Mini screws dec 08 lc.indd

• 5% of screws break during insertion. What if I do not want a mini-screw
placed in my mouth?
This should not cause any problems.
various ways to straighten your teeth and close up spaces. MINI-SCREWS
• 15-20% of mini-screws fail early and need to be replaced or removed.
Mini-screws are often used to make your brace treatment as efficient and effective • Infection - very unlikely to happen if you keep the area clean as advised.
Alternative options may involve wearing headgear, the extraction of a tooth or accepting spaces between teeth. Your orthodontist will advise you on the best way to get the result you want. The final decision is yours.
Where can I get more information?
The National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NIHCE) has
An X-ray showing a mini-screw
placed between the lower teeth
How long will the mini-screw be in my
The mini-screw is usually in place for
If you have any further questions
please ask your orthodontist. It is
important that you fully understand
what is involved in having orthodontic
treatment with mini- screws before
you decide to proceed.

How is the mini-screw removed?
Very simply. No local anaesthetic is
usually required. The gum and bone
underneath will heal up completely within
a few days with no discomfort.
This leaflet has been produced with guidance from the Plain English Campaign and British Dyslexia Association to make it easier for you to read Copyright BOS 2009 British Orthodontic Society 12 Bridewell Place London EC4V 6AP Registered Charity No 1073464 What is an orthodontic mini-screw ?
What do I need to do?
• Sometimes a plastic device is used as It is a small metal screw which is inserted twice daily using a fluoride toothpaste Why do I need to have a mini-screw ?
• Don’t “fiddle” with it with your fingers or In order to move poorly positioned teeth, rinse around the mini-screw twice daily Diagram of a mini-screw placed
between two upper back teeth to
as an ‘anchor’ to help with straightening help move the front teeth
What are the risks?
How will a mini-screw be placed?
Will it be painful?
There is limited evidence about how well • A mini-screw can be placed at any time • No. Mini-screw insertion itself is
safety worries about using them. Success • Local anaesthetic is used to numb the The mini-screw is usually placed so that • A hole may be drilled into the jaw first for a headache e.g. paracetamol, to insert the screw or it may be gently • Expect your teeth to feel slightly tender sensation as the screw is inserted.
• The screw becomes loose. It can usually be replaced in the same position at a later visit or in a different position.



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