,16D
2051. GNAT1_guanine nucleotide binding protein (01-63,01.61,44)
2050. HRPT2_jaw-tumor-syndrome
2049. Schlafmütze-SMZ+Schnarchzapfen-SNZ- i.V.m. +AP2 Pflanzenblüte_miR172_neu

2048. MKKS_ McKusick-Kaufman syndrome
2042. TCP1,2,3,4,20_ transcription factor i.V.m HRPT2 (33)
2039. WT1_Wilms Tumor 1 (4 isoformen) (no blue)
2035. PTCH_tumor suppressor +SHH (56,41-.12,33.)
2033. CHEK2/CHK2_putative tumor suppressor
2032 CDK4_Phosphoryl.of Retinoblastoma +WT+ CDKN2A
2031. ATGL_i.V.m Brummer-Gen_Fettleibigkeit-Adipositas + Lsd2-Perilipin
2029. HER2=ERBB2_Brustkrebsbekämpfung (Herceptin)_Immunsystem (i.V.m. IL2+12)
2028. Core-Prot. Hepatitis C Virus (i.V.m.PML-4) (47)_Hobom
2027. AID_Beitrag Krebsentwicklung++
2026. OTT-Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia + MAL-M7 acute non lymphocytic leukemia
2024. MKL1_megakaryoblastic leukemia(+OTT) (01-01-.33.33)++
2023. USP6 Ubiquitin spec. protease + CDH11_osteoblast (2 Moleküle)
2021. CAGE_cancer antigen 1
2020. Cyclin B1_CCNB1oncogen++
2019. PIM1_high- prostatic intraepithelial grade neoplasia_oncogene
2018. PRL-Receptor(42-33)
2017. VPS 54mut_ALS hn_rn-mm+
-mut L967Q
2015. SHOX_short staturehomeobox
2014. SBP2_Schilddrüsenhormonstörung
2013. Reelin_Autismus
2012. PnSCR_A.Th._pfl.Wachstum-Achsrotation.winden. (20-19_TTA-ATT)+++++
2011. PML_Promyelozytenleukämie (61,33,34_m-c-y)++++++
2010. DYT3_Dystonia 3 mit Parkinson
2009. AFP_Gehirnentwicklung Mann-Frau_Östrogen-Abfänger
2008. UBR1_Johanson-Blizzard Syndrom
2007. E2A+Id2+ABF1_Hodgkin lymphoma_ Bcell Entwicklung
2004. CRP-Protein_Herzinfarkt_Arteriosklerose+++
2003. TRPV6-CAT1 Calcium-permeable channels_neurotransmission, muscle contraction
2002. KRAS 2_Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene(12)+++
2001. MEFV-Mediterranean fever

2000. SOD2_u.a Krebsgen (33.-.12.)+++
1999. EWSR1_Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1
1998. FANCA Fanconi anemia_u.a.familial pancreatic cancer(12 iso 1)++
1997. HPRT1_Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
1996. ICAM1_intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (CD54)
1995. KRAS 2_Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene(12)+++
1994. TSC1_tuber sclerosis 1
1993. TSC2 tuberous sclerosis 2
1992. ATM-ataxia telangiectasia_cerebellar degeneration+predisposition to cancer(33)+++
1991- SLC24A5_helle Hautfarbe++++
1990. AHR_Dioxin _Receptor(13)
1989. COX2= cyclooxygenase PTGS2_Krebsmarker
1988. FRA16D-WWOX_Oncogen
1987. FHIT-FRA3B_Tumorsuppressor
1986. NBEA_Oncogen (33)++++
1985. PTEN + PI3K+ PIK3CA
Endometrial Carcinoma
1982. PKD1+ PKD2_kidney-disease
1980. FOXO4_mixed-lineage leukemia((01-12)++
1979. KCNQ1_LQT 1_Long QT syndrome_Vorhofflimmern(33-19,33-19,.33.)
1978. GIT1_Huntingtin
1977. CHFR_Krebsgen i.Z.m. PML
1976. PML- p53 Aktivator (01-61,33,34 Weiß)++
1975. Core Prot Onkogene HS & HBV+++

