Record group 5: campus ministry, 1929-

Campus Ministry, 1929-
This group contains materials from a long-standing University division. Originally titled University Chaplain and begun in 1911, this division became known as Campus Ministry in 1973 with a stipulation that the Director would be a Jesuit. By 1986 this requirement was waived when Sister Mary Margaret Dolan from the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary became Director. The records primarily include announcements, correspondence and liturgical materials supporting the Series 2: Newsletters
Good News, 15-21 Feb 1982; 14-20 Dec 1981
CLC at LMU, Vol. 1, No. 5, 31 Jan 1995
CLC at LMU, Feb 1997
Good News Liturgy & Life, Vol. 1, No. 2, Oct 1997

[MS ov4]

Passion: Vol. 1 Issues 1-2, Nov-Dec 2000
Passion: Vol. 2 Issues 1-9, Feb-Nov 2001
Passion: Vol. 3 Issues 1-3; 5, Feb; Apr 2002

[MS 5]

Series 3: Brochures and flyers
Community Service: brochure, nd
Ecumenical & Interreligious Ministry: brochure, nd
Liturgical Ministries: brochure, nd
Retreats: brochure, nd
Campus Ministry: booklet, [1985-‘86]
Campus Ministry: brochure, ~1985
Praying: brochure, May 1994
[MS ov4]

Sursum Corda: poster, 1994
[MS 5]
Campus Ministry: brochure, 1997-‘98 Campus Art Walk, 2002 Record Series B: Events, programs and retreats Series 1: Regularly scheduled events Brochures and flyers, n.d. Ash Wednesday Mass: flyer, nd Liturgy Workshop: flyer, nd Loyola Laymen's Retreat Association Retreat: brochure; souvenir pocket guide, ca 1928 Student Retreats: announcements; programs; schedules, 1949-1950; 1976-1981; 1983-1989; nd; 2003 Mass of the Holy Spirit: academic procession protocol instructions; announcements; liturgy, 1952; 1964; 1971; 1990; 1992-1998; 2000; 2002; 2004 Holy Week: assignment list; schedules, 1961-1967; 1970 Annual Los Angeles Catholic Physicians Guild Symposium: “Christianity and Welfarism”; program, 1962 Announcements and flyers, 1968- Life and Peace Week Conference: press release, 1982 Lent: Noontime Series RSVP sheet and schedules, offerings schedules, 1984; 1994 Christmas: programs, 1985; 1993 All Saints’ Day: announcement, 1986 San Juan Rancho Bosco Orphanage project: announcement, 1987 Memorial Mass for Deceased Members of the Loyola Marymount Community: liturgy, ca. 1989 Baccalaureate Mass: liturgical program, 1979; 1985-1986; 1991
Virgen de Guadalupe Mass: program, 1991

[MS 5B1/2]

Business Ethics Week: compilation of service agencies and projects, 1993 Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola Mass: announcement; program, 1993-1995; 1997; 2003 Annual Staff Retreat: announcements, 1993; 1995 Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola: Reverend Norman O’Neal, S.J.; “The Life of St. Ignatius”, pamphlet, ca. 1995 Emmaus retreat, 1999
Mass and brunch in honor of the Loyola Marymount Presidential Associates:
invitation; liturgical program, Oct 1999
[MS 5B]
Mass of Thanksgiving for Graduating Seniors, nd Passover Sedar: email announcement, 1999 Senior retreat Schedule, Mass schedules, 2009 Series 2: Special events Discussion of healing and forgiveness: flyer, nd Memorial card for Paul Blackburn, 1960 Celebration of Christian Burial for Wallace “Mike” Decuir: liturgical program, 1975 Bicentennial Tent Week: flyer, 1976 Dedication of the Campus Ministry Center: invitation; program, 1977 Permanent Deaconate Study Day: workshop program, 1977 “The Earth is the Lord’s”: conference press release, 1981
North American Academy of Liturgy Conference: program, 1981
Wake Service for Father Willis J. Egan, SJ: liturgical program, 1981

