Northop hall community pavilion management committee

1. The Village Centre Management Committee shall be responsible for running the Gwernymynydd Village Centre (herein called "the building") and shall comprise the following:- (a) 1 member of Flintshire County Council (herein called the "County Council") nominated by that Council. (b) 2 members of the Gwernymynydd Community Council nominated by that Council. (c) 6 representatives elected by the community. 2. The Management Committee shall have power to co-opt up to 4 additional members representative of voluntary organisations active within the community. 3. The Management Committee shall hold office for a period of 1 year from the date of the Annual General Meeting of the Management Committee and shall be elected in accordance with the requirements of Clause 8 hereof. 4. The duties of the Management Committee shall be as follows :- (a) To be responsible to the County Council for the administration of the building and the general supervision of activities therein whilst in use. (b) To be responsible for all lettings of the building to outside bodies and to collect all hiring charges in accordance with the scale of charges agreed with the County Council. (c) To ensure that any damage to the building arising out of its use is repaired to the satisfaction of the County council. (d) To defray all costs incurred in the running of the building including specifically all costs of heating, lighting, cleaning and water rates and also the wages of the caretaker and any other staff appointed solely to deal with the running of the building. (e) To be responsible for all routine maintenance of the building, including internal painting, to the satisfaction of the County Council. (f) If required to appoint and thereafter to supervise the duties of a caretaker who shall be responsible to the Management Committee for the upkeep and general maintenance of the premises. (g) To ensure that the building is not used for any illegal purposes or for any purpose which might offend public taste. (h) With the approval of the County Council to lay down the general policy for the letting of the building. The Management Committee shall have full authority to refuse an application and also to reduce the charge for letting by such an amount as it may consider appropriate in any particular case (provided that the reduction shall not exceed one half of the normal charge). 5. The Officers of the Management Committee shall be the Chairman; Vice-Chairman; Secretary and Treasurer each of whom shall hold office for a period of 12 months from the Annual General Meeting of the Management Committee provided always that any casual vacancy arising in respect of any of these Officers may be filled for the remainder of the year by an ordinary meeting of the Management Committee. 6. The Treasurer of the Management Committee shall be responsible to the Committee for the collection of all hire charges and other moneys which may become due to the Management Committee as a result of casual lettings of the building and shall: (a) Issue an official receipt in acknowledgement of each item of income involved. (b) Ensure that all moneys so paid are used in defraying the running expenses of the building and credit the remainder to a bank account opened in the name of the Management Committee. (c) Maintain a continuous record of all receipts and payments of the Management Committee, such record to be in the form prescribed by the Finance Director of the County Council. The Finance Director shall have reasonable access at all times to inspect the receipts, vouchers and books of account kept by the Treasurer. 7. The Secretary shall keep proper minutes and records of all meetings of the Management Committee and shall when called upon so to do by the Chief Executive of the County Council produce such minutes and records for inspection. 8. The Annual General Meeting of the Management Committee shall be held during the month of May and that meeting shall be a public meeting open to all residents of the community and all the users of the Village Centre. At that Annual General Meeting the 6 representatives of the community eligible for membership of the Management Committee shall be elected by all members of the community and all users of the Village Centre present at the Annual General Meeting. Any casual vacancy arising in respect of any of the members of the Management Committee elected by the community may be filled for the remainder of the year by an ordinary meeting of the Management Committee. 9. The Management Committee shall meet at the request of the Chairman or 2 members of the Management Committee if the Chairman is unwilling to convene a meeting. 10. No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Management Committee unless at least one quarter of the whole number of members is present. 11. This Constitution and rules of the Gwernymynydd Village Centre Management Committee may not be altered except with the written agreement of the County Council.


In the name of allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful

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