FACT SHEET No. 12 - 2005 Maternal and Infant Nutrition Proper nutrition
during pregnancy. However, initiating good
nutritional habits three months to a year
chances of having a healthy pregnancy and
baby. Before, during and after pregnancy, the
• Do I suffer from heavy periods and is
Food Guide Pyramid can help you choose, on
a daily basis, what and how much you need to
• Do I eat at least three meals per day?
eat from each food group. For additional
Should I take vitamin or mineral Dietary changes during pregnancy supplements?
Caffeine and alcohol can cross the placenta
before and during pregnancy is a safeguard,
breathing. It is safe to drink up to 300 mg of
but not a substitute for a sound diet. Some
coffee per day. However, health authorities
supplements contain large doses of vitamins
have not established a limit of alcohol that is
developing baby. Speak with your health care
Therefore, it is best for women to avoid
alcohol while pregnant. To reduce the risk of
food-borne illnesses, be aware of the food
safety issues in your community. Harmful
To reduce the risk of neural tube defects,
bacteria from contaminated food and water
women of childbearing age or those planning
may cause miscarriage, stillbirth or severe
illness in your newborn baby. Speak with your
grams of folic acid from foods, supplements or
health care professional before taking any
both. Folic acid is a B vitamin found in dark
medicines, herbal teas and preparations.
green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts,
Some herbal teas contain active ingredients
whole grains, fortified breads and cereals.
that can affect your pregnancy and baby.
Dietary changes before conceiving Feeding your new baby
Before pregnancy, it is important to reduce
Breastfeeding on demand is the ideal form of
your intake of caffeine and alcohol. You
infant feeding. Breast milk contains optimum
should also avoid eating shark, swordfish and
nutrition and adapts to meet your baby’s
marlin. The mercury present in these fish can
changing needs. Exclusive breastfeeding is
harm your unborn child’s nervous system. Do
recommended for the first six months of an
infant’s life. If you cannot breastfeed your
without seeking professional advice. Think
baby, good alternatives include expressing
about your own eating habits and ask yourself
your own breast milk, obtaining breast milk
from a healthy wet-nurse or a human-milk bank and using infant formula. Nurses and
pharmacists can help you choose a formula
your baby with sufficient amounts of energy,
Introducing solids to your baby is a gradual
Your baby’s health and diet require serious
process that starts at about six months of age,
attention in the first year of life. Your health
and lasts several weeks or months. Giving
care professional can help you make the right
solids too early can cause food allergies or
choices that will best meet the nutritional
intolerance. Complementary foods, either
home prepared or commercial, should provide
For information on maternal-infant nutrition search the following sites:
• The National Women’s Health Information Centre. Healthy Pregnancy:
• Food Standard Agency. Eat well, be well
• Health Canada. Office of Nutrition and Health Policy. Nutrition for a Healthy For information about feeding your baby search the following sites:
• DH Department of Health Maternal and Infant Nutrition www dh gov uk
The Food Guide Pyramid: A Guide to Daily Food Choices
Source: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Help for a Cat Who Has Asthma and Ringworm CatChannel veterinary expert Arnold Plotnick, DVM, discusses medication that can be administered while on a prednisolone regime. Q: My 3-year-old cat Spaz has been diagnosed with asthma. For two years, we have treated him with prednisolone everyother day and theophylline every other day; if he starts coughing, we increase the dose for a few days. We