Conference on Central America & Arms Race: announcement brochure, 1982
“Roots of War/Pathways to Peace”: conference announcement poster, 1984 “The Fate of the Earth Conference”: announcement brochure, 1984 “Collaborative Ministry: A Practical Day”: workshop announcement flyer, 1987 “To Divest or Not to Divest in South Africa”: symposium program, 1987 Pope John Paul II Motorcade: flyer, 1987 “Puebla and Beyond: Servant Leadership in the ‘90’s – Empowerment in Multicultural Communities”: conference announcement brochure, 1989 “A Surprise Reception to Thank Sister Peg Dolan, R.S.H.M For her Dedicated Service as Director of Campus Ministry”: announcement flyer, 1989 “A Dialogue with Paulo Freire: flyer, 1993 “Enneagram Personality Types: Compassion for Oneself and Others”: workshop
brochure, 1993
Dedication of Huesman Chapel Windows and Celebration of the Twentieth
Anniversary of the Merger of Loyola University and Marymount College: program,
Mass of Christian Burial for Br. Henry Yoshioka, S.J.: liturgical program,
Mass of Christian Burial for John A. Pfaffinger: liturgical program, 1993
Liturgy Calendar: pocket calendar, Fall 1993

Liturgy Calendar: pocket calendar, Spr 1994
[MS 5B]
Fr. Jesus Garcia, Professor of Sociology and Theology University Ibero Americana: “The Revolution in Chiapas Mexico and the Role of Bishop Samuel Ruiz”: lecture announcement, 1994 Mass of the Resurrection for Dr.Peter J. Haen: liturgical program; memorial card, 1994 “Respect Forum”: flyer, 1994 "God's Revenge": Homily by The Reverend Canon John G.B. Andrea, D.D., Rector St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue; transcription, Feb 1995 “Life Choices and Help for Those Who Help Others Make Them”: conference brochure, 1995 Memorial Service for Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: liturgical program, 1995 “Point of Arrival”: theater performance flyer, 1996 “Ramadan Awareness": symposium announcement, 1996 Christian Life Communities National Conference: announcement poster; flyer, 1997 Silent retreat, 1999 Memorial Mass for Margaret B. Tritle, 2000 World Religions Pray for Unity: announcement, 2000 Communal Prayer Service in Memory of those Who Died Tuesday in New York, Washington, DC & Pittsburg: liturgical program, 13 Sep 2001 Art walk, 2002 Mass of the Holy Spirit, 2002 Memorial mass for Floyd Jenkins, SJ: liturgical program, 2002 Calendar, 2002 Series 1: Reverend James M. Brogan, SJ, 1912 Series 2: Reverend James L. Taylor, SJ, 1913 Series 3: Reverend Robert V. Burns, SJ, 1914 Series 4: Reverend Felix A. Rossetti, SJ, 1915 Series 5: Reverend R. Henry Brainard, SJ, 1916 Series 6: Reverend John Grisez, SJ, 1917 Series 7: Reverend Walter F. Thornton, SJ, 1918 Series 8: Reverend Joseph R. Crowley, 1919-1920(?) Series 9: Reverend Zacheus J. Maher, SJ, 1921 Series 10: Reverend Joseph T. Morton, SJ, A.M., 1923 Series 11: Reverend George G. Fox, SJ, A.M., 1924 Series 12: Reverend George P. Butler, SJ, 1929 Apostleship of Prayer Register, ca. 1929 1 Formerly Chaplain/Chaplain Manager; Prefect of Studies. Series 13: Reverend Hugh P. Deignan, SJ, 1931 Series 14: Reverend Felix A. Acquistapace, SJ, 1935 Series 15: Reverend David M. Daze, SJ, 1935-1938? Series 16: Reverend Joseph A. Vaughan, SJ, 1938 Series 17: Reverend Walter J. Hancock, SJ, 1948 Series 18: Reverend Karl E. Von der Ahe, SJ 1951-1963 Series 19: Reverend Joseph R. Caldwell, SJ, 1963-1967 Series 21: Reverend Donald C. Foree, SJ, 1970-1976 Series 22: Reverend Randall H. Roche, SJ 1976-1981 List of Loyola University students killed in action, World War I - Vietnam, nd Series 23: Reverend Thomas P. Rausch, SJ, 1981-1986 Board of Trustees presentation: departmental history, ca. 1985 Cor., 1985 Department brochure, ca. 1985 Minority enrollment: report, 1985 Progress report, 1985 Series 24: Sister Mary Margaret Dolan, RSHM, 1986-1989 Series 25: Fernando D. Moreno, 1989-2005 Church of Christ: announcement, nd Cor., 1991-1993 Black History Month, 1992 Annual Report, 1993 Church of Christ: memo., 1996 LMU Human Rights Commission, 1997 Reports, 1997 Annual Report, 1998 Annual Report, 1999 Series 1: Reverend Alfred J. Kilp, SJ, 1967-68 Commission for the Study of American Jesuit Higher Education Report to The 31st General Congregation Society of Jesus: William F. Kelley, SJ, “The Jesuit Order and Higher Education in The United States 1789-1966”; report, Sep 1966 Commission for the Study of American Jesuit Higher Education: William F. Kelley, SJ, “Involvement in International Education of American Jesuit Higher Education”; report, Feb 1967 Series 2: Reverend Bernard F. Cassidy, SJ, 1967-1968 Series 3: Reverend Rockwell J. Shaules, SJ, 1968-1970 Series 4: Reverend Thomas P. Higgins, SJ (1970-) Series 5: Reverend Randall H. Roche, SJ, 1971-1976 Series 6: Sister Agnes Marie Schon, CSJ (1974-) Series 7: Sister Margaret Mary Dolan, RSHM, 1976-1986; 1989- Series 8: Reverend Kevin Lower, SJ, 1976-1982 Series 9: Reverend Vincent de Paul Mooney, SJ, 1976-1981 Series 10: Reverend Ralph T. Tichenor, SJ, 1976-1982 Series 12: Reverend Rockwell J. Shaules, SJ, 1980-1982 Series 13: Reverend Russell J. Roide, SJ, 1981-1985 Series 14: Reverend George Wanser, SJ, 1984- Series 15: Reverend James D. Erps, SJ, 1985- Series 16: Reverend Wayne R. Negrete, SJ, 1991- Series 17: Reverend John Boyle, SJ, 1994- Series 18: Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer, 1994- Series 20: Sister Cecelia Magladry, CSJ, 1994- Series 22: Reverend Luis Proenca, SJ, 1994- Series 4: Baccalaureate Committee, 1995- Inaugural Mass: memo.; planning notes, Sep 1999 Record Series J: Student Retreats Director