1973. MCT-1 oncogen
1972. SLC6A2_Noradrenalin_neurotransmitter (41,07)
1971. POMC_beta-Endorphin Neurotransmitter_ Cortisol-Enzym (01-33,01.)
1970. GRIA 3+4, GRINA, Grik 5_Glutamat Receptoren
1966. CHFR_Krebsgen i.Z.m. PML
1965. BDNF+ (44-12.) brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Alzheimer+Huntingtin
1964, ALAS1_Häm-Synthese
1963. MC4R_Melanocortin 4 (19-61.)
1962. LASP-1_Brustkrebs
1961. Synapsin II_Epilepsie
1960. KCNQ 2 (33) +KCNQ 3 (33)_Epilepsie
1958. KCNK1_Ionenkanal_ Epilepsie(01-08,02,02,33)
1957. RHD Rhesus blood group, D antigen
1956. Geruch_Olfactory_OR17-40 + 17-4 _Meeresbrise+Maiglöckchen
1954. H5N1,H7N3,H1N1, H2N2-PA,H3N2-PB1+2_Vogelgrippe_Pandemie (7 Mol)
1947. USP26 ubiqu.spec. PEPTIDASE_Männliche Fruchtbarkeit(33)
1946. EDS1,SAG101,PAD4, PEN 2_Resistenz+Senescence A.Th
1942. CRK_v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene
1941. CDKN2B+++_CDKN1A_Tumorsuppressor
1939. CagA _Heliobacter pylori_Magengeschwür (6Mol)
1933. alpha-Defensin_Anthrax-Bekämpfung
1932. PGRC1_progesterone receptor membrane component 1
1931. EAF2_testosterone reg. apopt. ind. & tumor supp
1930. HLA-Klasse MHC-human (22 Moleküle)
1908. mamJ_Magnetsensor Protein (18-Li_Kan)+++
1907. microRNA 156_Grüne Giganten
1906. PTPN22_type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis
1905. Cholesterin CETP+_LDLR,HDLCQ, HDLC2,HDLBP
1900. DGUOK_deoxyguanisine kinase_mtDNA
1899. TLR 7_Immunsystem-Paradoxie(61-.61.)
1898. HFE-Gen_Hemochromatose8(33) +Leber- +Darmkrebs+++
1897. Mitochondrien DNA_Saccharomyces cerevisiae_(32 Mol)
1865. mtDNA_Mitochondrion-DNA_homo sapiens (16 Mol)
1849. Stathmin_Angstgen+Onkoprotein (33,01)++++
1848. Rxo1_Zelltod Streifenkrankheit Reis
1847. NF-kB1_nuclear factor.enhacer _Immunabwehr
1846. KIAA0319_Legasthenie
1845. G72+G30_Verfolgungswahn
1843. Elastin+LIM (massig 02+33)_WBS-Williams Sndrom
1841. CILP_Bandscheibenknorpel+TGF-beta ( beide 13)
1839. C5_Leberzirrhose_Uni Bonn (10,12_33.)++
1838. Stn 7+8_ Photosynthese II--noch
1837. MIG6_Mitogenese-induziernedes Gen
1836. MEGAP_Mental disorder associated GAP protein
1835. TUA4+TUA6_Chirialität Arabidopsis
1834. HOTHEAD protein precursor
1833. Fetuin A mm_Verkalkung (28)
1832. DNA Ligase IV- repair gene
1831. Diabetes mellitus_TNDM_ PLAGL1-ZAC +HYMAI
1829. DAM1_BCAS2 breast carcinoma (44-56,01,.33)+++++
1828. Cytochrome_c_oxidase_COX8A
1827. CXCR4_Korezeptor HIV
1826. CTLA 4_T-Zell-Antigen_Apoptose
1825. COMT_Dopamin-Regulation_Schizophrenie
1824. Suv39h1_Enzym Krebsverhinderung_SENESZENZ_
1823. hairless_haarwuchs

