Infectious disease epidemiology, zoonoses, molecular epidemiology.
1. Clough, H.E., Clancy, D., French, N.P. Quantifying exposure to VTEC O157 in milk sold as pasteurized:the role of mathematical modelling in Microbial RiskAssessment. Journal of Food Protection. Under review.
2. Fenton, S.E., Clough, H.E., Diggle, P.J., Evans, S.J., Davidson, H.C., Vink, W.D., French, NP, (2008), Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis of Salmonella infectionin dairy herds in England and Wales. Epidemiology and Infection, in press.
3. Robinson, S.E., Brown, P.E., Wright, E.J., Hart, C.A., French, NP, (2008), Quantifying within- and between-animal variation and uncertainty associated withcounts of Escherichia coli O157 occurring in naturally infected cattle faeces. Jour-nal of the Royal Society Interface, in press 4. Benschop, J., Hazelton, M.L., Stevenson, M.A., Dahl, J., Morris, R.S., French, NP, (2008a), Descriptive spatial epidemiology of subclinical Salmonella infectionin finisher pig herds: application of a novel method of spatially adaptive smoothing.
Veterinary Research 39: 2-12.
5. Benschop, J., Stevenson, M.A., Dahl, J., French, NP, (2008b), Towards incor- porating spatial risk analysis for Salmonella sero-positivity into the Danish swinesurveillance programme. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 83: 347-359.
6. Benschop, J., Stevenson, M.A., Dahl, J., Morris, R.S., French, NP, (2008c), Tem- poral and longitudinal analysis of Danish Swine Salmonellosis Control Programmedata: implications for surveillance. Epidemiology and Infection, 136: 1511-1520.
7. Brook, E., Hart, C.A., French, N., Christley, R., (2008), Prevalence and risk fac- tors for Cryptosporidium spp. infection in young calves. Veterinary Parasitology152: 46-52.
8. Kwan, P.S., Barrigas, M., Bolton, F.J., French, NP, Gowland, P., Kemp, R., Leatherbarrow, H., Upton, M., Fox, A.J., (2008a), The molecular epidemiology ofCampylobacter jejuni populations in dairy cattle, wildlife and the environment ina farmland area. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74: 5130-5138.
9. Kwan, P.S., Birtles, A., Bolton, F.J., French, NP, Robinson, S.E., Newbold, L.S., Upton, M., Fox, A.J., (2008b), Longitudinal study of the molecular epidemiologyof Campylobacter jejuni in cattle on dairy farms. Applied and EnvironmentalMicrobiology 74: 3626-3633.
10. McTavish, S.M., Pope, C.E., Nicol, C., Sexton, K., French, N., Carter, P.E., (2008), Wide geographical distribution of internationally rare Campylobacter cloneswithin New Zealand. Epidemiology and Infection 136: 1244-1252.
11. Brook EJ, Christley RM, French,NP, Hart CA. (2008).
tosporidium oocysts in fresh and frozen cattle faeces: comparison of three methods.
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 46:26-31, 12. Brook EJ, Hart C, French,N, Christley R. (2008) Molecular epidemiology of Cryptosporidium subtypes in cattle in England. The Veterinary Journal in press.
13. Karimuribo, E.D., Fitzpatrick, J.L., Swai, E.S., Bell, C., Bryant, M.J., Ogden, N.H., Kambarage, D.M., French, NP, (2008), Prevalence of subclinical mastitisand associated risk factors in smallholder dairy cows in Tanzania. VeterinaryRecord 163: 16-21.
14. French, NP, Gemmell, N.J., Buddle, B.M., (2007), Advances in biosecurity to 2010 and beyond: towards integrated detection, analysis and response to exoticpest invasions. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 55: 255-263.
15. Kunda, J., Fitzpatrick, J., Kazwala, R., French, NP, Shirima, G., Macmillan, A., Kambarage, D., Bronsvoort, M., Cleaveland, S., (2007), Health-seeking behaviourof human brucellosis cases in rural Tanzania. BMC Public Health 7: 315-.
16. Heuer C, French,N, Jackson R, Mackereth G. (2007) Application of modelling to determine the absence of disease in the face of a suspected/threatened incursion.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal 55:289-96.
