For the full versions of these articles see
Syphilis remains common worldwide, and since the
late 1990s infectious early syphilis has re-emerged as
Syphilis remains a common disease worldwide, and
an important disease in western Europe, including the
infectious syphilis has re-emerged in western Europe
United Kingdom.1 The clinical presentation of both
Syphilis causes considerable morbidity and facilitates HIV
early and late syphilis is diverse, and patients may
BMJ 2007;334:143-7
present to a wide range of services and clinicians,
The clinical presentation of syphilis is diverse, with patients
including general practitioners. This review will empha-
presenting to a wide range of practitioners and services
sise the clinical presentation of syphilis because once
A high index of suspicion of syphilis and a low threshold for
syphilis has been suspected diagnosis and curative treat-
Diagnosing and treating syphilis are usually straightforward
Sources and selection criteria This review is based on Pubmed and Medline searches for syphilis (key words: syphilis, English, human) for the past five years (2000 to February 2006). I supplemented this with the literature review for the UK National Early and Late Syphilis Guidelines (2002).w1-w3 Why is syphilis important? Syphilis, caused by Treponema pallidum (box 1, fig 1), is a common infection worldwide, with an estimated 10-12 million new infections each year.w4 Early syphilis causes significant morbidity, and a systematic review of HIV transmission studies confirms that it is an important facilitator of HIV transmission.3 Congenital syphilis remains a major cause of stillbirth, childhood morbid-
ity, and mortality worldwide.4 w4 The broad range of manifestations of late syphilis means that this diagnosis should be considered in a wide range of settings. Fig 1 | Treponema pallidum Who gets syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection, and the
In the late 1990s syphilis re-emerged as an important
more sexual partners that individuals (or other mem-
infection in western Europe. Between 1984 and 1997
bers of their sexual network) have, the more likely they
acquisition of syphilis in the UK was rare,1 but since the
are to acquire syphilis. Mobility, social disruption, and
late 1990s a sustained epidemic of syphilis has occurred
a collapse of medical services have all been recognised
as factors that have contributed to syphilis epidemics:
In parallel to the outbreak of syphilis in homosexual
the UK during the second world war; the United States
men, early syphilis among heterosexual men and women
with the emergence of crack cocaine use in the late
in the UK has also been increasingly recognised.5 Clus-
1980s; the countries of the former Soviet Union in the
ters of cases have been noted in Cambridgeshire and
Walsall,w6 w7 and syphilis outbreaks in south and east London (particularly associated with female commercial sex workers) have recently been described.w8
Box 1| Characteristics of Treponema pallidum• Coiled, motile spirochaete bacterium
How is syphilis transmitted and classified?
It is estimated that 30-60% of sexual contacts of
• Genome sequenced, very small, circular2
individuals with early syphilis will acquire syphilis
• Obligate parasite (limited metabolic capabilities)
themselves.w9 w10 Entry of T pallidum probably occurs
through areas of “microtrauma,” usually in mucous
Box 2 | Stages of syphilis• Primary syphilis
Incubation period 2-3 weeks (range 9-90 days)
Incubation period 6-12 weeks (range 1-6 months);
Asymptomatic syphilis of <2 years’ duration
Asymptomatic syphilis of 2 years’ duration
• Late symptomatic syphilis (tertiary syphilis)
Fig 3 | Rash on palms accompanying secondary syphilis
Cardiovascular syphilis, neurosyphilis, gummatous
which is often widespread and may also involve the scalp, palms (fig 3), and soles. Occasionally this rash
membranes, and most sexual transmission of syphilis
is predominantly papular, and rarely these papules
probably occurs from the genital and mucous mem-
ulcerate. This can be associated with generalised
brane lesions of primary and secondary syphilis. The
lymphadenopathy and mucosal ulceration. w11 w13 These
classification of syphilis has not changed for over 100
ulcers may coalesce on the bucal mucosa, forming
years and is usually described in terms of disease
“snail track” ulcers, and in the genital regions (where
stages (box 2, and more detail on
there are opposing membranes) they can cause wart-like lesions called condylomata lata. These features are
What is the natural course of untreated syphilis?
often accompanied by constitutional symptoms such as
The lesion of primary syphilis occurs at the site of initial
The widespread vasculitis during secondary syphi-
inoculation of T pallidum. It is usually single and pain-
lis may lead to a broad range of syndromes such as
less but can be multiple and painful. It tends to begin as
hepatitis, iritis, nephritis, and neurological problems
a macule that becomes a papule, which then ulcerates.