Record Series K: Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) Record Series L: Christian Life Community (CLC) CLC National Convention: registration invitation, 7-10 Aug 1997 Luncheon Presentation: flyer, 03 Mar 2005 Record Series M: Chaplain for Justice Issues Record Series O: Chapel Prefect Office

[MS 5/4]

Series 1: Coordinator Naomi Kerze Zahavi Meeting notes, 28 Jan 1993 Party announcement, 4 Mar 1993 Dr. Arthur Goss Schaefer: memo., 10 Jun 1993 LMU Jewish Community roster, Sep 1993 Meeting flyer, Sep 1993 Meeting notes, 14 Sep 1993 Planning subcommittee meeting notes, 14 Sep 1993 Calendar draft, Sep 1993 Calendar flyer, Oct 1993 Calendar flyer, Oct 1994 Mixer flyer, Oct 1994 Roster, 1994 Chanukah flyer, Nov 1994 Meeting flyer, Nov 1994 Meeting flyer, Jan 1995 Calendar notes, Feb 1995 2 Cf. Hil el in Record Group 7: Student Affairs Division 3 4/12/04 Zehadi files deposited in archives Purim flyer, Mar 1995 Meeting flyer, Sep 1995 Retreat: flyers; map; reservation form, Mar 1995 Calendar, Aug 1995 Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin memorial service Meeting flyer, Jan 1996 Calendar and flyer, Mar 1996 Hillel, 1997 Publicity and rosters, 1997-1998 Publicity and rosters, 1998-1999 Publicity and rosters, 1999-2000 Publicity and rosters, 2000-2001 Publicity and rosters, 2001-2002 Publicity and rosters, 2002-2003 Publicity and rosters, 2003-2004 Record Series Q: Human Rights Coalition, 1997-


Special insights into sadhana no. 2

SPECIAL INSIGHTS INTO SADHANA By SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDA Sri Swami Sivananda Sri Swami Chidananda Founder of Sri Swami Sivananda The Divine Life Society A DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY PUBLICATION WWW site: This WWW reprint is for free distribution PUBLISHERS’ NOTE This special series of eight booklets is being published be

Definition 1. The standard definition is that a mould is a function on “a variable number of variables”. To flesh out this definition, in the general case, let A, B be sets and K be an algebra. A mould , M • = ( M •, A, K ) , is a map from the free monoid A∗ into K and a bimould is defined as a function on the free monoid of the Cartesian product of two sets, ( A × B ) ∗: w

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