17. Lake R, van der Logt P, McBride G, French,N, Mullner P. (2007) Campylobacte- riosis in New Zealand: modelling as a way forward. New Zealand Science Review64: 37-41.
18. Leatherbarrow AJ, Griffiths R, Hart CA, Kemp R, Williams NJ, Diggle PJ, Wright EJ, Sutherst J, Houghton P, French,NP. (2007) Campylobacter lari: genotypeand antibiotic resistance of isolates from cattle, wildlife and water in an area ofmixed dairy farmland in the United Kingdom. Environmental Microbiology 9:1772-9.
19. Pleydell EJ, Brown PE, Woodward MJ, Davies RH, French,NP. (2007). Sources of variation in the ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli concentration in the fecesof organic broiler chickens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 203-10,.
20. Swai ES, French,NP, Karimuribo ED, Fitzpatrick JL, Bryant MJ, Kambarage DM, Ogden NH. (2007). Prevalence and determinants of Cryptosporidium spp.
infection in smallholder dairy cattle in Iringa and Tanga Regions of Tanzania.
Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 74: 23-9.
21. Xiao Y, Bowers RG, Clancy D, French,NP. (2007a). Dynamics of infection with multiple transmission mechanisms in unmanaged/managed animal populations.
Theoretical Population Biology 71: 408-23.
22. Xiao Y, French,NP, Bowers RG, Clancy D. (2007b) Pair approximations and the inclusion of indirect transmission: theory and application to between farmtransmission of Salmonella. Journal of Theoretical Biology 244: 532-40.
23. Clough HE, Clancy D, French,NP. (2006) Vero-cytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 in pasteurized milk containers at the point of retail: a qualitative approachto exposure assessment. Risk Analysis 26: 1291-309.
24. Stuen S, Casey AN, Woldehiwet Z, French,NP, Ogden NH. (2006). Detection by the polymerase chain reaction of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in tissues of persis-tently infected sheep. Journal of Comparative Pathology 134: 101-4.
25. Karimuribo, E. D., J. L. Fitzpatrick, C. E. Bell, E. S. Swai, D. M. Kambarage, N. H. Ogden, M. J. Bryant, and French, NP. (2006). Clinical and subclinicalmastitis in smallholder dairy farms in Tanzania: risk, intervention and knowledgetransfer. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 74:84-98 26. Turner J, Bowers RG, Begon M, Robinson SE, French,NP. (2006). A semi- stochastic model of the transmission of Escherichia coli O157 in a typical UKdairy herd: dynamics, sensitivity analysis and intervention/prevention strategies.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 241: 806-22.
27. Xiao Y, Clancy D, French,NP, Bowers RG. (2006). A semi-stochastic model for Salmonella infection in a multi-group herd. Mathematical Biosciences 200:214-33.
28. Christley R., Pinchbeck G, Bowers R, Clancy D, French, N., Bennett R., and Turner J. (2005), Infection in social networks: Using network analysis to identifyhigh-risk individuals. American Journal of Epidemiology, 162: 1024-1031.
29. Clough H., Clancy D, O’Neill P, Robinson S, and French,N. (2005), Quantifying uncertainty associated with microbial count data: A Bayesian approach: Biomet-rics, 61: 610-616.
30. Fearnhead P, Smith N, Barrigas M., Fox A., and French,N. (2005), Analysis of recombination in Campylobacter jejuni from MLST population data. Journal ofMolecular Evolution, 61: 333-340.
31. French,N, Barrigas M, Brown P, Ribiero P, Williams N, Leatherbarrow H., Birtles R, Bolton E, Fearnhead P, and Fox A, (2005), Spatial epidemiology and naturalpopulation structure of Campylobacter jejuni colonizing a farmland ecosystem:Environmental Microbiology, 7: 1116-1126.
32. Kemp R, Leatherbarrow A, Williams L, Hart C, Clough H, Turner J, Wright E, and French,N, (2005), Prevalence and genetic diversity of Campylobacter spp.
in environmental water samples from a 100-square-kilometer predominantly dairyfarming area: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71: 1876-1882.
33. Robinson S E, Brown PE, Wright EJ, Bennett M, Hart CA, and French,NP.
(2005), Heterogeneous distributions of Escherichia coli O157 within naturally in-fected bovine faecal pats: FEMS Microbiology Letters, 244: 291-296.