1822. ESP1_Chromatid-Teilung Mitose
1821. DCX Wanderung v.Nervenzellen+Lissencephalie (+LIS1)
1820. DCDC2_Leseschwäche
1819. CDX2 Krebsmarker_ hs & mm++++
1817. ASPM+MCPH1_ Evolution Großhirn_Technik,Kunst++++++
1815. Synuclein + CPS alpha_Auslöser Parkinson
1813. SLP-65-Tumorsuppressor
1812. MSP-3 Malariaerreger-Protein
1811. Malaria EBA 175 + PfRh4
1809. IRF4_ regulator B-zell-Differenzierung_Stammzellen-Regulator
1808. CD 133 ANTIGEN_Prominin_Obeflächenprot. Hirnstammzellen (20-19,02,61,11,20)
1807. Bmi_Stammzellen-Regulator+Onkogen++++
1806. DAM1_BCAS2 breast carcinoma (44-56,01,.33)+++++
1805. ADRB2 adrenergic, beta-2-, receptor, Beta Blocker Kontraprod.
1804. C-MYC_oncogen++++
1803. CTLA 4_T-Zell-Antigen_ApoptoseCytochrome_c_oxidase_COX8A
1802. LIG4_
DNA Ligase IV- repair gene
1801. MEGAP_Mental disorder associated GAP protein
1800. MIRN 17_mir-17-92 cluster_microRNA(ca.210 Peptide)
1591. MRP2_multi-drug resistance protein 2
1590. PER 2_Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus_Alkoholsucht
1589. RPL 28 ribosomal protein L28_ colorectal cancers (33)++++++
1588. PSA_prostataspez. Antigen_ProstataKrebs & Fettleibigkeit
1587. Fhl2-Osteoporose
1586. LIM-Muscle Prot_CSRP3_ HCM vererbbare Herzkrankheit
1585. asFP595-fluoreszierendes, schaltbares Protein
1584. ANTIGEN-Families; GAGE, PAGE, XAGE (15 Mol)
1569. ATP1A2 ATPase_Migräne-Gen,_Prof.Kubisch, Uni Köln
1568. CD8A+B_-Cancer antigen+++
1566. Chaperon(in)e_GroEL,GroES,CCT2 hn hom. HSPA, et a_,Proteinfaltung++++
1558. FBN 1_Fibrillin_extracellular microfibrils_Marfan syndrome++++
1557. Melanine_(Neuro-) MCHR1+MCH
1556. PD-L1_Programmed Death-Ligand 1+PD-1-Rezeptor_Hemmung von T Zellen++++
1555. PAH_Phenylalanine Hydrox.Deficiency-update 050914
1554. LCT-Lactose_Hypolactasia- Lactose Intolerance
1553 FLII_ flightless I homolog (Dros.)_antiapoptotic +tumorigenic activities
1552. MEN1-Syndrom_multiple endocrine neoplasia _Oncogen+++
1551. WD40 repeat protein_Regulationsprot_z.B.protein-protein interactions
1550. NCL_neurodegenerative, lysosomal-storage disorders _PPT1, CLN2, CLN3, CLN5, CLN6,
1543. CLN81543. MEN1-Syndrom_multiple endocrine neoplasia _Oncogen+++
1542. F8_Hemophilia update = alt (33.stop)
1541. Hodgkin_Lymphgewebe-Krebs_NF-B,AP-1, Stat5a
1540. Morbus Crohn_CARD 15=NOD2 + DLG 5
1538. Methylmalonic Acidemia_MMAA, MMAB, MUT
u.a.hypotonia, and encephalopathy ++++
1535. CDKN1+H19_BWS_Beckwith-Wiedemann syndorome (33.n-1)+++
1533. CLCN1_myotonia congenita _muscle stiffness
1532. FGA, FGB, FGG_Afibrinogenemia congenital
1529. MCPH1+ASPM_ Evolution Großhirn_Technik,Kunst++++++
1527. CALCA,-B_CALCRL _ Migräne-Recherche
1524. MUC 16 _125 ovarian cancer antigen++++++
1523. PAH_Phenylalanine Hydrox.Deficiency-update 050914
1522. POR Deficiency_Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase Def
1521. ROR2_skeletal malformation, growth retardation (56Stop.n+ n-1)
1520. TFR2=HFE3_Related Hereditary Hemochromatosis_Eisenstatus
1519. A2M_alpha-2-macroglobulin precursor_Alzheimer

