In 1791 Galvani who is the biologist of Bologna University discovered animal electricity from the phenomenon “muscle of flog is contracted by contact of metal”. And then in 1800 Volta who is the physicist in Italy found out the phenomenon “it generated voltage and could get continuously electricity that two different kind of metals were soaked into electrolyte” and invented famous Volta
cell. This was the 1st cell that went out into the world. After that Davy and many other people carried out various experiments of electrolysis by using Volta cell. In 1831 Faraday found out the
Faraday’s law and fundamental electrochemistry was established. Furthermore Daniel cell and another cells were developed and in 1868 Leclanche invented Leclanche cell that was the prototype of
current dry cell. This cell was improved in active
materials and structure, and still using in wide area as convenient and light weight primary source of
On the other hand in 1859 Plante invented lead acid battery and here came rechargeable battery.
This battery is different from previous primary
batteries and has a merit of rechargeable. This fact, along with improvements to the electrical generator developed in 1866, allowed lead storage batteries to play a leading roll in electrical energy storage applications. And it was the start of storing of electric energy. Even now this battery used as starter power of car and many applications and is typical secondary battery as well known.
Following of lead acid battery, in 1899 Jungner
and in 1901 Edison and et al developed alkaline rechargeable battery using alkaline electrolyte. Jungner battery was using Nickel as a cathode and Cadmium as an anode. And Edison battery was using Nickel as a cathode and Iron as an anode. Since the materials for alkaline batteries were expensive in comparison with those for dry or lead storage batteries, their practical applications were severely limited. In recent years, however, Jungner ’s Nickel-Cadmium battery has undergone intensified development using improved materials and manufacturing techniques to achieve a superior level of performance. The first major basic improvement to the Nickel-Cadmium battery was the result of a new sintered plate invented by Shlecht and Ackermann in 1932. The conventional plate employed a system under which the active materials were packed into a metal container called a pocket or tube. With Ackermann ’s method, however, the active materials are placed inside a porous nickel electrode formed by sintering nickel powder. Through the use of these sintered pole plates, Nickel-Cadmium battery characteristics were significantly enhanced. In particular, there was a large improvement in the high-rate discharge characteristics and service life was dramatically increased. In 1947 Neumann
realized sealed Nickel Cadmium rechargeable
of charge discharge efficiency and cycle life. To clear
battery. It made open the new field as consumer
these problems lithium rechargeable battery using
secondary battery because of it was controlled
alloy anode was developed in 1980’s. We also
demerits of secondary battery such as gas generation
developed coin type manganese dioxide lithium
and leakage during charge and discharge.
rechargeable battery using lithium-aluminum alloy
anode in 1989. It has been using for memory back up
technology of sealed battery early and in 1961 we
But development of battery for power supply to
battery(brand name ; Cadnica) by our original
portable applications that have big capacity and it
technology. Cadnica battery has been adopted to
can discharge at high load had gotten behind. In
various cordless applications such as emergency
1989 cylindrical lithium secondary battery using
light, radio control car or power tool and contributed
lithium metal anode was made practical. But, it did
to pioneer the small rechargeable market. With the
not spread because there was safety issue on lithium
development of a wide variety of cordless devices
metal. To solve these issues, it was developed that
utilizing CADNICA batteries, along with various
lithium secondary battery (Lithium-ion battery) did
signals and emergency lights that use these batteries
not using Lithium metal but carbon material (cokes)
as a reliable emergency power source, CADNICA
absorbing lithium ion for anode in 1989. It dose not
batteries are enjoying a wide application range that
generate dendrite so it is safety and has good cycle
A large variety of CADNICA batteries have been
Lithium-ion battery is a new chemistry and using
developed to meet a wide range of user needs,
carbon material that can absorb lithium ion as an
ranging from low current level uses like emergency
anode, lithium and transition metal complex oxide as
power sources for semiconductor memories to very
a cathode and organic solvent dissolving lithium salt
high power applications such as cordless drills, etc.
as an electrolyte. The voltage is 3 times higher than
Furthermore, in 1990 we had developed and
that of nickel cadmium or nickel metal hydride and
started to selling Nickel Metal Hydride battery to
meet market requirement as high capacity in the
We SANYO started to research and development of
first of the world. Nickel Metal Hydride
Lithium-ion battery from early and applied graphite
rechargeable battery(brand name : Twicell) is one of
anode for the patent. And we commercialized
alkaline rechargeable battery using Nickel Oxide as
cylindrical Lithium-ion battery that had flat
a cathode and Hydrogen Absorbing Alloy as an anode.
discharge characteristics came from graphite
It make use of electrochemical reversible reaction
technology in 1994, then we commercialized light
that hydrogen absorb into and release from alloy.
weight prismatic type using aluminum can as a
Twicell is high performance battery that its capacity
pioneer. As the result we could improve energy
density greatly in the consumer rechargeable battery
And then Lithium-ion battery was came. Using of
field. Cylindrical type are mainly used for power
Lithium metal as an anode can get maximum energy
supply of camcorder or notebook PC and prismatic
density in theory. In end of 1950’s it took up Lithium
type for cellular phone. It could make portable
for the project of military and space use battery for
applications smaller and lighter. It is said that
the first time and Thionyl Chloride Lithium primary
Lithium-ion battery is very much suitable for potable
On the other hand, in Japan carbon fluoride lithium
History of battery can say in another words that is
battery and manganese dioxide lithium battery were
improvement of treatment and energy exchange
commercialized respectively in 1973 and 1975. The
efficiency. The role of battery become more important
reactions of these batteries are out of previous
as changing of generation, especially in the recent
electrochemical theory and it is much significance
situation of the rapid growth of electronics fields and
that the reactions were made clear by cooperation of
feature demands of energy battery seems to be more
industrial and academic fields. After that Japanese
companies and universities have the important role
SANYO have three chemistry of battery that of
Cadnica, Twicell and Lithium-ion and these battery
After high energy Lithium primary battery was
will improve still more then these battery will have
developed it was expected more realization of lithium
rechargeable battery and research and development
were done more harder in all over the world. As the results, in 1979 lithium and transition metal complex oxide was find out for a cathode and in 1981 graphite cathode was find out. At those time basic technology of Lithium-ion battery was established.
In the first stage of development lithium metal
was investigated as an anode, but there are problems
Gilbert (England) Galvani (Italy) Volta (Italy) Faraday (England) Daniell (England) Armstrong (England) Planté (France) Siemens (Germany) Leclanché (France) Gassner (USA) Jungner (Sweden) Edison (USA) Shlecht-Ackermann (Germany) Neumann (France)
secondary(rechargeable) batteries that can use repetitive by recharge and fuel cells that can
continuously use if energy supply from outside.
There are many kind of batteries. The role of all
Following figure shows the grouping of main
batteries is exchanging of energy. That is to say
consumer batteries according to above mentioned
battery is the device to exchange energy form
rules. Within secondary batteries it is called that
chemical of physical to electrical. The battery that
acid secondary battery as using acid electrolyte
use chemical reaction is called chemical battery and
the battery that use physical change is called
Table 1-2 and 1-3 shows summarization of
performances for main commercialized chemical
There are three types of chemical battery such as
primary batteries that can only one time use,
Mercuric Oxide Battery,Silver Oxide Battery, etc. 㧔ZnO㧕 㧡/year (intermittent) 㧔ZnO㧕 㧣/year 㧔ZnO㧕
3 㨪 5 years 㧔ZnO㧕or 㧔CF㧕n ǫ-butyrolactone
100㨪2000 㧔ZnO㧕
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