34. Webster, S., Diggle, PJ., Clough, HE., Green, RB., French, NP. (2005) Strain- typing Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Using Replicated Spatial Data.
In: Case studies in spatial point processes models. Lecture Notes in Statistics bySpringer Verlag. Editors : A. Baddeley, P. Gregori, J. Mateu, R. Stoica and D.
Stoyan. (book chapter).
35. Xiao, Y., Bowers, R., Clancy, D., and French, N., (2005), Understanding the dynamics of Salmonella infections in dairy herds: a modelling approach. Journalof Theoretical Biology, 233: 159-175.
36. Ogden, N.H., Swai, E., Beauchamp, G., Karimuribo, E., Fitzpatrick, J.L., Bryant, M, Kambarage, D and French, NP (2005) Risk factors for tick attachment tosmallholder dairy cattle in Tanzania. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 67, 157-70 37. French,N.P, H.E. McCarthy, P.J. Diggle, and C.J. Proudman. (2005) Clustering of equine grass sickness cases in the UK: a study considering the effect of position-dependent reporting on the space-time K-function. Epidemiology and Infection,133: 343-348 38. Swai, E. S., French, N. P., Beauchamp, G., Fitzpatrick, J. L., Bryant, M. J., Kambarage, D. and Ogden, N. H. (2005). A longitudinal study of sero-conversionto tick-borne pathogens in smallholder dairy youngstock in Tanzania. VeterinaryParasitology 131:129-137.
39. Swai, E.S, French, N.P, Karimuribo, E.D, Fitzpatrick, J.L. Bryant, M.J. Brown, P.E. and Ogden, N.H. (2005) Spatial and management factors associated withexposure of small holder dairy cattle in Tanzania to tick-borne pathogens. Inter-national Journal for Parasitology, 35: 1085-1096 40. Brown, PE, Christensen, OF, Clough, HE, Diggle, PJ, Hart, CA, Hazel, S, Kemp, R, Leatherbarrow, AJH, Moore, A, Sutherst, J, Turner, J, Williams, NJ, Wright,EJ, French, NP. (2004) The frequency and spatial distribution of environmentalCampylobacter spp. isolated from recreation and dairy farmland. Applied andEnvironmental Microbiology, 70, 6501-6511 41. French,NP and White, PCL. (2004) The use of GIS in modelling the spatial and temporal spread of animal diseases. In GIS and spatial analysis in veterinaryscience. Eds P, Durr and A, Gatrell. p177-203 (book chapter) 42. S.E. Robinson , P.E. Brown, E. J. Wright, C.A.Hart, M. Bennett, N. P. French (2004) Intermittent and persistent shedding of Escherichia.coli O157 in cohorts ofnaturally infected calves. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 97, 1045-1053.
43. Robinson, SE, Wright, EJ, Williams, NJ, Hart CA and French,NP (2004) Devel- opment and application of a method for the enumeration of Escherichia coli O157in bovine faeces. Journal of Applied Microbiology 97, 581-589 44. Casey, ANJ, Birtles, RJ, Radford, AD, Bown, K, French, NP, Woldehiwet Z and Ogden, NH. (2004). Groupings of highly similar major surface protein (p44)-encoding paralogues: a potential index of genetic diversity amongst isolates ofAnaplasma phagocytophilum. Microbiology ; 150: 727-734 45. Leatherbarrow A.J.H.,.Hart C.A, Kemp R., Williams N.J., Ridley A., Sharma M., Diggle P.J., Wright E.J., Sutherst J., and French,N.P. (2004) Genotypicand antibiotic susceptibility characteristics of a population of Campylobacter coliisolated from dairy farmland in the United Kingdom. Applied and EnvironmentalMicrobiology. 70, 822-830 46. McCarthy, HE. French, NP., Edwards, GB, Poxton, IR, Kelly, DF, Payne- Johnson, CE, Miller, K and Proudman, CJ. (2004) Equine grass sickness is associ-ated with low antibody levels to Clostridium botulinum. Findings from a matchedcase-control study. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36, 123-129 47. McCarthy, HE. French, NP., Edwards, GB, Miller, K and Proudman, CJ. (2004) Why are certain premises at increased risk of equine grass sickness? Findings froma matched case-control study. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36, 130-134 48. Jones, R, Kelly, L, French, NP, England, T, Livesey, C, and Wooldridge, M.