1518. CASP 6_ caspase _ apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase
1517. Calmodulin-Gehirnreaktionszeit_hn+mm_control (mm+ hs)
1515. DSCAM_immunglobulin_alt. SpleissenHang_hangover_Kater
1514. HLA-G_histocompatibility antigen+ Multiple Sklerose
1513. LSD1=AOF2 De-Methylierung_Prostata-Krebs NEU
1512. LSD=DNASE 1L3__deoxyribonuclease_DNA-Abbau
1511. Megalin receptor_Cholesterinstoffwechsel
1510. nanog+ Oct-4 embryonale Stammzellen (2 Mol)
1508. PDI4_Demethylierung
1507. Q-Beta-Prot_ Antibiotikum
1506. SHBG_sex hormon binding globulin
1505. sortLa_Alzheimer
1504. FKBP 5_Wirkung Antiddepressiva: update
1503. Osteocalcin_Knochenbildung
1502. RIP 140_transcriptional activity of the estrogen receptor
1501. SET1_Dam1_IP11
1500. Malaria EBA-175 + PfRh4
1498. B RIP1_Krebs-Risiko (+BRCA1)_Fanconi-Anämie
1497. CGRP/CALCA+CRLR_Calcitonin rezeptor_Migräne ++++(Kubisch)
1495. HRMT1L2 = HMT1 hnRNP methyltransferase
1494. Nachtblindheit : GNAT1, PDE6B, RDH5, RHOK-GRK1, RPGR + CACNA1F, RHO
1489. GCN2_Schalterprotein Kurzzeit-,Langzeitgedächtnis hn, mm+dros ++++
1486. FMR1_Fragile X mentale retardation
1485. FLJ12584 (
hypothetical protein ARM) melanomamelanocyte spec.prot
1484. ARM + LTM_Gedächtnis (5 isoformen)
1479. PAX3 paired box gene 3 _Waardenburg syndrome (7 Mol )
1472. Progerin Protein/ Lamin-A/_Progerie_Syndrom_
1471. DICER_Enzym microRNA_stem cell differentiation +++
1470. FMR1_Fragile X mentale retardation
1469. Hemophilia A_F8 _coagulations factor 8 (33)+++++
1468. PAH_PKU-Phenylketonuria_ mental retardation, organ damage
1467. Arrestin_Signal-Termination olffakt. Signaltransduktion+lichtinduz. Signalkaskade (4Mol)
1463. Crystalline_Augenproteine (16 Mol)
1447. HCV_Hepatitis C Virus_compl.genome + 6a
1445. HIV-1_compl. Genome(caa.ata.aga.aca,aac)
1444. HSP 90-heat shock 90kDa prot._ p53 wt transskriptions aktivity
1443. Suv39h1_Enzym Krebsverhinderung_Seneszenz_
1442. PAX3 paired box gene 3 _Waardenburg syndrome (5Mol)
1437 Hemophilia A_F8-coagulations factor 8
1436. Hangover_Stressbewältigung, Kater
1435. HIF1a_Regulation v.Tumorzelltod und Chemoresistenz (57-12,.)++++
1434. HMPV_Virus Atemwegsinfekt (compl genome + 8 Gene)
1424. Pontin (01-61,Caa13,Taa33,Gaa44)//& Myc+++++
1423. Tuberous sclerosis TSC1(33)+2_cancer+++++
1420. BRAF2_sim to v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 pseudogene++++
1419. EDN-RNASE2 (33-01)+ECP-RNASE3 (56)
1417. Opsin-Fischer-Mut. S180A+++++
1416. RAF murine leukemia+sarcoma viral oncogenes(4 Mol)
1412. SER3+SRG1_Transskriptionsblockade +++++
1410. ACTINE_Zellskelett_Beweglichkeit und Erhaltung (6 Mol.)
1404. Ear2_ Embryogenese+!+!+!
1403. HPV-Hum Papilloavirus_Gebärmutterkrebs
1402. HHV_Human herpes virus 2 und 5 ++
1400. HIV-Therapie_GAG+CAIOsteocalcin_Phylogenese
1398. Oxyntomodulin_Glucagon+Receptor_Sättigungshormon++


Astro(tm) insecticide

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ASTRO™ INSECTICIDE MSDS Ref. No.: 52645-53-1-16 Date Approved: 10/29/2007 Revision No.: 6 This document has been prepared to meet the requirements of the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200; the EC directive, 2001/58/EC and other regulatory requirements. The information contained herein is for the concentrate as packaged

Legispe - legislação estadual de pernambuco

LEGISPE - Legislação Estadual de Pernambuco Legislação Inferior Decretos Decreto N° 30.860 DECRETO Nº 30.860, DE 05 DEOUTUBRO DE 2007. Introduz alterações na Consolidação da Legislação Tributária do Estado, relativamente a Convênios ICMS. O GOVERNADOR DO ESTADO , no uso das atribuições

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