Microsoft word - p&amp_c september 2010 minutes.doc

Meeting Minutes – September 2010
Anne Cuskelly, Natalie See, Michael Malvicino, Janice Adams, Jennie Wragg, Kendi Burness-Cowan, Michael Cuskelly, Michael Webb, John Morgan, Elaine Lee Lesley Norris, Yasmin Alameddin, Wayne Barry, Sevil Ilkbahar, Catherine Gregory Tuesday, 12th October 2010 at 7.30pm in the Community Resource Centre
Connected classroom is in room 3 upstairs and is now fully functional. All staff have attended training so they are qualified to operate the room. Natalie enquired about retaining the dirt being dug out from the hall site, to be spread over the sports field. The original price she was given was $20,000. This has been negotiated down to $3,700, for the dirt to be spread and turf to be laid. Natalie has applied for a $100,000 grant from the Premier Sporting challenge to have the Netball court re-asphalted and perhaps reimburse the money for the sports field. 14,000 litres of water has been being taken from the school on the w/end. This has been picked up by the tracking system and is generally occurring around 4am. The average daily usage during the week is 10,000 litres. Nat has the system now linked to her mobile phone so she gets an sms when the usage exceeds the limit. She will then contact the security company to go and check the school to see if we can find the culprit. Climate Savers Programme – looking at linking in with this programme and looking at energy with the stage 2 &3 classes. PELC have met to look at how to implement this as a group. Nat feels that we are ahead of the pack in terms of community groups. LAND(Literacy & Numeracy Development) is being offered to families with children enrolling in 2011. It will be run once a week for 10weeks in term 4 and will incur a cost of $50. The programme will provide additional insight into our literacy and numeracy programmes. The programme will be run by a kindi teacher in conjunction with Catherine The 2 Air conditioning quotes were discussed. It was decided that we would go with the one from Crest Air as they were cheaper and seemed keener to do the work. Nat will check with them if they can do half of the work now and the rest later when we have the rest of the money. Hilltop Road Parents’ and Citizens’ Association Hilltop Road, Merrylands NSW 2160 Phone/Fax
9635-1304 ABN: 90 527 745 232

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A written report was submitted in Wayne’s absence $8500 has been received from Club Merrylands Main account has an actual balance of $23,116.57 and the Resource Centre account has $870.24. These include taking from Election day and the Father’s Day stall. Profit from Election day was $1839.25 and the profit from Father’s day stall was $1183.10. No report available due to Catherine being absent Minutes are not available as yet, but main topic of discussions revolved around the website, the PELC concert, and the schools image. We had 37 volunteers help out on Election day which is the most we have ever had. Big thanks to all for their help, particularly those that were there for the whole day. With the efforts from Election day, Father’s day stall and the contribution from Club Merrylands we now have $23,000 in the account. Moved by Anne, seconded by Jennie to give the school $20,000 PSSA – soccer. There seems to have been some confusion over Hilltop Road Parents’ and Citizens’ Association Hilltop Road, Merrylands NSW 2160 Phone/Fax
9635-1304 ABN: 90 527 745 232

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New canteen will be opened before the hall is finished. The people that are currently running the canteen are under contract until May 2011. We will not be renewing their contract so investigations are being made to implement a new canteen system Crunch & Sip seems to be working well, however, there seems to be many children that are not taking part. Front gate – is being opened and closed by Lisa the lollypop lady There has, however, been an issue with one of cleaners who opened 2 of the gates and has injured herself. As a result of this the cleaners are now only able to open 1 gate information from the school in order to complete the forms. He will follow this up been stored in the Uniform shop, and others are still in the storage room, which has been tidied up. Further storage issues will be solved when the hall is completed. Issue solved. Michael M moved to accept the minutes, Jennie seconded. Hilltop Road Parents’ and Citizens’ Association Hilltop Road, Merrylands NSW 2160 Phone/Fax
9635-1304 ABN: 90 527 745 232

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Leitfaden HTX Kindertransplantationszentrum Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH Leitfaden HTX Kindertransplantationszentrum Sie haben erfahren, dass Ihr Kind einen Herzfehler ht, der nicht mit dem Leben vereinbar ist. Sie stehen jetzt vor der schwierigen Entscheidung einer Herztransplantation zuzustimmen. Um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, haben wir, Eltern herztransplantierter Kinder, für S


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