Thank you for scheduling an appointment with one of our physicians. It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine in advance of your first visit. The clinic is located at Two Medical Park, Lower Level, Suite L10. Below are important items you need to look over prior to your first visit to our practice. Some require action on your part. Insurance Coverage: Please bring your insurance card to your scheduled appointment. Without verification of your insurance coverage your appointment may be rescheduled, or you will be expected to pay all fees at the time services are rendered. If your insurance carrier requires referral authorizations, it is your responsibility to check with your primary care physician to ensure they have authorized your visits to your office. Without this authorization you will be expected to pay for the services you receive, on the date of your appointment, in full. Medical Information: Please have your medical records forwarded to us prior to your appointment. We need to review these records which may include x-rays, MRI’s, bone scans, and notes of visits to other physicians. Please bring with you all medications you are currently taking so we can accurately document this information in your patient chart. Medical History Forms: Attached you will find medical history forms with need to be completed prior to your visit at our office. These forms, completed in entirety, are required in our office prior to being seen by any of our physicians. You may either bring the completed forms with you on the day of your appointment or mail them if time allows. Minors under the Age of 18: Patients that are under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. If a parent/legal guardian is unavailable to attend the visit, the form Consent to Medical Treatment and Responsibility for Medical Charges for Minors must be filled out and given at time of check in. Any of the above information that is missing on the day of your schedule appointment may cause a reschedule of your appointment. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. If you have any questions prior to your visit, please contact our office by calling 803-434-6812. Internet-kjh-1-07-09 DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Two Medical Park, Suite 404, Columbia, SC 29203 803-434-6812, FAX 803-434-7306 DATE___________________________ (Information About You)
Full Name_________________________________________________ Marital Status:
Street Address_________________________________ City___________
Mailing Address_______________________________ City___________
Email Address_______________________________________________________________________________
Employer Address_____________________________ City______________ State_______ Zip _________
Date of Birth _____________ Social Security # ___
____________ Driver’s License # ___________________
Nearest Relative Not Living With You ____
____________________ Referred to this office b
Do You Live In A Skilled Nursing Facility? Yes No
(Information About Your Parent/Spouse)
Parent/Spouse’s Full Name_____________________________________________________________________ Parent/Spouse’s Employer_________________________________
Employer Address_____________________________ City______________ State_______ Zip__________ Parent/Spouse DOB_______________ Social Security # ___
_____________ Work Phone #______________
Insured’s Name__________________________________
Relationship to Patient ____________________
Insured’s Social Security # or ID #________________________________
Insurance Co. Name__________________________________
Insurance Co. Address__________________________ City______________ State_______ Zip__________
Insured’s Name__________________________________
Relationship to Patient ____________________
Insured’s Social Security # or ID #________________________________
Insurance Co. Name__________________________________
Insurance Co. Address__________________________ City______________ State_______ Zip__________
I understand that payment is due at the time service is rendered. I hereby authorize the release of any medical information to (1) an insurance company through which I claim benefits and (2) any physician involved in my medical care. I realize this authorization allows USCSOM Department of Orthopaedic Surgery to release any information to any of my insurers or physicians as requested by any such insurer or physician. I HEREBY ASSIGN ALL MEDICAL AND/OR SURGICAL BENEFITS TO WHICH I AM ENTITLED INCLUDING MEDICARE, PRIVATE INSURANCE, GROUP POLICY BENEFITS AND OTHER HEALTH PLANS TO USCSOM DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY. USCSOM DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY DOES NOT EXTEND CREDIT. I HEREBY AGREE TO PAY ALL COSTS AND REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES IN THE EVENT THIS ACCOUNT IS TURNED OVER TO AN ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION. Signature_________________________________________________ Date____________________________ Responsible Party Signature (if different)
In order to better coordinate your health care needs and ensure other physicians involved with your care are updated regarding your medical condition(s), please provide the following information: REFERRING PHYSICIAN: (Who referred you to our practice?) Doctor’s Name:
Would you like us to send copies of your medical records?
Would you like us to send copies of your medical records?
SPECIALIST: (Cardiologist, Internal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Derm atologist, etc.)
Would you like us to send copies of your medical records?
ORTHOPAEDIST: (Have you seen any other Orthopaedic Physician?) Doctor’s Name:
Would you like us to send copies of your medical records?
___________________________________ Patient Name (Printed)
Referring Physician_______________________
History of Present Illnes
Please explain your current problem. Include location of problem, how long you have experienced this problem, and the severity of the problem. Include what makes the problem worse or better and any associated signs or symptoms. ____
Past History
List any medications you presently take: __________________________________________________________
List all illness/injuries/surgeries you have had that required hospitalization: ______________________________
Do you have allergies to any medications?
