The PCC Meeting was called to order by Chair Sue Pauplis at 9:07AM with 14 people in attendance. She thanked Jen DiMartino and the whole Holiday Shop committee for all their hard work in planning another successful event!
Principal's Report – Mr. Morris reported that the school is currently looking for ways to secure more document cameras for the classrooms. Before vacation we had a fire safety assembly, conducted by the FFD. The Culture Committee is up and running – this is a re-working of last year's anti-bullying committee. They have chosen to focus on our new core values. Each grade level will lead an assembly focusing on one of the core values between now and the end of the year. Interviews are currently taking place for two EA positions – one in the Upper Elementary Sub-Separate Program and one half time position in the K classrooms. The Town Council will be touring
all schools today and will be arriving at Parmenter at 2PM. The Parmenter staff raised $1000 for families in need this holiday season. Please refer to the January 6th Parmenter Weekly Update for the the rest of his report. Treasurer's Report – Mandy Costa reported that our bank balance is currently $28,640. Income: Received a check from GoodSearch for $190 for the February – October 2011 period. There are currently about 89 people signed on for this and we would like to see at least 100 people signed by school year's end. Rick's Family Night in December made $66. The Holiday Shop netted $1655.50. We received a check from Box Tops for $1412 for the April – November 2011 period. The 5th Grade Celebration Committee earned $90 for the turkey raffle and $300 from the Lottery Ticket Raffle at the Holiday Shop towards their committee expenses. Expenses: A $4,100 deposit was given for the Yearbook. Mandy presented a proposed Wish List for the School and PCC: 1) Document cameras for all classrooms 2-5 (19 total at $219 each = $4200). Mr. Morris said that the school department is looking into possibly purchasing these in bulk. Mary Jo Peterson suggested that we could make this an item that is funded through the auction where families could donate money and have their names added to a plaque that gets affixed to the document camera. We could even bring this to the auction and use it to display the auction baskets so people could see it in action. 2) Piano Accompanist for 4th/5th Grade Chorus for the remaining 2011-2012 year 2 sessions per week (13 weeks @ $60/wk = $800). 3) Book Carts to permanently house and transport Book Swap books. (quotes are pending)… approximately 2 carts @ $250-$350 plus shipping = $600 - $800. There was a suggestion to check with the library and the DPW warehouse to see if there are any that are not being used that we could have. General Business: Parmenter Night at the Providence Bruins – Michelle Foley, who was unable to make the meeting, reported that this went well and that the P-Bruins were easy to work with. They sent replacement tickets to any families that were not able to make it. It is a break-even event - we collect the amount of money that is spent. The P-Bruins are sending us a ticket packet to use at our Auction. Michelle would recommend doing it again and would be willing to do it or help someone else do it next year since it was easy to chair. Labels for Education – – Please keep sending in Labels for Education. Michelle Foley did a large "buy" of balls and jump ropes last month. The items will trickle into school as needed since she is kept abreast of the needs of the students. She is still researching a new container for the playground supplies and the hula hoops. Further discussion from the group thought it would be a great opportunity for the 5th grade class to donate an outside cabinet that locks, along with a dedication plaque, to the school. PCC By-Laws - Michelle Foley hopes to have the By-Laws reviewed and amended for the February meeting. To obtain a copy of the current By-Laws, you can contact Sue Pauplis. If anyone has any input regarding these By-Laws, you can send Michelle Foley an email. Book Swap - Aloris Query, who was unable to make the meeting, said that the last December book swap went well and she didn't need to supplement any books. Yearbook – Mary Jo Peterson stated that the committee has been taking pictures at all the school events and every page has been assigned. She is asking the committee members to take pictures of the students at recess or in the cafeteria to avoid any disruptions to the classes. The committee has consistently charged parents $15 in the past for the yearbook
even though the cost to purchase the yearbook has steadily increased. The prices were offset by charging $5 per sentiment with the PCC supplementing the rest of the cost. Since the cost for the yearbook this year will be $22, there was a motion to increase the amount charged to the parent from $15 to $18. A vote was taken and there was unanimous approval. There was another motion for this year going forward to allow the parents of 5th grade students a free sentiment (only one free sentiment per 5th grade student – any extra sentiments would be charged $5). A vote was taken with 12 for and 2 against, thus resulting in approval of the motion. Mary Jo states that she will be dedicating a page to the 5th grade students. The yearbook forms will be sent home soon and will be due back on February 15th. Auction – Victoria Bartlett informed the group that the committee has not yet confirmed a date for the auction. They checked with the Elks for dates in March, but they were all taken. She had just come from a meeting at Dean College and was informed that their function room is available on March 17th. Normally they would charge $1500 but since we are a school, the price would only be $700. If we went with this venue, we would need to pay for a detail. This proposed date is the day after the Talent Show and people were concerned that it would be too much for those involved in both events. The Franklin Country Club was brought up as another alternative and Mandy Costa was going to check their availability. The Medway VFW and Tri County High School were also mentioned. Family Restaurant Night – Liz Bonacci reported that she spoke to Five Guys and hopes to have a night set up late January/early February. They contribute 10% of the entire sales on anyone who comes in that night and no fliers need to be handed out. Bottle/Can Drive – Since no one is currently running this, there was a motion to move this back to the 5th Grade Celebration. A vote was taken and it was unanimously approved (13 people in attendance at this time). Destination Imagination – Mandy Costa mentioned that they were in need of one more appraiser for this event. This person would need to attend one training from 8am-2pm on either 2/4 or 2/11 and be there all day for the tournament on 3/24. Rebecca Cameron said that she would be interested in doing this. Talent Show – It has been booked for 3/16 with dress rehearsal on 3/14. There will be 2 practices that each child would also need to attend: The 1st practice will be one of the following after school: 2/14, 2/15, 2/16 and the 2nd practice will be one of the following: 3/6, 3/8, 3/9. A sign up sheet will be going home soon and will be due back on February 1st. There was some discussion regarding what and how many acts that a child could perform and whether or not there would be limits set. It was agreed upon by the group that a child will only be allowed on stage twice with a 90 second maximum per performance: 1 solo/duet act and/or 1 group act (consisting of 3 or more). Kindergarten and 5th grade students may substitute the K fashion show or 5th grade performance for either their solo, or group act, but are still limited to 2 stage appearances. Students who do not want to be on stage but want to be involved can help back stage. This committee is still looking for someone to be in charge of the bake sale. The 5th Grade Celebration committee will be doing the 50/50 raffle. New Business: PCC Board Nominations - Sue Pauplis reminded the group that the terms of all the PCC Board members will be ending this year. Please start thinking about interest in running for a
position since nominations will be needed. Giving Tree - Sue Pauplis, on the behalf of the Friends of Franklin, wanted to thank everyone who participated. There were 208 Franklin families who were able to benefit from the generosity of others. Thank You! Adjournment – Sue Pauplis adjourned the meeting at 11:13AM. Next PCC Meeting – Friday, February 10, 2012 at 9AM.
Personal Story and Call for a New Mission Group First, I would like to tell you how grateful I am that I found this community where I am among friends who I feel safe enough and will allow me to tell something of my story. It was the Junior year of my college career at Lynchburg College. It was not but a few weeks left of the Spring semester. Only one more year of college and I would take the