(2004) Quantitative assessment of the risk of new outbreaks of foot and mouthdisease occurring as a result of burning pyres. Veterinary Record, 154, No 6,pp.161-165 49. Shirima, G.M., J. Fitzpatrick, S. Cleaveland, D.M. Kambarage, R.R. Kazwala, J.
Kunda, French, NP (2003). Participatory Survey on Zonootic Diseases AffectingLivestock Keeping Communities in Tanzania. Journal of Animal and VeterinaryAdvances. 2(4):253-258 50. Wilson, JS, Hazel, SM, Williams, NJ, Phiri, AJW, French, NP and Hart CA.
(2003) Nontyphoidal Salmonellae in United Kingdom badgers: prevalence andspatial distribution. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, 4312-4315 51. Turner, J, Bowers, RG, Begon M and French, NP. (2003) A model appropriate to the transmission of a human food-borne pathogen in a multigroup managedherd. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 57, 175-198 52. Ogden, N.H., Casey, A.N.J., Woldehiwet, Z. and French, NP (2003) Transmission of Anaplasma phagocytophilum to Ixodes ricinus ticks from sheep in the acute andpost-acute phase of infection. Infection and Immunity 71, 2071-2078 53. Clough, HE, Clancy, D, O’ Neill, PD, French,NP. (2003) Bayesian methods for estimating prevalence of pathogens within animals from fecal pat sampling.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 58, 145-169 54. Paiba, G et al . (22 authors) (2003) The prevalence of faecal excretion of verocy- totoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 (VTEC O157) in cattle in England and Wales.
Veterinary Record, 153(12):347-53 55. Ogden, N.H., Gwakisa, P., Swai, E., French, NP, Fitzpatrick, J., Kambarage, D. and Bryant, M. (2003) Evaluation of PCR to detect Theileria parva in field-collected tick and bovine samples in Tanzania. Veterinary Parasitology 112, 177-183 56. Christley, RM and French, NP (2003) Small-world topology of UK racing: the potential for rapid spread of infectious agents. Equine Veterinary Journal, 35585-588 57. Swai E S, Karimuribo E, French,N P, Ogden N H, Fitzpatrick J, Kambarage D, Bryant M. Occurrence and spatial distribution of clinical mastitis in smallholderdairy farms in Tanga, Tanzania. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production inAfrica 2003;50:205-212.
58. Swai E S, Karimuribo E, French,N P, Ogden N H, Kambarage D, Fitzpatrick J, Bryant M. The prevalence of udder and teat lesions in dairy cattle in Tanga,Tanzania. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 2003;51:5-9.
59. Ogden NH, Casey ANJ, French,NP, Woldehiwet Z (2002) A review of studies on the transmission of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from sheep: implications for theforce of infection in endemic cycles. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 28 (1):195-202 60. Ogden, NH, Casey, ANJ., French, NP, Bown, KJ, Adams, JDW and Wolde- hiwet, Z (2002) Natural Ehrlichia phagocytophila transmission coefficients fromsheep ’carriers’ to Ixodes ricinus ticks vary with the numbers of feeding ticks.
Parasitology 124, 127-136 61. Ogden, NH, Casey, ANJ., French, NP, Adams, JDW and Woldehiwet, Z. (2002) Field evidence for density-dependent facilitation amongst Ixodes ricinus ticks feed-ing on sheep. Parasitology 124, 117-125 62. Mallon, DJP, Corkhill, JE, Hazel, SM, Wilson, JS, French, NP, Bennett, M, Hart, CA (2002) Excretion of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci by Wild Mam-mals, Emerging Infectious Diseases 8 (6), 636-638 63. Begon, MB, Bennett, M, Bowers, R, French, NP, Hazel, S and Turner, J (2002) A clarification of transmission terms in host-microparasite models, numbers, den-sities and areas. Epidemiology and Infection 129, 147-153.