If yes, list medications you are allergic to: _________________________________________________________
Family History
Social History
Current Occupation ___
If yes, how often? ________________________
If yes, how much a day? __________________
If yes, what kind? ________________________
Review of Systems (Please check box if Yes) Patient Name: __________________________ General Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Cardiovascular Neurologic Ear-Eyes-Nose-Throat Respiratory Musculoskeletal Explain all “YES” answers here: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ *OFFICE USE ONLY
_________________________________________ ____________________________________
Above History Updated (initial and date all changes to above information):
Date Physician Signature Physician Signature Patient Name: ______________________________________________
Please answer, yes or no, to the following questions as they pertain to pre-authorization for anti-inflammatory therapy.
1. Have you required Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory therapy for more than 21 consectutive days?
2. Have you experienced intolerance with at least 2 other anti-inflammatory medications? (i.e. Motrin,
3. Do you have a history of peptic ulcer disease, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory related ulcer, GI bleed, or
4. Are you receiving drug therapy with corticosteroids, anticoagulants, antiplatlets, or methotrexate?
5. Are you currently receiving an H2 antagonist, proton pump inhibitor, or misoprotol (cytotec)?
Authorization Regarding Payment and Release of Medical Information
I hereby authorize and request the payment of services from Medicare, Medicaid and/or other insurance plans or payers be made on my behalf to University Specialty Clinics – Orthopaedic Surgery. I hereby assign to University Specialty Clinics all payments for treatment services. I agree to allow University Specialty Clinics to file an appeal for me with Medicare, Medicaid and/or other insurance plans or payors for any reason. I understand and agree that I am responsible for paying any amount not covered by Medicare, Medicaid and/or other insurance plans or payers. I hereby authorize the release of medical information to Medicare, Medicaid and/or insurance plans or other payers. I also authorize the release of medical information to other healthcare providers including, but not limited to, my primary care or family physician, consulting physicians or healthcare providers, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, or other healthcare providers or facilities. I permit a copy of this authorization to be used. ___________________________________
Patient’s/Patient’s Representative’s Signature
____________________________________ __________________________________ Date
____________________________________ Printed Patient’s or Representative’s Name ____________________________________ Representative’s Relationship to Patient
To be completed if a Student Athlete: Authorization to Release Information to Coach or Athletic Trainer
I authorize the release of medical information to the coach or athletic trainer of the school listed below for the purpose of providing the best comprehensive care. I may revoke this authorization at any time. Such revocation must be in writing and delivered to University Specialty Clinics. The revocation will not apply to records and information that have already been disclosed. ______________________ ____________________________________________ __________________ Name of School Attending
If under age 18, Parent or Legal Guardian’s
(Students 18 years of age or older may sign authorization)
DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Two Medical Park, Suite 404, Columbia, SC 29203 803-434-6812, FAX 803-434-7306 Consent to Treatment I hereby agree to and give consent to the physicians, healthcare providers, associates, consultants and residents of University Specialty Clinics to diagnose and treat me. I consent to any and all treatment including, but not limited to, physical examinations, psychological examination, x-rays, laboratory procedures, and other procedures related to routine diagnosis and treatment as determined appropriate by the practices physicians, healthcare providers, associates, consultants and residents.
____________________________________ Patient’s/Patients Representative’s Signature
____________________________________ ______________________________
Printed Patient’s or Representative’s Name
Representative’s Relationship to Patient
DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Two Medical Park, Suite 404, Columbia, SC 29203 803-434-6812, FAX 803-434-7306 University Specialty Clinics Notice of Privacy Practices By signing below, I state that I have been given my own copy of the University Specialty Clinics’ Notice of Privacy Practices, effective date 4/14/03.
____________________________________ Printed Name of Patient
____________________________________ Signature of Patient
____________________________________ Printed Name of Patient’s Representative
____________________________________ Signature of Patient’s Representative’s
Description of Authority to Act on Behalf of Patient
DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Two Medical Park, Suite 404, Columbia, SC 29203 803-434-6812, FAX 803-434-7306
Kentucky Heartland Institute on Public Policy “Global Challenges, Global Opportunities” Campbellsville University Faculty and Staff Hosts Campbellsville University Honor Society Hosts Political Science Honor Society Pi Sigma Alpha Mr Campbellsville University, President (2011-2012) Dr. Western Kentucky University, Past-President (2010-2011) Dr. Murray State University, Past-President (2
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