(early meningovascular syphilis) with headache and
A two to three week incubation period usually occurs
involvement of the cranial nerves, particularly the
between the inoculation of T pallidum and development
V (auditory) nerve. These complications of second-
of the lesion (the range of incubation period is reported
ary syphilis are relatively uncommon, occurring in
as being 9-90 days). Local, non-tender lymphaden-
opathy is often associated with this lesion. Figure 2 shows primary syphilis lesions on the penis.
Relapsing secondary syphilis and latent syphilis
If left untreated, a lesion heals spontaneously four
Individuals with secondary syphilis who do not have
or five weeks later (range of healing 3-10 weeks).w12 w13
treatment improve spontaneously over three to six
Because the ulcers are usually painless and can occur
weeks. About a quarter of patients have relapsing
at sites where they are not visible (perianally or in
episodes of secondary syphilis, with recurrence of rash,
the anal canal, vagina, or cervix) or not recognised
mucosal ulceration, and fevers. These relapses are rare
(mouth ulceration), many individuals with primary
after one year and almost never occur after two years.6
syphilis do not present to services or are not diag-
The infection then becomes asymptomatic (latent).
About 35% of individuals with late latent syphilis will
Four to eight weeks after primary syphilis, T pallidum
develop the late manifestations of syphilis (tertiary
becomes a systemic infection with bacteraemia. This
syphilis).6 The three main manifestations of late syphilis
secondary stage of syphilis is characterised by a gener-
are neurosyphilis, cardiovascular syphilis, and gumma-
alised and usually symmetrical macular papular rash,
tous syphilis, and all these complications are currently rare outside resource poor countries.7
Neurosyphilis As well as being a manifestation of secondary syphi- lis, meningovascular syphilis can also occur in terti-
ary syphilis. The incubation period is usually 5-12 years, and its symptoms are similar to those of early meningovascular syphilis.
Parenchymatous neurosyphilis is involvement of
the spinal cord (predominantly dorsal columns) and
brain (and occasionally both) by syphilis. The incuba-
Fig 2 | Primary syphilis lesion on penis
tion period of this is usually 10-20 years. The spinal
cord syndrome is called tabes dorsalis, and the brain
Box 4 | Treponemal tests v non-treponemal tests
syndrome is called general paralysis of the insane (see
extra boxes on Both syndromes remain
• T pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA): incubation
important differential diagnoses for a wide range of
neurological presentations, including dementia, psychi-
• T pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA): incubation
• Enzyme immunosorbant assay (EIA) IgG/IgM: incubation
Cardiovascular syphilis
Cardiovascular syphilis usually occurs 15-30 years after
primary syphilis and may occur in any large vessel. It is
• Rapid plasma reagin (RPR): incubation period 4 weeks
characterised, however, by an aortitis usually affecting
• Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory (VDRL):
the proximal aorta. It may cause aortic incompetence
(which may be complicated by heart failure), coronary
ostial stenosis (presenting as angina), and aortic medial
• The serological response to yaws (caused by the non-
sexually transmitted organism T pertenue, which rarely causes serious late disease) is identical to syphilis, so in
Gummatous syphilis
practice most patients with suspected yaws are managed
These are granulomatous locally destructive lesions
which usually occur three to 12 years after primary syphilis. They can occur in almost any tissue but most
*Usually only positive if current or past syphilis; usually positive lifelong after treatment
commonly present when they affect skin or bone.
†Incubation period is the usual time after infection that the test becomes
The pathophysiology (particularly reasons for the vari-
positive ‡Give a titre that acts as measure of disease “activity” (titre reduced with
ation of symptomatology between individuals) of second-
treatment, raised with reinfection); biological false positives occur with
ary and tertiary syphilis is not clearly understood.
other acute and chronic infections/autoimmune disease
Congenital syphilis
in Europe, individuals who have been diagnosed with
Pregnant women with syphilis can transmit the infec-
HIV are at particular risk of acquiring syphilis.4 w14 All
tion to the fetus. Transmission is usually transplacental
patients diagnosed with syphilis must therefore be tested
and is particularly likely during the first two years of
for HIV, and those having follow-up for HIV must have
infection. About a third of babies born to mothers with
early syphilis are born without infection and a third
The clinical presentation, serological tests, and treat-
with congenital syphilis; a third of pregnancies will
ment response among individuals with HIV infection
result in miscarriage or stillbirth. Between half a million
who also have syphilis are usually the same as among
and a million cases of congenital syphilis occur each
individuals without HIV infection who acquire syphi-
year worldwide,4 and in some resource poor countries
lis,10 11 but with some variation (box 3).