64. French, NP, Kelly, L, Jones R, Clancy D, (2002) Dose response relationships for foot and mouth disease. Epidemiology and Infection 128, 325-332 65. Ogden, NH, Casey, ANJ, Lawrie, C, French, NP, Beynon, RJ, Woldehiwet, Z. and Carter, SD. (2002) Antibody responses to VIxodes ricinus salivary glandextract in sheep naturally exposed to ticks: evidence for tick-induced suppressionof Th1-mediated resistance? Medical and Veterinary Entomology 16, 186-192 66. Clancy, D. and French, NP. A stochastic model for disease transmission in a managed herd, motivated by Neospora caninum amongst cattle. MathematicalBiosciences, 170, 113-132 67. Mathews, JB, Davidson, AJ, Freeman, K.L. French, NP. (2001) Immunisa- tion against Dictycaulus viviparus using recombinant actylcholinesterase and adultworm excretory / secretory products. International Journal for Parasitology 31307-317 68. McCarthy, HE. Proudman, CJ. and French, NP. Epidemiological Investigations of Equine Grass Sickness - a Literature Review. Veterinary Record 149, 293-300 69. Garmory, H.S. Chanter, N French, NP Bueschel, D, Songer, J.G. and Titball, R.W. (2000) Occurrence of Clostridium perfringens b2-toxin amongst animals,determined using genotyping and sub-typing PCR assays. Epidemiology and In-fection 124, 61-67 70. French,N.P. Clancy, D. Davison, H.C. Trees, A.J. (1999) Mathematical models of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle: Transmission and options for control.
International Journal for Parasitology 29 1691-1704 71. Davison, H.D., French, NP and Trees A.J. (1999) Herd-specific and age-specific seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in fourteen British dairy herds VeterinaryRecord 144 547-550 Animal welfare publications - selected papers from 70+ peer-reviewed publications (see for details) 1. Proudman CJ, Pinchbeck, GL, Clegg, PD and French, NP. (2004) Equine wel- fare: Risk of horses falling in the Grand National. Nature 428 385-386 2. Parkin, TDH, Clegg, PD, French, NP, Proudman, CJ, Riggs, CM, Singer, ER, Webbon, PM and Morgan, KL. (2004) Horse level risk factors associated for fataldistal limb fracture in racing Thoroughbreds in the UK Equine Veterinary Journal,36, 513-519 3. French, NP, Proudman, CJ, Smith, JE and Edwards GB (2002) Equine surgical colic : Risk factors for post-operative complications Equine Veterinary Journal34, 444-449.
4. Proudman, CJ, Smith, JE, Edwards GB and French, NP. (2002) Long-term survival of equine surgical colic cases II: Modelling post-operative survival. EquineVeterinary Journal 34,438-443 5. Hirst, WM, Murray, RD, Ward, WR, French, NP. (2002) Generalised Additive Models and Hierarchical logistic Regression of lameness in dairy cows PreventiveVeterinary Medicine 55, 37-46.
6. French, NP, Wall, R., and Morgan, K.L., (1994) Lamb tail docking: A controlled field study of the effects of tail amputation on health and productivity.
7. Wall, R., French, NP, and Morgan, K.L., (1993) Sheep blowfly population con- trol: Development of a simulation model and analysis of management strategies.
Journal of Applied Ecology. 30 743-751 8. Proudman, C.J., French, NPand Trees, A.J. (1998) Tapeworm as a risk factor for spasmodic colic in horses: a case control study. Equine Veterinary Journal 30194-199 9. Fenton, A, Wall, R. and French, NP (1997) Sensitivity analysis of deterministic and stochastic simulation models of the population of the sheep blowfly Luciliasericata. Journal of Theoretical Biology 184 139-148 10. French, NP and Morgan, K.L. (1996) A model of ovine cutaneous myiasis using the predicted abundance of Lucilia sericata and a pattern of sheep susceptibility.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine (26 143-155) 11. Wall, R., French, NP, and Morgan, K.L., (1995) Population suppression for the control of the blowfly Lucilia sericata and sheep blowfly strike. EcologicalEntomology 20 91-97


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CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Engineering International University, Vietnam National Uni RESEARCH INTERESTS Controlled bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs, solubilization techniques, and development of nano-drug delivery systems. EDUCATION BACKGROUND From 2008 to 2011: Ph.D. Degree in Pharmaceutics , College of Pharmacy, Kangw

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