up to a fifth of neonatal mortality is directly attributable
Some specialists recommend that a possible differ-
ence in the natural course and treatment response (par-
Almost all cases of congenital syphilis are easily pre-
ticularly the possibility that neurosyphilis is a greater
vented by antenatal screening for syphilis and treat-
risk among individuals with HIV infection16) justifies
ment during pregnancy.9 Even in countries where this
the use of higher doses of antibiotics and longer courses
is an unusual condition (such as the UK), an increase
for adequate treatment. But most evidence suggests that
in cases has recently been reported,5 and continuing
identical management of HIV positive and negative
vigilance remains vital.w5 Congenital syphilis is classi-
patients is reasonable, especially in early infection.17
fied as either early or late congenital syphilis depending on whether it presents before or after 2 years of age (see
What questions should be asked?
extra box on The prognosis is particularly
The diagnosis of syphilis (and the interpretation of
poor if symptoms of syphilis are present in the first few
syphilis serology) is often thought to be complex, but
The history is guided by presenting symptoms.
HIV infection and syphilis
A brief sexual history may be useful to identify those
As syphilis is an ulcerative sexually transmitted disease,
individuals most at risk of syphilis; this is particularly
individuals with syphilis are at increased risk of acquiring
important in asymptomatic patients. A history of nega-
and transmitting HIV. In the current syphilis outbreak
tive syphilis tests (such as at sexually transmitted infec-tion clinics or at blood donor sessions or antenatal screening)—as well any previous diagnosis and treat-
Box 3 | How syphilis affects patients with HIV
ment for syphilis—may also be useful in evaluating
• Primary syphilis: larger, painful multiple ulcers12 13
patients and interpreting positive serology.
• Secondary syphilis: genital ulcers more common and
higher titres with rapid plasma reagin testing and
Tests for syphilis
Venereal Disease Reference Laboratory testing12 13
As culture of T pallidum is not possible in vitro and
• Possibly more rapid progression to neurosyphilis14 15
culture in animal models is purely a research tool,
of 85-98% compared with TPHA/TPPA testing and a
UK guidelines for syphilis treatment, 2005
specificity of 93-98%.w17 These tests may increase the
coverage of syphilis screening programmes by allow-ing testing in settings without laboratory facilities. All
Benzathine penicillin 2.4 megaunits (intramuscular,
single dose), or procaine penicillin 600 000 units
serological tests may be negative in incubating syphilis
Benzathine penicillin 2.4 megaunits (intramuscular,
Screening for syphilis is usually done with an enzyme
three injections over 2 weeks: days 0, 7, 14), or
immunosorbant assay test. Several syphilis testing algo-
procaine penicillin 900 000 units (intramuscular,
rithms are available to allow the rational use of these
Procaine penicillin 2.4 units once daily
Patients with symptoms or signs of possible neuro-
(intramuscular, for 17 days) with oral probenecid
syphilis should have a cerebrospinal fluid examination. Most patients with neurosyphilis will have positive non-
diagnosis testing depends on direct identification of
treponemal tests in the cerebrospinal fluid examination,
the bacterium and serological tests.
as well as a raised white cell count and protein.w18
How is syphilis treated?
Identification of T pallidum (seen as a motile spiro-
Penicillin was established as a highly effective treat-
chaete in a saline solution) by dark ground micro-
ment for syphilis long before randomised clinical trials
scopy from samples taken from the genital lesions of
became the norm for determining treatment efficacy.
primary and secondary syphilis allows the immediate
Penicillin in a variety of doses and regimens was shown
diagnosis of syphilis, with a sensitivity rate of up to
to cure rapidly the lesions of early syphilis and to pre-
97% being reported in a study from 2004.18 But it is
vent the clinical progression of early and latent syphilis
rarely feasible to perform this test outside special-
ist services. DNA amplification (polymerase chain
Standard antisyphilis therapy rarely fails to cure the
reaction) may prove to be important in the diagnosis
disease, and strains of T pallidum that are intrinsically
of early syphilis—with a sensitivity of 94.7% and a
resistant to penicillin have not been described. The
specificity of 98.6% in primary syphilis (compared
table shows the current UK syphilis treatment recom-
with clinical diagnosis with serological confirmation)
mendations, and box 5 shows online sources of the
major national and international syphilis guidelines.
Newer treatments
Serological tests for syphilis remain the mainstay of
An effective single dose oral therapy for syphilis would
diagnosis. There are two groups of tests: treponemal (or
be a major advance in syphilis control, and a recent
specific) and non-treponemal (or non-specific). The most
large prospective randomised trial suggested that 2 g
important of these tests and their different and comple-
oral azithromycin is as effective in treating early syphi-
mentary characteristics are summarised in box 4.
lis as benzathine penicillin.22 This important study will
In the past five years, enzyme immunosorbant assay
probably lead to the increasing use of azithromycin
(EIA) tests have become established as the screening
for the treatment of early syphilis, but the study find-
test of first choice in syphilis.w15 These tests can be
ings have been treated with some caution as macrolide
automated and are generally reliable. A recent Health
treatment failure is well recognised and seems to be
Protection Agency assessment of 10 such tests showed
associated with intrinsic macrolide resistance in some
the sensitivity of nine of these tests to be 100% (con-
fidence interval 98.5% to 100%) with a specificity of 100% in seven tests (97% to 100%).w16
Further management and follow-up
Recently, several rapid simple dipstick treponemal
All individuals with syphilis should be tested for
tests have been developed. These tests have sensitivities
other sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. The patient’s partner(s) should be notified, but
Box 5 | National and international treatment guidelines for
the role of partner notification is limited in syphilis
outbreaks where many partners are not identifiable
World Health Organization. Guidelines for the managment
of sexually transmitted infections. http://whqlibdoc.who.
Patients who acquire syphilis are at significant risk
int/publications/2003/9241546263.pdf (last updated
of reinfection, so recommending regular serological
screening for syphilis and providing sexual health pro-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US
motion are essential parts of syphilis management.
guidelines). (last updated 2006)International Union Against STIs (European). www.iusti. Syphilis in the future
Syphilis is likely to remain a common disease world-
Clinical Effectiveness Group, British Association for Sexual
wide, and some awareness of its prevention, presen-
Health and HIV (UK guidelines). (last
tation, diagnosis, and treatment is important for all
clinicians. Many of the tools for effective syphilis con-
upon a re-study of the Boeck-Bruusgard material. Acta Derm Venereol
7 Danielsen AG, Weismann K, Jorgensen BB, Heidenheim M, Fugleholm
AM. Incidence, clinical presentation and treatment of neurosyphilis in
Establishing effectiveness of single dose oral therapy
Denmark 1980-1997. Acta Derm Venereol 2004;84:459-62.
Developing cheap, bedside diagnostic tests
8 Watson-Jones D, Changalucha J, Gumodoka B, Weiss H, Rusizoka M,
Ndeki L, et al. Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. 1. Impact of maternal syphilis on outcome of pregnancy. J Infect Dis 2002;186:940-7.
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J, Mugeye K, et al. Syphilis in pregnancy in Tanzania. II. The
Adler M, Cowan F, French P, Mitchell H, Richens J, eds. ABC
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10 Goeman J, Kivuvu M, Nzila N, Behets F, Edidi B, Gnaore E, et al. Similar
Holmes KK, Frederick Starling P, Mardh P-A, Lemon SM,
serological response to conventional therapy for syphilis among HIV-
Stamm WE, Piot P, et al, eds. Sexually transmitted
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trol (such as antenatal screening to prevent congenital
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syphilis) are already well established but have not been
fully implemented in many parts of the world.
13 Rompalo AM, Lawlor J, Seaman P, Quinn TC, Zenilman JM, Hook
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seeable future means that syphilis control will depend
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15 Berry CD, Hooton TM, Collier AC, Lukehart SA. Neurologic relapse of
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prehensive sexual health promotion programmes have
16 Marra CM, Maxwell CL, Smith SL, Lukehart SA, Rompalo AM,
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new treatment approaches such as syndromic manage-
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diagnostic and treatment services, will remain the
18 Wheeler HL, Agarwal S, Goh BT. Dark ground microscopy and
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I thank Debbie Sumner and Tim Gerrard for reviewing this manuscript.
19 Palmer HM, Higgins SP, Herring AJ, Kingston MA. Use of PCR in the
Contributors: PF is the sole contributor.
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20 Egglestone SI, Turner AJL, for the PHLS Syphilis Serology Working
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ENDPIECEWhat is research?There are two kinds of researchers: some who are just assistants, and others whose mission is to invent. Inventions should be made in all areas, even in the humblest search for facts or the simplest experiment. Science cannot begin to exist without personal and original effort. Henri Bergson (1859-1941) in his presidential address to the Society for Psychical Research in 1913
Submitted by Amar Bhat, senior house officer, Doncaster Royal Infirmary
Swedish Press Review Monday 7 December 2009 – Early Edition Climate Change Conference Christian Democrats on youth crime Both papers have reported extensively over the Today children who commit crime, but who are weekend on the agenda at the Climate Change considered to be below the age of criminal Conference, which begins in Copenhagen today. responsibility, are placed i
SOUTHERN PARK COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Meeting Minutes for Aug, 4, 2011 Public Meeting 1) Call to order: Chairman Calanni called meeting to order at 7:05PM 2) Introduction of Guests : None 3) Attendees: Board members Sam Calanni, Amy Mason and Harry Gintzer. Board members Anita Long and Flip Boettcher had excused absences. Also present were Board Secretary Roberta